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Yall heard it here first, but were gonna go live on our instagram for anyone that wants to join! Just want to do a Q&A with everyone! 


use this link or search us on instagram if you are wanting to join!



Nvm, I checked YouTube. Y’all said in 45 min :)

keyton bush

I heard on the live that y’all are up to S2E2, which makes me comfortable posting the clarifications. Again, y’all probably aren’t having any issues understanding the structure, but it does jump back and forth a lot, so it should be helpful just in case. Basically, S2E1 tells you that the breach happened 12 hours prior to the messenger’s arrival on horseback. This means that, for the time being, S2 takes place concurrently to the last 3 episodes of S1 (23-25). However, there are constant jumps between the two groups of scouts and their respective place in time. For example S2E1, being the most obvious, begins later in the day after, Annie, then jumps to earlier that morning Southwest of Wall Rose, then it jumps a few hours ahead nearing sunset while Miche/Mike is fighting the abnormal Titan.

keyton bush

S2E2 is much the same, as it jumps between Sasha and Conny’s venture into their respective villages, Dauper and Ragako, and Levi’s group consisting of Hange, Levi, Mikasa, Eren, and the priest. Again, none of this should be too difficult for y’all, but keeping it in mind throughout the next few episodes until the respective “timelines” catch up is important. The big giveaway is the lighting. If the scene is bright, then it’s after the wall breach and either before or concurrent with the Annie fight. And, if it’s dark, then it’s the evening after the Annie fight, at which point news of the breach is spread. The jumps between the different groups and events end around E5, which shouldn’t be a spoiler I don’t think, at which point there’s nothing to worry about or keep in mind.


Yall should go live on Youtube instead next time! Would be good for channel growth imo, plus its a selfish request since I dont have instagram lol.


That was fun! I hope you guys continue to do that! (My name on ig was i_was.drunk.when.i. None of my socials share the same name 🥲)

Justin Callang

THANKS FOR THE SHOUTOUT BOYS!!! And I’m really glad you guys enjoyed my sketches on my art account! I don’t think I had time to write this on the live but I just wanted to say. Cannon and Carter are probably one of the most rational, level-headed, open-minded anime haters I have ever seen. The way that they are so open and honest about their feelings and critiques as well as their well-thought out perspectives and analyses from their reactions is something I just have to admire. More people need to be like this. So for anyone reading this, be more like Cannon and Carter😂. You boys are legit one of the best reaction channels, no question. And please release that media list!!!

keyton bush

Also, if you guys read this, and you thought it was helpful, let me know.


Bro OF COURSE! They were one of the coolest things ever!! And dude thanks so much for that comment! We are always gonna keep it 100 with everyone about everything, and this journey into anime has really been so much fun.


Thanks everyone who joined us! That was so fun! We are definitely going to do it again in the future

Prince Diamond

What happened in the liVe ? ( i was asleep) also I already followed because I searched you guys ages ago🤠


We did a Q&A, it was super fun! Definitely going to do another one soon


Sorry I’m not sure where to ask this, but when will eps. 21 & 22 be released for jonin subscribers?

esie ♡︎

i’m so sad that i missed it! i had such a hectic day yesterday. 😵‍💫 if you recorded it, will you be posting it? will definitely attend the next one!!

Deutsche Anime News

When will the new episodes for Jonin come out?


you guys should react to The Last Of Us on HBO! so good.