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Ok so here's something a little different, a little new. I had someone request a commission from me, and we discussed rates as well as Patreon. We ended up making a deal, but not specifically through Patreon. But I'll be sticking to my Patreon guidelines, so I thought I would start by sharing the story with all of you. It's an interesting story, and I'm enjoying writing it. The plan is to make it pretty long (Over 20 parts), so its not as fast paced as most of my more recently stuff. Hopefully you get a sense for it here in part 1, but part 2 will be available next week and that should shed some light on how the rest of the story will unfold.  


It was a warm night as three female friends gathered for their Saturday night ritual. They all gathered at Amanda’s house, for some girl time mid weekend. The three ladies all worked at the same department store full time, but in separate departments. Their Saturday night gal pal sessions allowed them some time to not talk about work, and enjoy being young and in their 20’s.

Everyone brought some light snacks, and of course a bottle of wine to share. Amanda always liked to serve fresh homemade guacamole with pita chips. It was a dish she always had as a child and passed down to her from her mother. Amanda was of half mexican descent, and you could tell she had a hint of her heritage from her face. Her slightly darker skin tone went well with her long flowing brown hair and rich brown eyes.

Amanda was finishing up her guac when a knock was heard at the door. Bella and Cassie had arrived, Bella carrying with her a family sized bag of chips and a bottle of Moscato wine, while Cassie had some store bought hummus and veggies along with a bottle of Merlot. Amanda welcomed them in and their additions to the party were set out on the island in the middle of the kitchen. 

The girls chatted while they snacked and sipped on wine. They carried on about the usual topics, complaining about politics and the changes around town, or how their phone used to have this feature that they liked and now they’ve removed it. They all were in hysterics though when they started to show each other the latest cat videos they had seen.

The trio had made their way from the kitchen to the more comfortable living room as the snack trays had been emptied, and all that remained were a few more glasses of wine. With bottle in hand, Amanda sunk into the left hand side of her living room couch. Amanda had a generous backside that she had inherited from her mother's side. She was a fairly thin girl otherwise, but she was always slightly proud that she had a little junk in her trunk. 

Cassie sat on the other side of the couch, meanwhile Bella took a spot on the love seat across the small room. Bella’s shoulder length strawberry blonde hair flattened behind her, as the tired and tipsy 20 something leaned back into the comfortable loveseat. She summoned the rest of her energy to bring her wine glass up to her plump lips and finish what was left. She let her eyelids close over her warm hazel colored eyes, putting her oval shaped face to rest. 

Bella was a scrawny little thing, only clocking in at 110 pounds. She had been skinny all her life, with no curves to write home about. She didn’t work particularly hard for her thin body though, she never even worked out. She just chalked it up to natural genetics. Her hand hung over the side of the loveseat at this point, her stemless wine glass swaying like a pendulum clutched between her fingers

Thoughts of her lack of curves swam back and forth in her mind, as they had done for a few weeks now. Bella was sick of being flat as a piece of cardboard. She envied women that she passed on the street with a full rack, or a rear filling the seat of their pants. What she envied most though were to ladies who just seemed to have curves in all the right places. A hourglass figure, was that too much to ask for?

“This might be the wine talking, but do you ladies ever wish you were a bit curvier? I just for once would like to know what it feels like to have an ass that sways when I walk, or a chest that bounces with each step. I’m sick of feeling like bean pole. What’s sexy about a bean pole? Let me answer that for you. Nothing!” Bella eyes were still closed, and her head leaned back.

“Bella, sounds like you’ve been giving this some thought, huh?” Amanda responded. Bella just huffed in frustration. “To be honest with ya, I think about that too sometimes. At least, unlike you, I have an ass though.” Bella tipped her head up to see Amanda start to giggle, before her face went serious again. “But really though, I’ve always been proud of my rear, but it’s nothing compared to my sisters or my mom. I mean it certainly genics at play, there is something stereotypical about a booty heavy latina, but if I could have an ass like some of the other ladies in my family, then I could really turn some heads.”

It was at this point that Cassie decided to join the conversation. The short blonde tossed her wavy hair out of her face with one hand, and added “I want to get on this train too.” in her slightly higher pitched voice. Like her young friends, Cassie too was pretty thin. Around the same weight as Bella, she wore it differently due to the few inches of difference in height. One difference that was quick to see was that Cassie at least had something up top when it came to her chest. While Bella still looked womanly, Cassie had a healthy handful to work with. 

Her two friends turned their attention to her, drawn to her alluring aqua colored eyes. Cassie could easily be described as the cute one of the group. While they all were attractive in their own way, Cassie's round face and button nose gave her that baby doll look not many were born with. “I mean I’m barely filling this bra.” Cassie continued. “I’d love to have a stunner of a rack, like some real big hooters.” Cassie mimed what her juggs would look like with her hands stretched out in front of her. The other two laughed at her comical performance. 

Bella had to bring the room back down though. “All of this would be great, too freaking bad it’s never going to happen. We all have the bodies we were born with, and that's that.” After a short pause Bella apologised before getting up. “Ugg, sorry ladies, like I said I think the wines talking. I’m gonna go change and go to bed. Amanda, same room as always?” The girls had made of habit of staying in two of Amanda's guests rooms on Saturday nights. It allowed them to drink and not worry about having to drive.

With Bella calling it a night, the other two joined her as they all made their way to their rooms.


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