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After the Fourth Great Ninja War, many things had to be done. Cleaning up the mess the divine tree made as well as dealing with people. Even years after the war had ended criminals such as Orochimaru were let off easy. Pardoned of crimes he was allowed to keep doing research and work due to the possibility he could provide help against the Otsutsuki. Even while under surveillance twenty-four hours daily he does what he must to produce results that could protect the whole planet. A necessary evil even despite his horrible crimes over the years. Even now his questionable actions are not stopped. How much help can a criminal with so few restrictions do for the betterment of the planet and at what cost?

Orochimaru currently works on his next step to better society. Within the Land of Sound, he runs a variety of different labs. The village was originally a front but is now an actual village that specializes in genetic research and new jutsu to try and counter the threats any Otsutsukis may pose in the future. The pale-skinned man now sits in one of his many labs made within the side of the valley. Looking over his different data results he sighs placing the papers into a bin. Then switching on his computer, he types out a few keystrokes and stands up. It is his usual routine, study, collect data, define, and experiment. Now funded by the Ninja villages he had access to new equipment and had staff too. All he could ever want and all he had to do was stay within some ethical lines. Though even those were pretty thin. “I think I’ve finally figured something out… but what step to take next?” The man’s cold and calculating voice does not come out exactly harsh but always thinking. Walking over to the mirror in his lab he gently touches his pale hand to his face looking at his snake eyes. “I’m getting a bit too old again… My experiment is halted till I acquire the correct materials.” Turning on his heel the snake man walks over to his desk and sits back down inputting a few new keystrokes into his computer. In about a minute the screen flickers to life with an older Jutsu he had created. “Simply switching to a new body would go against my current deal with the Seventh.” A soft smirk crosses his lips and he leans back in his chair finally relaxing. “With what I know now this Jutsu is now possible… Though. Who to use it on? Who would benefit me most in my new experiment?” Weaving his hands together to make hand signs the snake man practices the old jutsu and even adds a few new movements to correct the jutsu into something more desirable. “Hm, yes… this will work perfectly. I suppose with how things currently stand; my old friend would be the best to use it on. Working together would prove much more useful.” Nodding to himself the snake man switches off his computer and gets back up. “Time to head out then. I wonder what bar I’ll find her in.”

For Orochimaru, the first step of his plan comes with losing his twenty-four-hour tail. Now this happened pretty often, it was not like it was hard for him to slip away from the Leaf Village’s watchful eye. He simply had to make sure to check in now and again to ensure he was not committing some mass genocide of a local population. Lucky for him he already had such things set up to be dealt with. For however long his current mission would take, it would be done and the result would be had. What of the target though? Reaching one of the neighboring villages outside The Leaf Village the target is found. Orochimaru does his usual stalking first to assess the situation. The target in question is the busty blond-haired woman known as Lady Tsunade to most. The old Fifth Hokage to The Village Hidden in the Leaves. Now retired her usefulness slowly has weighed down. She helped use the First Hokage’s cells for a variety of medical advancements but her pupil Sakura Haruno has taken over most of her duties. The pupil surpassed the master and now Tsunade commonly worked as a consultant or a surgeon now and again when she was bored. Meaning most of her daily life was now going between gambling dens with her partner and attendant Shizune. For better or worse this makes the old leader easy to spot from a crowd. Orochimaru barely had to look for the woman to find her. Currently, as he peers through a window, he watches the woman roll dice, one of her favorite gambling games. Losing money yet again to her attendant’s dismay. “Shi-zuuu-nneee” The drunk blonde mumbles waving a cup of sake back and forth. She was already plenty drunk but still drinking more. “Gib me ooore oney!”

The short-haired attendant sighs and sets down her pet pig placing a few ryō bills into her boss's hand. “You really shouldn’t be gambling more… but I know better than to fight you on this. Knock yourself out. Though I’m not giving you any of my money this time.”

The attendant had fewer issues to deal with Orochimaru could tell that easily. Shizune seemed more like the old attendant he had, Kabuto. Looking between both women the snake man could only wonder if he should simply use the jutsu on them both. For now, his main target is his old friend only. The question now is how to deal with events.


“Hey!” Tsunade shouts her foot indenting into the floor. The woman stands up, her large chest swaying and almost spilling from her shirt if not for her attendant’s thoughtful tugs. “You-you-hicc” Wobbling back and forth the towering pale-skinned woman wags her finger in front of another player seemingly upset with them. However, her drunken state does not let her express it well. As she wobbles more the rest of the players laugh at her. She may have power but when she got drunk, she was not much of a threat unless someone really made her mad. On the other hand, Orochimaru knew perfectly well that Tsunade could cure herself of her drunken state any time she wanted. She simply did things like this for the experience or to forget her pitiful life that lacked purpose.

“Well, I wonder how much I’ll actually have to do.” Orochimaru muses under his breath walking away from the window. Now that he knew where Tsunade was it made things far easier on him. Waiting on a bench outside of the establishment he watches different guests and drunks alike leave the building. Tsunade of course being one of the last to leave. He is careful to keep out of sight and watch carefully as she walks away. Shizune was not a bad Ninja so Orochimaru could not rush or be reckless he needed to show some tact in the situation. Still for him using a Jutsu to mask his sound and visibility was enough to not be spotted. Following the women for about an hour neither had noticed him. Now Shizune puts Tsunade to bed in their hotel and the attendant goes to her room. Most would not expect such a situation to be perfect but Orochimaru licks his lips at the current opportunity. Crawling inside the window of Tsunade’s room he carefully crawls along the ground now face to face with Tsunade as she drools onto her futon. “Always a careless one aren’t you… I wonder what the villagers would think about their old Hokage in a state like this.” Chuckling softly to himself Orochimaru waves a few hand signs and places his hand on the ground. With a puff of smoke, a large wooden barrel appears in the room. “Now then…” Taking a deep breath the pale snake man hoists Tsunade’s drunken body up and sets her down into the barrel. “Ugh… she’s certain top heavy isn’t she.” For the snake man enhancing his strength is a simple feat however his normal body is far more dexterous than strong. Looking at the large wooden barrel he puts a large strap onto it with a lid as well. Then with another grunt, his upper arms grow in muscle and he hoists the barrel onto his back. “Well then, shall we Tsunade?” Jumping from the window he leaves with Tsunade asleep in the barrel. Shizune was now none the wiser, if Orochimaru really needed to deal with her later he could. That or ask the Leaf Anbu to handle the situation as needed. After all, what he was doing now was to help better the world, his actions would be defended.

Drip, drip, drip

Hours had passed but Orochimaru’s plans had not. Slowly Tsunade begins to awaken her eyes progressively more confused as she tries to jerk a now restrained arm forward. “What is this?!” Angrily the woman pulls at the chains holding her down. Grunting her teeth together she pulls and pulls starting to bruise and scrap the sides of her wrists. “What the hell? Even my chakra?!” No matter how hard she pulled her body seemed to not be infusing chakra into itself. Her muscles were strong by themselves but not strong enough to break a chain. It was as Orochimaru intended, to make the smart doctor come to the proper conclusion. “So, I can’t even fight back…” She mumbles the words to herself and begins to scan her eyes over the room. One of Orochimaru’s many different labs, the current room Tsunade sits in is an examination room of sorts. Tsunade is on a center medical bed, several computers line the walls and there is another empty bed opposite her. The only door in the room is metal and was currently locked tight Orochimaru made sure of that. “Where am I?”

Rolling his eyes Orochimaru pulls his long hair up into a ponytail and ties it in place. Washing off his hands he pulls on a pair of rubber gloves and tugs a face mask over his face. Pushing his elbow against the metal door he lets it slam back shut clicking itself back into its lock. “Glad to see you’re awake.” Orochimaru could hear all the mumbling from the opposite room, though he also had monitoring devices for sound and a camera for sight in the room. “By now you’ve realized you cannot move. You’re probably also wondering exactly why you’re here aren’t you?”

Tsunade and Orochimaru both could tell at a glance who they were looking at. They knew each other long enough that all it took was being able to see the eyes. Tsunade’s eyes in this case twitch seeing Orochimaru’s glaring back at her. “Orochimaru?!” Tsunade’s voice comes out angrily. It was obvious she would know him at a glance. It was not like he was trying to hide who he was. After all even if his voice is slightly muffled under the mask fellow teammates can always tell each other apart. “What the hell do you think you’re doing to me?! Get me out of this now or you’ll regret it!”

Rolling his eyes Orochimaru sighs under his mask and walks over to the walls of electronic devices. “My, my as scary as ever aren’t you?” Tsunade’s threat would be a promise if she was not held down. Pressing a button on the rightmost console a metal table shoots out from the wall.  The metal table is a small table about the size of an end table and holds several different tools such as scalpels and paintbrushes. “If I let you out right now I’d surely regret it wouldn’t I Tsunade?” Picking up one of the scalpels first he walks to Tsunade’s side and holds up the scalpel close to her arm. “Now try and keep still. We’re both doctors in a way. And I try to make sure things are done properly.”

Doing anything but keeping still Tsunade squirms in place trying her best to pull at the restraints on her arms and legs. They were like common medical restraints used often in surgery. Though the ones holding her down were both tight and felt stronger. Pulling only appeared to hurt her. “You bastard like hell I’m letting you experiment on me! I told Naruto he shoulda made that Uchiha brat your keeper or you’d just keep doing crap like this!”

Orochimaru does his best to not roll his eyes again. Instead, he calmly takes a breath and lets a few white snakes slither out from his arms. “Really Tsunade. I figured Lord Seventh would be far more troublesome. However, he did get smarter with age. Letting me do what I need to… It was his best choice to have the proper defense ready against those Otsutsuki’s. Why should we sit around and wait for more to keep trying to reform the divine tree? It’ll only put the whole planet in danger. Sacrificing a few to save the many is what a Hokage needs to do, more so in times of war. Those Otsutsuki’s could attack at any time and have even more with them than before. The Seventh and my Sasuke wouldn’t be enough to stop them all. We need to evolve humanity or at the very least have weapons humanity can use to stop those outsiders.” The snakes coming from Orochimaru begin to coil around Tsunade tightening up around her. One wraps around her upper arm, another holds down her leg, while the larger one goes over her chest pushing her breasts up but keeping her waist from moving. “Just accept that I’m being useful. You may not enjoy what I’m doing now. But what I do now is for the good of the world. You’re getting old, you’re washed up. I’m simply making you useful again.” Cutting into Tsunade’s upper arm Orochimaru carefully presses a glass vial against it letting blood drip into it. “Heh… just a small cut. I could have simply drawn blood but you’d move around too much I’m afraid.” Shaking his head sullenly Orochimaru shrugs. “If only you stayed asleep a little longer.”

With the blood vial, Orochimaru heads back to the small table and takes the paintbrush on it. Just a small brush a painter would usually use. Instead of paint the snake man dips the brush into the blood and begins to draw several lines with it on his pale skin. As he does so he even removes his jacket and top exposing his bare chest. Tsunade scoffs trying to pull at the restraints still with no success. “What the hell do you think you’re doing with my blood now? You’re trying to make some formula?”

With a heavy sigh leaving his lips Orochimaru turns and lifts his brush up drawing on the side of Tsunade’s arm. “I’m not trying to make one. I already have.” Scoffing under his breath he begins to weave several hand signs slowly in front of Tsunade. “This is a careful process though. It’s good to take my time. I wouldn’t want to mess it up. After all, this is so I can merge you into me.”

Tsunade’s eyes widen and her body shivers. Orochimaru had no reason to hide his plans and saying them so bluntly got an amusing reaction. He knew it was easy enough to make Tsunade quiver in fear, though after she overcame her hate of blood it was a tad harder. Now though she once again carried the look of fear. Tsunade had only seen what Orochimaru did on paper. He could only wonder what the woman was thinking he would do to her. Now she would get to experience some of it firsthand. “Wa-wait you can’t do this!” Tsunade was saying a cliché right away, things Orochimaru had heard far too often. “You don’t even need my body, by the looks of it I’m far older than you are now. How many bodies have you changed into already anyway?!”

The shouting was pretty common. Orochimaru heard it so often from all his test subjects. Something about it was calming though, it broke the silence. Inhaling slowly Orochimaru looks to his hand. Right now, his current body was most likely edging into mid-forties. It was older than he was used to though the seventh hokage was not letting him switch bodies. “You know, I am getting rather old now.” Chuckling at his own words Orochimaru begins to slow the pace of his hand signs. How many had he already completed? It had become second nature at this point, but this new version of the jutsu had some edits to it. “I haven’t switched bodies in some time. I had been looking into different ways to keep myself young without the need for a new body. I believe I’ve found it too. However, not just the way you do it by constantly wasting chakra. Renewing cells, editing genes, using new cells or synthetic cells. There’s a variety of far better options. When facing creatures that can send you to another dimension you need to keep in mind just what a new body needs.” Clapping both hands together finally, he was done with his signs. “I’m not taking your body Tsunade. We’ll simply join together to become something better. I can create living creatures without a male or female. Though to edit my own body to maintain its use I still need others before I can more properly modify myself.”

Tsunade did not fully understand. She was smart but her studying took her into medical practices that helped her retain the human body's healthy condition. She had never stepped on the edge to think about how she could create better humans. “You… you don’t even think you’re doing anything wrong right now.” Orochimaru does not flinch at the comment. It was true. After all, if he did not do this what would become of the world? “I still wanna live as myself, you idiot! Don’t you get that?!”

Orochimaru rolls his eyes at Tsunade’s babbling and he spreads his hands out and takes a step closer. “When the fate of the world is at stake certain moral and ethical questions simply no longer matter. You should feel happy Tsunade, you’ll join me, and not some stranger.” Grabbing the side of the bed Orochimaru hoists himself up and swings his leg over Tsunade now straddling the restrained woman. “Our bodies will now become one and the same. There will not be a husk left behind, there will simply be one left.”

Trying her best to raise her voice it was already too late for Tsunade. Orochimaru’s hands both grab at her arms and like melting wax, they slide against her and begin to sink into her skin. “Wh-wha—” Her voice stutters out but no full words make it out. Her body seemed to be in shock but Orochimaru could tell she was still aware of what was happening. So, he continues. Sinking in further his knees connect with Tsunade and then his legs. Both their clothes start to dissolve but their skin melds together. Orochimaru’s pale skin blends with Tsunade’s more cream-colored skin making a more washed-out cream color.


The fusing sounds like bubbles popping. Orochimaru’s body sinks into Tsunade more and more till just like he had said it was now only Tsunade tied down to the table and held in place tightened by Orochimaru’s snakes. Though Orochimaru himself was still present. Inside Tsunade, he could feel both their bodies starting to meld together. To Orochimaru, it felt like his own body was beginning to wear Tsunade like a suit and the skin she had was simply fabric that could be removed. However, it was much more than that. “Now… Tsunade… you can hear me, can’t you? It’s time for us to merge completely.”

A voice within her, that was how Tsunade heard Orochimaru. Their minds were already beginning to fuse. Wincing her eyes she can see flashes in her head. Different experiments Orochimaru had carried out, training sessions they both did as kids overlapping. Tsunade could think of her boyfriend Dan and recall telling herself about his fate. The two shared memories and those memories were now blending like they simply happened to only one entity. Discovering how to create a separate storage area for chakra within the mind, learning how to swap bodies to maintain youth. Knowledge mixes and with it, new ideas follow. Orochimaru could already feel it all. He could even sense more detailed things. Tsunade had within her blood from the Sennin clan as well as the Uzumaki Clan. With her medical knowledge and his knowledge about genetics already he could map out different abilities to be gained. Different new types of humans could be created. Healing powers, higher capacity chakra, powers that slowly edged closer to Otsutsuki. No powers which would be made better by making use of the natural chakra of their planet which was the advantage they held over the Otsutsuki threat. “Wh-what is all this?” Tsunade mumbled the words trying to process it all but it was becoming overwhelming. So many ideas flood her head and her body physically pulses in confusion trying to process it all.

“Shhh.’ Orochimaru’s whispering words quelled that confusion. They were all sound and grounded. He had entered into many bodies already, fusing was new, and he had more experience in general. Fighting for control over the body was simple. His desires were far greater than Tsunade’s ever could be. “You’ve done plenty Tsunade. You’re knowledge, you’re abilities, you’re genes, blood, everything. They’ll be put to far greater use with me. Entrust them to me… you’ve done enough. Let your soul pass on, and I’ll take what’s left.”

Tsunade’s hand quivers against the table. Her eyes glance down and she watches her skin discolor more growing paler. It was like an infection crawling up her arms slowly turning it a far more pale shade. Her memories, who she is, could she stop Orochimaru? If she could she did not know how. She could only think to ask for help, but she could not even do that. Her fists clench and then relax. Maybe she could see Dan again. She could see plenty of others if she let go right? After all, she did do plenty. Orochimaru for better or worse was helping in plenty of ways. “Do I really…” The doctor shakes her head against the table. Her voice comes from her lips but the tone of it sounded like it was shifting to something colder. “Is it really alright to just... give in?” A long breath leaves her lips. Most of her goals in life ended up being making sure Naruto could achieve his dream. He did that. What else was there to do now? She knew he could handle the rest. “I’ve just been a burden to Shizune… and Naruto will be able to manage the rest.”

“That’s it, just let go.” Orochimaru’s words brush against Tsunade like a succulent whisper. To Orochimaru though he begins to feel his fingers and even flexes them clenching the new hand. Her toes begin to wiggle just the same. Orochimaru was becoming a new woman. She had not taken over a woman’s body for some time. “Maybe I’ll do what you could not… have a son of my own? Hehehe, I’ve always thought about it after all. My recent experiments in cloning pushed it more. Maybe why I decided to go for a female body.”

Tsunade body flinches but then nothing. Orochimaru’s body relaxes. “Good…” The words are faint but he can still hear it. The faint voice of Tsunade still reaching out to him. “Good luck.”

Orochimaru flexes her hand again. It was really hers now. “Tsunade I…” She says the words but no one is listening now. With another soft chuckle, she focuses on the rest of her changes. Her arms and legs move, and her waist begins to fidget. She moves her jaw slowly but surely and her lips open and close. Blinking once, twice, three times her yellow slit eyes stare at the ceiling. The changes were progressing and she was adapting her nicely. Her old hair mixing with Tsunade’s hair seemed to simply give the blonde hair black streaks through it. Fused was the correct word after all. She was becoming a new person not just a fake. “Her genes are strong… mine are nothing special. Her bloodline is far more special. Just like how Harshima cells can be so aggressive. Now I have some of those cells within me without even having to implant them.”


With a quick snap of her finger, the snakes that had been holding her down slither back into her arms fusing with the flesh. “Much better.” Closing her eyes Orochimaru makes a series of snaps with her fingers and after her sixth snap, the restraints on her body click open. “The code still functions correctly. Now to adapt.” Pushing her hand against the table Orochimaru slowly sits up and slips her feet onto the ground. Her body wobbles for a brief moment as she stands up but she has used a female body before. Some balancing was a little off since Tsunade was top-heavy though Orochimaru is quick to adjust. There were still many adjustments though. For instance, the clothes she and Tsunade had were gone, currently it was just her naked body standing in a cold room. “Well, my body reacts to cold properly.” With a soft sigh her hand brushes against her breasts. “It seems my body's movements function correctly.” Moving her arms, they flex, they tighten, and all her fingers move correctly. “The nerves are properly connected I can feel properly.” Lifting her hand the woman touches her large breasts again. Just taking a small step back or forward makes them sway. “The size is something I’m not used to… to think I always wondered if she enhanced them. They’re real.” Walking over to the long full-length mirror of the lab room Orochimaru looks her body up and down. The skin color she has is pale though with a little more color than she was used to. Orochimaru’s original skin was practically white. Now however the skin was a pale cream color. She looked like a woman who just happened to never go outside. “Well it’ll probably make me seem more human to others I suppose.” Putting a hand on her hip Orochimaru stares intently at all the parts of her new body. One thing that stands out is her body looks young. She looked to be in her early twenties now instead of her late forties. Tsunade’s body was in roughly the late sixties at this point though Orochimaru had stopped counting the exacts. “It seems the fusing worked as intended. I’m far younger now.” Touching at her jaw she drags her finger across it and even taps at her neck. “No Adam’s apple anymore. My voice does sound feminine. Hehe, though our vocal tones seem to have mixed a bit. I suppose it makes me sound a bit more demanding as a woman.”

Turning on her heel the new woman walks to her lab room closet and pulls out a new lab coat. Pulling it on she stretches out her arms and rubs at her eyes. “Ah… to be young again. Hehe, my body feels far more relaxed. Hm, should I make a new fake skin for this form I wonder?” Opening up her lab door she begins to walk down the hall with hands in her pockets. Her bare feet tap against the ground and other workers within the lab begin to stare at her as her lab coat is not closed. “If I have Sasuke donate more blood, I should be able to give myself a Rinnegan. Or possibly create clones of Sasuke’s eyes which could be implanted into others. If anything happened to Sasuke’s Rinnegan it would create problems when facing enemies that shift dimensions.” Pondering the new ideas the woman reaches her office. Entering it the Ninja from the Leaf supposed to be monitoring her can only stare at her dumbfounded. One of them blushes but the other just sighs and walks from the room. “Well…” Sitting down at her desk Orochimaru sighs and begins to look over some of her notes. “Mitsuki? Would that be a good name for a son? What if I have a daughter? I suppose the name could be used unisex. Though ideally, the creature would think for itself so I could let it decide its gender.” Tapping a pen against her desk she smirks faintly and begins to jot down a few notes. “They should be able to harness sage power far better than other creatures. It’ll create a defense against the Otsutsuki’s. Healing powers from the Uzamaki, and greater chakra from the Sennin. Luckily the Sennin and Uzamaki can process natural chakra needed for Sage jutsu far easier already. I wonder if I should hold the child myself, I do have this body now… Well, we’ll, see.”

The lab door swings open again, a man from the leaf panting heavily. “Lord Orochimaru they’re an emergency Lady—”

Leaning back in her chair Orochimaru smiles at the Ninja. A snake now covering the man's mouth. Instead of reaching for a weapon both the monitor Ninja hold onto their communication devices ready to shout if needed. “Oh don’t worry boys.” She licks her lips with her long tongue. “My reflexes can’t help it when someone bursts into the room. But I already know the situation.” With a swish of the wrist, the snake vanishes in the air like dust in the wind and the man breathes out nervously. “I’ve taken care of Lady Tsunade myself. Don’t worry about her. If that attendant of hers is asking for her. Tell her to come by. The new lady is waiting for her.”


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