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I found I've had a little extra time on my hands recently, so I've been doing more reading, and rabbit holing than normal. This lead me to be inspired by a user on Deviant Art, Kellyqueen. She's written a lot of stories about young women finding themselves in a plethora of weight gaining situations. The gains are not by choice, and usually being inflicted by another in their life. Not sure I captured the same tone as her stories, but I found it to still be a pretty fun ride.

I wanted to do another quick story, like I have done in the past. My goal was to write this in an hour, but I ended up in too deep and it took me more like over two hours to do my first draft. I'm curious if you all like this style more, or prefer my more serial take with stories presented over multiple parts. Let me know what you like better by leaving a comment. Enjoy the story!


Laurie Beth wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with her life. She had just graduated high school, and wasn’t ready to put herself in thousands of dollars in debt for a degree she wouldn’t be happy with. Which is how she ended up living at home with her mother, working at a rinky dink coffee shop in town. Fall had come, and anyone who was anyone had left for college, that is for Laurie Beth.

Laurie Beth had always been skinny, and never really worried about what she ate, which is why when her eating habits started to change she didn’t really notice. It all started during one of her shifts at the coffee shop. She was about to punch out after a busy morning shift when her manager insisted she take half a dozen muffins with her, as they had a bit of an overstock and didn’t want the display counter over crowded. She did as she was instructed and took the six muffins with her when she left.

LB, as her friends called her, munched on muffins as she headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things her mom requested. As she entered the store a football player asked if she’d be interested in supporting their team and buying one of their loyalty cards. “It’s great!” he raved. “It gets you sick discounts all over town, like a free burger at Burger Shack with a purchase of fries and a drink.” It was only $10 and she had made decent tips this morning, so the thought why not. Buying the card, she shoved it into her purse and continued on.

Checking everything off her list, she loaded the groceries in the car and headed home. Munching on more muffins, there were only two left by the time she made it home and started unloading the car. With her arms filled with grocery bags, her mom welcomed her home. LB couldn’t help but notice a delicious smell in the air. “Mom what’s that smell?”

“Oh just some homemade chili and cornbread. I figured you’d want some lunch when you got home.” Despite devouring most of the muffins, LB felt like some lunch would be appropriate. Her mom filled a bowl with the thick chili and gave her two generously butter pieces of cornbread. LB tossed back the meal while her mom put everything from the store away. 

As LB was about to excuse herself from the table, her mom informed her that she was going out for drinks with some of her gal pals, and that LB could get takeout tonight, leaving her daughter with $20 to spend on delivery. LB was craving some pizza, and ordered two meatlover pies, paying a little extra out of pocket for the extra toppings. Taking them up to her room, she munched on the pizzas all night while she scrolled through her phone, and organized her closet. 

The next day she was back at the coffee shop for work. Surprisingly again her boss offered her some excess baked goods as she made her way out the door, which she generously accepted. Today she decided she wanted to try out that new loyalty card and popped over to Burger Shack before the lunch rush hit. She showed her card and was given the deal of any burger on the menu for free as long as she bought fries and a drink. The cashier even pointed out which of their burgers was the biggest so she could get the most value out of the card. With her triple triple with added bacon, LB found a spot and started to enjoy her lunch. It was the best free burger she had ever eaten. 

Back home, LB stashed the coffee shop pastries in her room, before finding her mom back in the kitchen. “Honey! I made some really good brownies. Want to try one?” She asked, bringing one of the baked goods right under her daughters nose. 

“Sure why not.” She said, accepting the dense brownie and popping it straight into her mouth.

“There are plenty more on the table hun. Help yourself.” Her mother offered, as she took her own brownie down the hall to her office. LB didn’t want to stop at one, and ate one after another from the tray. Each one was so heavy and fudgy, it coated her mouth in chocolate and just made her crave another. Soon the whole plate had disappeared into LB’s belly. LB had lost track of how many she had eaten, and figured it had been a small batch, and her mother had probably had a few herself. 

Retreating up to her room for the afternoon, she snacked on the pastries from work, until she heard her mother call her down for dinner. A healthy sized family dinner made LB stuffed, causing her to lounge in her room the rest of the night before passing out.

Days went on like this, and everywhere LB went she couldn’t seem to avoid food. On Saturday her mom gave her five bucks to go pick up a couple of donuts, that was until she realized her loyalty card allowed her to upgrade from a half dozen to a dozen for free, and the cost of a handful of donuts already matched the discount of getting a half dozen, so it was a no brainer to get the full 12. Of course her mother only had two, but LB swore she couldn’t remember eating 10 herself.

She decided to go to the mall one day, and unbeknownst to her they were having a food festival. Every cart in the mall had been transformed into some sort of different cuisine, and everyone had free samples. There were cupcakes, pizza, froyo, sweet and sour chicken, mini sandwiches. LB was in a haze, she wanted to try them all. She left the mall stuffed and didn’t have to spend a cent. 

“Laurie Beth, new employee policy, feel free to eat any items from the display cabinet during your shift for free.” Her boss told her one day. 

“If you sign up for our free in store loyalty card, every fifth visit you get another free burger.” 

“Honey! Your afternoon snack is ready!” LB was still full from lunch, but wasn’t going to pass up one of her moms amazing afternoon snacks.

Plodding down the stairs, her newly formed belly sloshed back and forth. Her tee shirt, no longer able to reach the waistband of her pants, clung on for dear life while showing off a solid four inches of new flesh LB had gained. In the kitchen she sat at the table where her mom had placed the snack. Her softened butt cheeks spread to each side as her ass made contact with the wooden chair. Sat before her was an entire chocolate cream pie, with a layer of chocolate and peanut butter brownie underneath, and chocolate chip cookie crumb bits drenching the top. LB looked at the snack with glee and dug in as soon as she was able to free the first piece. Her mother just smiled at her happy daughter before retiring, leaving her to her snack. 

Piece by piece LB wolfed the entire thing down. The few crumbs that did escape her lips, bounced generously off her inflated bosom. LB had had a pretty moderate chest up until recently, but her recent growth spurt had blessed her with a nice pair of mammaries on her upper half.

The crisp fall days had transformed into chilly ones that signaled the start of the holiday season. LB threw on a Christmas sweater her mom had bought her, it was bright red with white designs all over it. It hugged her new curves well, keeping the well padded girl even warmer. Bouncing down stairs, she bid her mother adieu, as she was planning to meet a friend for lunch. “Have a great lunch with Christy!” She heard as she started out the door.

LB and Christy were not the closest of friends in high school, but they floated around the same circles and had a lot of the same classes over the years, so had formed somewhat of a bond. Christy had reached out to LB when she knew she was going to be home, and a lunch date had been planned. It seemed LB was there first and took a seat on a bench right inside the entrance of the Chinese Buffet. It was only a moment later that LB looked up from her phone to see a wide thick booty standing at the hostess desk. As the customer turned around she noticed it was Christy. Her friend had never had much of a figure in high school, but it looks like that had changed. 

Standing up and giving her friend a hug they both commented how they each had changed. “Looks like college has been good to you Christy.” LB said politely.

“I’d have to say the same to you, just without the college part.” Christy laughed. They were each shown to a booth, and then let loose on the buffet. Neither of them were modest, and loaded up plate after plate, overflowing with sauce covered meats and veg. 

“The cafe at school is amazing, girl. Almost anything you want to eat, almost all hours of the day. I’ve fallen in love with belgian waffles!” Christy gushed. “How about you though? How's the coffee shop?”

“Can’t complain. It’s a paycheck.” LB said through bites of food. “I also picked up a second job at Burger Shack. I was eating there so much, and figured with an employee discount and extra paycheck I could really save up some good money. Also the staff there is really nice. I work with this one guy Jeremy who’s always bringing me in sweets and candies.”

“Sounds like Jeremy’s got himself a little crush.” Christy said with a smile.

“You think?” LB asked. She had never been much of a dater in high school, she usually just hung out with guys in a big group with other friends. LB pondered this as the girls continued to toss back plate after plate.

After an hour they were both stuffed. “We’ve got to do this again.” Christy said. “Like tomorrow! You said you only work at Burger Shack at night, right? I say standing lunch plans at Wong’s Palace everyday until I head back to school in a month.”

LB had thoroughly enjoyed herself, like all of her other eating adventures this year, so she found it easy to make the commitment. The girls parted ways, and LB headed home to get ready for her shift at Burger Shack.

Stuffing herself into her tight uniform, LB showed up for work, her the impression of her navel visible from how taut her belly was stretching her work polo. It wasn’t long before her shift partner Jeremy arrived. “Hey LB! I’ve got a surprise for you.” He said, handing her a large red stocking. “Merry Christmas!” He added as she looked through the stocking. It was filled with candies you would find at any mega mart, but LB was still excited to indulge in them once she got home.

“Thank you so much Jeremy!” She said, giving her generous co-worker a hug. It wasn’t long before LB was enjoying her first free burger of the night, while thinking about what Christy said about Jeremy liking her.

“God the food here at Wong’s is so good.” Christy would moan each day as they left with their stomachs absolutely packed.

“Laurie Beth, come down for breakfast, or you’re going to be late for work. All this french toast is not going to eat itself!”

“LB, I saw these Christmas cupcakes, and they reminded me of you. I hope you like them.” Jeremy said with a smile.

It was the day before Christy went back to school, and she clearly looked bigger than when she arrived here a month ago. College had filled out her rear and thickened her legs, but these back to back lunches with LB had added some pudge everywhere else. She now had a small belly, and her face was starting to show some roundness.

But that wasn’t to say LB was immune to all the excess calories this past month either. Her belly now bellowed out so far that it hung over her waistband. Her chest only grew rounder and bouncier. Even her lower half had gotten quite thick, her thighs touching closer to the knee than ever, and her butt had started to flare out at the sides.

“Wow Jeremy even got you a birthday cake?” Christy said after taking the last bite off her plate.

“Yep, so that was one from the coffee shop, one from the Burger Shack, a huge one from mom, and then a fourth from Jeremy. I think I’m all set on cake for awhile.” LB laughed.

“Well putting aside the fact that I’m a bad friend for not getting you a cake.” Christy started, as the two waddled back up to the buffet for umteenth time. “This Jeremy guy totally has the hots for you, when are you going to ask him out?”

“I know it’s pretty obvious right? He’s always so nice to me. He’s always making sure I get plenty of free meals during my shift and everything. I guess you’re right, I’ll drop a major hint this week that I want him to take me out.”

“Thata girl!” Christy cheered as the two of them returned to their booth, LB careful to not bump her large belly into the table like she had been prone to recently. “Make sure to tell me all about it, I can’t wait!”

That week LB mentioned to Jeremy how she had never been on a real date, and he jumped at the opportunity to ask her out. “So he took me to this really nice Italian restaurant.” LB recounted to Christy over Facetime the next day. Between bites of donut she told her the whole story of how it happened. “The food was sooo good.” She gushed. “He’s taking me out again tonight. I wonder what restaurant he has picked out this time.” Christy shared in her friend's excitement, but had to cut the conversation short as her friends were ready to go to the cafe.

LB requested a change in her schedule from the dinner shift to the lunch shift so she could continue having multiple dates per week with Jeremy. He always surprised her with a box of chocolates or chocolate roses, which she loved.

LB was loving life, she was making bank at her jobs, had a really nice boyfriend, and even had gotten really close with Christy even after she had gone back to school. The one thing she wasn’t so sure about was the fact that she thought she had gained a little weight. She was feeling kinda pudgy, and had started to buy all her clothes from the plus size ladies store at the mall. Everywhere she went though, it seemed like food was always available. 

A new pizza chain had opened and was offering really great deals to get in new customers. A candy store opened up next to Burger Shack, and offered a discount to the employees that worked there, in addition to freebies almost every week. The owner of a local ice cream chain had broken down right in front of LB’s house, and given her a free lifetime supply of ice cream just for letting him borrow their phone.

Her dates with Jeremy always revolved around going out to eat. They both lived with their parents, so neither one wanted to take the other home. LB didn’t mind, Jeremy always paid, and she always got her fill wherever they went. “If you hurry up and finish that burrito, we can still make it to the ice cream parlor before they close.” Jeremy enticed his date. “Have I ever told you how cute your cheeks look when they are full?”

Summer vacation had approached, and LB was excited to see her friend return from college. Of course they had to meet up at Wong’s Palace. Christy, running late as always, left LB sitting on her usual bench waiting for her friend. Her thick legs were spread apart to allow room for her drooping belly to fill her lap. When Christy finally arrived, LB got her first look at her since holiday. Her friend had continued to get pudgy, her hips, thighs and rear taking a bulk of the extra pounds. It was nothing compared to LB though. “Christy!” LB squealed, while trying to get up to greet her friend, only her first attempt didn’t go so well. Sticking a hand out Christy helped her friend to her feet and gave her a hug. 

“Looks like you’re boyfriend has been spoiling you!” Christy remarked. “He’s keeping you well fed, huh?”

“Oh totally!” LB gushed.”He says he likes seeing his plush princess nice and stuffed.” She smiled. The two were offered a booth, but LB had to request a table. “Booths are just too stuffy, don’t you think?” Christy had to agree, as her booty was getting so big it was a little hard to maneuver in a booth these days.

They were shown to a table, and to Christy's surprise LB parked two chairs next to each other to sit down, not even something Christy had to do yet. “Christy, do you mind grabbing me a plate? I was on my feet all morning at the coffee shop, and they are killing me?” Fat and lazy, this was certainly a new side to LB.

Upon her return with two fully loaded plates, LB started raving about how happy she was her friend was home for the summer and all the eateries they were going to hit up. Looking across the table at her massive friend, one who had only been a stick of a thing a year ago, knew such indulgences had impacted her waistline greatly. Hanging around her was certain to bring the same results to Christy. Christy was aware of the decent gains she had experienced this past year, but LB was on a whole other level, and didn’t even seem to be aware of it. Three months of eating like her friend was sure to turn Christy into a bottom heavy twin of LB.

“Count me in babe!” Christy said, raising a fork filled with noodles and a hunk of crispy chicken.

Walking down the boardwalk at the beach, each co-eds slurped on extra large frozen lemonades, the only thing keeping them cool enough to continue their pace forward. Their ass cheeks bounced in rhythm, looking like four big beach balls rising and falling. Packed in overstretched bikini bottoms, the two bountiful babes took up 2/3rds of the sidewalk as they waddled towards their destination. They might have started their voyage cool calm and collected, dawning their oversized sunglasses, scowls telling the world that they owned this place, but after just a short walk both girls were red in the face and panting heavily.

“Chris *huff* hold up *huff* I need a break” LB had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. Christy turned to face her, her wide hips almost knocking over a small kid. LB’s belly hung over her bikini bottoms, resting on the tops of her thighs, keeping her from leaning all the way over to rest.

“Here have the rest of my frozen lemonade, you need to cool down. Let’s take a seat over here.” Christy led her large friend over to a bench. “Let me go get you a snack, hold on one sec.” 

“Good idea. And I’ll give Jeremy a call and see if he can help us the rest of the way.” LB fished her phone out from between her boob and bikini top, the fleshy prize winning melons jiggling as she manipulated them. Holding the phone in one hand, she tried to wipe some of the sweat forming on the crest of her belly with the other, finding the task fairly unsuccessful with how puffy her arms had gotten. “Hun, you mind meeting us at the Abominable Snowman Ice Cream Shack. Yeah the one with the huge brownie sundae. I’m not sure if that’s what Christy is getting. Yes she knows that you boys loaded up the cooler. Oh she’s on her way back, thanks love see you soon.”

Christy waddled back over, her enlarged body jiggling with each step. Over the past three months all the eating she had done with LB had kicked any weight she had been gaining into hyper drive. Mostly settling on her lower half, the girl was still excessively flabby all over. Sporting a large spare tire around her middle, her boobs had also tried to keep up. Her thunderous hips and thighs though really stole the show. Despite the weight difference from her friend, her rear rivaled in size.

She handed LB the huge brownie sundae she was hoping she would return with. Taking a seat on the bench with LB, Christy’s ass hung over the edge, not large enough to hold both hogs at once. They each dug into their frozen treats, the chilly ice cream helping cool them both down on this mildly hot day.

Jeremy arrived as they were finishing, carrying a slushy for his gorgeous girlfriend. Helping her up, he held her beefy arm as he led her to their spot on the beach. They had their own little spot set up with a pop-up tent blocking the sun. Another guy was also there busy setting up beach chairs, as the trio approached. 

“Hey babe!” He called out, coming over and giving Christy a kiss. “We might have brought too much food, it took like four trips to get all the coolers and bags over here.”

“Never such a thing when LB is around.” Christy joked, patting LB’s massive belly as Jeremy eased her into the extra wide beach chair.

“Ok what would you like first, my little piglet?” Jeremy asked.


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