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Kimmy's story continues! With the help of dedicated patron Connor, we are adding a whole new chapter to Kimmy's tale. We had just left her as her inner feeder spirit was coming to life. Kimmy had piled on plenty of pounds, but there were plenty more to come. In her third entry we see her much older. The request for this one was to see Kimmy married to Dave and have a couple of kids running around. The focus would be on an evening out. I'll let the story tell the rest. Happy New Year to all, here's to more stories in 2020!


“Honey, can you pass me that shirt? Maybe that one still fits.” Kimmy asked Dave, as she was feverishly trying to prepare herself for a night out. She had a wardrobe full of clothes, but couldn’t find anything nice that fit her anymore. As Kimmy and Dave explored the new phase of their relationship, Kimmy’s weight continued to slow climb month by month, year by year. The aphrodisiac of stuffing did wonders for the couples relationship, so much so that it wasn’t long before Dave was popping the question one night while they were out.

Kimmy was at her heaviest when the wedding finally came, but it didn’t stop there. The couple started having kids, and with each pregnancy came its own set of pounds. Three kids later their whole relationship had changed. They both loved the kids dearly, but the nights of going out to restaurants were far and few between at this point. Dave had moved up into a senior editor role, so was doing more managing at this point than the boots on the ground work. This allowed Kimmy to take on the stay at home mom role. Enjoying the sometimes sedentary home life, and still not one for counting calories, Kimmy had surely not lost any weight, but had for the most part plateaued long ago.

That was until a recent growth spurt had pushed her over another milestone. “It’s like the moment I passed 500 lbs nothing in my closet fits me any more.” Dave only sat there drooling at the news he had just heard. For years Kimmy had stayed in the four hundred range, despite his desire to see that needle scroll past the big 500. Both of them were just too busy to keep up the same life they had when they were young lovers. But all those processed groceries, and take out dinners on Fridays, had slowly but surely helped add enough calories to the large woman’s frame to push her over the threshold.

“Remind me who we are going out this again tonight?” Kimmy asked as she found the shirt Dave had fetched her fit fairly well.

“It’s an old friend of mine that I met before we were together. I haven’t seen him for a while, but we still keep in touch online. He’s in town with his family, so I thought it would be nice to get together. That new place just opened up near the mall, Bave and Dusters. They have all sorts of games for the kids, and all sorts of delicious food for us.” Dave recapped.

Kimmy gave her husband a sly look. “You mean for me?” She asked playfully. “It’s been so long since we’ve been out, I almost don’t even remember what it’s like. Ever since Veronica was born, I can’t even think of a time we’ve been out, and she’s turning five soon. The kids are going to be ok though, right? I’m not going to have the energy to chase them around. Places like that are always so crowded, I’m not really built for crowded.”

“Don’t worry love, Steves twins are a year older than Timothy, so they will be fine on their own. Are you just about ready to go? We still have to rangle the kids into the car.”

Kimmy, now that she had an outfit that comfortably covered her impressive bulk, was ready to go. With kids in tow, they made their way to the restaurant. Dave offered a hand to his wife as she struggled to get out of the car, which had become somewhat normal in the past few years. Kimmy found lugging around 500 pounds to be quite cumbersome. Packing the weight on had been fun, and as her figure expanded she had appreciated her curves more and more, but at a massive 500 pounds, everyday tasks seemed to be much more of an ordeal for the fully matured Kimmy.

Holding Jenifer and Veronica’s hands, Kimmy slowly waddled towards the establishment. “Yes, we are here for the Patterson reservation.” Dave said to the hostess as the group of five approached the podium. 

“Your table will be ready shortly, and the other members of your party have not arrived yet. We will let you you as soon as it’s ready.” The hostess informed Dave. But they wouldn’t have to wait long for the rest of their party, as they could be seen walking through the door now. 

Kimmy didn’t know why it didn’t dawn on her sooner, but as soon as she saw the Patterson’s walking through the door she realized how Dave and Steve knew each other. Dave had been very open about his past, and his lifelong preference for bigger women, that is after their talk several months into their relationship. She had learned that Dave was pretty well into the BBW scene, and used to go meet up events pretty often. Most of their talks revolved around Dave’s past romantic relationships, but she knew Dave had met a lot of like minded male friends at this time as well.

Well Steve was certainly a like minded friend, as his wife was waddling proof of that. The happy family burst through the doors, smiles on their faces as they greeted their comrades for this evening. “Hey Dave!” Steve shouted as he hugged his old friend. “And this must be Kimmy!” He shouted once more, and he extended his arms to embrace her as well. Kimmy, who isn’t much of a hugger except with her kids, could do nothing but accept this friendly salutation. Steve, realizing he had not yet introduced his wife, stumbled while correcting his mistake. “And this is Jackie.”

Jackie looked almost like Kimmy’s twin, the only difference was not many women could contend with the size of Kimmy’s mammaries. Jackie sported a massive belly, rounding out her middle in every direction. Her girthy hips helped hold up her spherical middle, and her wide rear made sure her roundness was a complete 360. Her thick legs had given her a struggling waddle, not unlike Kimmy’s.

“Hi everyone!” Jackie beamed. There was an awkward look between the two ladies as they went to greet each other. Was a hug appropriate? Her husband had done so, but these two were even further distant strangers. Also they both knew what it was like to live at that size, and hugging was not the same when you were bursting over the 500 pound mark, especially when both parties were equally as fat. Maybe just a handshake then? “Oh come here you.” Jackie said, cutting the awkwardness and opening wide her puffy arms. She shuffled towards Kimmy, forcing Kimmy’s hand, soon their bellies colliding as they foolishly tried to wrap their arms around each other. They looked like two plantoids that had crashed into one another, as their deep soft layers of fat mingled under their garments. 

Suddenly the hostess had appeared to break up their introductions. “Patterson? Party of 9?” She called out, the multiple families falling in line behind her.


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