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The land of Wano had been liberated. Now the alliance made up of Mink, Samurai, and Pirates part ways. It had been a long time coming, parties were had, and tearful goodbyes were given. Now all that was left was to set sail back to the sea. For the Straw Hat Crew much had happened and much had changed. Finally, it seemed like a calm had come to the storm of events they had to keep dealing with. With thoughts of new islands on the horizon, the crew could only wonder just what would happen next on their adventure.


“Gahaha!” Slapping, clapping, loud obnoxious noises. “It’s Tra-guy see! Traaa-guy! Bread sucks!” Laughing, and hollering. The Straw Hat Crew certainly knew how to have their fun, even if it was by poking fun at one of their allies. Usopp the long-noised Sniper of the crew currently has a large bag on top of his head with painted spots on it. It was made to mimic Trafalgar Law’s hat. These kinds of little skits were common for Usopp, and he liked making his reindeer doctor friend Tony Tony Chopper laugh. “Oi, Chopper look!” Usopp snickers to himself holding a rubber band around his fingers. “Room.” A sudden deep voice comes from Usopp’s lips and yet again chopper hits his hooved hands against the ground laughing his butt off.

Law however did not find such things as amusing. Rolling his eyes, he sets some of his papers down and sits up from the barrel he had been using as a seat. “I can’t believe them…” Walking away from the noisy bunch Law looks off toward his ship, a submarine getting ready to dive for when he left the island himself. “At least I’ll be away from them for a while now. I can’t believe how many of my plans they ruined… heh.” Despite saying the words with some annoyance, a faint smile crosses the grumpy man’s lips. “But they get the job done at least.”


Boxes fall over boxes only a few feet away from Law. In front of him, he notices the green-haired member of the Straw Hats as well as the orange-haired woman. Part of him wanted to turn around right away but the two were already yelling. “I swear Zoro can’t you do anything right?! The extra clothes were supposed to go in that box!” The navigator started the shouting session, as she often did. Even though Law only traveled with them briefly she always seemed like the scariest among the members. “You just dumped everything together, who told you to sort it anyway? You’re supposed to carry it!”

The Moss Head as Law often heard him referred to; groans and shrugs. “Hmph, I don’t see the big deal I just threw all of them together. It’s faster this way.” The man was skilled with the sword Law knew that much, but he was also blunt and a bit lazy when not in active combat. Law was never quite sure how to place him though since the Moss Head at times could be rather intelligent and considerate toward others when he wanted to be. Though he does not have and probably never will have a sense of direction.

“You threw everyone’s clothes into one box! Robin and I have a separate one for that!” The whole Straw Hat Crews sense in general seemed to come from the navigator and archeologist. At least from what Law had observed. Her voice knew how to be commanding and knew how to scold at the very least. For whatever reason the three strongest of the Straw Hat Crew seemed to listen to the navigator’s every word when it counted. Though for little things the Moss Head and Navigator always seemed to be arguing. “Take them all out! I’ll call you when I need you!”

Rolling his eyes, the Moss Head turns away from the woman like a scolded child. “Eh it’s not a big deal. Do it yourself if you want to.”

With a huff, the Navigator grabs at Moss Head’s ear and pulls him over to the box. “Of course, it’s not a big deal to you, you’re not a woman! I don’t wanna hear complaining though! Get it done! We wanna leave before sunset!”

Leaning against a tree Law sighs at the scene unfolding before him. For everyone on the crew, the two that seemed to get along the least were these two. “Moss Head-ya doesn’t seem to like that curly brow one. But these two… hm.” Sucking his lips into his mouth Law stares blankly in the twos direction thinking. This was his chance to have fun. “Heh.” A smirk crosses his face as he thinks about what happened on Punk Hazard. An island they all were on not too long ago. “It was rather amusing… They made me deal with their idiotic antics long enough. I think I can redeem some payback.” Holding out his hand a small swirl of air hovers under his palm. “Room.” The swirl expands like a bubble and engulfs the area around himself, the navigator, and the swordsmen. “I guess I can call it payback… and a head start. After all, I wanna go for The One Piece. Now what to do… I was testing a new move. It’d probably work well on these two.” Taking a deep breath Law waves his hand across the air and a translucent crosshair like that on a gun forms in front of him. “Target, 2, lock.” The crosshair separates and hovers in front of him. From his view, it highlights the babbling duo, though to anyone else they would see him staring off toward their direction. “Alright… I’ll use the female. That’ll lower their power temporarily. And I’m sure it’ll make their ship lively at least.” With his targets locked the crosshair on the navigator highlights and he hovers his hand in front of the swordsmen. “Copy & Paste” Law’s hat ruffles on his head almost blowing away. A gust of wind then pushes out from him and makes the navigator's hair bellow into her face. Then Law smirks and flicks his wrist making the bubble of air surrounding them vanish. “There, time for me to set sail. Have fun Straw Hat-ya.”

Brushing the hair from her face Nami looks off toward Law watching him walk to his crew. “Weird… You feel that gust of wind Zoro?”

Zoro the Moss Head shrugs and begins to stack boxes again. “Like I’d notice some breeze. I finished loading the booze stock. Just tell me when you need me to move the rest. I wanna nap already. I guess I can g—”

Nami quickly grabs Zoro’s shoulder and pushes him toward Usopp and Chopper. “How about you just go play with Chopper for a bit? I’ll be quick. We wanna leave soon, not take hours finding you.”

Grumbling Zoro tentatively walks over to the laughing duo. “Yeah, yeah, just hurry it up.”

Nami finally had a moment to herself. Her eyes first narrow in Law’s direction. “It felt sorta like that time…” Biting at her lip she shakes her head dismissively. “He’s an ally. And we didn’t switch bodies again. Well… I’ll have to go tell Luffy we’re ready. We just need to move the rest of these.”

The rest of the supplies are loaded onto the Straw Hats boat, Sunny Go. Restocked, the crew finally all boards, and together with their new Helmsmen Jinbe and Nami’s navigating they make their way into the sea. Law’s crew does the same. He however waits a moment and watches the Straw Hat’s ship sail over his sub. “Heh.” The usual grumpy man smirks again a few of his crew members giving him a confused stare. “Good, they didn’t notice.”

Bepo the mink polar bear taps on Law’s shoulder. “C-captain, the crew is starting to worry…”

Rolling his eyes Law pushes the telescope of his sub back up and glares back at his crew members. “I left the Straw Hat’s a parting gift. It should give us a bit of a head start. So, let's head out. We’ll show them we can find The One Piece without their help.”

Clearing his throat Bepo slowly brings down the telescope himself to peer out it. “What exactly did you do? We don’t wanna make those guys enemies...”

Sitting down at his captain’s chair Law sighs. “I used a new ability I was working on… It should. At least in theory change someone into someone else. It seems to work better on entities that are more familiar with one another. The conditions will change depending on the target… but I figure they’ll find it amusing. Heh, maybe if they find me, I’ll help them out.” Pausing Law closes his eyes starting to ponder. “Though forget about that. Let’s try and find where that fool Blackbeard is.”

Nodding slowly Bepo focuses his attention on navigating. “Right. I guess it’s fine then! Time to set sail!”


Weights slam against the floor of Sunny Go’s crow's nest. Zoro more or less lived in the crow’s nest. It was his weight room, and since the Shipwright Franky enclosed the space, it could weather storms and was comfortable for naps. Everything Zoro could ask for really. “How much stronger can I get?” Staring at the oversized weights larger than his own body Zoro ponders his question. “I learned a lot there… I still need to practice a lot more.”

“Zoro!” Nami’s voice loud as ever rises from the hatch of the crow's nest. “Come down here!”

A heavy sigh leaving his lips Zoro grabs his exercise towel and throws it over his shoulders. Walking over to the ladder he takes his time climbing down. From what he could tell the crew was going about their day as usual. Robin the archologist was sitting on the deck reading a book. Sanji the cook was offering her a drink. Jinbe the helmsman was manning the helm. Franky the shipwright was not around so he was probably below deck. Usopp the sniper also seemed to be below. Chopper the doctor probably was in his office, and Luffy the captain was at the front of the ship chatting with Jinbe. Brook the musician was currently playing some music by the helm as well. “Everyone’s doing something at least.” Stepping off the ladder Zoro slowly turns to Nami. Currently, her arms are crossed and her eyes are narrowed. “What’re you upset about this time? I didn’t even do anything.”

“I know.” Nami’s face progressively contorts as she pinches her nose. “You’re starting to smell up the place. You’re always the worst one… if you’re not going to bathe you could at least exercise less. You just smell like a walking ball of sweat!”

Robin snickers from behind flipping a page of her book. Zoro however is not as amused. “Eeeeh? That’s what you wanna complain about?” Wiping the sweat from his forehead Zoro scoffs. “it’s not a big deal. Usually, I’m not near any of you anyway.”

Nami’s eye twitches. She could barely believe herself. Though at this point she may as well be considered the ship's mom. Someone had to tell the idiots what to do. “I can’t believe you. Just go to the bath already! The whole point of having a ship with a bath means we don’t need to be covered in dirt! Now come on! March to it or I’m gonna start adding to your bill!”

Jerking back Zoro holds up his arms defensively. “What’re you saying, woman!? Bill me? You already bill me for everything! I’m just gonna go back to the crow's nest!”

Pulling up her fist Nami wallops Zoro right over the head a large lump forming instantly. “Stop calling me woman you jerk! Just get to the bath you moss brain!”

Sanji snickers into his hand as he walks by the scene. “Heh.” Brushing his blonde hair, a little behind his ear he gives Zoro a side eye and faintly whispers. “Moss brain. I’ll have to remember that one.”

Zoro eyes glare right back at Sanji and he raises a fist. Though before he can even say anything Nami wallops the lump she already made making Zoro fall to the ground with a new lump stacked on the first. “I don’t need you to start fighting Sanji now either! Just get to the bath already you idiot!”

Groaning Zoro stands himself up and rubs at the lumps on his head. “Geez!” With a huff, he turns on his heel and starts walking to the bathing room. “Whatever I’ll do it! Happy now! Go tell Luffy to take a bath next. He reeks just as bad as me!”

Still angry Nami slams her foot down and shouts back. “I’m going to right now! I’m sick of both of you stinking up the place! Maybe I’ll go drag Usopp right behind him! Y—” About to hurl a new creative insult Nami stops herself short watching Zoro as he walks. Something was strange about him. She did not notice it before but the back of his head had a small orange streak. His hair was green, it was normal for him, though she had never seen any orange in it before. “That’s… weird.” Taking a few careful steps back she turns away from Zoro and looks up toward the Helm where Luffy was. “It’s probably nothing… right?” Rubbing at her chin Nami cannot help but think about it. She had dealt with plenty of strange things on the Grandline, and everything in the New World was even stranger. “It wasn’t paint or dirt, right? I’ll have to look into it later.”

The next day

Nami yawns into her hand and sits up from her bed. Another morning had come to greet her. Standing herself up she walks past the still-sleeping Robin and goes to her closet. “Even as the years pass I’m glad Franky made living on a boat not feel so rough.” Getting herself dressed in a simple white dress with sleeves Nami pulls her hair back and ties it into a high ponytail. “I wanted to work on some maps from Wano while I still have the memory fresh. Grabbing a pair of glasses simply for style she slips on a pair of cork sandal wedges and leaves her room. Her room exits out onto one of the upper levels of Sunny Go. Taking the stairs to her left it would take her to the helm. For now, she was going to the back of Sunny Go where her map-making room is located. As she walks down the stairs to the center deck her eyes peer out over the sea. “A calm day surprisingly. Seems like I won’t have to worry for a bit at least.” One thing she does note is the deck is quiet. Currently, Franky is at the helm and Jinbe is sleeping. “Shifts haven’t changed yet... Franky!” Nami waves toward Franky as she starts to step up the stairs of the back deck. “Keep up the good work!”

As usual, the large cyborg man slams his metal arms together so the stars on them connect. Franky is always excited to get praise; his voice shouting back to Nami with joy. “I’ll do a supppper Job now!”

Nami chuckles and rubs at her neck. “Ahaha… I probably should have told him to keep his voice down. Well sorry Robin.” Walking past the aquarium and kitchen area Nami stops at the large domed section of the ship. A few of her orange plants lay around the sides, she had some by the aquarium as well. “They seem to be doing alright.” Entering into her map room she takes a deep breath. It doubled as an area Robin used as well just like their bedrooms. However, Nami’s side of the room is a bit more cluttered and messier with different parchment and papers for map creation. “Now then let’s get started.” Sitting down at her desk she lays out a piece of parchment with a grid on it and takes out her drawing tools. “I wonder what areas I should start on first… Do I add the spots of the map that’ve been changed because of us?” Sighing she starts to draw slowly and carefully. She did not need to rush, and she liked to make sure her charts were accurate. For a localized map and a sea chart of the area as well. “I can’t help but wonder what happened with Zoro still.” Even as time ticks away, Nami’s thoughts wander on different events and actions she and her crew have taken. Though most present thought is Zoro’s change of hair. “It wasn’t even all of his hair… but just one part? That’s too weird, right? Should I ask Chopper about it? What even caused it?” Sighing to herself Nami leans back in her chair and peers out her window to the sea. “Zoro’s probably still on watch. I could go up and check… Brook wouldn’t have taken over yet.”

It takes Nami a little time to climb up to the crow’s nest. At this point, she was used to getting around the ship. Not that she enjoyed going up so high in a dress and wedges. Sanji was not currently in the area so she had no reason to worry. Looking over the room she closes the hatch and walks to the rim peering out through the windows. She did not see Zoro but she could faintly hear him snoring. The weights he had set up were massive for sure though they did not keep him awake by the sound of it. “Mmmm…” The voice was getting louder and Nami found the source nestled between two large weights.

“Really…?” Sighing into her hand Nami was not sure where to even begin. She did not always check on Zoro but did he think it was a good idea to sleep on the job? “Zoro.” Nami says the words plainly and the sleeping Moss Head does not respond. “Alright. Fine. You asked for it.” Taking a deep breath Nami raises her fist and wallops Zoro over the head smashing his face against the floor.

“GAH!” Zoro shouts into the ground quickly bolting up. His hand instinctively grabs at his waist but his swords are currently resting against the wall. “H-huh?” Looking at Nami standing in front of him he slowly begins to groan. “Uuuugh… what are you doing up here? It’s still morning, isn’t it?”

Nami raises an eyebrow at the comment, but instead of talking right away she grabs the top of Zoro’s head and turns it to face the nearest window. “The sun hasn’t even fully woke up yet! And you’re just laying here sleeping on your shift! What if another ship was coming after us?!”

Zoro pauses for a moment and yawns into his hand. “Eeeeh? How should I know Franky would handle it wouldn’t he?”

Eyes twitching Nami could feel the urge to wallop coming over her again. “Why you little… Don’t you care about what happens to us? What if someone attacked and you just finally woke up and found us all gone?!”

Now getting grumpy himself Zoro shrugs but responds sternly. “I guess I’d just have to find you all myself then wouldn’t I!”

Stomping her foot down Nami shakes her head to stress how bad such a statement is. “You’re practically saying you’d let us die! Don’t say scary things like that!”

Narrowing his eyes Zoro turns around and picks at his ear with his pinkie. “Whatever… I don’t need to hear about this. Just go back down before the Shitty cook wakes up.”

Nami could still see it, the orange hair. Zoro’s words go into her ears but she does not listen. Instead, she takes a step closer and stares at the hairs. It was his real hair for sure. Walking to Zoro’s front she notices something else now as well. “Huh…” Zoro’s eyes appeared to be a lighter auburn color like her own. “That’s—what does that mean?”

Zoro sighs and stretches out his arms. “What’s what? Just get going already.” Grabbing one of his large weights he hoists the thing above his head and swings it forward seemingly with ease. “Hm…?” He swings again and again and Nami ‘s hair blows from the small gusts of wind it creates. “That’s weird… I don’t feel sore. But..” Zoro swings again and then his legs buckle and the weight drops to the ground with a hardy slam. “Uck!”

Hesitantly Nami’s eyes soften and she holds out a hand to try and show some support. “Z-Zoro? Are you alright? Was the weight too heavy or something?”

Groaning back Zoro rubs at his shoulder and lays back on the ground. “Damn it. I was just lifting that last night. What the hell happened?!”

Nami bites at her lip watching Zoro wince his eyes back in pain. “You should go talk to Chopper just in case. Maybe you got bit by a bug in Wano or something. Even for someone strong like you sickness isn’t something you can just cut.”

Zoro sighs and stands himself up. Even still in some pain he throws open the hatch and starts climbing down the ladder. “Yeah, whatever. I may as well. Everyone will be waking up soon anyway.”

Walking over to the weights Nami grabs at the hilt. It was supposed to be like a weighted sword for Zoro’s training. “I can’t even budge the thing… but his eyes. And hair too. His strength? Was it because I talked to him? The eyes alone… seemed like mine. But I don’t have a devil fruit, I can’t just turn someone into me on accident.” Biting at her lip Nami closes her eyes trying to think. “I’ve seen all sorts of weird abilities. I guess my mirages are weird enough for some. Why would Zoro start to get characteristics that I have though? I should—” Looking down the hatch Nami watches Zoro touch the ground and start to walk to the doctor's office. “I’ll listen in…” Swinging her leg over the hatch Nami starts to climb down. Eavesdropping on people was nothing hard for her.

Zoro scratches at the back of his head looking at Chopper's office door. “I’m not bleeding… so he won’t cover me in bandages again, right?” Carefully opening the door, the small reindeer that was the size of a child stands on a chair pouring liquids into small vials. “Chopper.” Zoro steps in and sits on the free chair in the room. The reindeer doctor then plops down himself and turns to face Zoro. “I need help. Something’s wrong with me.”

The reindeer's eyes scan Zoro up and down and with his squeaky voice, he holds up his stethoscope. “What’s the matter Zoro? Tell me in detail how you’re feeling. Also hold out your arm for me, okay?”


Chopper and Zoro had talked but Zoro now stands; his chair had fallen to the ground. Staring at Chopper angrily he yells at the air. “He’s trying to switch my body like what happened to those other guys? I’ll slice that shitty doctor up if I have to!”

Chopper quickly spins his chair over to the front of the door blocking Zoro’s path. “Wait, wait! Stop, stop, stop! We don’t even know where he is! The best we could do is call him. But even then, we’re not even sure how far he is from us. For now, you’ll have to deal with whatever this is… but it’s different than what happened to me and the others. Instead of switching bodies… your body is changing. Into what. I don’t know… though your eyes look kinda different.”

Narrowing his eyes Zoro sighs and shakes his head. “Great so you’re telling me to deal with it huh? My eyes now too… my muscles are bad enough.”

Laughing nervously Chopper slowly scoots his chair out of Zoro’s way. “Just um… think of it as training. Do you need muscle to be a swordsman?”

Zoro unsure how to respond decides it best to leave and head back to the deck. “I need to be able to hold a sword…” Whispering the words at himself Zoro looks at the sword currently around his belt. He brought the sword he usually had on his person the one left to him by the female swordsmen of the past. “I know it’s not all that matters… but I haven’t exactly trained myself to fight like that.”

As Zoro keeps mumbling to himself Nami finally pushes off the wall by Chopper's office and heads back to the deck herself. “So, I was sort of right… it seems like he’s being affected by me. Or maybe we both were. I saw Law that day before he left.” Closing her eyes Nami walks back across the ship to her map-making room and sits herself back down at her desk. “I’ve only really been scolding him lately. I guess it could be something like that… but what’s it going to do? I was just joking before but what if it makes him my twin or something?” Closing her eyes Nami pictures herself dressed in Zoro’s clothes swinging a sword clean through a tree to chop it down. “I can’t really picture it that well… heh. I guess he at least wouldn’t be as weird about it as Sanji. But he’s one of the strongest on the crew. So even if it could be fun to have a twin sister. We’d be powered down without him.” Twirling a pencil between her fingers Nami’s thoughts cannot help but stray. “I mean how embarrassed would Zoro get though…?” Thoughts of fun and thoughts of doubt plague Nami. “I don’t even know how well he could use his swords if he’s as weak as me. I guess he could carry them fine but using all three at once?” Nami pictures herself now with a sword in her mouth holding two other swords swinging them around. “Heh… maybe someone would pay for something like that but I’m not sure how long I could keep that up. I don’t even know what this will do to him though… what if he thinks exactly like me or something?” Standing up Nami ruffles her hair up. “Uuugh I wanna mess with him but it could be bad for us! But it’d be fun too, wouldn’t it? Chopper didn’t say his life is in danger… so, so maybe…” Biting at her thumb Nami slowly turns to the door. “I can’t get work done like this anyway. But what do I do? Just yell at him? Chopper already mentioned the changes so… if it happens fast enough even an idiot like him will realize right?” The thoughts rattled in Nami’s head it was conflicting for sure. “We’ll have a bit of sailing to do… and then we just need to run into that Tra-guy again and we’ll be fine. W-wait.” Overthinking was sort of a specialty of hers at this point. “What if the fruit is making me wanna go through with it? Should I still do it then? Or do I even have a choice then? Aaaaah I don’t know! But… I just… I wanna see what happens now!”

The next next day

More sailing on the high seas. No accidents either, beyond having to shovel snow now and again. Nami currently sits in the aquarium staring at some of the fish the crew had caught for food storage. “I ended up just planning all the things I could do yesterday. Just being around me could be changing him… I don’t know. I just can’t decide.”


Zoro barges through the door and plops down on the sofa sitting opposite Nami. “Ah… it gets way too cold out there.”

Nami’s body twitched, all the opportunities were right in front of her. “H-heh. Well, I guess you better stop lazing around her and get back to work. We don’t want the ship to freeze solid. We need to make sure the snow stays off the deck.” As Nami says the words she could feel herself get back into her plot. She wanted to see what would happen if she pushed. “And remember to take some of the sand for any of the ice patches too! Me and Robin shouldn’t have to worry about tripping because you guys let your snowballs melt!”

Zoro rolls his eyes. Nami could tell Zoro was not aware of her involvement in the changes. For now, she lets him talk back just as planned “You don’t need to boss me around even now do you?!” He was genuinely annoyed with her, perfect for more changes to take effect if that was what was really causing them. Nami needed a bit more though so she smugly crossed her arms and smiled back at Zoro. Something in her felt stronger, like if she willed it she could force changes. All Zoro needed to do was talk back it was like fuel for whatever the power was. “Come on!” And talk back he does. “Don’t look at me like that! You know I do plenty of work I’m just taking a short break!”

It all seemed too perfect for Nami. Zoro was just begging to be scolded more. “Your breaks always turn into five-hour naps.” The words are blunt and stiff and make Zoro’s spine straighten. It felt good to Nami. Just staring over his body, she notices his hair turn completely orange. “Heh, you know I’m right. So, stop complaining, throw on a coat, and get shoveling.” Tugging her own fluffy white winter coat tighter around herself Nami gives a quick eyebrow wiggle back in taunt. “Less you rather borrow one of my coats? Hehe, think you fit my size?”

Zoro’s eyes are the ones twitching this time. He could barely believe himself. Standing up he walks fast to the door and swings it open. “I don’t need to hear all this! I’ll do what I have too alright!” Zoro grabs the nearest shovel and begins to scrape the deck of the snow covering it. “Can’t believe she keeps getting on my case.” Grumbling to himself Zoro could feel a shiver crawling up his body. He dealt with this terrible shifting weather plenty though he is surprised himself how cold he was starting to feel. “I already have a coat on… What the hell is it this time?”

“Zooorrro” Usopp the long-noised lair chucks a snowball right at Zoro’s head. “Come on keep up or you’ll lose! Orange head!”

Eyes wincing Zoro turns on his heel and grabs snow together from the shovel pile he had. “You little jerk!’ Launching the ball from his hand it whacks Usopp in the face now sending him into the snow pile on the center deck. “That’s what you get for messing with—” Zoro stops himself and stares at his hands. He threw the snowball barehanded so his skin is a reddish color. That part was normal but his hands are both distinctly smaller. “What the hell? Did it happen again? Actually… what did he just say?” Shaking off the odd change Zoro grabs the shovel and keeps pushing snow back into the sea. “If all I can do is deal with it, I guess I have to. But what’s even causing it to happen?”

“Zooorrrro!” Another loud voice, though this time it was Luffy, the captain of the crew. “Zoro!” Bouncing up from the deck the rubber man's body vibrates before standing tall. “You look funny.” Luffy is blunt and to the point with plenty of things as always. “Did Nami dye your hair as a punishment? But how come… we’re like the same height now?” Holding a hand above his head Luffy measures a hand from himself to Zoro.

To Zoro’s dismay, his height is smaller than Luffy’s currently. “That’s…” Words muttering from his mouth Zoro had no idea what to think. “We’re not that different in height but… now I’m about as tall as Nami aren’t I? I didn’t think the whole crew would start to notice.”

Usopp now walks up his arm resting on Luffy’s shoulder as he looks Zoro up and down. “Huh… yeah you do look shorter now. That’s pretty weird. What the heck happened?” As Usopp speaks, slowly, his voice grows with more concern thinking of the possibilities. “Y-you weren’t poisoned or something right?”

Taking a deep breath Zoro turns his back from the two. “Look. It’s not a big deal. That shitty Tra-guy used some weird ability on me.” Saying the truth was annoying for Zoro but it was better to say now than have the crew freak out later. “Chopper doesn’t know how to undo it. I just have to find that guy again and either beat the crap out of him till he turns me back or someone tells him to do it.”

Luffy nods slowly and picks at his nose with his pinky finger. “Ah… so it’s a mystery ability.”

Slapping Luffy’s shoulder Usopp sighs. “Oi.”

“Your features…” Robin’s heeled boots clack against the deck's wooden floor. With a hand on her cheek, she tilts slowly to the side. Like Nami she also has a long coat with a fluffy collar. Despite what Nami said though Robin’s extra limbs are cleaning some of the snow. Her devil fruit power allows her to create any of her body parts, a useful ability for chores. “You’re starting to look rather feminine. You said Tra-guy did this to you? Your hair, eyes, you look related to Nami now.”

Usopp sighs again looking between his three crew mates. “Oi, we all know his real name are we all just calling him Tra-guy forever?”

Everyone collectively ignores Usopp’s comment. Zoro then turns toward Robin and shrugs. “I don’t know. Feminine or not… Nami or whatever. From what Chopper said. Whatever he did seems like it’s making my body womanly, or something like that. I don’t know what keeps making it change. I just want it to be over with.” Sighing at himself Zoro grabs at his coat and shirt collar and looks at his chest starting to get puffy from budding breasts. “I wonder if I can use Haki at all for this… Maybe Sea water?”

Luffy reaches his hand forward and grabs at Zoro’s head examining the back of it closely. “Hmmm.”

Slapping Luffy’s arm Zoro quickly wallops Luffy over the head making the rubber man snap back in place with no actual damage done to him. “Oi, you idiot what the heck do you think you’re doing?!”

Sighing Luffy points at Zoro’s head again. “Your hair. I wanted to see it closer. The back of it kinda looks like Nami’s now.” Yawning into his hand Luffy turns around and swings his arm back and then forward to grab the mast. “I’m getting bored though! Jinbbbeee!” Luffy’s body snaps to the mast and shoots him off to the other end of the ship.

Robin however was not done with her own looking. Standing closer to Zoro now she looks at the back of his head and even pokes her finger through the new hairs. “Hm, it does seem like your natural hair color has changed. It’s even straightening and looks a little longer. Fascinating. I wonder if my ability would be able to do something like this… is it like Awakening?”

More flustered than angry at Robin’s probing Zoro takes a few careful steps back and throws his hands in the air. “Look I don’t know the answers! I’m not good with this stuff alright. You probably know more than me already!”

Chuckling into her hand Robin could not help but find it humorous. With her hand on her hip, she smirks back with a retort. “Oh my is the new maiden blushing already? Hehe, if you keep changing like this, we may need to set up a bed for you in our room.” Zoro lifts his hand about to speak but Robin takes another step forward silencing him. “I wonder what Sanji would say? You two get along so well already. I can only think what would happen if you become a woman.”

Instead of following up with more words Zoro leaves. Letting Nami finally slink over to Robin’s side. In a whispered voice Nami stands up on the toes of her boots and speaks softly to Robin. “Robin, I think I have this whole thing figured out.”

Robin’s ears perk up and she turns to Miss Navigator. “Is that so, and you’ve yet to inform Zoro of this?” Crossing her arms under her chest Robin slowly tilts her head. “Why then would you tell me? I could just as easily let Chopper or Zoro know that you know something about all this.” Pausing for a moment Robin blinks a few times. “Wait a moment you don’t mean…” For common sense, Nami and Robin were probably the best in the crew. “The orange hair… the change in height. It’s far too similar to you. Is it like when Law switched your body with Sanji?”

Rubbing at the back of her neck Nami sheepishly nods. “It’s… it’s sort of like that.” Taking a deep breath Nami points over to Zoro currently talking to Usopp. “I’m asking you cause if he does turn into a girl we’ll need to keep him somewhere away from the boys… And well. It seems like he’s sort of becoming like my twin. I wanna go through with it.”

Robin cannot help but giggle at Nami’s bluntness to the situation. “Hehe, oh my, is that so? Heh, well I didn’t expect that behavior from you. Zoro could lose everything he is and live a fate worse than death.”

Nami blinks a few times trying to process her friend’s dark humor. “NO!” Shaking her head several times Nami reassures; mainly herself. “No, no, no! That’s not what I’m doing! Law can change him back! I just wanna mess with him for a bit. He always ends up causing us all problems in some way. Soooo you know we can have things a bit quieter, annnnd I get a twin I can dress up for a bit…”

With a soft sigh, Robin nods her head slowly her eyes peering back at Zoro. “Well, I won’t stop you. Though I won’t help either. Even if Tra-guy can change him back. We have no idea when he may return. I’m unsure if it’s a good idea. At the same time, it could be good for Zoro to experience life from a different view. He still seems to have… conflicting thoughts about how to treat women.”

Rolling her eyes Nami nods and scoffs. “Heh, yeah Sanji’s bad enough but even Zoro’s still a softie toward girls. It’s like he doesn’t take us seriously… Ugh, that just makes me wanna go through with this even more!” Giving Robin a quick wave Nami bounces herself back and runs down the steps. “Anyway thanks Robin! Talk later!”

The Next Day

Another day at sea and another chance for Nami to enact her plan. She was serious this time about getting Zoro to change completely. The question was could she do the rest of the changes in a day? As well did the changes happen only when they fight or did anything else trigger them? “I have to find out something.” Nami peers into the kitchen watching Zoro eat an oni giri on a plate. “I can tell he’s changed. His hair’s straight now. Orange too, it’s getting a bit longer. Chopper even had to explain it to the crew last night. Now all I gotta do is mess with him.” With a deep breath of confidence, Nami walks into the kitchen. The only thing she managed to get Robin to help her with was keeping Sanji away from her. That part of the plan was working well. “I just have to do my part… and take a fall. My acting’s getting pretty good.” Running forward Nami’s elbow bumps against Zoro’s back making his rice ball spin in the air, of course, slamming against Nami’s shirt making it a sticky rice mess. To add to it Nami even falls on her butt and glares up at Zoro. “What the heck, I can’t believe you! I was running in here to gr— Ah this rice is everywhere now!”

Shooting up from his seat Zoro rubs his palms into his face frustrated differently. His lunch is now ruined and the situation just seemed silly he had to address it. “What the— Look I didn’t even do anything! You bumped into me!”

Nami’s face turns into a pout her eyes looking up at Zoro with concern. “What are you talking about? I’m not strong enough to push you around… I… I just was grabbing an extra cucumber for Robin.”

Staring back more blankly now Zoro slaps his hand across the air. “Oi, why did you need to run for a cucumber…”

Jumping back to her feet Nami puts both her hands on her hips and huffs at Zoro. “What’s it to you!? Can’t a girl help out her best friend?! Geez, just say you’re sorry and leave me alone.”

Zoro wanted to shout, Nami could tell. However, her plan was also working. The scar on Zoro’s eye slowly begins to vanish away. More changes were starting to take place. It was like as more days moved on the easier it became to change. Maybe it was because Nami actively wanted him to change. Zoro however does not care for this plan even as he unknowingly says the words to trap him further. “I didn’t even do anything you bumped into me you little bi—”

Nami grabs at Zoro’s shirt collar and smirks brightly. “Care to rephrase that; master swordsmen?” Patting the top of Zoro’s head teasingly Nami keeps her smug grin. “Come on~ Little what?” Nami proceeds to start circling around Zoro poking at his sides to egg him on. “You’re little? We’re both little? Litt—”

Zoro’s face starts to turn red with slight embarrassment and anger. It would happen now and again though it seemed like his emotions were bubbling up more than before. “Wh-why you!” Cutting Nami off he stomps his foot. “No, I won’t rephrase it! I was calling you a bitch. A little bitch! Happy?! You know you bumped into me! Why don’t you go make me a new oni giri instead of complaining to me about things you caused!”

Finally, Zoro was pushing back a little. In Nami’s head, it seemed cute, he was trying his best. “Hehe.” Trying to not laugh too loudly she covers her mouth. Her laughing appears to only make Zoro grit his teeth more. “Calm down you idiot. Geez ahaha.” Shaking her head, she grabs at a lock of Zoro’s new orange hair. “The angrier you get the worse this is going to get.” Shaking her head sullenly Nami decides to go for the knife twist. “Just apologize and we can be done with this.”

“Why you li—” Zoro covers his mouth quickly. His voice was completely different. Nami’s smirking face staring at him did not make him any less confused. “Why…. Why does.” Speaking slowly Zoro hears Nami’s voice come from his lips.

Nami chuckles and shakes her head. “Wow, Zoro you getting better at impressions or what? Yoooou sound just like me.”

Nami made sure to hang on the words. If not to make Zoro angry, making him flustered in general was fun enough. The brutes face however is already changing more. Before Nami’s eyes, she watches his other eye open up. It seemed like he was not even aware of himself as he blinked at her with the auburn color she shared. The scar is no longer there. Zoro had not even noticed all the changes taking place. The rather feminine man still keeps rambling though. “What you looking at huh? I said I won’t apologize. I don’t have time for your other crap either!”

Zoro rants and rambles loudly not knowing what he was doing to himself. Nami on the other hand watches first hand as Zoro’s orange hair grows longer and now brushes against his shoulders. The muscle he had been trying to retain also all but completely vanishes to match Nami’s body type. His broad shoulders slant and his skin shines soft and feminine. Nami covers her mouth watching right in front of her as breasts begin to push against Zoro’s green robes. “Z-Zoro!”

Zoro stomps his foot and huffs. Raising his chin toward the roof his copied Nami voice was making him sound like a bratty child. “Really do you need to keep talking?! What are you going to do charge me more?! Even when I sound just like you? Oooooh I’m Nami I like money! That’s how you sound woman!”

To Nami’s eyes, Zoro looked a lot like how she did two years ago. Mostly because of the shorter hair, though the smaller chest added to it as well. It was like looking at a younger version of herself wearing Zoro’s clothes. “Heh… fine keep blabbing away.” Nami, shakes her head smugly and grabs a stool from the bar counter sitting down on it to watch the changes firsthand. “Make fun of me all you want. Things will change.”

Zoro rolls his eyes and slams his fist against the counter. It was not even hard enough to dent it despite trying. “Damn it! You don’t even know the saying! And to think they call you the smart one? You’re supposed to say; nothing will change! Cause it won’t, you’re still gonna be stuck up!”

Nami nods sagely not even listening to Zoro anymore and instead just enjoying the show. “Sure, sure…” Right now, Zoro’s new breasts were beginning to push against his robe. For better or worse it let Nami get an eye full of more of the changes. From the hairs on Zoro’s skin flaking away to the hair on his head starting to grow out more to Nami’s current length. Seeing it up close she can only mutter in awe. “Wow… it really does change it all huh?”

Zoro bangs his fist against the table again and quickly retracts it back starting to feel the pain. “Damn this body. Stop saying sure, I swear you’re not even listening anymore ar—” Pausing for a brief moment Zoro’s body stops all movement. “What did you say… It. It didn’t did it?”

Clearing her throat Nami nods slowly. “No, it did.”

Zoro slowly peers down. Breasts stare back at him barely being contained by his robe. His cheeks begin to turn a dark red. “I can’t be… I…” Finally, everything begins to come into focus. The long orange hair now brushing against his back, the smooth skin, touching his eye he notices the scar had vanished too. “No way… this can’t be real!” Jumping over the bar counter Zoro runs to the large food storage vault and peers at himself in the reflection. “Nami?” His head looks back to Nami sitting on the stool and she waves at him with a smile. “No way. I’m Nami? I can’t be Nami. It made me Nami?!”

Stretching out her arms like a job well done Nami stands up and walks around the bar counter and playfully claps in cheer. “Good job Nami good job!” Walking up to Zoro she puts her hands on both of the new twins’ shoulders. “You and me are a pair of twins hehe.” Giggling to herself Nami had completed her task but she could almost not believe it herself. Now finally seeing it in the flesh she can only giggle. She really had a twin sister now right in front of her. A girl that looked just like her, from head to toe. “Hm… actually.” Nami’s arms wrap around Zoro’s body making the new girl whine and squirm in place. Rolling her eyes Nami puts a finger to Zoro’s lips to shush the new girl. “Hey, hey stop that now I just wanted to check if you changed fully! Heh ah, you feel so weak now.”

Nami’s hand travels to Zoro’s groin, and at this point, the new girl does not wish to explore more. However, to Zoro’s dismay, her protests come out softly and embarrassed. “S-stop it come on!” Whining more Zoro’s cheeks start to blush. Why was she reacting so oddly? She still had her memories and her skills. Even if limited in strength she could break Nami’s hold if she tried. “N-Nami come on I swear!”

Nami was far too impressed, hearing her voice making such cute sounds was intoxicating in a way. “I can’t believe it; I’m quite the catch aren’t I~?” The girl giggles more and her hand slips between Zoro’s thighs. Even as they squished against her hand, she could feel everything. “You really have changed all the way huh? No more family jewels for Zoro.”

Taking a deep breath Zoro tries her best to focus her will. Surprisingly it made her feel more normal. Breathing in and out focusing her will it was like she was normal. Suddenly she pushes her arms out and jolts forward. It’s enough to get her out of Nami’s grasp but she pushes against the locked food vault with not many options for escape. “D-damn it why do I have to deal with this shit.” Turning around Zoro looks to Nami. For better or worse they were a true reflection of each other, at least physically. Though Nami’s scar is not on his arm or tattoo. Twin seemed to be the right word they were not a one-to-one copy. Rolling her eyes such thoughts did not help Zoro sadly. “This is ridiculous…” Biting at her lip Zoro had no idea where to even begin but it was clear from Nami’s reactions she was playing a part in things. “Why the hell are you enjoying yourself so much huh? You figured out what was going on and just let it happen; is that it?!”

Nami nods without blinking and states the obvious. “Yes.”

Zoro’s eye twitches from the blunt response. “W-why you.” Stomping her foot down she grabs at Nami’s Bikini and pulls her forward. “This isn’t some kind of game! Why are you trying to mess with me?! This doesn’t accomplish anything does it?!”

Giving Zoro a shove Nami steps back. They were evenly matched in strength currently so pushing her away is no issue. “Well call it you paying me back for all the times I lent you money.” Gears start to click in Nami’s head, such an excuse was good enough to fool an idiot. She did not want to hurt Zoro or the crew. Though she did want her fun. Some white lies to get her way was an obvious solution. “I figured out what was going on… buuut I figured we’ve got some sailing ahead of us. A lot of the worst threats are taken care of. We’ll meet Law before another big issue pops up. Sooo.” Nami takes a step forward and holds out her hand rubbing her index finger and thumb together. “If you’re not gonna make me some money I guess I’ll redeem my money a different way! You’ll have to suffer through being my twin. Heh and listen to what I tell you, for once.”

Rolling her eyes Zoro walks past Nami and begins to head to the kitchen door. “Like I need to deal with this. What advantage would I have to listen to you? You just plan to keep me in your debt forever. So.” Zoro tilts his head back and sticks out her tongue. “Tough luck. I’m not dealing with this crap.” Nami does not run to stop her confused twin. Pushing open the door Zoro stepped out onto the deck and right away she realized why Nami did not move.

NAMI-SWWWWANNN” Sanji the shitty cook runs right up to Zoro and even grabs her hand. In some ways, Zoro thought it was ironic. She had grabbed Sanji’s hand in a similar way when Sanji was in Nami’s body. That being said the situation was different, now there were just two Nami’s. “Nami-Swan what’s all this?” Sanji frowns looking Zoro up and down. “You can’t wear that moss-head’s clothes. Really if you were feeling cold, I could have offered you my Jack—”

Zoro was curious to see if the cook would realize who he was talking to. However, having his hand held longer would be an issue. “Shut up you shitty chief!” Sanji’s face starts to look genuinely sad but Zoro is quick to follow up. “It’s me Zoro. Stop sobbing and get out of my way.” Pushing past Sanji, she walks down the steps to the middle deck and sighs as she looks at Robin giggling at him. “Hmph… from your smug look you already knew about this too, didn’t you?”

Crossing her arms Robin shakes her head. “I knew to an extent. Though it seems like the changes would have happened no matter what. She just sped it up. Now hold still.” Robin’s arms pop onto Zoro’s and Robin uses the extra hands to quickly tighten Zoro’s robe around the chest so the new girl's bare chest is not as visible to prying eyes. “If you’re going to be a lady you need to remember to be modest. Though… I don’t just say it to tease you.” Zoro rolls her eyes but Robin keeps talking. “I’m serious. You’ve been turned into a woman. Even if you look like Nami, you’re a woman now is the main point. If you can still fight like you normally do with less muscle… You’ll need to be mindful of how you treat the female body. We can require different diets, clothes, and more. Even women who have more muscle tend to handle training differently than men.” Taking the book from her table Robin opens it back up and begins to casually read again. “I would just be mindful of how you handle yourself. Even if Nami wishes to play some game. She knows your body now better than you do.”

Looking over the railing by the helm Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy all stare down at the new Nami. Watching as the actual Nami walks up behind the new one. Luffy taking out his cup of green tea gingerly sips at it. “I was right after all.”

Slapping his cheek Usopp rebuttals. “Oi, you just said it was a mystery.”

Chopper Sipping his cup of green tea nods sagely to himself. “I figured he wouldn’t last longer than a week.”

Slapping the air now Usopp just sighs and shakes his head. “Oi… I don’t think a doctor is supposed to say things like that.”

Peeking over the edge himself the Fishman Jinbe rubs at his chin. “Hm.” Looking between both the orange-haired beauties he whispers to Usopp. “Was there always two of them?”

Slapping the air once again Usopp lifts his head to the sky and shouts out. “Oi, shouldn’t you have noticed who your new crew members are?!”

Franky now also sipping green tea by Chopper nods slowly. “So, this is the power of romance.”

Grabbing at his hair Usopp doesn’t even slap the air and instead just sighs louder. “OI! What does that even mean in this situation!?”

Meanwhile the Skeleton musician of the crew Brook stands in front of Zoro sipping a cup of regular tea. “Excuse me, Miss—”


Nami and Zoro together wallop Brook over the head, somehow making a rather large bump from the Skeleton man’s afro. In unison, the girls shout together. “Shut up all of you!”

The crew all begins to mutter beside Robin and Sanji. Luckily for Zoro, they break off and go back to doing their tasks. Most of them were used to oddities on the Grandline enough for this to be a pretty normal day. Sanji however sighs to himself and slowly walks back into the kitchen slightly defeated. Robin on the other hand lifts her head from her book and nudges her chin toward Nami. “So then. What will you do now?”

With a wide grin, Nami slings her arm around Zoro. “Well Zoro, Zora, Zola? Zomi? Naro? Miro?”

Pushing the arm off Zoro sighs and shakes her head. “What the heck are you talking about now?”

Snapping her finger Nami pushes her index finger into Zoro’s breast. “You. Name. We need a name for you while you’re like this! Just calling you Zoro’s a bit weird. And since we already look alike and all calling us both Nami would just be even more confusing. I guess we could tie a Zoro band around your head? But no, no that wouldn’t be fun don’t you want a new name like this?”

It sounded silly, Zoro is her name so why use another one just because her body changed? “Fine, we can pick one later.” The words come from her lips but not her mind. Pausing she blinks a few times, was she just agreeing with Nami? It happened earlier in the kitchen as well. She felt like she had to fight herself to get out of Nami’s grasp when normally it should have been easy. “I mean… I don’t really need one. I didn’t mean to say that.”

Smirking wide Nami starts poking at Zoro even more. “Well, well, the name doesn’t matter too much right now! We need to get you to our room. Robin, you wanna join?!”

Zoro rolls her eyes Robin would not bother with such things. “Sure, why not.” Robin says the words bluntly and shuts her book standing up. Nami claps excitedly and she starts pushing Zoro to the girl's room.


“This…” Zoro blinks a few times. It was like whiplash. She was outside for a moment and now suddenly she stands naked in the girl's room. Robin has at least twenty hands summoned moving clothes and shoes around while Nami tosses out different ones. Two hands Robin had created even squeeze at Zoro’s ankles keeping her in place. “Wh-what the heck are both of you doing?!” Shouting out words of protest does not phase the women.

Robin closes her eyes seeming to think and she smiles softly. “Oh, I suppose we first need the underwear. Now try and hold still Zola dear.” About to speak up again Zoro’s mouth is covered by a pair of Robin’s hands. Meanwhile, a black bra is tossed in the air and a pair of hands catches it and pulls it onto Zoro’s chest. Hooked and looped the girl's chest is a bit better supported. Though Zoro finds the wire in the bra a bit uncomfortable. Robin however is not done there, Nami tosses out blank panties as well with white polka dots on them. “Black is simple though you did find something cute.” Robin giggles appearing to enjoy the dress up time herself. Now having the panties pulled up her legs Zoro can only squirm back fruitlessly. She did not sign up for being a dress-up doll! Though part of it was a bit fun right? Shaking her head Zoro did not want to think of it as fun. A white dress then is pulled over her head, a form-fitted dress at that. It clings to her legs and even tugs her breasts up supporting and accenting them more. Nami is then mindful to walk over to Zoro herself and take a knee slipping a pair of white heels on the girl's feet.

With a sigh of relief, Nami wipes her brow and gives a thumbs up to Robin. “A bit swanky don’t you think? Hehe, I figured it could be good to start with something a bit daring. Make those curves show.”

Nodding to herself Robin makes her extra hands vanish. “You wore the outfit well when we were dealing with Gild. It does look rather lovely.”

Zoro finally catches her breath and shakes her head but before she can get a word in Nami pushes her in front of the girl's full-length mirror. “H-hey, hey what the heck are you doing n—” Zoro’s cheeks blush instantly as she stares at herself. Nami was not unattractive though Zoro did not exactly think of his crew in that way. The body was now hers though. Brushing her hand along her hip she stares at how the dress clings to her hourglass figure accenting both her butt and breasts. “Th-this is… I don’t even know how to explain this.” Zoro’s face progressively gets redder. She wanted to get out of the outfit but also stay in it. Though it had to be a trick of the fruit! “I can… I can get out of this. I don’t need to do this!’ Proclaiming the words mostly to herself Nami and Robin tilt their heads in question. Zoro seemed to be able to use her Haki earlier to give her back freedom so just maybe. “Okay, I’ll try it….” Closing her eyes Zoro once again focuses her will. This time she focuses even more than before trying to surround her whole body with it. It was like armament but she needed to put it inside of herself to stop whatever effect Law had caused. “THERE!”


Zoro’s eyes both open making the room shake, a cloud of mist even surrounds him. To both Nami and Robin’s surprise, they stare at a male Zoro. “No way…” Nami says the words quietly taking a subtle step forward. “You undid it? But eeeh…”

Robin chuckles into her hand and shakes her head. “Well, the clothes aren’t part of the transformation that much is clear.”

Zoro blinks a few times and looks down at himself. Ripped clothes hang on him awkwardly. Slowly he looks toward the mirror and sees his normal reflection. “It… It actually worked! Haha!” Turning on his high heel it snaps and he simply kicks both the shoes off taking a step toward Nami thus ripping the dress on him more making it more like a loin cloth at this point. “Shows you! You can’t just keep messing with me now! So there! I’m going back to my room to get my real clothes!”

Grabbing hold of Zoro’s shoulder Nami stops the man in his tracks. He could simply pull away but it felt like he should at least hear the woman out. “But Zoro… come on. You could have taken off the clothes as soon as we were done. Part of you was enjoying yourself, weren’t you?”

Robin sits back on her bed and crosses one leg over the other. “Nami if he doesn’t wish to experience it he doesn’t have to.”

Zoro chuckles under his breath why would Nami even ask? She already knew the answer. “I-it wasn’t terrible.” Zoro’s body shivers, what did he just say?

Clapping her hands together Nami hops cheerfully in place. “Good! Then how about we get you changed again? Come on not like it’ll be forever! Have some fun with it! I can even show you some stuff only a woman cold experience.”

Zoro’s body quivered from her words; it was like something was coming over him. Turning around slowly his hair begins to turn orange again. “I mean… fine whatever I guess we’re not really doing anything till we find another island anyway.”

Smirking herself Robin crosses her arms again and resummons her extra hands. “Well then, I suppose we can help you find something else to wear. Nami did want to play dress up.”

Giggling Nami grabs at Zoro’s ragged dress and lets it drop to the ground. “Yeah, come on! That dress was old anyway we can find something cuter for you! So, let's get this body back to normal, okay?” Nami’s hands press against Zoro’s chest and begin to knead at it. To Zoro’s surprise, his voice squeaks right away and lets out a soft moan with Nami’s voice once again. It all happens faster now, maybe because his will was not in the fight? Nami’s hands grope at his chest and breasts form almost instantly. Her hands glide against his body and grab at the sword of his naked body and with just one squeeze she makes it vanish away. “It really does just sink away hehe.” The girl's comments were exciting to Zoro in a way but she could not say it. “Come on turn around!”

Zoro takes a deep breath and slowly turns herself around showing off her backside. Nami’s hand reels back then and slaps her twin's ass making the butt plump up and have a red hand mark on it. “H-hey!” Zoro squeaks back and bites her lip wiggling her large rump back and forth. “G-geez don’t you know that hurts?”

Nami giggles again and nods her head. “Yeah, I bet it does you weak little thing hehe. Seems like your body’s coming to size though!” Grabbing at Zoro’s waist Nami watches as it thins out and she brushes her hand through Zoro’s once again long orange hair. “I gotta mess with my twin a little now; don’t I?”

Zoro is Nami’s twin once again. Tilting her head back to look at the mirror seeing them both in each other's arms is enough to confirm that. Clearing her throat Zoro was going through with it so she says the magic words herself. “W-well… wh-whatever! Let's just start getting dressed up already!”

Both Robin and Nami giggle to each other and Nami reaches into the closet. “Alright, you asked for it. Let's make you into a regular cutie.”


Outside of the girl's room, Sanji’s tears drip to the ground. Biting at a cloth he shakes his head with discontent. “That… that… that bastard.”


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