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This is the start of a new story from a brand new Patron, JLB! Their prompt roughly translated was "Chubby teen girl moves in with moms boyfriend and makes his bitchy daughter fat while gaining herself." We are going to ride this one out and see how long it lasts, so I hope you enjoy this first part, and look forward to where things are going.


My new step-sister is such a bitch. I guess that's not the most apt adjective for her. Oh no she really is a bitch, but she's not really my step-sister. 

My dad passed away when I was super little, so I was only raised by my mom. She's a little aloof at times, but we made it through. I always thought my dad was the love of her life, since she never really dated while I was growing up. Well leave it to my senior year of high school for her to find a boyfriend. Not sure if it was like a 'my baby is all grown up!' kinda thing or what, but I wasn’t too pleased with this development.

Her boyfriend wasn't like a jerk or anything, I mean I actually kinda liked him a little. The worst part about him was that his daughter was Samantha Fletcher, one of the biggest bitches in my school. But when I say biggest, I only mean her personality. She was actually also one of the skinniest girls in our class, which is another reason her and I had beef.

I wasn't exactly like the thinnest girl at school, kinda not even close. I mean I'm not a fatty, but I've sort of always had a little extra fluff going on. We didn't exactly eat healthy in the Hannigan household. I never really cared about being chubby, I mean I wasn’t proud of it, but I didn’t let it bother me. That was except for the times Samantha Fletcher decided she needed to knock me down a few pegs.

So what seemed like a summer fling between my mom and some guy, developed into my mom's first serious relationship since my dad passed. Which leads to today, the day we moved in with the Fletcher's. I shiver each time I think about it. Sharing a living space with Samantha Fletcher, ewww. 

Despite being the same age, Samantha and I certainly don't travel in the same circles. I'm no popular girl, that's for sure, but I'm also not low girl on the totem pole, you know the ones that Sam and her crew are relentless to. So we've mostly stayed clear of each other. She never let me forget though that I'm chubby and she's perfectly formed. You can see why moving in with her is the furthest thing from my dream scenario.

Nonetheless all my things are packed, and our apartment looks like the hollow husk that it did the day we moved in. I will say I am glad that we are going to be out of this dingy small apartment. Of course being raised by a single mom, we couldn't afford to live in the lap of luxury. But mom's boyfriend, Randy, had a house, with a yard and a pool and all kinds of fancy shit. No wonder Sam was a spoiled brat.

“Got all your things dear?” my mother asked me, as reminsied in my mind one more time before leaving my bedroom forever. Then I got a wave of nausea as I thought about where we were going.

“Do we really have to do this?” I asked, knowing we were way past the point of no return, considering all of our worldly possessions had already been moved.

“It will be great dear. And I bet Samantha is a totally different person at home than at school. You’ll be like sisters now, and surely sisters will want to bond and be close friends.” She wasn’t helping the nausea. But I knew what was happening, so I said one last goodbye to my room and wheeled my last bag outside.

We arrived at Randy’s house (I wasn’t quite ready to call it home), and all of our things were being moved inside by the mover guys. Two of them had boxes I could see were marked fragile, and even though these guys move things for a living, my mom felt the need to rush over and remind them to be careful. This left me as an open target, still not eager to go inside yet. Samantha took full advantage of this opportunity, sauntering over to me under the guise of rolling out the welcome wagon.

“Why hello there Madigan.” She said with a slippery tongue. “Can I help you with that?” Was she actually being nice? “Wouldn’t want you to burn any more calories than you needed.” And there it was. I didn’t need to even say anything, she just came and grabbed my one bag and walked her perfect little body back towards the house.

I had been thinking a lot recently how I was going to make the most out of this transition. My latest train of thought was about how miserable could I make Samantha’s life this year, a little payback for all the girls she's left in tears over the years. As I watched her perfectly formed butt trod towards the house, the perfect plan finally came to me. ‘I’m gonna make this bitch fat!’


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