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In eight months Claire's weight gain journey would come to an end. Either she would come out victorious, weighing more than her hefty cousin, or she would fall short, leaving her with nothing, but an overfed body and ravenous appetite. Claire much preferred the winning outcome.

After the party Claire was determined to do everything she could to pack on the pounds. Losing was not an option. Diane already had 50 pounds on her, well 35 after you take into account the 15 extra she started with. Claire was now feeling the pressure of all the ground she had to make up, which wasn't getting any easier at her current size. She ate and ate and ate, but the pounds were just not coming like they did before. At the end of September she was only pushing the needle up to 356. 400 was a long ways off and with Diane entering the final stretch Claire could only imagine Diane getting bigger and bigger, maybe hitting 450 or even 475.

Claire visualized the numbers each time she stepped on the scale, but she wasn’t visualizing how she would look with all those added pounds. With her goal of catching up to Diane, Claire wanted to gain another 100+ pounds. She was already a big girl, but with another 100lbs she would be absolutely massive. 

When she hung out with Jen she was eager to talk math with her. Jen, who of course was in Claire’s corner, rationalized that she not only needed to catch up to Diane but she needed to surpass her if she wanted to win. When Claire hit her goal though she would be about the size of two Jen's, and Jen was looking pretty wide herself these days.

Claire ate around the clock trying just to add each additional pound to her frame. When Jen was around it was more fun and didn't feel as much like work, even though it never really felt like work since she was just stuffing her face with tasty food all the time, usually while watching TV.

Claire was getting more and more used to her wide body. She was good at figuring out ways to stay fashionable. There were tons of videos online of plus size women and all sorts of style tips. She took some of their advice and added some class to her new BBW lifestyle. She had to modify some of the looks because she was sometimes 50 to 100 lbs bigger than some of the girls, but even Jen agreed she was looking damn good. 

Even Jen got on board helping Claire with her style and using some of the tips for herself. Jen had used to be so fashionable, but after gaining over 100lbs she had found it hard to dress up still. Now she was feeling just as girly as she did back in her thin days. 

By the end of October Claire had gained a little bit more weight. The scales were reading in the 360 range. This was still not up to snuff for Claire. Doubt was starting to creep in, cracks in the armor of ever so positive Claire were starting to show. At this rate she was barely going to pass 400lbs, a milestone she knew Diane had already passed. 

With her best friend in the dumps, Jen decided to call in some help. It was the day before Halloween when Jen arrived late in the day. With her in tow was a tall figure holding a bunch of bags.

Claire was sitting in her lounger in front of the TV, wearing a small tank top and yoga pants which looked to be on their last legs. Most of her midsection was hanging out since Claire had just been snacking all day and knew it was useless to try and pull the hem down.

When Jen arrived she beelined straight for the living room, and her tall friend followed close behind. As he drew closer she realized it was the eye of her affection, Oliver. 

"Oh my god, Oliver, it's you. Oh my so sorry." Claire tried to quickly brush the crumbs from her generously exposed chest and pull down her way to small tank top, only furthering the amount of boob she was showing. "Jen how could you." Claire shot a scolding look at her best friend. 

Oliver chuckled. "Claire it's ok, don't worry. Besides I think you look cute in your comfy clothes." Claire blushed as Oliver was able to see all of her oozing flesh now that she was standing. 

"I brought Oliver over because I know you've been down recently and I thought he could help." Jen explained with confidence.

"And I brought candy!" Oliver said encouragingly in his deep sexy voice. Claire was happy to see Oliver, she couldn't stop thinking about him.

"And I even brought you a Halloween costume to wear." Jen squealed. "Let's go try it on!” Jen grabbing her friends soft wrist, leading the large girl up to her room. Claire took the bag into her walk in closet and started to undress. As she took the costume out of the bag she started to wonder what the heck the costume even was. It was just a pink pair of yoga pants and a pink tank top. The yoga pants had a little tail attached and then she read the words on the shirt. "Oink Oink" one oink for each side of her chest. Jen had made a pig outfit for her, Claire smiled but also lauded Jen in her head for making her dress in such a foolish costume. At the bottom of the bag rested a little piggy nose and headband with ears.

Finally the costume was on and Claire hollered out to Jen who was waiting in her room. "Jen I can't believe you right now!" Claire smirked as she knew she could change her mind still, but she'd at least appease Jen and show it off to her before making the decision to change back or not.

When she didn't hear back from Jen she stepped out of the walk in closet and into her room, but not to find Jen standing there but Oliver instead. Claire's hands rushed to her mouth in embarrassment. 

"Jen wasn't sure if you go through with it if I didn't see you first so she showed herself out, but I see no reason for you to have to change your mind." Oliver always knew what to say to brighten Claire's smile. "So what do you say? All this Halloween candy isn't going to eat it self." Claire nodded as she bathed with Oliver’s dreamy eyes. Oliver proceeded to lead Claire back down stairs to where all the candy was. 

"How about we make things interesting?” Oliver offered before Claire even got started. “Every time you're a good little piggy and eat a bunch of candy, I'll strip. It'll be like strip Halloween instead of strip poker."

"Sounds like fun, where do I start?" Claire said looking at the massive amount of candy. 

"Here try these." Oliver handed her a bag of Reese's Cups. She undid the first one and popped it in her mouth. The chocolate and peanut butter tasted great together. Oliver had already unwrapped the next and was ready to plop it in Claire's mouth when she was done chewing. Oliver fed the candy to his round counterpart and she succulently chewed the whole thing. 

After ten pieces were gone Oliver gave Claire a bit of her reward. He took off the vest he was wearing, placing it off to the side.

"What's next?" Claire cooed as she swallowed the last of the reeses cup. Oliver grabbed another treat and the cycle repeated. After ten more pieces Oliver undid a button on this shirt. Claire kept going until no buttons remained. Finally her reward was for Oliver to lose his top entirely. 

Claire had been getting hints, but now could fully see, Oliver's chiseled body and abs. He was ripped. Claire was so turned on. She continued to eat in hopes of seeing more.

"Why don't we change it up, shall we?" Oliver said. "Have you ever had a belly rub?" 

"No." Claire responded easily. She had really never thought of such a thing.

"Well here's how it works, I rub here." Oliver placed his strong hand on her soft midsection gently. "And as long as you keep eating I won't have to stop." Claire had never gotten a belly rub before. She wasn't sure if she was going to like it. But she started popping candy into her mouth anyways. Oliver started sensually rubbing her massive belly. Claire was surprised when she really liked it. She ate more vigorously so Oliver would continue to rub. Claire was getting quite into it, and this was the first time she had really been able to appreciate her large body in this way. Food had been giving her palet much pleasure, but this was something totally different. Yes she now had a massive rack and rear end to show off, which made her feel sexy, but nothing had made her feel sensual like this belly rub.

Oliver started to whisper into Claire's ear as she continued to chew. "Don't stop, keep going." Claire's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she had begun moaning in pleasure. "Keep eating and you will get your next surprise." Oliver gave her a little kiss on her chubby cheek to edge her on. "Ten more candy bars." He said as he continued to kiss her. "9-8-7-6." He counted down as chocolate and sugar entered her mouth. "5-4-3-2 and 1" Oliver smiled as Claire eyes went back to normal and met her lover's gaze. Oliver slowed his rubbing, and when the moment was right went in for a kiss. Claire and Oliver made out for a while, and he continued to let his hands wander over any excessively fleshy parts of her body. He even at one point pulled back for just a moment and said to Claire "oink oink" as he squeezed her.

After a little while they cooled their jets. Finally Claire was able to see the damage she had done to the candy stash. Where bags of full candy used to lie was now just a rubbish pile of wrappers. Claire shirt had ridden up from her enjoyable belly rub, but she had also gotten so full that the hem wasn’t going to meet her waist, not that it had to begin with. There wasn't much candy left but Claire was sure by the end of the day she'd be able to finish it all.

"See, there's no reason you won't catch up to Diane with an attitude and appetite like that." Oliver flashed Claire his signature smile. "But sadly I have to go now. I've got a ton of work this semester and it's going to keep me pretty busy. I'll see if I can come by and visit again some time though." Claire showed him out and he took one more kiss before leaving. Claire stood there, all 360lbs of her, in her overly tight piggy costume. Oliver had made her very happy that day, and renewed her faith in this contest. 

The rest of the day Claire finished off what candy was left, and had even more the next day when Jen came over to hang out. Claire wore her costume again, and Jen dressed up as slutty nurse. Jen was spilling out of her costume, but she didn't care. All the calories had graced her with a big chest, so since it was Halloween she wanted to let the girls out best she could. Her low cut nurse top showed off as much cleavage as possible without showing anything indecent. Her short skirt just barely fit over her ballooned rear, at the right angle you could see the lacy nurse panties she got to complement the outfit. Her top cut off right before her jiggly belly, so the wobbly thing could be seen quite clearly. It appeared that Jen was embracing her new self more than ever.

Claire was also in her outfit, dressed as the fat piggy. Her jugs were so big they strained the tank tops straps. The generous knockers were front and center when you looked at Claire. But right below was her titanic tummy. It had grown the most and her tight tank showed off every roll and piece of chub. 

Claire and Jen manned the trick or treat door. Making sure to have a large stash of candy for them to eat. "I can't believe you got me a piggy outfit, you're such a freak." Claire spat at her friend as they each unwrapped another candy. 

"Well it's fitting, you're our big fat piggy aren't you?" Jen joked

"Well yes it's true. But yesterday was a lot of fun, thank you so much." Claire filled jen in on all the tasty details, bringing a smile to Jen's face, even if it came with a twinge of jealousy. Jen hadn't been the flirt she used to be. She was starting to come back into her own, but the pounds were still coming on. She wasn't going to be 250 pounds for long.

The girls ate all night, and Claire continued her fattening quest day after day. Her gains had started to ramp up again after all the encouragement and positivity her friends and family had given her. 



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