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He'd visited Narcissa in Hogsmeade later that night and she was already under his power. They spent a few hours coming up with a plan (among other activities). Draco died while they were scheming, so they decided the best course of action was to have Lucius commit suicide over the death of his son. Narcissa would take over the Malfoy estate and begin utilizing her husband's power base for their benefit. Hopefully, by the time he was unleashed they would be able to pull the rug up from under the ministry and have a nice and quiet coup with no unnecessary deaths.

Once the Malfoy name was taken care of, Harry had Narcissa move in with his mother so that they could get acquainted. He'd also given them Hermione, mostly because he found no more use for her.

The day of the Yule Ball arrived with excited buzzing throughout the school, except for Pansy Parkinson, who without Draco ended up having to go with Crabbe. Fleur was going with Roger Davies and Daphne was in the Slytherin common room terrorizing the younger years.

Harry was wearing bottle green dress robes his mother had sent him, Lavender meanwhile had on a very thin, strapless red dress that pushed up against her boobs and left as little to the imagination as possible without crossing over to 'trashy'.

They'd been dancing for an hour to an amalgam of songs Harry didn't care about by the Weird Sisters. Somewhere in there he remembered Fleur sneaking in a few dances while a disgruntled Davies watched on. They were currently hugged up as the band played a slow love ballad. Lavender was resting her head on his shoulder and Harry was squeezing her ass, smirking at the stares from some of the other students.

He looked around the dance floor; Ron was planted on his seat next to a disgruntled Parvati, Harry didn't know what she'd expected, it was Ron fucking Weasley after all. Ron's sister Ginny was slow grinding with Padma to the excitement of all the boys in the vicinity. Harry rolled his eyes, those two had been together for over a year now, you'd think they'd get over it.

He was glancing at all the equally sexy French girls scattered around the room to see if one stood out and deserved his attention when his gaze caught on her. She was alone, leaning against the back wall and swaying to the sappy melody the Weird Sisters were spinning. He could see a ministry badge over her right breast, and the dark robes she wore denoted her as an auror. She had spiky pink hair and a pretty, heart shaped face. Harry could have sworn he'd seen her before, but he didn't know why.

The song ended and the couples broke apart. Harry gave Lavender's ass one more firm squeeze before he whispered in her ear "Why don't you go and help Parvati out? She looks miserable."

Lavender looked at him through her lashes, knowing he just wanted to go and hunt for pussy. She nodded and gave him a searing kiss, "Just be sure to be back at Gryffindor tower by midnight, I'm the one that gets to end the night with you."

Harry nodded and Lavender pulled away, heading over to where her angry friend was sitting

A more upbeat song started up and Harry cut through the dance floor quickly before it became a minefield of flailing, sweaty, uncoordinated teen bodies.

The auror noticed him approach and raised an eyebrow, not exactly sure what he was playing at. When he reached a distance close enough to be heard over the loud music, she spoke, "Is there something wrong?"

Harry ignored the question and stuck his hand out "I'm Harry Potter."

Tonks had to admire the Boy-Who-Lived's guts, she had just seen him dancing with his girlfriend and now here he was, trying to put the moves on an adult woman. She'd heard he was confident, but this almost bordered on arrogant. Still, there was no harm in playing along with the kid for a while.

"Wotcher Harry, I'm Tonks." she shook his hand and smiled amicably.

A light bulb went off in Harry's head. She was Nymphadora Tonks, a girl who'd been a 7th year when he'd first arrived at Hogwarts. She was his late godfather's distant cousin or something, and…

… She was a metamorphmagus!

The look Harry gave her now was one of hunger, he wasn't just interested now, he would have her.

"Would you like to dance?"

Tonks was taken aback by how direct he was, not nearly as nervous around her as a boy his age should be. She giggled "I'm flattered Harry, but I'm afraid I can't leave my post."

Harry faked a heartbroken look "Oh." he looked down at the floor "Oh well, can I at least get you some butterbeer? You must be thirsty."

"Sure, why not?" Tonks smiled as she saw the boy scurry away to fetch her a drink. At the end of the day, fourteen year olds were still fourteen year olds, no matter how famous they were.

Harry went over to the refreshments table and poured some butterbeer in a tall glass. Turning around to leave, he could see that Tonks was looking at him from across the hall. Thankfully, there was a large mass of students he could get lost in. walking straight into the fray, Harry crouched down slightly, enough for her to lose sight of him. When he was sure he was well hidden enough, he popped away to the Slytherin common room.

He appeared in the Slytherin common room and set the glass of butterbeer down on the table. In front of him was a scene he'd been expecting, Daphne laying back with her legs spread and a tiny first year eating her out. What slightly surprised him was the identity of that tiny first year.

"Enjoying your sister Daph?" Harry asked. Daphne barely glanced at him with her lust filled eyes but her sister jumped in surprise. Turning her head around, Harry could see her face was dripping with her sister's juices.

"Potter, what are you-"

"No time, just suck me off a little and I'll be on my way."

Astoria was going to insult him, call him an idiot for thinking she'd do such a thing, when Daphne glared at her from behind "Tory, if you don't let him do what he needs I'm hanging you by your nipples the entire summer break."

Astoria shot her sister a betrayed look, but the cold stare from Daphne told her there would be no argument.

Harry had already whipped out his cock (he'd fixed the robe so that he could pull it out at a moment's notice) and wasted no time in shoving his meat down the tiny 11 year old's throat.

"I'm sorry love, but I have to quick about it, I promise to be more gentle later." Harry half-seriously apologized as he began fucking her throat. Astoria was incredibly small, Harry's dick barely fit into her pretty little face.

Daphne was rubbing herself out slowly, waiting for Harry to be done so she could get her toy back "I was preparing her for you master, she was going to be your Christmas gift."

Astoria's groan around his meat sounded like a gasp to him. If it hadn't been for the bond Harry would have doubted Daphne's honesty, now he was just surprised that she would actually take the initiative to do something as nice as this for Harry without any prompting from his part.

"I Have to say, I'm proud of you Daph." Harry grunted as he continued to thrust into Astoria's silky throat. He pulled out so that just the tip was in her mouth and he looked down at her, making eye contact "Suck on it." he commanded.

Astoria stuck her tongue out and began to tentatively lick the tip of his penis. Soon she was bobbing her head expertly on his rod, eliciting moans of pleasure from Harry.

"She's really good at this." he didn't phrase it as a question, but Daphne knew it was.

"I taught her how to pleasure a woman, she can pleasure a man."

Harry decided not to respond to that and instead focused on the intense pleasure Astoria was bringing him. He ran his hand through her hair, as silky smooth as her sister's but a much lighter shade of brown, to the point where it might look auburn in the right light.

She seemed to be getting comfortable now, leaning into his hand when he ran it down her cheek. Harry pushed lightly on the back of her head so she would speed up.

"As much as I want to take my time with you, I need to cum now."

Astoria took that as a challenge, and she closed her plump lips around his helmet and worked her tongue all around his head. Harry stroked her face, getting his first good look at Daphne's sister. She resembled her older sister a lot, but with a few distinctive differences. Her nose was a little more rounded, her eyes were bigger and more innocent, making Daphne's sociopathic stare an impossibility for her. Her skin was slightly paler and her eyes were a light shade of brown. Those innocent eyes stared right back up at him; that, coupled with the wonderful slurping sound she made, proved to be too much for him. Harry blew his load straight into her 11 year old mouth.

"Don't swallow just yet!" He managed to groan as he continued blasting shot after shot of baby batter into her mouth. Her mouth wasn't big enough, and soon his sperm was leaking out of her mouth. Harry pulled his meat out and shot his last few loads right into her face, splashing one across her nose and another on her forehead. He observed his work, her innocent face defiled and her cheeks bursting with his seed, and smiled.

"Keep it in your mouth Tory." Daphne, who had been masturbating quietly throughout the whole ordeal, ordered her sister. Harry grabbed the goblet of butterbeer and placed it in front of her "Pour half of it in here"

Astoria opened her mouth and let a few large gobs fall into the goblet, the sticky substance was slightly sped up thanks to its mixture with her spit.

"All right, that's enough, now swallow the rest." Harry said as he pulled the goblet back. Astoria didn't even think about it, she just closed her mouth and swallowed Harry's cum.

"I'd love to stay and finish this, but it'll have to wait." and with that he disappeared.

"I was going to be his Christmas gift?" Astoria looked over at her sister questioningly, not bothering to clean the glistening cum from her face. She kind of liked it.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Daphne asked. Wagging her finger to beckon her sister back to the couch.

Astoria thought about it, and to her surprise found that she wasn't as bothered as she thought she'd be "… No?"

"Good, because it wouldn't have mattered anyways."

Tonks was craning her neck, trying to find exactly where Harry had gone. The refreshments table was on the far end of the very crowded hall, but it wasn't that far away.

She started worrying about the possibility that something had happened to the Boy-Who-Lived, and she'd be forced to do some real auror work, when she heard somebody panting up to her from her blindside.

She turned around to see Harry, out of breath and with ruffled up dress robes.

"Sorry for the wait, I got a little lost in the crowd." He gasped out, holding the glass out to her. Tonks could see some of the beer running down the side of the three quarters full glass.

Poor kid, he almost kills himself to get me some butterbeer, maybe I'll give him a kiss on the cheek before the night is over.

"Thank you Harry." She took the glass and, glancing around once to make sure one of her superiors wasn't about to pop out of nowhere, took a nice long gulp. It was nice and warm, the taste was a little saltier than what she was used to but Tonks found she loved it. Before she realized it, she'd taken down the entire glass in one gulp.

"Merlin, I didn't realize how thirsty I was." she had the impulse to tip the glass over and try to dredge the last few drops of liquid from the bottom. It was only Harry's presence that allowed her enough self-control to stop.

"Do you want me to get you another one?" he asked eagerly.

Tonks suddenly felt like her baggy ministry robes were a tad too hot. Maybe she could transfigure them into something a little less restrictive, something that would let Harry see her better…

Where did that come from?

"Why don't I go with you and we can both share a drink?" the words left her mouth before she had time to think about them.

Harry hid his smirk, knowing his seed had already started working its magic. "Sure, why not?"

They entered the mass of students, who were now starting to tire out and spread out from the dance floor, and began heading towards the table. Harry stood very close to Tonks under the guise of not getting separated in the crowd. This made the metamorph very uncomfortable, the heat she felt before flared up to the point she was itching to rip her robe off. There was a tingling sensation in her nether regions that she didn't want to think about.

He's just a kid, He's just a kid, He's just a kid.

Yet, every time she thought that she wanted to slap herself and beg him for forgiveness. He wasn't just a kid, he was a god that was blessing her with his presence, a god that would hopefully take pity on her and use her for his needs.

Harry stopped her as they crossed the entrance hall. He held her arm, sending goosebumps running through Tonks' entire body. "You seem a little hot, want to go outside?"

Tonks tugged on the collar of her robe, she was actively sweating now "Merlin yes, this place feels like a boiling cauldron."

"Well then, let's get out of here." Harry pulled her along behind him. Tonks wrapped his arm around her waist, wanting as much contact with him as possible. Harry's hand traveled lower, resting on her luscious ass, and Tonks let out a little gasp of excitement. Not wanting to disappoint him, she used her metamorph powers to make her ass bigger and rounder, until the point where it popped out even through her baggy robes.

"Your powers are amazing, my nymph." Harry whispered to her, sending shivers down her spine.

They finally excited the great hall and were out into the grounds. The front entrance of the castle had been groomed into a beautiful garden that looked stunning in the snowy winter night.

"What a wonderful atmosphere." Harry mused. The sound of a water fountain could be heard coming from somewhere, adding to the romantic mood.

Tonks couldn't take it anymore. She launched herself at Harry. Harry stumbled back into a pillar and inadvertently squished a red beetle. Tonks wrapped her legs around his waist and Harry buried his hands in her hair, which the metamorph shifted until it was long and flowing down to her back. Their lips met and tongues began dueling, Tonks was shifting and twisting her tongue in impossible ways.

Harry snapped his fingers and they were both naked. Tonks shivered at the sudden rush of cold, contrasted with Harry's large tool, which was rubbing up against her moist pussy lips.

"Merlin Harry, I need you."

Harry carried her over to one of the magically heated benches and laid her down. He positioned himself over her.

"Are you a virgin?" he asked.

Tonks smiled seductively "I can make myself one."

Harry grinned and speared himself into her. Tonks shrieked as his tool violated her impossibly tight pussy. They could be discovered by anyone, but at that moment neither of them cared.

Harry began fucking the metamorph, whose hair was shifting colors every few seconds. Harry fondled her breasts roughly "Bigger!" he demanded in a gruff voice. Tonks had her eyes rolled to the back of her head, but she managed to comply. Her boobs grew from a C cup to double D's, but they didn't stop. Soon they shot past E and were halfway through H before Tonks regained her control and stopped. Harry buried his face in those massive mamaries. Tonks wrapped her arms around his head as Harry motorboated her comically large breasts. Meanwhile, she started losing control, her walls spasming and morphing wildly as Harry pumped into her. At one point, her cunt shrank just as Harry stroked up into her. The tip of Harry's penis broke through to her womb and bumped right into her cervix.

"Ahhhhh!" Tonks screamed at the top of her lungs as the most massive orgasm of her life hit her. Her cunt tightened to almost deadly levels around Harry, it took all his self-control not to shoot his seed directly into her womb.

Tonks' orgasm subsided and Harry stood still, partly to allow her to recover and partly because he wasn't sure he wouldn't cum at the smallest movement.

"Merlin!" Tonks gasped out of breath. Harry pulled out of her, his tool soaked in her secretions.

He flipped her around so that she was laying on her front. Harry placed his cock between her succulent asscheecks, rubbing up and down on the crack of her ass. He sat down on the bench and pulled Tonks up until she was sitting as well.

The metamorph turned her head, her eyes clouded over in lust "Are you going to fuck my ass?" she breathed throatily.

Harry leaned forward and bit down on her neck "I haven't been fucked there before." she moaned. Harry turned her head and gave her a rough kiss, biting her lip before he broke it off.

"You'll love it." he assured. He lined up with her rosebud and grabbed onto her boobs, now a more manageable D cup. Using her boobs for leverage, Harry drove his meat straight into Tonks' tight asshole. The two of them shuddered, Tonks leaning forward as much as Harry allowed her to give him better access to her. Harry stroked in and out of her tight bung, standing up slightly to start stroking into her faster and faster.

"GODS, FUCK ME HARDER YOU BEAST!" Tonks started throwing her ass back to meet Harry's pumps, adjusting the size of her rectum to accommodate him without losing any of its vice-like tightness.

"Shorten your hair!" Harry commanded. Tonks acquiesced and returned her hair to its usual short and spiky look. Harry promptly grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged on it hard.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Tonks screeched in mixed pain and pleasure, Harry pushed himself as deep into her ass as he could. Tonks had another earth shattering orgasm, causing another round of spasm to run through her cunt and asshole. The stimulation was too much for Harry to handle, and he blasted what felt like a gallon of cum straight up her rectum and into her intestine.

"Your cum inside of me, it feels so good." Tonks groaned out to the sky, Harry had yet to let go of her hair and was still tugging on it as he came down from his orgasm.

"I'm curious, can you transform your insides as well?" Harry asked the exhausted metamorph.

Tonks offered him a confused look "I've never tried it, but I don't see why I couldn't."

Harry gave her a perverted grin "Shift my cum from your intestine directly to your uterus."

Tonks concentrated and after a few seconds of waiting Harry felt her insides shift around his cock.

"I did it!" she exclaimed. "But master, wouldn't you prefer for me to not get pregnant yet, I can be your spy in the auror department."

"You can still work as an auror while you're pregnant, you'll just get reassigned to a desk job where you'll come in contact with a lot of sensitive documents." Tonks moaned at his words as Harry nibbled on her earlobe.

"And meanwhile, I'll be growing another metamorph for you to fuck." Tonks moaned out. Harry's eyes widened. The thought hadn't crossed his mind, but now that she mentioned it he couldn't stop thinking about it. Harry pulled his rapidly hardening dick out of her ass.

"Look what you did to me you dirty slut." Harry waved his dick in her face "You better take care of it."

"My pleasure." Tonks took his meat into her hand and suckled on it, not bothered by the mix of her juices, ass and his cum.

"Ooooh, do you have a new pet master?" Fleur popped up from in between the bushes. The quarter veela's right breast was out in the open and the strap of her dress was torn.

Tonks eyed the veela with interest while she sucked Harry off. "What happened to your dress, my love?"

Fleur huffed "Davies didn't take no for an answer."

Harry narrowed his eyes "You dealt with him?"

Fleur nodded "I tied him up and left him with some Durmstrang boys that had been giving him looks earlier."

Harry smiled, his girl was learning. He beckoned her toward him. Fleur walked over, running her hand over Tonks' body as she reached Harry.

"Your poor little nipple must be so cold." Harry reached out and suckled on it. Fleur moaned as Harry bit softly into the little pink nub, he rolled it around in his mouth and then began sucking on her breast in earnest.

"Oh mon dieu!"

Throughout all this, Tonks kept bobbing her head on Harry's meat. The boy who lived suddenly grabbed her by the hair again and pushed her head all the way down on his cock until her nose pushed up against his pelvis.

Harry took Fleur's titty out of his mouth "You know, there's still a little bit of my cum in her ass."

Fleur took the hint and moved behind Tonks. She inserted a finger in the Auror's ass and pulled it back coated in juices. Fleur licked it clean "mmmmmm, delicious." she knelt down in front of Tonks' magnificent rump and stuck her tongue right into her rosebud. Tonks groaned around Harry's cock, the vibrations of her throat adding to his pleasure. Fleur swirled her tongue all around her ass, collecting as much of Harry's cum as possible.

Harry pulled Tonks' head back until just the tip was in and let her work her tongue. Surprisingly, Astoria was much more skilled than the full grown metamorph at oral pleasure (maybe not so surprising, considering who Astoria's teacher was). Still, watching Fleur eat out Tonks' asshole was enough added stimulation for him to cum.

He shot his first load inside her mouth before pulling out and cumming all over her face and tits.

Tonks swallowed his cum and was about to scoop some up from her chest when Harry stopped her "Don't touch it, keep it on you until the next time I see you"

Tonks froze, it could be weeks or even months before she saw her master next. Still, an order was an order. Fleur finished with her asshole and began rubbing the cum all over Tonks' body.

"You can cast some cleaning charms without removing master's gift." the veela whispered advice to her new sister.

"Tomorrow at the ministry your aunt Narcissa will meet with you, do as she says, all right?"

Tonks nodded dutifully, happy to do what her master ordered.


Christmas day saw Harry with his arms wrapped around Fleur and Lavender. They were sitting down on some benches near the transfiguration classroom. They'd been here for half an hour and more than a few students had already seen them. By now he was sure that the entire school would be gossiping about it.

"Oh my god! This is the best Christmas present ever babe!" Lavender squealed. She leaned over him and planted a wet kiss on Fleur's lips. The veela moaned into it and responded aggressively, slipping her tongue into Lav's mouth.

That will definitely get them talking. Harry thought. He noticed a few fifth year girls watching the scene with their mouths wide open, and he swore he saw a boy faint when he saw the two girls kissing.

Harry's "gift" to both women was allowing their relationship to go public, the Fleur portion anyways.

The news did in fact spread like wildfire, and pretty soon every boy was staring at Harry with a mixture of reverence and intense hatred while the girls were whispering amongst themselves about what horrible sluts Fleur and Lavender were.

"I mean, can you believe it? All of a sudden all these girls are calling me a whore." Lavender whined in the common room, sounding hurt.

"I can't believe how fickle some girls can be." Parvati commented in support of her friend.

Seamus snorted "What do you mean, you're her only female friend Parv."

Dean nodded in agreement "And you bullied half of those girls Lavender, the other half you spread gossip about. I'm not sure what you expected."

"Harry, do something!" Lavender yelled at her boyfriend, who was too busy reading the book his mother had gifted him.

"They're just jealous Lav, ignore them." He deadpanned without looking up.

Lavender sighed "If you say so."

Dean and Seamus were trying to grab Harry's attention to give him the widest grins they could muster, which resulted in them looking like spastics. Harry was bracing himself to receive a lot of pats on the back from the male population of Hogwarts in the next few days.

"Hey Mr. Bookworm, there's still a couple of presents left." Pavarti snapped Harry out of it. They'd been opening presents in the common room, some kind of house unity thing in the face of tragedy (Not surprisingly, it was Pavarti and Lavender's idea). Everyone was supposed to get Hermione a 'symbolic' gift. Her pile of presents was a few dozen assorted books in varying states of disrepair (nobody had actually bothered to buy a book in her honor). Harry was sure Hermy would shed a tear if she could see it.

Harry had just opened his final gift, a picture from Tonks. In it, Lily was mushing Nymphadora's head agains her aunts pussy. Narcissa was laid out, intense pleasure in her features as Lily's other hand yanked on a chain connected to two nipple piercings. Harry was glad his mum had asserted dominance, as he knew Narcissa would have steamrolled her if given the chance.

Later that night, Harry entered the room of requirement at the behest of his girls, who had wanted to give him their presents in private. The room was a replica of the Gryffindor common room, even more festively decorated than the original. In the center; in front of the fireplace, Lavender, Fleur and Daphne stood in stunning pieces of lingerie. Lavender was in her blue nymph form, her pale blue skin accentuated by the sheer white teddy she wore that showed off her masive breasts. She stood almost a foot shorter than Fleur, who's blinding light was at its absolute peak. She wore a white, toga like robe that was somehow both tasteful and extremely tittilating, her truly perfect body and indescribable ass being hugged by the cloth.

Daphne wore a hogwarts top and skirt that were obviously not hers. The top was straining against her modest bust and the skirt didn't even reach to her buttcheecks, her shaved pussy could clearly be seen from the front. Her hair was done up in a ponytail held up with a silvery green scrunchy. Somehow, without any supernatural help Daphne almost outshone the other two girls.

Harry's loins revved up immensely and he covered the distance between the door and the girls in under a second. He was quickly deciding who needed to be bent over first when Daphne put a hand up.

"Hold yourself off Potter, no play until you open your gift."

Harry gave her an incredulous look. What he saw in front of him wasn't his gift?

Lavender stepped forward "we all put our heads together and got you something we're sure you're gonna love."

"Of course he will, I made sure zit was up to par." Fleur said snootily.

The other two rolled their eyes. Daphne waved her wand and door to the side creaked open. Out floated a rather large box, wrapped up in green paper with a red ribbon. The box was about six feet in length and three feet wide, it looked like the boxes large muggle appliances came in.

The box came to a stop in front of fell to the floor. Harry gave it a long curious look, having no honest idea what the girls could have gotten him, though later he would tell himself he should have known.

Not wanting to waste time slowly opening it up, Harry ripped the box in half with a swipe of his hand.

"This… is amazing." he gasped out in awe.

Two girls were tied together by thick lengths of rope in a 69 position. Their arms were tied behind their backs and the only freedom of movement they had was for their necks. One girl had a ballgag in her mouth and was fighting against her bonds; the other girl was eating her out enthusiastically, and from the fluid leaking down Harry knew she'd driven her to more than a few orgasms already.

The girl doing the pussy eating was little Astoria Grengrass, still as tiny and cute as ever. Unfortunately for her Daphne had put her at the bottom of the box, so she was being crushed by the other much bigger girl, not that this deterred her.

The other girl was someone Harry had never really given much thought to and he now slapped himself for such a mistake. Hogwarts robes were truly the devil.

Susan Bones was a girl that faded into the background easily. She was a quiet Hufflepuff and her only friend was Hannah Abbot, a girl that was the definition of busted. Susan herself had a cute enough face and lush long red hair, but her whole demeanor just made her easy to skip over.

Her body was dynamite. Harry had never thought about how tall she was. She wasnt as tall as Fleur, but she was tall for a fourth year, and her body was that of a stallion. She was thick, absolutely positively thick. She had a huge ass and massive tits, bigger than even Lavender's. Her stomach was flat and waist was as thin as it could be. Her thighs were meaty and succulent, ready to suffocate any unsuspecting male.

Harry exploded down. With almost an afterthought he waved his hand and Susan's ballgag dissapeared. He knelt down on the floor and quickly buried his face in her perfect ass. Susan screamed out as Harry's tongue on her asshole joined Astoria's in her pussy.

"NO PLEASE AUUUUGH….!" she trailed off overwhelmed by the pleasure.

Harry moved down from her asshole to join Astoria at her pussy. The two tongues mingled on her clit, caressing the delicate knub. Harry's fingers traced her folds while him and Astoria lavished Susan's clit. This proved too much and the redhead was brought to another earth shattering orgasm. Her juices squirted out and right into Astoria's mouth. Harry grabbed her chin and claimed her lips, forcing his tongue on the little first year who was clearly a prodigy with her own.

The girls had tried to hold off but this scene was just too hot. They were mimicking the other three; Daphne sat back on the couch with her skirt hiked up and Lavender and Fleur were making out around her clit. Daphne had her hands on each girls head, at some moments she would turn to the side and grind her pussy on one of the girls faces.

Meanwhile, Harry had released Astoria from her bonds and hogtied Susan. Astoria knelt in front of him with his cock completely down her throat while Susan watched them. It took all Harry had not to shoot his seed deep down her throat. Whatever Daphne had done to her, she was a phenomenal cocksucker.

It didnt help that Susan's amazing body was bared perfectly to him. The girl's eyes were petrified as Harry stared directly at her. "Tell me Susan, how did you rope yourself into this"

"I-I-I swear Harry, whatever they told you is wrong." she stammered. Harry raised an eyebrow and shot a questioning look to his girls, who were now locked in a daisy chain ravaging each other's pussies.

Lav raised her head from eating Fleur out and giggled "It was soooo adorable babe, she's had a crush on you for years without us knowing."

"Oh really?" Harry returned his gaze to the humiliated redhead "is that true?"

Tears streamed down Susan's face "I'm sorry, I know you'd never be interested in a plain girl like me."

"The airhead is burying the lede, as expected." Daphne said, keeping a calm tone even with a veela tonging down her cunt "Little miss fatass over here has been obsessed with you for years. She's taken pictures, kept things you've dropped and best of all…"

"NOOOOOO PLEASE, ITS NOT TRUE HARRY!" Susan's eyes were begging him to understand.

It was Fleur who finished the thought "She was making ze kitchen elves fill all your food with 'er cum."

Harry's eyes widened in shock as Susan simply whimpered in front of him. He tugged Astoria's head roughly from his cock and pulled her up to her feet "Go pleasure your betters, I'll pop your cherry later." he commanded.

The girl simply nodded and ran off to the others, who were tripping over themselves to be the first to enjoy Astoria's mastery of cunnilingus. Harry walked over to Susan and knelt in front of her, his massive erection prominent even as he lifted her chin up to stare at his face.

"What were you trying to do?" He asked her sternly.

Susan was trembling "I-I-Im sorry Harry, I-I promize I wont bother you anymore, I swear." tears were still freely streaming down her face.

This girl had the greatest self-esteem to hottness discrepancy he had ever seen. Here she was, looking like the human incarnation of Snu-Snu, and she was afraid that Harry thought her a creep. He wondered if it was ironic that all this time someone had been doing to him what he had done to so many girls, but mainly he just wanted to fill this thick redhead with his seed.

"Tell me Susan, did you do it for every meal?"

"What?" She asked incredulously

"I mean did you go to the kitches before every meal and make sure I got some of your juices, or was it an every once in a while type thing?"

Susan tried to turn her head away in shame but Harry held it in place, her answer was barely audible "I did it for every meal, since our first day at hogwarts."

Harry had never been as turned on as this very moment. Hatry spun her around, eliciting a gasp from her. Harry laid himself out on the floor and lifted her thick legs. He slipped his head between her creamy thighs and nudged forward until he reached her honeypot. Once there, he put his nose to her wet cunt and took one big whiff.

"Ohhhhhhh!" Susan gasped, stars in her vision.

Harry couldn't believe it, every meal at hogwarts for the past four years had had a faint taste of this delicious little quim. He grabbed her buttcheeks and pulled her towards him, and then he started licking her pussy in earnest.

Susan convulsed against her bonds, which tightened against her hard nipples, thighs and wrists. Harry was a man posessed. His tongue worked circles around her clit, then he would move up to stick it into her pussy before trailing back down her cunt to her clit. He took the little knub into his mouth and began swirling it around with his tongue.

Susan was in ecstasy. While Astoria had been more skilled, the fact that her lifelong obsession was eating her pussy with abandon drove her mad. Her legs began to tremble uncontrollably as her biggest orgasm yet shook her entire body.

Harry drank her juices greedily before jumping up to his feet. With a snap of his fingers Susan was finally free from her bondage. Before she could even think about getting up herself, Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her up, his face close to hers.

"From this moment your mind body and soul belong to me." she shivered at his words. Harry claimed her mouth, pushing her up against a wall as the sexy redhead kissed back with all her years of pent up desire. Harry's hands grabbed on to her ass and squeezed it hard, causing her to moan into his mouth. His hands went down to her thighs and with little effort he lifted her up, still pinning her up against the wall. She felt his hardness press up against her sopping wet entrance. She was incredibly turned on, Harry was a strong man, strong enough to manhandle her.

With no more ceremony, Harry shoved his massive tool into her virgin pussy. Susan threw her head back in a scream and Harry took the chance to latch onto one of her massive milkers. He began rutting against her with abandon. Taking no mercy on her body.

Susan's eyes had rolled back, her tongue lolling out as Harry ravaged her breasts. Her ass and thighs jiggled with every violent thrust as Harry held her up by her ass, his hands squeezing her buttcheecks hard. Susan's legs were closed in a deathgrip around his waist. Their slapping flesh resonated through the room, and the other girls had stopped their play to watch their coupling.

Susan wrapped her arms around Harry's shoulders and dug her face into his neck. Harry released one of her nipples and brought his mouth to her ears.

"You're my slutty little breeding cow, your body was made to hold my seed, you fat slutty little cunt." he continued growling words into her ears. Susan was far gone, her mind in another plane as Harry's words took her past the point of ecstasy.

Harry gave one final push, making sure to bury himself as deep as he possibly could in her. His rod gave a powerful twitch and shot after shot of his seed exploded in her insides, flooding Susan's walls with his thick and virile baby batter.

He held her up against the wall a while longer, making sure every single drop of his milk made it as deep into her as it could. Once spent, he pulled away and let the redhead fall to the floor, half conscious and drooling.

He turned to the girls, who had resumed their play, with Astoria now kneeling in front of Fleur's pussy while Lavender was on top of Daphne, sucking on the slytherin's breasts. Harry walked over and gave the young 11 year old no warning before he shoved his still painfully hard cock straight into her tiny little pussy.

Astoria collapsed on top of Fleur, who scooted down and began french kissing the girl while she stroked her light brown hair. Harry had grabbed her by her hips and was holding her up as he fucked her into oblivion.

Going from Susan to Astoria was like taking off a weighted vest. Harry's strokes felt even more powerful, and he took no mercy on the tiny little first year's virgin pussy. Astoria's little feet were twitching against his thigh. Her impossibly tight little pussy could only take about two thirds of him before he bottomed out in her. It didnt take long to make the little bitch cum, her little body trembling against him.

Harry let her fall too, and much like Susan she was barely conscious. Harry changed the room so a bed lifted Susan off the floor. Harry threw Astoria onto the bed and turned to his girls.

Daphne and Lavender were still at it, now sharing a deep, wet kiss. Fleur looked up at her master with her legs spread and her pussy inviting him in. Harry knelt down on the couch and lined himself up with Fleur's perfect pussy.

Anytime he fucked Fleur, he always remembered that no one else really compared. She was a goddess, made for the pleasures of the flesh. Harry pistoned in and out of her perfect quim and the veela pushed back. Harry grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up. Fleur wrapped her arms around his neck. He was fucking her like he had Susan but without a wall to assist. Fleur's perfect breasts and pink nipples called to him, and Harry took one to his mouth as they rutted standing up, with Fleur's long legs wrapped delicately around him.

As they fucked her glow intensified even more, the room became saturated in their sweat. Even her sweat smelled like heaven. Harry growled and began fucking her harder, holding on to her tiny waist as he pounded her pussy.

He felt a pair of large breasts press against his back. Lavender wrapped her arms around him from behind while Daphne knelt under them, sucking on his balls while he swung Fleur on his meat.

"MASTEEER, MON DIEU!" Fleur finally shrieked as even the goddess couldn't hold her orgasm off. Harry grunted as her pussy tried to take him down with her, squeezing and spasming all over his tool sith her velvety walls.

Harry dropped Fleur on the couch and grabbed Daphne by the hair, standing her up. He turned her around and bent her over, bringing down a powerful smack on her wonderfull ass.

The sight of the gorgeous slytherin getting spanked in her sister's hogwarts uniform was nirvana. Harry began spanking her harder and harder, leaving red welts on the brunettes perfect ass. Lavender was still pressed up behind him, strocking his slick cock and kissing his shoulder blades.

Harry put his hands around Daphne's neck and shoved his cock into her welcoming pussy. Daphne's cunt was always hot, a vice like grip squeezing his meat as he fucked her hard. Harry put pressure on her throat. Daphne turned her head around and stared right back at him, making no attempt to remove his hands as her face turned red and then purple.

Daphne's orgasm was massive, Harry felt her juices rush down their union and drip down her creamy legs. With one last squeeze he let go of her throat and pushed her down on top of Fleur.

Harry turned around and came face to face with Lavender.

"And then there was one." he said, licking his lips. Lavender stepped back slightly, allowing him another good look at her beauty, her snow white hair glinting in the light.

"No matter how many of these whores you fuck babe, ill always be your first and only." Lavender answered.

Harry moved to kiss her, not forcefully like with the others but tenderly. They shared a slow, romantic kiss. Their tongues mingled and danced around each other. Lavender's hand was stroking Harry's cock.

She pushed off slightly and grabbed her teddy, pulling it off from the bottom and letting her breasts jiggle as she stood in front of him, fully nude. Harry kissed her once more and gently lowered her down on top of a rug, in front of the fireplace. The crackling fire was a perfect backdrop as the two lovers kissed and explored each other's bodies. Harry slipped into her and began slowly stroking in and out of her pussy as Lavender mewled her pleasure.

Lavender arched her back as Harry pepperrd her body with nibbles and kisses. His deep, slow strokes were driving Lavender crazy, and her nails dug into Harry's back. Harry felt a shock of cold when they pierced as she lost control of her powers for a moment. Harry grunted and bit down on her nipple. Lavender stiffened up and gave out a loud moan. Her pussy walls squeezed around his meat as Harry's hands tightened around her delicate waist.

They rolled around and now Lavender was on top. She rode him slowly, and Harry had the room create a mirror so he could see his thick cock dissapear into her velvety heat. His hands gripped her soft ass hard as Lavender leaned forward so Harry could continue to suck on her perfect breasts.

Their pace quickened and soon they both began to sweat hard. Harry pushed back hard on Lavender's bounces, battering the nymph's pussy. In one final stroke, they both reached their peaks simultaneously. Harry flooded his girlfriend's pussy with cum as she collapsed on top of him. The two lovers dozed off with Harry still inside of her pussy.


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