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It's December, time for holidays. And in my case a truck load of snow and cold weather.

Around this time seasonal depression can be at a high. Gonna do my best to get through it myself.

Anyway, got a commission getting finished up to post for our first story of the month which is good. Plan on keeping up a stable pace at least. Probably wind up with two or three stories this month but if I can do more I'll try.

As usual if anyone has suggestions on patreon just say. If not stare in awkward silence.  I may try and add some stuff myself though. Thinking of ideas before the year changes. But also thinking what I can do within reason. I get burned out easily enough as is. Even if i been a bit better lately still not functioning at full power. Buuut same time having money could ya know help motivate. I just have to make sure I can manage the work load.

Regardless of that may check into other business options. I try have been trying to learn how to draw but I can be off and on with that already. So I may be going back to college for a different associate degree or certificate. Not sure yet but I figured it's an option and something I could possibly do easily with the credits I already have.

I'll weigh my options and see what I can do. But I think at this point my motivation will come from if I am in a more stable standing money wise. Ah the cursed paper that you need to stay alive, food, water, shelter. Money is a pain.

Anyway the november writing challenge was a bust cause I got infected as soon is it started and had to spend time with agonizing tooth pain. 

Not sure what personal writing projects I may get up to now. But all I can do is try. Which I figure making sure I do a personal project with some incentive may be a good idea. Like offering a random story with a genre the subs pic or something. So I get to write something for myself but also provide some content. 

We'll see if I can do something with that. Need to think on the wording though.

Either way for anyone who bothers to read this. I may be changing some of the sub offers here and there this month and see if anything changes on that end.


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