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Due to the generous patronage of Katakuna, giving a $5 monthly pledge, I have taken to the keys given his requested writing prompt. Out has come the first Custom Creation here on Patreon. Katakuna allowed me to share this publicly, so here it is for all you Patreons as an exclusive.


"The girl loves to be big and never wants to go back to being a skinny girl but she sure loves to rub [her] big tummy."

*Chomp* A big bite of pizza went into April's mouth as she let out a small moan in pleasure. “Soo good!” She said out loud in her empty room. April's right hand continued to feed herself pizza, as her free hand played with her belly. 'I’m so glad I'm not a skinny chick anymore.’ April thought to herself as she sat in bed enjoying a large meat lovers pizza with extra cheese from her favorite joint in town.

A year ago April had been a bean pole, for which she had been her whole life. She had no shape to her body and was pitifully flat chested. But a year ago something inside of her switched. All around her April started to notice voluptuous women everywhere, with curves and curves for days. She realized how attractive they were, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of them. And it wasn't just gals with a little extra weight, so of the girls were seriously wide.

So now a year later April had grown leaps and bounds and had eaten herself up to 260 lbs. She had gotten curvy all over, but her tummy was what had grown the most. Combined with her thick love handles, her small shirts were always riding up, allowing her belly to ooze into her lap like it was doing now.

Another bite of pizza went into her mouth as all the topping tumbled down her throat. She continued to moan as the pizza disappeared. 'I never want to go back to being skinny again.’ she thought passionately as she continued to rub her growing paunch. As the last slice was polished off, April took her now free hand to her belly so she could really feel the weight of it. “Oh God I'm getting so big, I love it!” She squealed with glee. She looked down at her doughy belly as her hands kneaded it. She had gotten so fat, but she still wanted more.

Despite having packed away a whole pizza, April wasn’t done. 'I’m getting so close to 300!’ she thought, as she had weighed herself this morning. 'Good thing there is a brand new gallon of ice cream in the fridge!’ April was exuberant, and hopped off her bed, headed for the kitchen, her tummy jiggling the whole way. 

It wasn't just her tummy that was jiggling though. Now that she was off her tush, you could tell just how plush her backside was. April was just clad in a pair of panties that seemed to be getting a little tight on the growing girl. Her butt had bubbled up over the past year, and was now quite round and juicy. She also had a matching pair of thunderous thighs. They had thickened to accommodate all of the formerly thin girls added girth. As April had over doubled in size in the past year, her thick legs had to support all that additional weight.

April was noticing she wasn't quite as fluid as she used to be, almost sporting a lumbering feeling as she made heavy footfalls down the hallway. This only delighted her even more.

Finally she had reached her freezer, her hungry belly growling as it knew something delicious was headed it's way. ‘Oreo coffee…’ she salivated at the thought. ‘One of my favorites.’ April popped the top off and grabbed a spoon, digging right in as she stood in the kitchen. This was exactly what she wanted, all the tasty food she could handle, all the extra calories going to all the right places. It was just delightful.


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