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This seems like my first original story in a while, at least my first finished one. Probably due to how short it is, I can feel a bit more comfortable saying that it is finished in this state. My goal was to make a story about a character who always knew the better choice, and even debated her eating choices, but continuously made the poor choice. Of course those choices become habits, and that leads her to where she is now. I hope you all enjoy. I feel like I could have refined this to death, but I'm happy with how it came out. Thanks as always for your support.


She Knew Better

(A BBW story) 

“Can I take your order?” She heard coming from the small black speaker she had pulled up to. Annabelle found herself in a situation she had been in numerous times before. She was on her way to work, and just couldn’t get the thought of a breakfast sandwich out of her mind. She told herself she knew better than to stop, but her willpower was not strong enough, and she thought how bad could one sandwich be?

Well it had not been just one sandwich, it had been one sandwich, a few times a week, for well over a year now. And today it was going to be two sandwiches. “Um.. yeah, you guys just started that two for five dollars things right?” She asked, immediately being met with a confirmation. She knew better than to order two of these greasy sandwiches, but it was a pretty good deal, so she went for it.

Crumpling up the second of two wrappers as she approached the parking garage attached to her office building, Annabelle started to feel full of regret for her breakfast decision, in addition to feeling full of fast food. But what was done was done, and she’d surely forget the discomfort by the time she was in front of that black mesh speaker again tomorrow. 

She trudged through the parking structure, dreading the long walk to her office. The long walk used to not be so bad, it gave Annabelle time to think and daydream as she moseyed her way into the building and up to her floor. These days though, it felt more like a workout. She had already squeezed herself into her work attire this morning, and the thought of all the walking she had to do was already causing her to perspire. 

The only silver lining for Annabelle was going to be the chilling drink she would beeline for as soon as she was in the office. A nice cool drink would be the quickest way to bring her body temperature back to normal. Thankfully their breakroom fridge was stocked with a variety of sodas. Annabelle knew that she should probably just cool down with some water from the bubbler, but a can of soda was easier and a lot chiller. 

Cracking open a can of root beer, and guzzled the whole thing down in one go, feeling the cool liquid settle in her stomach. She grabbed a second one to sip on so she could continue to cool down as she made her way to her desk. 

Annabelle didn’t think of herself as a glutton, she really did know how to eat well, she just found it hard to make healthy choices in life. It felt counter intuitive to order a salad when going out to enjoy a meal. It felt depriving to not grab a bag of candy at the store check out if it was something she was craving. She always knew better, but seemed to always chose to make the indulgent decision. 

She knew better than to check ITs break room for donuts, they always had some in there. She knew better than to accept a lunch invite for Mexican. She knew better than to stash a bag of chips and a package of cookies in her desk for the afternoon, there was not a chance she wasn’t going to eat them both. 

Annabelle huffed as she used force to make sure the now empty family size bag of potato chips fit inside her trash can, on top of all the other waste in there. Polishing off the bag was a fitting way to end her work day, and so she proceeded to grab her things and make the dreaded walk back to her car. 

All of Annabelle’s bad habits had slowly over the years done a number on her figure. Despite only being in her late 20’s, she had packed on some serious pounds since joining the workforce. Each of those pounds made each footfall that much more strenuous on the way to her car. Annabelle was aware of her weight problem, but still her decision making was clouded. She knew she should probably hit the gym tonight to burn off some of those extra calories from today. She knew better than to pull into the parking lot that contained the city's best Chinese buffet. 

Despite knowing better, she was craving Chinese, and she loved this buffet. She was shown to a table, and thanked her lucky stars they had not given her a booth. She ordered a soda, rather than water, and made her way up to fill her first plate. She loved the variety here, and piled her plate high with all of her favorites. Her soda was waiting for her back at her table, and it took her no time at all to begin digging in with her fork. 

Annabelle was happy. This made her happy. Slurping down half her soda, her plate was already cleared and she went for another, this time grabbing anything she missed her first go around. Her stomach was starting to fill up, as her tight blouse was the only thing holding it back from completely spilling into her lap. All the meat and sauce and rice was combining for an amazing meal. When she returned from trip number three her soda had been refilled and Annabelle’s appetite reignited. 

She knew better than to have a fourth plate, three was already a pretty hefty portion, but she went for it anyways. And of course what is dinner without dessert, so a fifth trip was needed as well. If she was being honest with herself, she knew she could have gone back up for one more trip, but for the first time today she decided against it. Instead she paid her bill and headed home, knowing her pantry was well stocked. 

Her stomach felt taut as it digested her big meal. She knew better than to indulge so much, but it hadn’t stopped her. If anything, thinking about her tasty meal only made her want more. Bursting through the front door of her apartment, she was finally home. She tossed her things on the floor, and kicked off her heels. Waddling straight for the kitchen, her mind could only focus on the cheesecake she knew lay in her refrigerator. Opening the chill chest door, she scooped out her prize and started eating the slices by hand. One by one they disappeared in a matter of bites. But as soon as the whole thing was gone, her mind was on to her next conquest.

Annabelle was sick of being on her feet and decided to take her binge to the couch, loading up her coffee table with cookies, cartons of ice cream, chips, and anything else that caught her eye. Now that her rear was firmly planted on the couch, covering the better part of two cushions, she started to eat once more. She knew better than to let herself loose like this, but she didn’t care anymore. She was fat, and wasn’t going to let that hang on her conscious any more. 

Handful after handful of delightful treats entered her mouth. Her stomach started to grow to accept all the incoming calories it was being afforded. The buttons on her blouse started to strain as she scooped cold lumps of ice cream straight into her mouth. Finally her shirt had come untucked and the buttons were flying off one by one as Annabelle just continued. Her massive belly spilled into her lap as it had forced the button from her pants during the massacre. The pale dome sat exposed up past her belly button, only covered slightly by her undershirt, which was currently being stretched tightly over her massive hooters. 

All Annabelle knew was that she wanted more. Years of living this lifestyle had left her hundreds of pounds overweight, yet she just ate more and more, never electing for the healthy habits. She knew better, yet she always thought a little bit more, a little bit extra wouldn’t hurt.

Now she sat here, fatter than she ever thought she would be, arms jiggling back and forth each time she raised them to her mouth. It didn’t matter that she knew better, it only mattered what she wanted, and from now on Annabelle was going to get whatever she wanted. 

With her coffee table now only completely covered in empty containers, Annabelle decided to call it a night. After a few minutes she summoned the strength to lift herself off the couch and waddle into the bedroom. Struggling as she changed into some bedtime clothes, Annabelle rubbed her massively stuffed belly. Laying down all she wanted to think about was what she was going to order at the drive-thru tomorrow morning.


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