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So I'm surprised I never posted this story. It's something I wrote on a whim back in December. But that's why you all get the benefit of being Patrons, you get to experience each bit of writing, even if it's been on the shelf for a little while. This is similar to the story I posted last week about Laurie Beth, just a short one off where I started writing the first thing that came to mind. It starts as one thing, then kinda ends as something else. I hope you all enjoy it.


“God, I need a milkshake.” Gwen groaned as she drove with all of her windows down. The AC in her car had been broken for weeks, and it had been the hottest week of the summer. Gwen had been doing anything she could to get cool, which included her favorite solution, ordering milkshakes.

She could see the golden arches getting closer as she sped down the road. Beads of sweat had formed all around her, but she could feel as especially large one making it’s way between her bosom. Wearing a light tank top, her vast cleavage was mostly on display, something she knew the pervy boys at the drive thru would stare at. She needed that milkshake though, and it was worth going through the drive thru, rather than walk in the front door. Gwen was pretty sure her thighs were sticking to her fake leather seats, and she rather have her cool down shake before trying to move them an inch.

Pulling up to the speaker, Gwen could be heard mumbling “Machine better not be down like it was last week. I’ll kill someone…” She was interrupted by a cracking voice coming over the speakers. 

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, can I get a large vanilla and a large strawberry milkshake?” Gwen asked, clenching her teeth hoping that the answer would be yes.

“Ok, a large vanilla and large strawberry shake. Anything else?”

Victory! A wash of excitement came over her, and she could feel herself cooling down already. “Can I also get an Oreo Mcflurry?”

“Yes, will that be all?”

“Also a large Big Mac meal with coke, and the 10 piece Mcnugget?”

“Oook.” The sound of punching in the additional orders could be heard. “Anything else?” They asked, like the order had come to a logical conclusion.

“Can I also get a double bacon BBQ burger, crispy chicken sandwich, and two orders of the apple pies. I think that should do it for me.” Gwen said with a smile.

There was a long pause, and then her total flashed on the screen. No ask for additional items, she was only asked to pull up to the window. Four cups, and two brown bags were handed to her. Her large chest jiggled as she moved the items from the window to her passenger seat one by one, and the teenage boy handing her everything most certainly did look.

Gwen sipped on one of her milkshakes as she continued to drive. Her phone buzzed unnoticeably as she puttered towards her destination. An incoming message displayed on the screen along with her most recent sent a message. Her outgoing message read “Picked up a little snack on the way. Hope you’re hungry, because I know I am.” The incoming message sat just below it. “You bet I am bitch!”

Gwen arrived outside an apartment complex. Tossing a now empty milkshake cup on the floor of her car alongside the other, she grabbed the only full McDonald's bag left, along with her melting McFlurry. Swinging her massive form out the drivers side door she slowly rose to her feet. The full weight of the 450lb woman now rested solely on her small feet. 

Waddling to the front door, her body jiggled and quivered with each footfall. Her small booty shorts left most of her chunky legs exposed, and the tank top she was wearing seemed smaller and smaller these days. And with how hot it was Gwen didn’t want to wear any more clothing than publicly necessary.

Buzzed through the front door, Gwen found herself finally at her friends apartment. “Get in her girlfriend!” Her friend Stacy shouted, throwing her beefy arms up in the air. Stacy was a similar sized bbw, dressed comfortably as well. “Got a little Mickey Dees I see.” Stacy laughed.

“Don’t worry girl I saved you some.” Gwen played. “You’re Mcflurry is melting though.” Gwen put her bag down, using her freed hand to grab the spoon covered in soft ice cream, directing it towards her friends lips. Stacy, eager for anything sweet to pass between her lips, drew her mouth closer to the spoon until she was able to clasp her supple lips around the chilled treat. Stacy moaned with satisfaction, but recoiled before lingering too long.

“Save it for the camera! I have everything set up over here, follow me.” Stacy waddled over to where she had a couch set up with a camera and tripod pointing at it. “Let's start recording so we don’t miss a single kinky moment of this. Make sure to try and get your complete fat ass in the shot this time. I know you’re getting wide, but that what the new lens is for.”

“Come over here and feed me already you bitch!” Gwen shouted at her friend who was still fiddling with the camera, slapping her own belly for emphasis.

A spoonful of this, a mouthful of that, the girls quickly started having fun. Rubbing their bellies, lifting up their shirts, they put on quite a show for the camera. McDonald's wasn’t the only thing on the menu, Stacy had procured a number of sweets and other offerings they took turns dining on.

“Stacy, I’m getting so full.” Gwen whined. “Can you rub my belly?” She asked.

“Only if you take you top off!” Stacy bartered. 

“Better take yours off too slut!” Gwen counter offered, as she started removing her tight tank top, fully revealing all of her heavy rolls. Stacy started to rub her partners belly as Gwen double fisted cookies. With a profile view of the two land whales, their bellies completely touching, each of them were having their time of their lives. 

Soon enough both of their shorts came off, and they were left only in their bra and panties. *Knock knock knock* “I wonder who that could be?” Gwen asked.

“Maybe the huge order of pizzas I placed earlier.” Stacy replied with a smirk. “Here come help me answer the door.” She said coyly. The two nearly naked women slowly rose from the couch and headed towards the door, which was in the background of the shot. From the camera's perspective, you could only see the door open, and the back sides of the two women, their panties stretching tightly to cover their enormous asses. Their bodies cascaded with rolls, from their sides, to their back fat, all the way down their legs. 

You couldn’t quite make out the conversation, bit it was noticeable how much giggling was going on by how jiggly their bodies were. After just a brief moment you could see the door closing and each of them coming back with a short stack of pizzas. 

“Stacy, you are such a little minx, I can’t believe you just did that.” Gwen harped on her compatriot. 

“Come on, we just made that little closet FAs life. Alright less talky, more pizza-y!” Slice by slice the pizzas disappeared. Despite all the food they both had eaten, you could barely tell by their bodies, except for the smattering of grease and crumbs. Their filling bellies were piled under hundreds and hundreds of pounds of fat, a fact they were very proud of.

After having finished two pizzas each, there was only one left. “Meat lovers, I know that’s your favorite.” Stacy teased. “Just love having that meat in your mouth.” She said with a laugh, causing Gwen to snarl. 

“Wanna split it fatty?” Gwen asked, making the reasonable suggestion.

“I think you should take it. Isn’t that right?” Stacy said, directing her conversation to the camera. “Don’t we want to see GorgingGwen get as big as possible. She needs as much pizza as possible to do that, right? If you want to see GorgingGwen here finish that entire third pizza, purchase this weeks bonus episode, where I hand feed it to her, and weight her fat ass after this huge feast. Every sub goes towards the GorgeBudget, so keep those subs coming to see our growing girl get even bigger!”

With that Stacy finally slumped back down on the couch. “God damn, you’re going to make me huge aren’t you?” Gwen said with a shocking smile. “No wonder you wanted me to up my videos from once to twice a week. More videos means more subs, which means more Gwen. I don’t even recognize myself when I see those before pictures on the site. And to look back and see how fast I’ve grown, it’s mind boggling.”

“Yeah, but you’ve never made money hand over fist like this before. Maybe you should splurge and fix your damn AC in your car.” Stacy commented.

“How can I afford that, when I’m out buying a new wardrobe every month?” Gwen teased. “Ok turn that camera back on, I’m ready for my pizza.”

“Looks like you are going to need a new bra soon if you keep stopping at McDonald's as much as you do.” Stacy teased. With the camera back on, Stacy stayed true to her word and hand fed Gwen each slice of the thick and greasy meat lovers pizza. After corralling Gwen to the scale, the stuffed girl was done for the day. “It’s still early, you might make it to McDonald's on your way home before they close.” Stacy joked. Gwen might have laughed as her friend said this as she left, but she did stop to think about it for a minute as she left the apartment building.


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