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“Alright, now be sure to stay with your brother and sister and make sure everyone gets equal turns.” Kimmy instructed her eldest daughter, handing her the plastic credit like card they were given at their table. 

“This was a great idea Steve.” Dave complemented his buddy. “Arcade games for the kids, drinks for the adults.” Steve was just putting in the last of a round of appetizers for them when he heard Dave across the table.

“Yeah, I’m surprised you guys didn’t have one of these until recently. We’ve had one for years back home, and it’s always packed.”

The four of them sat in the middle of a long table, enough room for all five kids once they returned. Kimmy and Jackie sat across from one another, next to their husbands, almost looking like rivals, even though they had only met just minutes ago. “Kimmy and I never get a chance to go out these days.” Dave comedically sighed. “Take it from us, stop at two.” Dave said with a chuckle.

“Oh don’t worry, Jackie and I don’t plan on having any more.” Steve laughed back, while patting his wife on the back. Kimmy and Jackie could both only think about the pain it would be birthing another child at their current weight. It was hard enough when they were much lighter, but years removed from those trips to the delivery room, they could only imagine the labor it would take to bring another life into the world.

The two guys caught up, while the women mainly kept quiet, and only added in their quips to their husbands conversation. The appetizers came and went, and the kids came back and picked at them between rounds of games, or while someone else was playing. With each of them already a drink in, and their second round being delivered, they all started talking about what to order for dinner.

“Long Island Iced Tea for you, Old Fashion right here.” The waitress said putting drink down in front of Jackie and Steve. “And over here we have a Bud Lite and a Frozen Strawberry Mango Margarita.” Kimmy receiving the sugarier of the two drinks.

“What are you thinking about babe?” Jackie asked Steve, in typical restaurant banter.

“I dunno, maybe the ribs?” He said, not shocking her, as Steve almost always got ribs when they were on the menu. “Did you see the steak challenge, though?” He said almost in a knowing way, also loud enough that the other side of the table could clearly hear him.

“Oh do they now?” Jackie replied sarcastically, knowing where Steve was going with this.

Now it was Dave’s turn to bait the hook. “Did you hear that babe? They have one of those steak challenges. Looks like if you can finish the challenge in under and hour, it’s all free. Comes with 25oz steak, a full rack of ribs, two breasts of BBQ chicken, and four sides. Whaddaya think?”

Kimmy just gave him a stern look. “David, we are out with company, cut it out.”

“I’d be willing to give it a try.” Jackie said, causing the other three to look up from their menus.

“R-r-really?” Steve asked. Jackie nodded.

“Yeah, it has my favorite three things on the menu, so why not?” Jackie explained. Dave looked at Kimmy giving her puppy dog eyes. He could see Kimmy’s guard lowering by the moment. 

“Screw it.” Kimmy said under her breath. “I’ll get it too.” She announced somberly, causing Dave to grin from ear to ear.

They put their order in with the waitress, getting kids meals for all the rascals. Kimmy just sat there slowly sipping her drink, thinking about how pandering it was that the two fat wifes at the table were ordering the steak challenge, and how their husbands were going to lap it up the whole time.

Despite Kimmy’s negative thoughts, the couples had a good time chatting and getting to know each other. Soon the large group was being served their meals, and all the kids were asked to take their seats. The last thing to arrive at the table were the two orders of the Steak Challenge. Each one being served from two trays each, they made sure to make room in front of both ladies for a large amounts of dishes. 

Now that everything was served, their waitress informed them the clock had started, something they would soon realize would not even come into play in the slightest. Without further ado, both ladies dug into their meals, starting with the large stake right in front of them.

The whole table ate, the kids munching on their small burgers or chicken tenders, keeping mostly to themselves. The men slowly worked on their meals, but kept a watchful eye on the show happening beside them.

Kimmy was enjoying the meal. She loved to eat, so this was no real challenge for her. Of course her priorities had shifted over the years, with getting married, and having three kids, but her life long affection for grub had never gone away, she just wasn’t able to indulge as much as she used to. 


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