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A little taste of what’s to come. These are story ideas, some I’ve had for a long time, others were cooked up just recently. Hopefully it’s not enough to give away the whole thing, but enough to interest you. Let me know which ones you like, or if you’d like to see anything different with any of these ones.

Runs in the family. The story takes place from a male's perspective. He’s dating the girl of a family where all the women are fat. Her grandmother is fat, her mother and aunt are even fatter, and the way she is going she’ll be bigger than all of them soon enough. All the girls, except her sister. The sister has refused to fall prey to the family genetics, despite being told it’s only a matter of time. The girlfriend on the other hand has fully embraced the family tradition. The story starts before the boyfriend even enters the picture. The sisters, who are college age or recent grads, end up moving in together and the younger, fatter, sister starts to rub off on the skinny one. By the end the boyfriend has shown up and both sisters are the fattest women in the family.

The Co-Worker. A fictitious story based off real world events. When a new co-worker joins the office her eating habits catch up to her. It’s not helped when her office flirt becomes quite the enabler. She grows softer as the days roll on, and the fun only ends when she leaves for another job.

Office Workers. A group of girls join the workforce right out of college at a big company. It’s soon easy to see them succumb to life after college and the office life. With a minefield of bad influences and unhealthy choices, this story follows the first few years of their employment as they become rotund veterans of the corporate world.

Cliche Weight Gain Story. A story that hits all the cliches in the book. Girls goes to an all girl school with a secret penchant of fattening their students. The girl is oblivious to this and falls in with the school culture. She’s set up with two roommates, one who is worried about the weight gain but can’t control herself, the other one who just eats to her heart's content. All sorts of shenanigans happen during her first year there, but in the end of course they all end up very fat indeed.

Eating Habits of the Plump College Sophomore. A sequel to Eating Habits of the College Bound Freshman. In this tale we take then recently plumpened college freshman and see how she deals with the additional pounds that come along during her second year. The second in a four part series about the college life. Our protagonist is roomed with an equally hogish sophomore, that is until her parents intervene after some serious weight gain. For the rest of the year our carefree chubster has to live with a workout freak. Will they butt heads, or is this a blessing in disguise? 

And more, including a recreation of my first long form story, Jill’s Trip to Mexico, and additions to some of my favorite interactive stories, such as Natalie’s Bakery Experience and sections of the Alice Interactive.

Thank you all for sticking with me, and hopefully you can enjoy the content that is coming down the pike.


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