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Hey all, sorry for my little break. I've got a lot in the oven, and it's all going to be ready soon, I just needed some time to work on it all. I hope you've all been enjoying this one as much as I have, there is a good amount of it left, but I also have the finish line in my sights. Let my know what you think by dropping a comment! Enjoy!


If you were there you might have mistaken it for a stampede, but watching our three titanic beauties trudge into the living room, ready to get their feast on, was no joke. Amanda plopped her ass down on the seemingly shrinking recliner, flipping the top off her untraditional hawaiian pizza. Amanda liked her ham and pineapple topped with pepperoni for an even sweeter meatier experience, and she will squash anyone who says pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza!

Bella and Cassie took to the couch, each comfortably cushioned on either end. Bella opened her supreme pizza, with sausage, peppers, and onions, while Cassie was already digging into her meat lovers pizza. Grease from all that meat and cheese was already starting to run out of the corners of her mouth, but Cassie merely continued to chomp until the slice of pizza disappeared behind her lips.

With all three of them starving, the room was pretty quiet, except for the smacking of lips, and the gluging of soda. It was no surprise that Cassie was the first to finish, and slowly lifted herself to her feet in the pursuit of another pie. The other two, nearly done themselves, requested another as well. Waddling back with three fresh pizza’s, Cassie handed them out and got right back to her spot.

At this point each of them had nearly eaten two large pizzas by themselves, a meal that would have been insurmountable by the three of them just a week ago. What would have been more typical is that the three of them share one large pizza and call it a night. But these three resembled nothing of themselves from a week ago. These three bigger ladies, with much bigger appetites, were just getting started.

Amanda was the first to take a break from the pizza. After two and a half pies, her taste buds needed something else. Rummaging through the bags in the kitchen, she settled on some chips, to balance out her sweet and savoriness of the pizza with some salt. She took two family sized bags another with another bottle of soda back with her.

“Oooo.” Bella purred upon seeing the bounty their host had returned with. “Those chips look delicious. I’ll have to find some for myself after this box.” Bella stated, as she grabbed her first slice from her fourth box.

Soon the girls realized that the sun had set, and darkness had overtaken the outside. This didn’t phase them one bit though, the fire in the pit on their stomachs still burned bright. Bella had started to alternate between pizza, chips, and sweets. After filling up on salt, she remembered how many pastries she had picked up at the store, and worked them into the rotation before dipping into another pizza box.

Her jeans had started to get oppressively tight as her stomach continued to receive hundreds and hundreds of calories. She had unbuttoned them long ago, just as things were getting started, and resorted to hiking up her shirt to allow her belly room to breathe. Her two massive belly rolls filled her lap, the bigger bottom one spilling out almost covering the tops of her thighs.

“Cam moo graab mee amother mum?” Cassie said through a mouth full of pizza, holding a half eaten slice in each hand.

“Cassie, don’t you want a break from pizza?” Amanda asked, as she was the one heading into the kitchen. “That was your sixth one. Why not have some ice cream with me, I’m about to go get another carton.” She suggested. 

“What? No way! This pizza is way too good. Bring me another soda too while you’re at it.” Cassie asked with a smile. Ever since their first rounds refresh, Cassie had not moved from her seat. Each time either Amanda or Bella was headed to the kitchen, she had asked them to bring her another pizza. She was on a roll, and didn’t want to stop.

Cassie’s belly was also on a roll. It was looking bigger than it ever had. Starting to spread around her, rather than just grow in front of her. Cassie squealed, as two more pizza boxes were placed in her lap, and a bottle of soda handed to her. Her excitement caused a massive jiggle in her chest, her boobs packed so tightly in her bra they were already overflowing the cups, despite fitting perfectly fine just a few hours ago.

Cassie, totally immersed by her new meal, did little to thank the hard work of her wide friend. Grunting to get her attention, Amanda finally huffed after about a minute, “You’re welcome!” Cassie seemed startled. “You better be nice to me, or I might have to start using this thing as a weapon.” Amanda scorned, as she backed her massive rear up, right in front of Cassie’s face.

“Thanks doll!” Cassie finally thanked her friend, who was starting to sit back in her recliner, spoon sticking out the top of a carton of ice cream. 

“That’s more like it.” Amanda playfully replied. 

Bella ignored the other two, while she just continued to pleasantly stuff her face. Slice of pizza, then a fist full of chips, a large swig of soda, finally an eclair finished in two bites. Then the cycle repeated. Bella was fully giving into her food cravings at this point, she felt no need to hold back any longer. Food was freakin delicious, and she was going to eat as much of it as she damn well please. 

The only problem was her clothes didn’t agree with her new life plan. Her jeans continued to buckle as her stomach continued to fill. Her thighs were even thickening, putting strain on the seams. All it took was one unlucky eclair that had just rolled out of reach. Bella strained to reach it, and just at the moment she got her fingers around it, the entire room could hear a loud tearing sound.

Thankfully she had bought a second, bigger pair, earlier at the store. This was a clear sign to Bella that she might have had enough. *Burp* “Well when you burst your jeans, I think that's the universe’s way of telling you to call it quits.” Bella declared.

“I’m with you sister, I’ve been slowly eating this ice cream for the last half hour, I’m stuffed.” Amanda agreed.

“You both are ready to call it quits already?” Cassie sounded offended. “There is still so much food to eat. And the pizza, look how many are left!”

“Look at how many are in your belly!” Amanda teased

“Cass, we can’t sit here eating all night, we need some rest.” Bella tried to reason with her. Cassie was working on finishing yet another pizza, and still had two more that had been delivered to her. 

“At least let me finish what I’ve got here.” Cassie pleaded. The other two agreed to let her finish, before they all called it a night. Cassie showed no signs of slowing down, and continued chomping like this was the first thing she had eaten all day. 

With about eight pizza boxes discarded beside her, not to count the several empty bottles of soda that lay on the ground, Cassie had consumed quite the meal this night. As she pushed even more meat, sauce, cheese, and bread past her lips, it was easy to tell where it was all landing. She had a clear visible ball of pizza sitting in her stomach. Her belly had grown to be quite soft and jiggly, but tonight it was clear that the middle part of her torso was completely firm. 

Although Cassie was insistent she could eat all night, it was clear that she was starting to get drowsy. With only a couple of slices left, her eyes began to droop, her energy completely zapped. Finally her meal was done, and the other two ladies helped her up and to her room. As they turned sideways to get all three of them through the door, Cassie made one more plea. “Maybe leave a couple of pies on my nightstand, in case I get peckish in the middle of the night.”

The two others laughed. “There will be plenty more in the morning, don’t you worry.” Amanda and Bella tucked their blonde friend into bed, and then retired themselves.


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