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The continuation of James' writing prompt about a growing office worker.


Within the four walls of privacy and locked bathroom door, Cammie look behind her to try and find the source of the popping sound. Something like this had never happened to her before, and she was worried for the worst. She couldn’t find any evidence of a tear though, and the skirt was just as tight as it was before. It must have just been a thread that popped then, nothing major. But it still begged the question, how could something like this have happened? Cammie had become accustomed to out growing clothes, as she had been refreshing her wardrobe on a consistent basis for three years now, but she didn’t have a grasp on her true size. Feeling around her waist for the tag, she flipped it over the band so she could read it. ‘Size 16’ she read in her head. She was shocked, considering when she was exiting college she was more like a size 6. Cammie was baffled that her weight had gotten so out of control. 

She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, really looking at herself for the first time in a few years. Reflected back at her was a plump office worker who had clearly put on over 100 pounds since starting her job. Her face looked fuller than ever, giving her slightly chubby cheeks and rounded chin. Her hooters were more inflated than they had ever been, it was no surprise her back had been hurting her more recently. Pulling the buttons apart, she was surprised she was even able to clasp her blouse over her massive chest. Looking a little further down she finally took stock of her stomach for the first time. As it had grown it posed as quite the annoyance, but now Cammie was seeing just how far it stuck out, and how it hung over her waist band. She was used to it being so flat, but she could really see what a bulge it had become. Her thickened hips and thighs were difficult to see in the high mirror, but she could feel them more now than ever, especially with how tightly her rear was packed in her skirt. 

Cammie was gobsmacked. She had totally let herself go, and looked like a total porker. Needless to say she was not happy with what she saw. The worst part was, as all of this information processed in her head, there was a part of her that didn’t want to diet, and didn’t want to exercise. She knew there were two roads ahead of her, and as much as she’d enjoy being skinny again, her irrational brain wasn’t sure if it was worth it.

The good news was that she didn’t have to come up with an answer now. It wasn’t like there was a baby stuck in a burning building, and she needed to react immediately. So Cammie walked back to her desk, trying to put the decision making process in the back of her mind. Sitting back down at her desk, she tried to find some work to distract herself with. The distraction only worked for a little bit though. Everytime she moved, she reminded herself just how large she was. She would re-adjust her butt in her chair, and her thighs would rub. Or she would lean over to grab her stapler, and her stomach would start eating her desk. She just sat there feeling so completely fat.

Hearing her name called snapped her back to reality, as she had been lost in dark thoughts for more than a few minutes. “Hey Cammie!” a male voice called from close by. Just as Cammie was gaining her bearings back, a dark haired co-worker was popping their head over their shared cubicle. Tony sat in the cubicle adjacent to her, and they shared the wall that her computer faced. Tony was about the same age as Cammie, and had joined the company about a year after her. 

Cammie looked up at her moptopped team mate, but didn’t greet him the same way he had greeted her. After an awkward silence Tony elaborated on why he was invading her cubicle. “So it’s about lunch time, I wanted to see if you wanted to go out and get a bite with me? I need to get out of this office. The fresh air calls to me!”

After what had happened this morning, Cammie wasn’t in the mood to go out. Just the thought of a wardrobe malfunction in public, especially with Tony, during lunch, was enough to make Cammie’s face flush. “I’m sorry Tony, I’m a little behind here, I’m going to work through lunch to get caught up.” This wasn’t a total lie, Cammie had spent as much time in her head in the last hour, as she had working. 

“Oh no worries.” He deflected the rejection off. “How about tonight then? Got any plans? Maybe we could meet up at the bar and get a drink after such a long week?” He tried again.

‘Wait, is he asking me out?’ Cammie thought, as she noticed his persistence. Cammie had always thought Tony was kinda cute, but she had been so focused on her career since leaving college, she hadn’t left much time for dating. Cammie couldn’t notice, but Tony was getting a pretty good view of his coworkers heaving chest, as well as her midsection and how much it flowed into her lap as she sat in her desk chair. 

“Yeah that sounds great.” Cammie finally replied, in an almost hesitant tone. “I just need to hit my house first after work.” She added. ‘No way am I going out in this skirt, unless I want to totally embarrass myself.’ Internally saying that last part to herself.

“Awesome! I’ll meet you at McKinnon’s at 7.” He cheerfully said before popping back behind the cubicle wall. Cammie was left at her desk a little stunned. She had never been heavier, yet she just got asked on a date. She remembered her train of thought about how she had two roads in front of her. From where she was standing now, staying on her current path didn’t seem all that bad anymore.


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