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Happy sunday everyone!


Justin Callang

Just as I start my class.😭 This will be my reward afterwards.


Right on time, I just finished 23. :D


they got their uber eats


Just woke up and got this present, I guess christmas comes early this year

Devzy 793

Living in a different timezone is weird, it's 12am Monday for me! 😂 This is the best present I could ask for to wrap up my night and I'm so hyped for the "re-reaction" of the finale


I should not have watched this before going to bed! Now I’m too excited to get sleep😭😭


The ending of this episode with Eren's transformation is one of the sickest anime moments. The soundtrack is just chef's kiss


Fuck yeah dude, it's so sick. The composer, hiroyuki sawano, is a god


happy sunday now

esie ♡︎

his compositions are so powerful, Vogel Im Kafig makes me cry every time

esie ♡︎

so excited for the finale!! hope you guys are doing well!


I felt Carters scream at the end 😂


Do we have an ETA on ep 25? Please save me from the torture cycle of click-refresh --> disappointment 😂😂

keyton bush

How far are y’all into Season 2? I ask because there are some clarifications on the pacing/timeline of S2 that should clear up some confusion. This can be done without any spoilers, and it helps to contextualize the way time is used between scenes.

Josh Knoebel

Mikasa staring with crazy eyes at Eren in the tunnel, hyping him up and egging him on to fight Annie even though he doesn't want to. Forcing him to remember what the Titans did to their friends and family. Their comrades from the 104th. Levi squad. What a crazy moment...

Broski McBrosef

y'all are awesome. this gave me a reason to watch the show again alongside you guys. enjoy the ride :)


Honestly what a show. Still my #2. You think it has peaked but then on comes the next season and you're proven wrong again and again. Need to get up to date for the next season boys haha


I am really looking forward to your reactions to the next couple of episodes! Letssss go!!!!

Shaniya Williams

This reaction was everything 😂😂

keyton bush

It’s pretty simple stuff that y’all probably have/could figure out, but I want to have written confirmation that I’m able before I say anything.


I love how hyped Cannon is when Erwin is equipped lol


haha I somehow find Carter getting scared by hange intending to stab the knife into Annie's eye kinda cute lol. Also, I totally feel the scream at the end 😭✋ AOT is the show of cliffhanger


OMG, you just reminded me of the best meme 🤣


that raw NOOO at the to be continued screen 😂 felt that in my bones


i swear i watched this transformation probably 50x times in my life already


all they need is the episodes, you don't need to know anything extra to understand and enjoy the show

ethan cooper

ngl episode 37 is one of the best and im sure you will like it to


YES! Sorry for putting you in the cycle its been crazy busy lately! ETA is later today! Check back at like 3:00pm California time

Lana Dalo

bro stop highlighting episodes, now they know something big is gonna happen and that's not fun. let them be completely surprised and taken aback.


Before season 2 you guys should watch the Ilse’s notebook ova, it adds to the plot of season 2

Lana Dalo

no i think they defi should watch it AFTER season 2 ep 1. but they said that they already watched 2 eps of season 2. so now they can watch ilse's notebook ova


So sorry Lana, it’s gonna be a little longer than anticipated, but it’s just about to start uploading! In the next few hours, it should be up along with our season review which we might have to split into a few parts because it was very long


Damn. It's like every time I rewatch the series, I learn something new or realize a new connection about something that's already happened.


The ODM scenes are so beautifully animated. It's still top tier, even more so than some of the best scenes in season 4.


I've rewatched so many reaction channels for AoT but for some reason, you guys get me the most hype even though I know what's going to happen! Keep it up!!


Im so glad this wasn’t the video file that was corrupted LMAO

Gabriel Alexander

Guys, why is the episode 25 not available for jonin if it's on youtube already? maybe I misunderstood the schedules?


Yeah wondering the same thing. It's like that for all the other episodes for me tho

Michelle Cao

armin's words to him are so important- holy


i love the reactions to the "to be continued" its so funny