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Here are the next batch of Spirit prompts along with the story snippets! :3

Day 7 and 8: Bewitched and Forest
“When  looking for food, Geist tended to wander off from the herd. But she  always returned before causing her family any serious worry. There was  one day, however, when she came across a peculiar sight. At first, she  mistook it for the painted doe, but when she drew closer she realized it  was another horse! Geist never saw anyone like them before. They  definitely weren’t part of the Cimarron herd. Their coat color and the  way their mane and fur curled fascinated her. She stood, bewitched,  marveling at this phantom horse.

But Geist was upwind, and soon the  other noticed her and bolted. She almost wanted to run after them, or  call out to them to let them know she was a friend. But in a flash they  vanished deeper into the forest, and Geist knew she couldn’t follow."

Day 9: Dreams
“Nestled  beside her mother, and with her father nearby watching them all, Geist  slept soundly. It was no surprise her dreams were about the ghost  stallion she saw in the falling snow. With winter fast approaching she  should have left it alone and foraged with her family. But curiosity dug  at her like a thorn. Who were they? Were they a stranger following the  herd? Were they lost? Or maybe they lived in the forest the whole time  and they never knew?”

Day 10: Explore
“Geist  decided to set out early in the morning to explore the woods so she  would still have plenty of time in the day to find food. But she was  determined to find that strange horse! Geist didn't tell her parents  what her motive was yet mostly because she was not entirely sure what  she saw was real or not. And the longer her search went on, she was  beginning to think maybe it was another animal, or perhaps a trick of  the light. Distracted and disheartened, Geist was completely unaware of  the figure keeping an eye on her.”

Day 11: Family
This had no prompt! I just wanted to draw horses being cute ;u;



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