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Naming these stories is always the hardest part. The working name for this one was Love Letter, but I didn't think that was a very attractive name. I was looking at all my submissions to DA a year or two back, and besides multi-part stories, the ones that had titles that made them obviously weight related received much more views than others. So I've tried to incorporate that when ever I name something.

This story just sprung up to me and I quite enjoyed writing it. It's got a fun change of direction in the middle. Hopefully you don't have to suspend much disbelief, and can enjoy it. I liked it so much I even started working on a follow up to this. Please let me know what you think in the comments and also if you like the title or not. As always a story like this will remain private to only patrons for 30 days. Thanks all.

Chunky Charlene's Confession: A BBW and Weight Gain Story

Dear Michael,

First off I need to tell you that I've left Charles. We've been growing apart for some time now and I finally realized what a loveless relationship I was in. And this is hard for me to admit, but I have to say it all has to do with my weight.

I'm sure you noticed last time I saw you that I had gotten pretty comfortable in my relationship with Chuck, and had started to put on a few pounds, especially after we moved in together. I didn't mind the pounds, at the time I really hardly noticed them. It wasn't until I started to really think back to how this all began that I realized I must have started to gain weight at that point. My wardrobe was a bit more snug, but I dealt with it in stride.

But it wasn't long before I was noticeably chubby. I felt the softness all over my body, and my first reaction was ‘how did this all happen?’ After thinking about it, and all the take-out we were getting, and all the little snacks around the house, everything quickly added up. Despite a little extra softness I thought to myself that I was happy. I had a loving boyfriend, I enjoyed the way we were eating, so there was no need to change anything. And Chuck didn't say anything about it, even after I upgraded my whole wardrobe a few sizes higher.

The pounds didn't stop there though. I slowly crept into the territory where most people would consider fat. I was eating whatever I wanted and it showed. My boobs had gotten huge, and I started to sympathise with the gals who say they are more of a burden than a blessing. My belly was softer than ever, and jiggled at the slightest movement. My thighs had thickened immensely, and bore no resemblance to their form lean selves. And my butt looked like I should be stalked like one of those celebrities. Still Chuck said nothing, but I could start to see his distaste for my new figure. But it was too late even if he had voiced his concern. I didn't mind the new me. Yes I was pretty plump, but I still thought I looked pretty darn cute. I mean with boobs and a butt like this, I was surprised Chuck wasn't happier. 

Although I had gotten pretty fat at this point, I wasn't looking to make a change. I liked the idea of eating how I was more than the idea of going on a diet and throwing in some exercise just to get my old body back. To me the trade off was not worth it. So I continued on how I had been, and didn't look back.

I couldn't blame Chuck for his displeasure as I just continued to get fatter and fatter. I no longer resembled the girl I he fell in love with I could feel myself getting bigger almost everyday. Just as I got used to a new roll or an extra wide curve, something new about my body would catch my eye. Chuck just finally built up the courage to say something to me. It's never easy to tell a woman she's gotten fat but that's precisely what he did. I can't even mad because there is no denying it now. 

But it's too little too late. I've fallen in love with my habits. Donuts plus egg and cheese sandwiches for breakfast, a nice local place for a large greasy lunch, plenty of unhealthy snacks during the day, and an oversized order of take-out for dinner. I'm fat and happy, and that's not going to change. It's at the point where I've realized the two of us have grown too far apart.

The bigger I got the more I appreciated my body, but the more disgusted Chuck became, and that's why I realize I'm better off without him. So I've ended things with him, and need to move on. And that's why I'm writing you this letter. 

I remember the kind of girls you dated in high school, they were all big girls. I’m sure it’s been hard for you in a world filled with diet ads and swimsuit models to find someone who appreciates the physique you are looking for. It's been awhile since you've had a serious girlfriend, am I right? I'm guessing all the big girls you’ve dated have been more interested in dieting than the rich filling dinners you’ve tried to provide them. You’ve been searching for a pig, a big fat cow, but all you’ve been able to find are salad eating chickens and sheep.

You need not look any further. I’m your dream girl Michael. I’m such a fat pig and I’ve removed the word diet from my vocabulary. And I need you as much as I know you need me. I need a man to take care of my needs, my hunger. I’m hungry all the time, and I just want to be stuffed with the most delicious food around. I can tell you my belly is only going to grow larger. I’ve gotten so big, but a day hasn’t gone by that I don't feel even bigger. I want to grow even wider in your arms. I want my tits to continue to balloon and this ass to spread wide across your couch. I want my belly to get so big is sits in my lap out to my knees, while you stuff me with whatever tasty morsel is closest. 

Michael, this stuffed piggie needs you. Please tell me you need me too. I don’t think there is anyone else I feel comfortable enough with to let my guard down like this. Please don’t make me have to diet just so I can attract another sleazebag like Charles. I want someone who will appreciate my curves and help them grow even more. Someone not afraid to feed me when I’m too stuffed to do the job myself. Someone willing to spoil their prized hog day in and day out.

Is this something you can do Michael? Is this something you want too? Will you be proud to wear this wide load on your arm as you parade me around town from restaurant to restaurant? Can you handle all of this woman?

If this is what you want, I want you to meet me. I’ve been having dinner every night at the Country Town Buffet on sixth street, one of the only places I can go to truly feel full. I’m there every night from seven until they stop serving. I’d love for you to come find me there when you receive this letter. I’m a big girl, so I should be pretty hard to miss. Michael, I really hope to see you soon.

With love,



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