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This week is gonna be juicy




David Herrera

Yassss! Just in time, Vinland Saga episodes can wait


Hell yeah! Let's Go!

Justin Callang

Clicked so fast when I got the notification😂




Holy CRAP! This has got to be my 5th rewatch and I STILL got continuous chills watching the reactions in this episode. And that’s what makes this experience SO awesome for us! Feeling the joy in the knowing smiles exchanged , and the remembering the shock and disbelief we see in everyone else’s . Just so much fun!

David Herrera

Poor Jackson, I wish he would speak up more often and louder but he got called for spoiler just in the moment, I think he actually wondered out loud and it just happened.. still I want to hear more of his comments out loud

esie ♡︎

such a good episode!! 😩 thank you guys as always!! also just realized that Marlow’s voice is one of my most favorite voice actors, can’t believe i didn’t notice it before.


I totally thought that was a suicide ring first time I saw the episode. You know the ones with a cyanide barb or something. Totally missed the implication there lol. Love the Annie and Armin moment there, you can tell how much it hurts them to do this.

David Herrera

I get your point, like when you've got nothing to lose and you've lost it all


Yes and it was also extremely common for spies to carry cyanide in some form in case they were discovered. Should have known Annie would fight though.

Lana Dalo

can you guys like introduce yourselves, or at least your names? because people in the comments keep mentioning you and i never know which one of you they're talking about. and who is the one that replies to our comments here on patreon? i never know which one of you i'm talking to, so that would be nice knowing. hehe.

Henarivan Andhika

i think theres an introduction in several earlier videos on youtube, even with a name on top of their head. but i think it would be nice if they introduce themselves on every start of the video

Josh Knoebel

Cannon in the end discussion: "I wish they had made the shot wider instead of zooming in so obviously on the ring" Totally agree. Leave those little details obvious, but not necessarily so forced on the viewer. Like Brig, McKay, and Jack said before, there are plenty of those kinds of things that happen throughout the show that you'll likely miss on your first watch. There have been multiple already 😉 When you re-watch it you'll wonder how you could have possibly missed it!

Justin Callang

Assuming that their seating arrangement stays the same throughout their entire AOT reactions, just remember, from left to right: Jackson, Cannon, Carter, McKay, Brig

Josh Knoebel

I believe Carter (3rd from left) is the one that edits them and manages the patreon posts. He and Cannon (second from left) have not watched before. In order left to right are Jackson (sometimes they call him Jack), Cannon, Carter, McKay, then Brig.

Lana Dalo

btw i just realised something. 3 of them have the same last name.. they're brothers? bruh that's the last thing i was expecting hahah

Lana Dalo

yeah but tbh these little details are like such small tiny ones, that it's almost impossible to spot them on the first watch, so it's like you don't even realize they're there even when they're present in like almost every episode. so if the ring thing was one of them, i don't think they would've seen it either, so i actually like that they focused on the ring scene this time, to build suspesion and confusion. i think it's perfect haha

Justin Callang

Based on hair color, I’m guessing Cannon and Carter are brothers. And Carter’s big brain energy and perceptiveness with details and story beats gives me older brother vibes. And I think this because it reminds me of my older brother lol. Brig is maybe a cousin? Also, I’m pretty sure Jackson and McKay are brothers.

Josh Knoebel

Yeah I don't mind it so much since it's resolved in the same episode. I've watched this show 5 or 6 times and never thought to check, but now I wonder, did she wear when we've seen her before? I don't remember noticing it, but maybe it was there subtly this whole time.


They’ve said on YouTube the 1x2 reaction that, Brig, Canon and Carter are cousins. Jackson and McKay are twin brothers


'Wait, my uber eats is on the way' xD

Lana Dalo

omgg you're rightttt now i'm tempted to rewatch season 1 for the 1983712871th time just for this haha


The mic is centered on the table and he's far off to the left. It's hard to pick up what he's saying. I have to up the volume and replay to get what's he saying. That is if I remember to rewind.


McKay did throw them off by saying it looked like Armin. Then Cannon said it could be Armin's mother because of the appearance and she spared his life.

keyton bush

As to the beginning discussion about whether or not Erwin knew of the female titan, I think he didn’t. From what I understand, he suspected that there was a spy that snuck in 5 years prior when the wall was broken. That same spy (or spies) witnessed Eren becoming a Titan and halted their mission of breaking the wall. And Erwin believed one of them killed Sawney and Bean. His goal, then, knowing that the Titan spies wanted to halt humanity’s advance in knowledge concerning the titans, was to lure them to capture Eren. This is why he dropped the info concerning the basement as well, because he believed this info might further entice the spy to act recklessly. The mission was a gamble based on the limited available information, and insofar as the goal was to bait the spy into revealing themself, it worked.

keyton bush

This also demonstrates how Erwin and Armin are similar thinkers. The typical thought process one would have requires concrete evidence. These two, however, are more lateral in their thinking. They always consider possibilities and probabilities in addition to considering the fact there are some things beyond their current knowledge. As such, they act based on both knowledge, inference, and intuition.


Haha I know, it’s funny because we always joke around with Jackson that his voice doesn’t travel that far and it’s hard to hear him if you’re not very close. Like technically brig is as far from the mic as Jackson is and you can always hear brig😂


Great comment! Cannon Brig and I all have access to the Patreon, though I’m mostly commenting back, and the posts come from my computer. If you can’t tell, this is Carter 😂 but ya we started adding the names on the videos on YouTube and will occasionally say our names before an episode and should definitely get more consistent with that!


Also, me and cannon are brothers and us and brig are cousins. Jackson and McKay are twins and we’ve been friends for like almost our whole life haha


Yes exactly this, when they asked on ep 16 why Erwin was saying all that about the basement and the chances of survival I held off on the explanation, glad someone explained it now :D


I've watched the series a few times and never caught that Annie said, "I've failed to become a warrior"


Even if you don't watch the intros I'm so glad you still include it.. can't wait till u get to the epic intro 😉

Jay J.

I dont remember who said "ew" when Annie smiled but that was hilarious 😂

Sicko 6

When the episode end they were upset😂


Why is the video so fucking laggy everything else would be perfect but its so laggy

jordan solomon

it is Mikasa in the intro! if you watch her OVA it shows her working out and that’s what she’s wearing in the scene. it’s either in her OVA or the cook off OVA!! both are really good!