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Hey all,

Took a week off last Monday, it was Memorial Day here in the states, so I figured that holiday extended to weight gain fetish writers too, right? In the mean time I've been cooking up a new little story for you call. I'm kinda torn, as I think it's good, but I don't love it. I guess I just think it's fun, but not overly great writing. I wanted to explore the trope of thin bully picks on fat girl, and revenge ensues. Part 2 is on the way to finish the tale, so I hope you all enjoy this first half of the story.


Becca was kind of a bitch. Deep down she knew it, but she was thin and hot so she didn’t care. The tall blonde was also seen with her sidekicks, Amber and Burnedette, usually strutting around the mall. The three of them look plucked right out of a catalog, perfect bodies, perfect clothes, perfect life. Except when things are going too perfect, you tend to forget about all the little people around you. 

Which is precisely what happened one Saturday at the mall. The three of them trotted down the hallway, wearing mini skirts and tank tops. That was until they crossed paths with one of their classmates, Marissa. Marissa was a nobody and dressed like one as well. Wearing dark baggy clothes to disguise her weight, she wanted nothing more than to be left alone and ignored. Sadly her request would be denied today. 

The three prepsters noticed their target and made a direct line for her. “Look who it is? If it isn’t our favorite plus-size classmate Marissa!” Becca hissed, as the three of them encircled her. “What are you doing here cow? Do they even have plus-size clothing stores here for girls your size?” Becca scolded her.

Marissa had learned to not defend herself. If she tried standing up to them, they would just bat her down and crush her even more. It was better to just take it to get it over with quicker. “You’re pretty far from the food court, Moo-rissa.” Amber chided. 

The three of them laughed and taunted the poor portly girl, as she just stood there and took it until they got bored and moved on. After what seemed like a long ass minute of verbal harrassment, the three of them left her, chucking to themselves as the strutted away, pleased with their level of torture. 

With Marissa out of sight, the girls didn’t even think about her again. They just enjoyed a day at the mall, and went their separate ways home that night. The day had been fairly normal for the three of them, but it was the next day that when Becca woke up she felt a little different. Heading downstairs she felt a pit in her stomach. She wasn’t sure what it was, she had never felt anything like it. She figured maybe breakfast would make it go away. Becca being a senior in high school, her parents had learned to give their lovely daughter her space, which meant she didn’t have to deal with their drama very often. 

There were some bagels on the counter, which Becca felt might fill her hunger so she popped one in the toaster. Pouring a glass of juice, she poked around as she waited for her bagel. She found a wrapped up danish and decided to help herself while she waited. A tall glass of milk would go really good with that danish, so she grabbed a glass of that too. With her bagel ready and the milk and danish gone, she slathered a generous amount of cream cheese and jam on both sides and ate them in record time. It was odd, Becca still felt hungry. It was like she hadn’t eaten anything yet that morning. She found some waffles in her freezer and tossed half a dozen in the toaster oven, and poured herself a bowl of cereal while she waited, and then another. When the waffles were done she made sure to get butter and syrup in each crevasse. Chomping through each one, with a glass of chocolate milk on the side, Becca was starting to feel full. 

She walked away from all the destruction she had created in the kitchen. She felt stuffed, but that feeling in her belly had not really dissipated. She took a shower, and spent the rest of the morning trying not to think about it, but the feeling never went away. She decided she needed to get out of the house, so she invited her friends to lunch. “But where should we go?” Bernadette texted the group chat back. Usually the three of them, since they watched their figures to a tee, would hit a salad bar or other healthy joint.

“I’m kinda feeling pizza.” Becca replied, worrying what her friends would think of that suggestion. 

“Sounds good to me.” Replied Amber.

“Sure.” Bernadette agreed.

So the three of them met at a local pizza buffet for lunch. Having been seated, each ordering water, and they made their way up for their first plate. The slices were small, so they each grabbed a few, a slice of cheese, peperoni, and veggie. Becca tore into her pizza once they returned to the table. After quickly downing two slices she realized how rapidly she was eating and how it must look to the others. She looked up though and realized they were each on their last slice too. Not wanting to finish last and missing going together for round two, Becca chomped her last slice in only a few bites.

Round two now in hand, they each had more boastful five slices on each of their plates, making sure not to get more or less than one another. Again these slices started to quickly disappear behind their thin lips. With another round of slices down there was nothing to do but go for round three. Just about when they were going to get up though the waitress was hustling by. Becca quickly got her attention. “Ma’am, do you think I could get a soda?” The waitress confirmed the order, while the other two thought about the proposition as well. Before she could walk away the other two asked for soda as well, before they headed back up to the buffet. 

This time there was no modesty. Each of them grabbing slices of meat lovers pizza, buffalo chicken, extra cheese, stacking slices as many as they could fit on a plate. When they returned three large towering sodas were waiting on the table. They proceeded to suck down their pizzas and their drinks before going for round four.

Finally they had to tap out. “Boy, that food was so good.” Becca gushed. “I bet someone like Marissa comes here all the time. Eating this stuff would make you so fat. Good thing we never eat like this, right girls?”

“Absolutely.” Amber replied. “I mean like once in a while is ok, but I bet Marissa eats here every week!” The three of them laughed. Becca never mentioned how much she had already eaten for breakfast, but figured like Amber said, one cheat day wasn’t going to ruin her figure. Plus, since they had started eating she hadn’t thought about that feeling in her stomach the whole time. 

The girls hugged and each went home. Becca lazed around the house, letting her two big meals digest. Her mother had made dinner that night, and Becca couldn’t help but have two full servings, abnormal for the thin girl, but her parents didn’t even notice. She took a bunch of treats from the pantry up to her room for the night. She wondered what had gotten into her, but figured it was maybe just her time of the month. Plus it was her cheat day, she might as well take advantage. 

Becca had just started her senior year of school, and was ready to take on the world. She had big plans for the year and her future. But first she needed to plan breakfast. She realized as she drove into school that she was starving. She found her saving grace in the form of two golden arches along her way through. Pulling into the drive thru of McDonald’s Becca analyzed the menu, having never been there for breakfast before. She figured one of their meals would do her, but then spied she could order hash browns on the side. “Yes, can I get the McGriddle meal, and then two orders of hash browns on the side?” Becca was pleased with her warm meal, and ate the entire thing before she arrived at school. Quickly teaming up with her posse, they headed straight to their first class. 

By the time lunch came around the three of them were starving. Never the ones to put the effort into packing a lunch, they always bought lunch from the cafeteria. Usually they stuck to salad and fruit, but today they each bought a large slice of pizza, a cup of french fries, and a giant soft cookie. Sitting at their normal table, none of them mentioned their detour from their normal meals, they just enjoyed themselves. 

The catty girls secretly made fun of their other classmates behind their backs, as they chomped away on their lunches. With their trays polished off, they still had a bit of time until lunch was over. Becca looked over at the ice cream bar, which was more like an ice cream truck that never moved. "I'm gonna go grab an ice cream, anyone want to join me?" The other two brought no resistance, and followed her to the stand. They each enjoyed a novelty ice cream before lunch was over and proceeded to their next class.

Becca was bored. Right after lunch she had World Lit, a class neither of her best friends were in, also a topic she hated. Her mind wondered during class, drowning out her teacher until it didn't even seem like she was talking anymore. Becca thought back on all the delicious food she had eaten in the last 48 hours, how good it had all tasted. That was when she was reminded of the pit in her stomach. Thankfully class was almost over, and Becca knew just the place to hit before her last class of the day, the vending machine. 

Right around the corner from World Lit, in a spot without a lot of traffic, Becca reviewed all her snack choices. In 3+ years Becca had never gotten anything from the vending machine, it was all too processed and had too many calories, but today she felt like she needed to break her streak. And she was shocked by how low the prices were. 50 cents for a full size candy bar? How had she never taken advantage of this deal before. She spent two dollars and bought four candy bars, what a steal! Eating them on her way to her last class she couldn't have been happier.

That night her mom made dinner again, something Becca could get used to. "Honey, do you like these new recipes I've been trying? A friend of mine lent me a cookbook, so I wanted to try them all. 365 home cooked meals."

Becca usually had to fend for herself around here, it came with the bitchy young adult territory. "Yeah mom, this is great!" She said through a mouthful of chicken parm, finishing her first plate, and preparing to have another.

Senior year was going great. Becca, Amber, and Bernadette were off to a stellar start. Now that they were the upperclassmen, they felt like they ruled the school. They strutted down the hallways, shoulder to shoulder, their resting bitch face known to every student they passed. Their overt judgement of each of their classmates made them untouchable. In their eyes they were top of the food chain. In reality, everyone just did their best to avoid them.

Another thing they didn't seem to notice was the little bit extra softness that had found its way on them over the past month. For their whole lives each of them had been nothing but skinny, but now they each had a slight layer of pinchable skin. Becca had continued her morning routine of stopping at McDonald's for breakfast, and taking advantage of the vending machines great prices during the school day.

They might not have noticed the extra softness, but they did notice their clothes feeling a bit tighter. They complained to each other about it, but Becca always could see the bright side. "Bernie, who cares if your jeans shrunk, they just make your butt look even better. And Amber, maybe it's not your top, maybe you're having a growth spurt for your chest?" Becca winked, noting her suggestive comment. "I know my girls have been feeling extra bouncy too recently." The girls soaked in the positive comments from their leader, feeling less troubled immediately.

"Anyone feel like Chinese this weekend? I've just been craving it for some reason." Becca gushed as the three left school on Friday. The other two were on board and Becca knew just the place she wanted to go.

The next day they met at China King, the best buffet in town. The girls eagerly got a booth and rushed up to the buffet line. Scoops of fried rice, breaded chicken in all sorts of sweet sauces, fried vegetables, dough puffs, sweet pork. The girls loaded up their plates, and took trip after trip after trip. They slurped on sodas, getting refills each time they emptied their cups. After an hour of nonstop chomping they were all stuffed. Their stomachs were visibly full, and they each leaned back in their booth as they let their bodies digest the large meal. 

"Oh I'm so full." Becca moaned. "Good thing we never do this, or we would get fat. This is just a one time thing, right ladies?" Her friends nodded. Despite a month of indulgences, they each believed that as long as they didn't pig out like this often, their figures would be fine. Little did they know what was to come.

Becca was craving a donut one morning, and lucky for her there was a donut shop right near the school. One wasn't going to be enough, so she got two. But she didn't want to show up with only donuts for her, so she got some for her friends, so she ordered six. Handing out the donuts to her friends in the parking lot, they happily munched on them on their way to class. 

On the way home from school, Becca was feeling a beastly hunger. She had already eaten so much today, including 6 candy bars from the vending machine this afternoon, but she couldn't deny her hunger. That was when she passed her favorite golden arches and decided to stop in for a snack. "Can I get a large Big Mac meal and a McFlurry?" Becca enjoyed the meal on the way home, getting reminded why McDonald's has the best fries.

The next day, the girls were about to head to lunch but we're waiting for math class to end. "Alright everybody, I have the results of your latest test." Their teacher screeched as she started to hand out the graded exams. Flopping a packet on Amber's desk that had a big red F on it. "Oh no this is the second test I've failed, there is no way I'm going to pass this class." Amber cried.

"Why don't you have Bernie help you?" Becca gestured over to their friend who had just received an A+

"Yeah we can study after school." Bernadette suggested.

"And I'll bring the snacks!" Becca said, wanting to be involved, but happy coasting by with her B-

They met at Becca's house after her insistence. Becca picked up two pizzas on her way home as brain food for their little study group. While Amber and Bernadette were busy studying, Becca was busy snacking, not realizing it but finishing off an entire pizza herself that afternoon. 

Studying had gone great and the girls took their leave after about an hour. As soon as they had left Becca's mom called up. "Honey, dinner is ready, are you coming down?"

A full large pizza in her belly, there was no real need for dinner. "Yeah mom, I'll be down in one minute."

The days started to turn cooler, but that didn’t deter these three from participating in their favorite holiday of the year, Halloween. With their perfect bodies, they loved dressing up and showing off how hot they were. This year would be a little different though, since none of them had realized just how much weight they had gained in the last two months. 

Their transformation was starting to become noticeable now. Their chests swelled, filling their tops more, and their rears thickened giving their bottom halves curves for the first time. They also sported thick middles with belly bumps, that when subjected to tight enough waistband would start to roll over.

The plan for Halloween was to hang at Becca’s house and hand out candy. She lived in a busy neighborhood, so they would get lots of traffic. Becca was ready for her friends to arrive, dressed in her nurse costume, her midriff completely bare, showing off her soft tummy. Amber and Bernadette came bumbling up the path to the door with big smiles on their faces. Bernadette was dressed as a schoolgirl, wearing just a knit top that only covered her chest, and skirt that showed off her thicker thighs. Amber on the other hand was wearing a leotard looking like a dancer. The tight garment hung to all her new curves, especially her rounded chest.

“What are you two chuckle heads so happy about?” Becca asked.

“We noticed your neighbor had a bowl of candy out. Too lazy to deal with trick or treaters I guess. We went over to check it out, and…” That was when Amber was cut off by Bernadette.

“It was filled with king size candy bars!!” Bernadette shouted. She showed their haul to Becca who welcomed them in with glee. The girls snacked on candy bars all night while handing out just bite size pieces to the kids coming to the door. Eventually the kids stopped coming to the door. The girls split the rest of the candy bars and Amber and Bernadette took their leave. Becca still had a fairly large candy bowl, which she decided to drag to her room for easy access later.

With the temperature dropping, it was no longer the time for skimpy halloween costumes, and the girls were starting to cover up with sweaters. But their transformation this year was starting to be too much to hide. Even under the bulkiest of sweaters one could still see the rolls that were forming. The girls started to notice a slight change, but they couldn’t rationalize what was really happening. Becca would sit and poke the soft flesh of her belly, and ask herself where it came from, not noticing that she had nearly finished an entire package of cookies, grabbing the last two with her greedy hands. She figured it was just a few pounds, but in reality it was much more than that.

At Thanksgiving they would have the opportunity to test their new limits. All their family members whispered comments about them, but the girls paid no mind to that, as the sights and smells of food had them hypnotized. When it came time to eat, they showed their family where all those pounds had come from, out eating anyone at the large family gatherings. 

Despite their continued expansion each week and month, the girls kept up their same habits day after day. Becca was eating around the clock stopping at McDonald’s twice a day, having her morning donuts with the girls, snacking on candy while at school, and eating more than enough pizza during the nights they got together to study.

At Christmas the girls got new clothes that they so desperately needed. Becca’s parents had long been privy to their daughters gain, but having faced her teenage rage before, decided maybe it was just a phase and that she was old enough to make her own decisions. With better comfort in the clothing department, any thoughts of needing to cut back were instantly washed away for Becca though.


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