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More of what's done in the cruise ship story


Tiffany slept soundly, waking up to the sun pouring into her room, and the smell of the salty ocean air all around, the definition of paradise. Tiffany stretched herself awake, reading all of her extremities for the coming day. A few minutes later though she heard a knocking at her door and wondered what it might be.

Answering the door she found a crew member wheeling a cart filled with breakfast goodies. “Morning miss. Here’s your breakfast order. Looks like there is a note here as well.” He said leaving the cart at the entrance of the cabin. Tiffany was a little perplexed, she hadn’t ordered breakfast, and didn’t even know they had room service here. She figured the note would explain more, and had a sinking feeling that Carol was behind all this.

Unfolding the letter she read, “Tiffany, thank you for a wonderful evening. I wanted to treat you to a little breakfast, some of my favorites here on board. Don’t worry your friend Carol has taken care of all the logistics (normally the ship doesn’t offer breakfast service, but we’re a couple of VIPs am I right?) Anyways enjoy! Look forward to seeing you again soon.” Tiffany’s stomach sank a little bit reading that last line, as the idea of spending more time with Carol wasn’t too appealing. Tiffany just wasn’t used to anyone being that fat. She knew she had to butter up her hostess a bit, but Tiffany was more excited about enjoying her cruise for a little bit, she didn’t want to spend the whole thing just trying to score a future trip, where is the fun in that.

But first things first, and that was breakfast. Tiffany had to admit that everything looked good, even though the portions were much more than she would normally order. She figured Carol just didn’t realize what normal portions were anymore. Tiffany knew how a hog like Carol could get so big, and it was because the food on this boat really was that good. Before she knew it the entire cart was empty and in her stomach. 

Satisfactory full, Tiffany got ready for the day ahead of her. Sporting a cute outfit that she didn’t realize was one of Carol’s old pieces, Tiffany strutted out of her cabin and on to the deck. Tiffany wanted to start getting her tan back, so she headed straight for the pool where she could get full sunlight all she wanted. 

Laying out on a lounger, she had taken one of the celebrity gossip magazines she loved and started perusing. Feeling peckish throughout the day Tiffany nibbled on the pool side buffet, and found a nice surf and turf spot for lunch.This kept her stomach reasonably full and happy all day. It was later in the day that she found herself shuffling back over to the pool side buffet for the umteenth time. She took stock of just how many times she had been up here, as she had sampled just about everything that this large spread offered. This worried her for a second, but those thoughts were quickly pushed away when she reasoned that she was on vacation and didn’t need to be strict about her diet. She should eat whatever she wanted, she was here to enjoy herself, right? With that she loaded up her plate with plenty of fried food and went back to her lounger.

Tiffany’s time in the sun was very much enjoyed, and by late afternoon she was fully caught up on everything happening in her favorite celebrities lives. As she turned the cover over of her magazine she noticed a stirring happening near the entrance of the pool deck. She looked over to see what was going on, and as soon as she did she realized what was going on. A very large mass was moving ever so slowly, and looked like in her direction. Tiffany tried to play dumb and look away, but moments later she noticed the sun start to be obscured. She turned to find Carol lumbering over her.

“Carol! So good to see you!” Tiffany tried to act surprised. 

“Oh Tiffany.” Carol cooed. “I figured I’d find you here. Enjoying the sun?” The two of them made small talk while one of the deck hands wheeled over a bariatric lounger for their special VIP to use. Carol lowered herself onto it and started to enjoy the lowering rays.

The two of them continued to chit chat, even though Tiffany felt very uncomfortable the whole time. Carol was dressed in a once piece with a cover up wrapped around her lower half, that looked more like a sheet from a king sized bed. The massive woman was quite a sight, and Tiffany noticed a lot of people looking their way, just to catch a look of the whale of a woman. Carol was nothing new to the crew, but Tiffany bet that each new round of passengers that saw her were shocked beyond belief.

It didn’t take long for Carol to bring up the idea of food, and suggested they order a few things. “Don’t worry hon, they will bring over anything we want. You and I are VIPs remember?” Carol said referencing her letter from this morning. She waved one of the young guys over and started to tell him her order. “I’ll have a BBQ bash burger with double onion rings and an extra large side of ranch, and also a stuffed crust garlic pepperoni pizza. Better bring over a large soda to wash that down.” The boy jotted down everything that Carol asked for, making sure to give her his full attention. “And she’ll have the same.” She said, casually putting her sunglasses back on as she relaxed back into her lounger.

Before Tiffany could even start to protest the boy was off, and Carol was back in full relax mode. “Umm Carol, I appreciate the extra service, but I don’t think…” Tiffany started before Carol interrupted her.

“Oh hush hon, just enjoy yourself, we’re on a cruise after all. If last night taught me anything, a small meal like this should be nothing for you.” Tiffany didn’t say a further word, she didn’t want to rock the boat with Carol, and that order didn’t sound half bad. Soon their food had arrived, and the each dug right in.


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