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Steak? Done. Ribs? Easy. BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese? All down the hatch without a problem. Kimmy and Jackie had been eating at a casual pace, but not once slowing down, there hadn’t really been any challenge to this challenge. Just due to the vast quantity of food the two hefty wives had, the rest of the table easily finished long before them. Kimmy only had some buttered corn and some steak fries left, but with her kids getting restless they noticed their moms challenge meal almost done.

“Woah! Way to go mom, you’ve almost finished everything!” Jenifer squealed, alerting the rest of the table to the progress of the two heavy weights. 

“My mom’s nearly finished too!” Jackie's daughter piped up too, clearly trying to outdo Jenifer’s comment.

“Yeah honey, you really destroyed that.” Steve said supportively, rubbing Jackie’s warm upper back as she continued to fill her mouth. 

“That was nothing for our mom.” Timothy spat across the table towards the other kids. “I bet it was easy for her.”

“Yeah well it was for our mom too.” Jackie’s son said back to Timothy. “I bet if this was an all you can eat place, my mom would beat your mom, hands down.”

“No way! Our mom has never lost something like that!” Even little Veronica was getting in the mix.

“Knock that off you three.” Kimmy interjected, having finished the last of her corn and fries, a completely clean pair of platters in front of her.

“Yes, now you two. Stop causing trouble.” Jackie said, agreeing with her rival. “Why doesn’t everyone go play now that they are done? Mommy needs to rest for a little while.”

The kids didn’t have to be told twice, and were quickly off to go play more games. That didn’t stop the conversation at the table from continuing though. 

“I’m pretty sure Jackie would win that contest though.” Steve added once the kids had all left the table.

Dave looked like he had been mortally wounded by that comment. “No way! Jackie you seem nice and all, but Kimmy can out eat anybody.”

“Oh hell, not you two as well.” Kimmy said from her slumped back position, also needing to rest from such a large meal. 

“Well I’m serious. Remember that eating contest you told me about from when you were just out of high school? You ate way more than this, and beat professional contest champions.” Dave argued.

“That’s nothing.” Steve started to counter. “When Jackie and I were first together we went to an all you can eat Chinese buffet, and they had to close for the night because Jackie cleared all the serving stations.”

Jackie blushed, a little embarrassed from having such a story revealed, but she was proud of her body, and she knew her current company would not judge something like that negatively. “That was a pretty funny night.” Jackie added softly, rubbing her filled belly.

“Wow that was so long ago.” Kimmy’s thoughts only revolving around the memories Dave had brought up. A sense of competition started boiling up inside of her. “Oh Dave, tell them about that one time that I finished all those plates at that Italian place! By the fourth entre, I think our server almost died of shock.” Kimmy laughed.

“Hey why don’t we make one of those story nights tonight?” Steve suggested.

“Oh no I don’t think that's wise honey.” Jackie tried to talk her husband down.

“Worried about a little competition?” Kimmy said off the cuff. Jackie knew it was on, she was confident of her eating abilities.

“Oh you don’t want to challenge me, I could eat until this place closes.” Jackie retorted.

“Bring. It. On.” Kimmy was in full on competition mode. She hadn’t felt like this in years. Ever since she got with Dave, big splurging meals were more fun than anything, especially once they started to work food into their love life. It wasn’t since her time before Dave that she felt like eating was a competition, one of the reasons she fell in love with the activity. Beating her friends appetites, or when she finally took her talents to the stage, winning with her stomach and out doing everyone else started her down this road to the 500lb momma she was now.

The guys were being silently giddly, as the two ladies had locked fierce eyes. They didn’t want to do anything that would derail what was happening right in front of them. But now that the competition was on there was only one thing to do. “Ma’am?” Steve signaled over their waitress. “We are going to need a couple menus back.” He said with the biggest smile of his life.

Kimmy started looking at the menu for the second time tonight, this time with a little bit more intensity. “Just pick what every you would like.” Dave tried to encourage her. Kimmy was still slightly full from her large meal, but as she looked over the robust steakhouse menu her stomach felt completely empty. She just started pointing out all the items that looked good to her, which ended up being more than half the menu. 

“You know what I’ll start with the country fried chicken.” Kimmy announced. 

“And for your side?” The server asked.

“Give me a… Loaded sweet potato.” She answered. Jackie had already ordered a BBQ bacon cheeseburger as well as a pulled pork sandwich, each coming with their own side of steak fries.

Kimmy didn’t know what had gotten into her. This competitive spirit had laid dormant for so many years. Now weighing in at 500 pounds, a journey across her whole life, indulging and over eating for many many years. Sitting across from her was the mirror image of what she had become, a massive sized wife and mom, the twinkle of her husband's eye, and the world in which her kids lives revolve around. Maybe it was meeting herself face to face that has caused this. One thing was for sure though, Kimmy was going to prove her stomach was the biggest around, and no one would ever beat her.


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