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One of the new stories I've been working on. I thought it was going to be quick and that I'd be able to finish it before posting it to you all, but it's already four pages and I'm not done yet. There are already a few polish things I want to go back and do, like make Sam's mom a bigger focus , or keep referring to her, since that's kind of the macguffin of the story. 

The story is based on a photo compilation on YouTube by Owl100, titled Curvaceous Alix. Owl100 does great work with the photo compilations, most of the time seeing someone get bigger over the course of time. The video I've been most taken with though has to be of Alix. Go check it out if you want to see what inspired this one.

But hopefully you like this early draft, and this way you get to see if before I change anything around. Let me know how you think it's going, I love all of your feedback.

The Mom Test

A BBW Story

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been in love with fat chicks. When I got the advice ‘You can tell what a girl will look like by meeting her mother’ at a young age, I took it to heart and used it until I met my wife. All throughout grade school, when I was chasing girls, my fall back standard was the mom test. Of course at that age we all thought we were going to marry our high school sweetheart, so I wanted to make sure I was making an educated decision. And it wasn’t like when you’re interested in a girl you can just ask to meet her mother right away.

Now you might be asking yourself why I didn’t just date an already fat chick, but don’t you worry I barked up that tree as well. I was smart about it too, not every fat chick had a fat mom. There were too many mom’s who were putting their obese daughters on diets, or girls who were just huskey due to changing bodies and would figure out the right nutrition at some point. Remember I was in this for the long haul. 

But just because I found a suitable candidate for my specific tastes, doesn’t always mean she reciprocated my feelings. And this was particularly the case when it came to Samantha. Samantha was a stunner as she grew into her shapely body during high school, and at about 140lbs she caught the eye of a lot of guys at my high school. Despite her good looks and attention at school Samantha was still pretty down to earth and cool.

Samantha was of course on my desirable list, with a form like she had she would only be even more stunning with some more pounds. And I actually didn’t have to work very hard to put her to the mom test. During our junior year I was working the ticket table for the fall concert. At the time I was eyeing a different girl, Chelsea. She was the cutest chubby girl, with just adorable rolls. I had been trying to talk her up for weeks, but she was always hanging out with the other cheerleaders in her squad and I couldn’t figure out the right move or line to get her attention.

But back to the ticket booth. I was scouring the atrium of bobbing heads of teenagers looking for Chelsea, when all of a sudden a shadow cast over my table. My attention snapped forward and I noticed Sam alongside a very wide woman. “Hiya Tyler! Can we have two tickets please?” Sam asked me. 

I just stood there, a little dumbfounded by the woman in front of me. I wasn’t even registering Sam’s existence, all I could do was just drink in the sight before me, and there was a lot to drink in. She was one of the biggest women I had ever seen. At the time I thought she was easily 400 lbs of beauty. She was not only wearing a stunning dress that complemented her frame well, she was also exquisitely proportioned. And from looking at her face I could see there was some resemblance to Sam, despite the difference in pounds. 

I caught myself quickly, ogling too long and they both might get the wrong impression. I was hopelessly addicted to fat chicks, but that still didn’t change the fact that most of the world would look at a goddess like this and sour their faces. “Umm yes of course Sam.” I stumbled on my words as I opened the cash box and fiddled with the roll of tickets. “This must be your *ahem* mother?” My throat was feeling a sudden dryness. 

“Why yes, I’m Miss Philmore. Tyler was it? Are you and Samantha in the same grade?” Even her voice was angelic, just like her daughters.

“Umm, yes ma’am.” I replied. Yes ma’am? Why was I being so formal. This is probably why I didn’t have much luck with the ladies despite my continued perseverance. “I mean, yeah we share a few classes, right Sam?” I tried to include my peer in the conversation so I didn’t get lost again admiring the double chin in front of me.

“Yeah, for sure. I'm lucky you're in my math class, you always know the answer, so Mrs. Dyson never has to random call on me.” Sam giggled, it was cute. I was seeing her in a whole new light now.

We completed our transaction and the mother daughter combo slowly made their way towards the auditorium, or the snack bar, I could not tell which, but certainly hoped for one over the other. I tried to keep an eye on Miss Philmore as she disappeared into the crowd, but her short stature made that hard.

After the show I again tried to catch a glimpse of the pair, but was unsuccessful. There were so many people rushing to the front doors, even at her incredible size, I was unable to spot her. But this was just the beginning of the journey. I dropped Chelsea from mind, and put all my attention into courting Samantha.

But this was easier said than done, because again I wasn't really great at this stuff. I was still and awkward teen, and in my eyes Samantha was a goddess undercover. That made it hard to talk to her. But heck, I tried. 

For the rest of the school year I tried to converse with Sam whenever possible. I tried to show off my math prowess during class, impressing her with my smarts, and even during other periods I'd try and sit next to her just trying to get the chance to talk.

But sadly I was never able to get in more than just a short conversation. Usually there was a crowd around her of her friends, so sitting next to her was hard. Then trying to get a word in edgewise was difficult. I didn't feel like I had been able to make significant progress, and then summer came.

I had to but my quest on hold during the summer, but I used this sabbatical to take in the sights around me and refuel my fire. God I love summer time. Swimsuits, ice cream, it's just a great time to be alive.

So when fall rolled around again, and class was back in session, I decided to just go for it. About a week after school started I found Sam in the hall one day. She was standing at her open locker and thank the Lord none of her friends were around to see me embarrass myself. So I walked right up to her and said, “Sam, would you like to go out with me some time?” In my most confident voice as possible.

Her facial reaction was not exactly what I was hoping for, and in the end she said no. She told me she liked being friends and right now that was that. I was defeated of course, but I held my chin high. So Sam didn't work out, there were plenty of other fish, or should I say potential whales, in the sea.

Although my focus moved off of Sam, she did keep her word and we were more friendly after that. Chelsea had found a boyfriend by this point, so I spent the rest of my high school days trying to put more of my classmates to the mom test. 

The following year when I went off to college was when things got interesting. I decided to go to state school, along with a third of my graduating class, which included my new friend Samantha. And luck would have it we lived in the same freshman dorm. I had moved on from Sam, but of course there was still that voice in the back of my head telling me she was perfect. 

New school, new environment, new possibilities. So I kept a pretty chummy relationship with Sam going, but I didn't close myself off to other opportunities, in fact I continued to seek them out. I wasn't going to let my affection for one chick ruin the greatest years of my life, the freshman 15 kind of years.

Sam was again quite popular in college. She had filled out a little bit during our senior year and was now even more stacked than ever. If you looked you could tell she was kind of a soft gal, but everyone's eyes were either drawn to her full rack or her beautiful blue eyes. But it didn't take long for a few additional pounds to join the fun. 

Sam was letting loose here at school. I was either seeing her at parties, or evidence of it online in photos. Funneling beers and having an all around good time. To me she was just falling prey to the freshman 15, but a part of me knew that she was predisposed to keep those pounds around and maybe even more.

But this didn't slow Sam down. She could still be seen dressed up for the big Halloween party, or embraced the college life by going to the school sporting events and showing her team spirit. And she took her new pounds in stride. She didn't seem bothered by them, as she continued wearing designer clothes when she went out. But by the end of freshman year her belly was seriously riving her rack. 

I could not have been more pleased to see this. Here was the stunningly beautiful girl, blossoming before my eyes. Now looking as good as she did, despite her extra poundage, she still got a lot of male attention that I had to contend with. Even I had to admit her chest was enough to make any regular guy into a bit of a chubby chaser. But I was in for the long hall, I was in it for the future 400 lb Samantha.

So that's why when sophomore year rolled around I tried my luck again. We had remained friendly, but I wasn't like in her inner circle or anything. I tried to work my way closer to her at any opportunity. If I saw her at the cafe I sat at her table, if I saw you walking to or from class I joined her. I just hope I wasn't annoying her.

And then one day I found my in. We were walking to class, Sam had embraced her naturally curly hair over the summer and I had to admit it made her plump face even cuter. She let out a loud groan before saying, “Ugh, I'm doing so bad in my math class already.”

“Oh really?” I said with a slight devilish inflection.

“Yeah, I just don't understand it on the first pass, and my professor is going so quickly we never have time to go over it two or three times and let it sink in.” She bemoaned.

An idea formed in my head instantly. “I bet I can help. I could, you know, like tutor you.” She seemed uneasy at the idea of needing that level of help for her class, so I tried to lighten the deal. “Not like making you do all sorts of extra work tutoring, but more like just going over the material with you again at your own pace so you understand it better. You're wicked smart, there's no reason that with a little extra help you wouldn't be able to ace that class.” After that she seemed pretty smitten with the idea. 

So we agreed that later tonight I'd come by her dorm and go over everything from today's class and we wouldn't stop until she understood it all. I guess I was a little too over confident in her abilities, because what she had attempted to learn in a one hour class already took us three hours to review in her room. Not that I was complaining. She had dressed down into a tank top to try and beat the September heat, so I got to take in all of the newly formed rolls her added pounds had provided.

And that night was only the start. Two nights a week, after her math classes, we'd kick back and review math for a few hours. I tried to make it fun, and make her laugh, and it seemed to be doing the trick. I felt a real bond developing, more than anything we had before.

By the end of the semester Sam was getting an A and I was ready to try my luck again. I was more confident and mature these few years later, but I was also worried about ruining the good thing we had going. I didn't want Sam to think I was only in this to try and get some. A good looking girl like her had to deal with enough sleazebags, I didn't want to come off like another.


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