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*Omph* Hi boys! Sorry I just finished up a big meal and I’m a little stuffed. Lizzie came over with some take out, and it was so good I just couldn’t stop. But I know what you guys want to hear about more than my eating conquests, my weight! *Giggle* You’ll be happy to know that I got on the scale before my massive binge, and as of today I’m up to 378lbs! I’m getting pretty darn close to 400lbs, that’s kinda crazy. Eating and getting fat is just so fun though!

So Sassysj recommended a pair of old shorts for todays update, which I’m more than happy to oblige. So I bought these gym shorts when I was about 300 lbs. Back then they were loose and easy to put on, plenty of elastic in the waist. As you can see now, they are none of those things. This thick fat body is just too much for them. Look they can’t even cover the entirety of my fat ass, and if I pull them up too much I get a major wedgie. They used to be loose on my thighs, and now they feel like they are cutting off circulation. I guess it’s time to ditch these like I have most of my clothes since I started this. There is absolutely no way they are ever going to fit again, my weight is skyrocketing in the opposite direction.

Speaking of tight shorts, let me get Lizzie in here. Last time Juragen suggested I invite her to my next update, and she’s just right here. Lizzie!

*Lizzie* Yeah what’s up?

I have something I want to tell you. You know how I said I got fat because I love food and can’t stop eating it? Well that's not true. Well it is true, but it’s not the reason I got fat. All these guys online wanted to see me get fat, so I did it for them. Say hi!

*Lizzie* Hi?

I know it’s a little weird, but I’m so happy I did it. I loved cheerleading, but that life is over. Plus I’m not the only one packing on a few extra pounds these days, huh Lizzie?

*Lizzie* Umm… I don’t know where they came from! When I got on the scale this morning I was 150lbs. I’ve never been more than 100 pounds in my life. My legs feel so thick and soft, it’s kinda weird.

Hey I’m not going to judge. *Haha*  It looks good on you. Maybe you should try and put on some more.

*Lizzie* Oh I don’t know…

Come on, it will be fun. There’s already a cheesecake in the fridge with your name on it.

*Lizzie* Cheesecake? *Drool*

Atta girl, go enjoy yourself. She’s right about those thighs though, they are looking mighty thick. Must have to be in order to hold up that bubble butt she’s been sporting. I’m not the only one who needs bigger shorts if you catch my drift.

Ok so story time. I finally went and saw my parents. I appreciate all of you who supported me after last time when I bailed on my plans to see them. At least chicken was a good alternative. This time I was not going to bail though, and I was nervous as hell, I mean I had only gotten fatter. As I passed 350lbs I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. So I put on my big girl pants, or should I say big big girl pants, and went over. I called ahead of time so that way I couldn’t back out.

You’re probably thinking I hyped this way up and they were totally supportive and it wasn’t a big deal. Well you’d be wrong. Their daughter who had been 100 pounds for most of her life, practically waddling in, now 250lbs overweight, dripping in rolls and excess flesh. They were expectantly shocked, but more unexpectedly pissed off. They told me I had thrown my health away, how could I possibly have done this, how disgusting I was, that I needed a crash diet immediately.

At first I felt small, which is hard as I had gotten used to feeling big. I was getting berated by two people I had unconditionally loved all my life. But then I had a moment of clarity. This was my life, these were my decisions. I told them to screw off, and if they didn’t like the changes they never had to see me again. With that I left, my jiggly rump being the last thing they saw. I took my wide ass over to Popeyes, since I heard they had the superior chicken sandwich, and it’s true, they do. I just kept thinking about all the things you guys have told me. I want to give a special shout out to RLW990 who gave me a donation and helped make this into an epic binge. I am beefy, I am wide, and I am a hottie! And you’re such a sweetie too. I thought of you, all of you, while I ate a feast fit for a family, or at least that’s what it says on the menu. Cup after cup of sweet tea drained into my belly. It felt so good, almost freeing that I had told my parents off. I felt like I could truly get as fat as I wanted to now, and by the size of this meal, by the size of me now, it doesn’t seem like it's going to stop anytime soon.

Now that meal was great, but I had a bit of another dilemma. I’ve been so preoccupied with eating to my heart's content, crushing my restaurant list, bursting out of any clothing I’ve come in contact with, and just getting absolutely fat, I didn’t realize how much I had literally eaten into my savings. A few people like softGirllover and juragen mentioned possibly doing some online modeling for money, and I’ve looked into it and it seems legit. I mean I’m not like money hungry, but this belly is hungry and food ain’t free y’all! *Giggle* So since you guys seem supportive about it I’ve gone ahead and signed up for a few different platforms that seem the best.

I didn’t really know where to start, but I got some really good advice from TheResplendency. He said I should get in touch with another BBW. So I reached out to Kurvy Kristie, a local BBW who does this online modeling thing, and she agreed to meet me for lunch. She wanted to meet at a buffet, which was alright with me. I have to say I was floored from the moment I saw her. Of course I had seen photos online, but seeing her in person was totally different. I thought I was getting pretty big, but next to her I looked like, well what Lizzie looks like next to me. I’d later learn that she was a scale crushing 550lbs, also that I would need more than just a home scale if I wanted to keep track past 400lbs.

At this point I had gotten used to being soft and squishy, but Kristie, she had rolls on top of rolls, bulges coming off bulges. I was so entranced and envious at the same time. She noticed me right away and came barling over at what looked like the same speed of an obese penguin. Embracing me, I could feel her flab almost envelop me, that is except where my own bulk fought back. I had given plenty of hugs since getting fat, I loved to give Lizzie squeezes, but I had never gotten a hug from a fatter woman. It felt nice, inviting, it felt right.

We didn’t waste another moment, getting a table, and each piling up a plate with the start of a hardy lunch. I told Kristie about myself and how I used to not be anywhere near this fat. She told me her story as well, which was much different. Her family members were all big, so she was a big girl growing up. Where her mom had packed on some motherly pounds after having three kids, and her dad was just a brawny beefy dude, Kristie was just plain fat. She loved eating sweets and had never cared how it affected her waistline. When she moved out on her own she really had let her appetite loose, and turned to online modeling to show off and pay her bills. That part was the similarity I was hoping to follow in the footsteps of.

Plate after plate disappeared as the two of us chatted for over an hour. I hung on every word she said. She was like this enormous role model for me, and I had just met her. Drinking in her every curve and all her wisdom all at once. There were even moments I forgot to eat. Sadly our time had eventually came to an end, but after this I was so much more confident about stepping into the BBW modeling world. Kristie even said she wanted to do a collab once I was up and running. She gave me another mind melting hug and was off.

Ok wow I’ve been going on for awhile. You guys got two big stories out of me this time. I guess I just like talking about my fat life, huh? *Wink* I do want to address a few of the other comments you guys left. Deadscatb wants me to get back into the dating scene and meet a boy. I got into it a little bit last time, and Lizzie and I have still been going out on the town, it’s just I haven’t met anyone that I like. Most guys are either creepy, pervs, or dicks. I can’t tell you the number of guys I’ve met that all they want to do is grab my massive hooters, or squeeze my ass. I appreciate the interest in my drop dead gorgeous body, but I’m still a person too. I’ve also been thinking more about what you guys said about getting a feeder boyfriend. At first the idea sounded silly, but now that I’m almost 400lbs, and Lizzie’s been focused on feeding her own stomach and not mine, it’s starting to seem like a better idea.

Sassysj also had a tip for me to drink a two liter of soda and an entire large pizza everyday. Sounds like that’s something you did when you started gaining. Certainly not bad advice. I mean pizza and soda are two of my favorite things and they go well together. Speaking of additional calories, The Resplendency had another recommendation now that I’ve eaten at almost every restaurant in my town. His recommendation was to do a calorie challenge and see how much I can pack in this growing tummy of mine. I’ve done it a few times, and I can report it’s pretty fun. Next I’m gonna see if I can break my personal best record. I also think I should get Lizzie in on it, help her work on her curves a bit more.

Hyate101 wanted to know my thoughts on being blob-sized. I don’t know how big blob-sized is, but I’m not sure it’s physically possible. Right now I have my sights set on being Kurvy Kristie sized, god she was a gorgeous hunk of lard.

Ok well I’m going to end it there. I’m gonna go see if Lizzie left anything for me in the kitchen. I’ll be posting on all my new channels, and I’ll be back with another update for you all here soon. Remember don’t forget to fav, comment, and if you’re feeling generous send in a donation. Not sure what I’ll wear next time, but sounds like juragen has an idea for down the road. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for me cutie. *Kiss*


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