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It was the day of Fujiko’s first photoshoot. Tamiko had come along to the studio to support her, but Fujiko was unaware that Mr. Sanji had asked Tamiko to add being Fujiko’s assistant to the list of her work responsibilities, which is really why she was there. It was apparent that Fujiko was nervous, she had never done anything like this before. She trembled as Tamiko drove them to the studio in one of Mr. Sanji’s cars. “Here Fujiko, have some candy to settle your nerves.” Tamiko handed her friend a large bag of candy, which the sweet tooth fiend dug into without hesitation. Much like when Fujiko’s sweet tooth had first started, she ate the candy with rabid speed and energy, letting the sugar coax her mind off her current worries.

The two girls arrived at the studio and the bolder Tamiko led Fujiko inside. A whole crew of people rushed around, adjusting lights, prepping wardrobe, setting up all sorts of equipment that looked alien to Fujiko. Tamiko did all the talking and just led Fujiko to where she needed to be. “Alright, they just want you to have a seat until they are ready for you.” Tamiko pointed to a chair right next to the snack table. Leading her by the arm she brought the star talent over to have a seat. “Why don’t we have a little bite while we wait.” Tamiko said 'we' but she only loaded up a plate for Fujiko.

Fujiko snacked as the crew worked all around her. As soon as her plate was clear they were ready for her. First she got set up in wardrobe, sporting the new official uniform of Mr. Sanji’s Sweet Shop, designed to look like a school girls uniform. The knee high socks were rainbow colored, and the skirt was bright neon. Complete with a white blouse and brightly colored bowtie. The uniform felt a bit snug to Fujiko, but everyone assured her it fit perfectly. The skirt was excessively short and Fujiko could feel her thighs rubbing and was a little nervous about how much they were on display, not to mention she hoped her rear was fully covered.

But there wasn’t much time to think about it as she was quickly rushed to makeup, where a generous amount was applied. Fujiko knew it was necessary in order for her to look good on camera, but it was certainly much more than she had ever applied herself.

Lastly was hair. Not much was needed to do other than clean it up and style it a bit. The stylist even complimented Fujiko on her already gorgeous long slick black hair. Now that it was all in place, Fujiko was ready to go.

She was rushed back over to the set, which Fujiko noticed had been transformed from a blank white backdrop, to an overfilled candy wonderland. The set was full of inventory from Mr. Sanji's store, Fujiko even recognized every item. The director told Fujiko to take her place on set and started giving her poses to do.

Fujiko felt awkward in front of the camera, this did not come natural to her. She felt like every photo so far had to be coming out terrible. She tried to listen to direction as best she could but she was just so out of her element. Finally the director told everyone they should take a break. Fujiko could hear frustration in his voice. It was then that he eyed Tamiko, which engaged her to jog over to Fujiko's side.

"Fujiko, you're doing great so far." Tamiko said with a smile.

"Oh I'm not too sure. I don't think I'm cut out for this. I think I'm gonna tell Mr. Sanji that I can't do this…" Fujiko admitted.

"Come on, it's just your first time, you're still learning. Just try and loosen up a little bit, no need to be so serious."

Just then the director used his commanding and booming voice to get everyone's attention. "Alright everybody, let's get back to it."

Tamiko knew that was her queue to head back behind the camera. She just gave Fujiko one more bit of encouragement before taking off. "You got this girl." She said while giving one of Fujiko's generous ass cheeks a squeeze with one of her hands, before traipsing off out of the shot.

Tamiko was a bubbly over energetic girl, so Fujiko thought that butt squeeze was nothing more than Tamiko's overly friendly personality coming out. Plus she couldn't linger on the thought long as the director was already getting Fujiko back to work.

After trying a few more poses, Fujiko felt that things were going better, if even just slightly. That was when the director had a new idea. "Why don't we try having you sample some product?"

"What, like you mean all this candy on set?" Fujiko asked for clarification.

"Yeah just crack something open that looks good." Fujiko followed direction, plus it didn't hurt that her tummy had started to rumble being around all this candy and not eating. She started eating some sweets, and could faintly hear the director in the background. As she opened another package she started to forget where she was, and instead focused on providing for her sweet tooth. Once started Fujiko didn't want to stop. She kept filling her mouth with sugar, one thing after another. That was until Tamiko came over and snapped her out of her trance.

"Fujiko, the shoot is over, it's time to go back to the store." Fujiko looked around and noticed that everyone had started to break the studio down. She realized she had gotten lost in eating candy again. Her belly felt full, and a little upset from all the sugar. Tamiko led her off the set, getting ready for them to take their leave.

"Tamiko, do you mind if we grab some finger sandwiches for the road, I need something to settle my stomach…"

"Of course." Tamiko said with a smile, as they made their way over to the still full snack table.


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