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Jen couldn’t focus during class. Her mind wondered, thinking about life, happiness, and the meaning of it all. On the cheer squad she might have been looked at as the dimmest, but it didn’t mean Jen couldn’t fire a few neurons together and process her true feelings. Before Jen could even realize it the bell rang and class ended. Jen squeezed back through the door, glad for the school day to be over.

She wasn’t quite free and clear though. As students fled the hallways faster than Jen thought possible, if she was able to listen clearly she would have heard two girls at the far end deliberating. “That’s got to be her, right?” One female underclassman asked the other.

“Of course it’s her, look at that ass. Even if it’s not her, I bet she’d make a good customer.” Jen didn’t notice these two talking about her, or even their slow approach as Jen got her bearings other students zipped by all around the large lass. Before she knew it one of the younger ladies was poking her in the arm trying to get her attention. “Umm are you Jen Sarovy?”

Jen turned around to meet the much smaller gals gaze. She confirmed her identity, which made both eager ladies' eyes light up. “Mandy and Wendy told us about you.” The second girl said with a smile. “We just started working the bake sales north table. It’s our first day, and we barely sold anything.”

The other one jumped in to lend some additional info. “Mandy and Wendy said we could give 50% off to anyone after the last bell of the day, as most of this won’t be fresh tomorrow.” The girls had started to guide Jen towards their table, waddling subconsciously as she listened.

“I really should be getting home.” Jen tried to deflect. “My rides gonna be wait…” She trailed off as the table came into sight, full of sugary treats.

“Come on Jen, this would really help us out.” One of them said as they had finally gotten Jen in front of the table. “Have whatever you’d like, anything will help.”

Jen was a fat girl with no willpower, and as such she started to eat. Cupcakes, rice crispy treats, lemon bars, Jen ate it all. Despite being stuffed just a period ago, Jen seemed like she always had room for more these days. Jen didn’t want to fly right in the face of her new diet, but she knew there wouldn’t even be a whiff of sweets like these back at the compound. Jen couldn’t help but take advantage of the opportunity. Plus this was all 50% off, plus she was doing these girls a favor. It was their first day on the job, so one had to help them out. Why couldn’t Jen be that person?

Cake squares, slices of pie, muffins, Jen made sure there wasn’t a crumb left. The two underclassmen just watched as the nearly 700lb senior demolished all the baked goods they had been presiding over most of the day. Not saying another peep, as they didn’t want to disturb Jen as she was eating them into a successful first day, they just remained silent as the hallway was now clear of students except for these three.

Jen’s tummy was so happy. The baked goods were all so yummy, and as Jen lifted her head to see that she had cleared the whole table, her stomach finally felt satisfied. Jen looked so full she must have been in a daze. “Here let us help you.” One of the girls mentioned as it looked like Jen was getting weak in the knees. Each of them grabbed a puffy arm and draped it over their shoulders. Jen’s arm fat oozed behind their necks like a warm shawl. They slowly trudged Jen down the hall towards the exit of the building. The hardest part was trying to keep Jen upright, while at the same time avoiding her massively wide hips. Jen was slow moving so the whole process took a few minutes. The underclassmen were happy though, they didn’t realize how easy it was going to be to have Jen eat all their left over product for the day. They sure were lucky they were stationed right outside her last class of the day.

Outside the school the girls released Jen, wishing her well, thanking her immensely, and excited to see her at the same time, same place tomorrow. Jen was on a diet, but at least she knew she wasn’t going to go hungry.


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