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Another fabulous prompt by James, long time supporter here on Patreon. This time the prompt was "Woman who’s develops a stress eating habit after a promotion to a manager role in an office." Ripe for weight gain writing. I hope you all enjoy this part and the additions to follow!


Megan pulled at her hair, as her eyes started to feel fatigued from looking at the same report for the past twenty minutes. Megan had been recently promoted within her office, and had been feeling the stress that came along with her new role. “Why can’t marketing just send the numbers I need to provide finance with this month's ROI, so we can meet the phase two deadline?!” Megan grunted in frustration. She couldn’t look at this report a moment longer or her eyes would start to bleed.

Standing up from her middle management desk in the middle of the office building, Megan decided she needed to take a walk, maybe move on to something else on her to do list and come back to this, lord knows she had plenty of quarterly cash reports to review. Wandering down the halls of her floor, Megan cleared her head, while looking like she wasn’t just walking directionless during the middle of the day. She popped into the breakroom as a cavalcade of her peers were walking towards here, probably on their way to some meeting. 

The break room was empty and smelled like freshly brewed coffee, someone must have made a strong cup recently. Megan took in the mediocre room that she had seen countless times since she started working for Halifax Industrial Alliance about 3 years ago. Megan had wanted to move up from her entry level job from her first day in the building, and it had finally come to fruition for her, but now she was left wondering if she had moved up too soon. She was constantly overwhelmed with paperwork and reports that she didn’t 100% understand. She knew there would be a learning curve, she was just worried what she was going to do to break through it.

After having lingered in the break room for a solid minute collecting her thoughts, she spied a box of donuts. Not an uncommon occurrence in the office, as there was a bakery on the ground floor of the building and managers and pleased clients were always buying treats for the office to let them know how well a job they were all doing. A creme filled one sat in the box among a few other varieties, and Megan decided to help herself. She felt a hole in her stomach, and thought this donut would be a good way to fill it. Chomping down on the first bite she got a modest amount of the flakey donut and chocolate frosting and just enough of the sweet creme inside. Instantly her mind was cleared, as all of her senses focused on how delicious the treat was. Her body almost melted as the sweet sensation danced on her taste buds. This was exactly what she needed.

Megan sinfully enjoyed the rest of the morsel in a few more bites, taking a moment to enjoy each one. Feeling fully refreshed she headed back to her office with her head held high, and her stomach satisfied. Sitting back at her desk, her report had remained open. Taking a quick glance back at it she realized what she was missing before. “Oh if you add those two figures together you get the total from the quarter across the market, that makes much more sense. All I need to do is plug that number in here, and send this off to finance!” Megan felt extremely accomplished.

The rest of her day played out like it normally would, and at 5 o’clock Megan dragged herself home, then back to work the next day. 

On her way in her mind drifted back to the donut she had enjoyed yesterday. It had really been a miracle cure for her mental block. Taking the elevator up to the 19th floor, she followed the same morning path she had gotten accustomed to in the month since she had been promoted. Placing her things in her office, she headed to the break room for her morning cup of coffee. It was there that she noticed a fresh box of donuts, with a creme filled one in view of the skewed lid. She had been thinking about that donut for most of the morning, and it had really done wonderful things for her day. She figured the pros outweighed the cons of having a donut two days in a row, so grabbed it with one hand, while she held her coffee in the other.

From there she set out to work for the morning, breezing through reports, and blasting off thoughtfully crafted emails. And then the lunch hour hit, and Megan hit a wall. “Why can’t I put this stupid figure in this stupid box! You asked for this information!” Megan was about ready to Hulk smash her keyboard. Rubbing her temples she looked up and noticed the time on her clock. “Oh it’s almost, 1pm, I should probably get some lunch.” Megan typically got lunch from the salad bar in her building, but salad never really hit the spot for her. Yeah it was kinda filling, but never really satisfying. If she was ever going to get this report done this afternoon, she was going to need a satisfying lunch. 

That was when she remembered there was a cafe across from her building that made amazing sandwiches. Her boss had taken her there for lunch on her first day when she started with the company. Megan was totally in the mood for a toasted sandwich, so she took the elevator down to the first floor, hopped across the street, and waited in the huge line at the Slamin Samies Sammies. She scanned the menu top to bottom while she waited in line, reading each of the chalkboard written descriptions. Everything sounded delicious, as Megan was no fussy eater, and would try just about any flavor combination. She could picture herself coming here every day for lunch to try something new for a whole month and still not getting through it all.

Finally it was her turn to order, and she had decided on a chicken cordon bleu sandwich, complete with dijon mustard and grilled to perfection. She could already taste it, and couldn’t wait to bring it back to her office, so she decided to eat it right there at the cafe. The sandwich was served with chips, which acted as a great salty balance to her savory sandwich. With her tiny tummy filled, she felt ready to take on the afternoon.
