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Not sure if any of you have read the Cruise Ship story that I was highly involved in on my Writing.com story (Female Weight Gain Stories), but the synopsis is a youngish married couple go on a cruise and the wife takes advantage of all the free food. Her husband is unhappy with her extreme weight gain, and finds his own way to have fun, in the form of meeting a younger thinner companion. The leading lady Carol falls in love with the head chef and stays on the cruiseliner with him for the rest of her days. By the time they meet in court to get divorced, Carol had eaten her was to 700 pounds. 

The second story starts with Carol and her new lover Lorenzo inviting her ex-husbands girlfriend, Tiffany, on a free cruise, because wouldn't it be funny if she came home with a few extra pounds for harold to enjoy.

This one has been sitting on my shelf for awhile and I recently expanded on the story, so I wanted to share it with you dedicated patrons. I hope you enjoy. Also it's my intention to edit the original Cruise Ship story into something readable (Not just disjointed interactive chapters) and publish it eventually, but I want to finish my Claire story first (Yes I'm still working on that one.)


Tiffany decided to just tell Harold that she was going on a girls trip for a few weeks so he wouldn’t get suspicious. He didn’t bat an eyelash at her story, so she got to packing straight away. After Harold’s split from Carol, the zaftig woman left her old life behind, which included all of her belongings. In that collection of assets included the formerly trim woman's wardrobe, which had landed in Harold’s new lovers hands. Not that anything Carol used to own would be of any use to her now, but Tiffany happily accepted the dresser full of free clothes. In her slimmer life Carol had kept quite fashionable, despite the 10 year age difference between her and Tiffany. Carol had recently been “expanding” her closet, since before the cruise she had gained just a few pounds. At first the clothes were a little too big for Tiffany, but now they had been starting to fit much better. 

Her suitcase started to fill with tropical outfits, but she kept them hid from Harold to make sure he didn’t catch on to her plan. Everything was going fine, and she waved him goodbye as she got in her ride to the airport. Tiffany was just giddy as she waited at the gate for her plane. The cruise she had just taken a few months back was the experience of a lifetime, and here she was going on another one just a short time later. Maybe if she ended up befriending Carol, she could get hooked up with free cruises more often. Carol might have been a fat whale, but if Tiffany had something to gain, she surely wouldn’t want that opportunity to slip between of her fingers. 

On the last cruise Tiffany had spent her time poolside, swimming and splashing around. She also got a killer tan, which was sadly fading after such a prolonged time away from the Caribbean. Tiffany had gone on the first trip with some friends, but this time would be going solo. It concerned her that she might be a bit more lonely, but she was young and hot, so meeting new people was never a problem. She also needed some time to sweet talk Carol, so it would be helpful to have that freedom. 

By the time Tiffany was boarding the cruise boat it was mid day. For the cruise that was going to be leaving in the afternoon. Tiffany found her way to her nice cabin it was about the same accommodations she had the last time she was on board. After unpacking and slipping into something more appropriate for the weather Tiffany decided to take a stroll along the deck before things got started. She had put on one of her old bikinis that she had worn the last time she was on board. Now since then she had gained about 10 pounds so it was clinging to her a little closer than it ever had been before. Her medium size cups were held in place by the skimpy bikini top and her bottoms were cutting into her softening hips. Tiffany paid no attention thinking she looked as stunning as she always had which in reality she still did, the softness didn't really take away from her youthfulness and beauty. 

Tiffany had taken a long walk along one side of the ship before she had decided to turn around and head back. As she turned the corner she found herself in a very unoccupied part of the ship as she started to make her way back she noticed a very well-dressed gentleman heading her way. As he grew closer she noticed that he was wearing the attire fitting to a five star restaurant. As he drew closer their eyes met and he transfixed on her until they were within walking distance. “You must be Miss Tiffany.” He stated

“Yes. How do you know my name?”

“I am Lorenzo, but one of your gracious hosts for this cruise and the lover to the lovely Miss Carol. I was just heading into work so it's a pleasure that I ran into you here. Miss Carol wanted to greet you herself but sadly she is resting in our cabin the staff quarter. She went a little overboard when it came to lunch today.” Tiffany giggled to herself as the image of Carol came to mind. She remembered the round woman when she first met her that fateful day on the cruise Golf Course. She also remembered seeing her not too long ago at the courthouse on the day of the divorce. She remembered just how large Carol had gotten over the past few months. Tiffany thought it was ludicrous for someone to let themselves go that much and was flabbergasted that both Carol and Lorenzo thought that it was no big deal even now Lorenzo nonchalantly played it off. 

“Miss Carol would love to invite you to dinner tonight in our private Suite.” Tiffany wasn't thrilled at the idea of being cornered by Harold's humongous ex-wife and her feeding lover she thought maybe a more public setting would be appropriate. 

“Wow that's really nice of her but maybe we could meet up one of the nice establishments closer to my room.” Lorenzo reactive with a growing smile and assured Tiffany that that would be perfectly acceptable for him and his plump partner. 

“Why don't we meet at Cafe Mediterraneo I assume you like Italian? 

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Now I must really be getting to the kitchen the ship is about to take off you might want to go to the railing area to wave goodbye.” Lorenzo took his leave and Tiffany decided to follow his advice although no one was standing in the crowd for Tiffany to wave at in particular she didn't want to pass up this crowd gathering opportunity when the ship set sail for its multi-week voyage. On her way her tummy rumbled and she decided to grab a snack at one of the vendors. As she contemplated her options her little Herald voice went off in her head as she looked around. At first a basket of french fries covered with chili and cheese sauce called her name but the voice in her head said passive-aggressively do you really need that? But Harold wasn't here so there was no need to listen to that little voice going off in her head so she decided to get the delicious-looking fries and enjoy yourself. 

Over the last few months Harold had been his normal self and was always picking apart Tiffany's diet no Tiffany wasn't one for going overboard but she found Harold's remarks somewhat Maggie at times. They were not to unfounded considering she had packed on a few pounds over the course of their relationship but still it was Harold being his normal cranky self. Without his watchful eye though it was unknown whether Tiffany would use the freedom to let her palate enjoy some of the world's finest delicacies. Tiffany chomped on her french fries letting the greasy snack fill up her belly. She was very pleased with her decision after the basket was empty. 

Tiffany relaxed for the rest of the day as the cruise ship got started and on its way. She relaxed by the pool having a few more snacks before dinner time at which point she went back to her cabin to change into something a little more appropriate. After putting on some evening wear she made her way to Cafe Mediterraneo to meet Carol for dinner. Tiffany was not sure how to approach this social situation as the parties involved were a little awkward. She was about to have dinner with her boyfriend's ex-wife, her boyfriend who had no clue had invited her on for a free cruise. Also it was a little weird for Tiffany that Carol was the size of a house. But Tiffany wanted to be nice after all Carol had gotten her on this cruise for free and she didn't want to spoil any similar opportunities in the future. 

Tiffany made her way up to the hostess unsure whether she should get a table or wait for her party to arrive. Her debate did not need to last very long as once she got up there she noticed the hippo size dinner date sitting across the restaurant waving her over. Tiffany excused herself and slept her way across the restaurant over to the desired table. Carol looked even bigger than Tiffany had remembered. Has Tiffany sat at the table Carol had already started with the fluffy bread that had been served. “Sorry I didn't wait for you these old legs aren't what they used to be and waiting up at that stuffy Hostess table can be quite the drag.”

“Yeah after talking to Lorenzo earlier I wasn't sure what the arrangements were going to be.”

“Well no bother we are all set now. Plus they had my favorite table available.” Tiffany noticed that Carol had to have quite the unique seating arrangement so she could fit her Mammoth body at the table her book was perched up on a semi circle bench seat and the table had been moved out accordingly to fit her behind it. Tiffany sat at the single chair across the table from her Mammoth sized dinner date. “I hope you brought your appetite because I'm starving!” Tiffany had to hold back from laughing because she knew that this woman was probably always starving but could probably use to not eat for a month.

“Yeah I’m pretty hungry. I remember all the food on this cruise being pretty good.” Tiffany tried to make pleasant conversation.

“Pretty good? It’s the best! And I should know, my little Lorenzo is head chef don’t you know.” Carol cackled as bits of bread shot out from her mouth, and her upper torso jiggled back and forth. “Well let's not waste another minute.” Carol said raising her pillowy arm, looking to get a waiters attention. 

Sure enough she was quickly noticed and a waiter came speedily over to their table. “Tiffany, hunny, why don’t you order first.” Tiffany was not ready for this responsibility. She had just sat down and was still in shock and awe at the woman in front of her. 

“Umm I’ll have the prime rib, I guess?” Tiffany squeaked out.

“And on the side?” The waiter asked.

“Umm I guess, corn and baked potato?” Tiffany sounded so unsure of herself. 

“Oh you have to get a loaded baked potato, they are so good!” Carol chimed in.

“Ok sure, loaded baked potato.” Tiffany addressed the waiter again.

“Ok.” He shifted his attention to Carol now. “And for you ma’am?” Carol started rifling off a list of decadent dishes as if from memory, although she did have a menu in front of her as well. After what seemed like a minute of continuous ordering she was finally finished, and the waiter closed his notebook and excused himself. 

‘Everyone must know who this whale is by now by the way they all act so natural around her.’ Tiffany thought to herself. ‘If I was that waiter, I would have limited her to one meal at a time.’ 

“I hope I ordered enough. Well if not Lorenzo loves cooking for me so I’m sure he can whip something up when I get back.” Damn she was such a glutton. Could she stop talking about food for one minute?

“Well I must thank you for being so generous and getting me another ticket for the cruise.” Tiffany tried to change the subject.

“Oh don’t worry about it hunny. Anyways it’s the least I could do. I just couldn’t see that Harold and I were drifting apart, but then the cruise happened, and he showed me what he really thought of our relationship. But I wanted you to know that I didn’t blame you at all. That’s why I wanted to do this for you.”

“Oh wow, thank you Carol.” What Carol said had been nice but Tiffany really wasn’t interested in what she thought, she just wanted the free cruise. And if pretending to be friends with Harold’s ex got her more free cruises, then it was a small price to pay. Tiffany just didn’t know what pretending to be friends with Carol really meant yet. 

After only a little more chit chat, their meals started to arrive. Tiffany’s came all on one large plate, while Carol was collecting her dishes all over the table. 

“Feel free to get started, as the rest will be out shortly.” Carol nodded to the young bus boy, and immediately picked up her utensils. What happened next was what Tiffany could only describe as watching a farm animal eat after being starved for a week. Carol attacked her food with such ferocity that Tiffany was shocked the whole restaurant wasn’t taken in by this spectacle. Tiffany picked at her meal, but was much more interested in the show happening across from her seat.

And as quickly as it had started, it seemed to end. Tiffany had been so entranced she didn’t notice that she had eaten her entire meal, leaving her plate completely clean. Carol on the other hand had numerous dirty dishes in front of her, most containing some sort of wreckage from her conquest.

The young bus boy came back once more to start cleaning everything up, before what was the immently coming round two. After all the dishes were gone, they seemed to be all replaced by numerous new meals. Tiffany having finished her only order, was victim to only watch the food slaughter that was about to start. That was until her gracious host noticed Tiffany without a plate in front of her. 

“Tiff, done so soon? You can’t be full after just that little steak.” ‘Speak for yourself lardo.’ Tiffany thought to herself. “Here have my enchiladas, you’ll love them, so tasty.” Carol tried pushing the plate across the table, only realizing her zaftig belly restricted her movement in that direction. Tiffany reached out, looking to appeal her host, scooting the plate in front of herself, leaving Carol’s lips to curl into a smile before they both started in on round two. Round two played out very similarly to the first, with Tiffany finishing her one meal, while Carol managed to finish the rest of what she had ordered. 

As the plates were cleared away for a second time, Carol leaned back to give her flab some space to breathe. “Well met Tiffany, most scrawny girls around here wouldn’t have to stomach to finish two full meals.”

“Well when the food is this good it’s hard to say no when it’s right in front of you. Plus I’ve never had an issue with weight. It seems like I can eat whatever I want and my body never changes.” Carol laughed to herself, Tiffany had clearly gained a few pounds over the months, from looking a little rounder at the courthouse, or the additional pack of pounds she was sporting since then. Still skinny by all intentions, but certainly not immune to gaining any weight.

“Well I’m so glad you are here.” Carol said as their dinner was coming to a natural end. “Like I said I wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings, so I wanted to do something nice for you. I hope you enjoy yourself these next few weeks, and I hope we can chat again soon.”

“Carol, you really didn’t have to do this, but I very much appreciate it. I’d be happy to join you anytime, you’ve already been so nice to me.” Tiffany really hoped she wouldn’t take her up on that offer, but she felt like she had to repay her kindness somehow. “It’s been a long day of travel, so I’m going to head back to my room. Thanks again for dinner. I’ll see you around.” Tiffany easily got up from the table waving goodbye to her dinner date who was flashing her a smile and waving back. 

Tiffany didn’t realize that after all that food and weighing so much that Carol would require a hand up, but she needed a few more minutes to let her food settle anyways. Tiffany was long gone by the time Carol waved over a server to help her up and back to her suite.

Tiffany prepared herself for bed in her cabin, thinking about how the next few weeks would play it. After dinner with Carol it was really dawning on her that this was happening. She had gotten a few cruise, and was going to take advantage of it, while making progress to secure more of this same treatment in the future. She could get used to this, and figured Harold would be happy too. After all Harold had liked Carol at one point, no reason they couldn’t be amicle, especially if it meant free cruises for Tiffany. 


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