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Hey all! Hope you have been having a good first week of October. I'm slowly chugging along on these prompts. I'm a day behind but I've been enjoying the experience with these like I did with Smaugust :3

I have been posting these on my instagram account with little story prompts so I'll add them here too! They also crop the images so at least here you can see the full picture in a larger size!

Day 2: Rain

“At  first, Spirit worried how well Rain would take to her new life with the  herd. He remembered the shock of adjusting to the ways of the  two-leggeds and their herd. His worries quickly vanished when he was  reminded of how kind and generous Rain was. She made friends with each  member almost instantly. She looked out for each of them, laughed,  played and groomed with them. Rain was a delight and the herd was even  better now that she was among them.”

Day 3: Ghost

"Esperanza  smiled over how attentive her son was to Rain when he learned  they  were expecting. It was something all young stallions go through when  becoming new fathers. She remembered how protective Strider was and  sighed wistfully. He was a ghost now, but one she would always love."

Day 4: Remains

"While  Geist was playing she whinnied curiously as she spotted a strange mound  and made to approach it. Surprised, but not alarmed, Spirit called his  daughter back to him.

Geist asked her father if there was any danger.  He told his young filly there was no danger but the mound was special.  It is where an old horse found rest. After long or hard lives, a horse  chooses a spot to sleep, where they never wake up, and in time only  bones remain.

Other horses treated these areas with respect and  treaded carefully. As Spirit and Geist walked on she would remember this  lesson, and wondered what kind of life the old horse once led."

Day 5: Autumn

“The  days grew shorter and the grass was turning yellow and sour. The  cimmaron herd would move on to other areas to forage for winter. This  was Geist’s favorite season. The air smelled crisp, and the winds blew her mane which would tickle her neck and made her feel wild. It made  her want to run. The best part of the changes were in the sky. At dusk  it was like fire and Geist would lose herself watching the colors. Her  mother often had to look back to make sure her daughter didn’t fall  behind."

Day 6: Deer

“When  the herd moved towards the forest to find more food it wasn’t uncommon  to run into the locals. The deer kept to themselves, or they bounded  away at the sound of their approach. But once in a while there would be a  brave few who grazed alongside the horses. Geist enjoyed their company.  There was even a doe whose coat was similar to her and her mother’s.  Maybe that’s why they stuck around?”



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