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*Edit* When I wrote this and scheduled it, I did not have any $5 supporters. That has since changed, so this it more for the rest of you who have been supporting me before the recent change. Thanks!*

Hey faithful Patrons! No new story this week, but I did just want to let you know I've updated my reward tiers for the new 2018. If you didn't notice I changed my $10 tier and dropped it down to $5 and limited the number of folks that subscribe at that rate. Right now every is supporting me at the $2 tier and I could not be more ecstatic about everyone's level of support, but I just wanted to make you all aware of the change.

If you didn't know the previous $10 tier, now $5, gets you own custom story based off a prompt of your choosing. Of course it needs to be something in my wheel house, so no crazy fan fics based off cartoon characters, but something more like the Mandy story I wrote recently. 

I've been trying to kick things up a notch in 2018, and this is all part of that plan. I haven't really unfolded the 2018 plan yet, but my intent is to provide either weekly content or at least updates. I'd love to get a chapter of Claire's Fattening Family out once a month, as well as continue to tell Mandy's story monthly, and then my next project I'd love to do is rework a story a friend and I wrote on Writing.com involving a cruise ship and some extreme weight gain. That one still hangs in the balance though. Of course you as patrons will continue to get everything early, and all sorts of behind the scenes. 

If you guys like the new $5 tier let me know. If you have any suggestions as to what else you might like to see from the reward tiers let me know that as well.


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