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Three days later, the school was still in slight chaos over what had happened.

If it had only been Harry or Draco chosen, everyone would have gotten behind the idea that they cheated. But the fact that the goblet spit the two of them out as a team? Clearly, someone had fucked around with the goblet. In the end, people just settled on feeling sorry for the puffs for having their moment stolen, sorry for Harry for having to compete in such a dangerous tournament, and wishing really really hard that Malfoy got himself maimed.

Dumbledore had encouraged the two boys to use this as a chance to overcome their differences and become friends. They both scoffed at the idea, and Harry knew that Dumbledore didn't actually want him to befriend the ferret.

Currently Harry was taking a stroll by himself through the corridors. It was the early evening, he'd just left Lavender in the library with Parvati 'studying', making sure to give her a nice long snog before he left. It had worked too, he could see out of his peripheral vision as Fleur abandoned her group of friends and followed behind him. He was walking through the most deserted stretch of the castle, just waiting for the veela to approach him.

He decided to head to the Astronomy Tower, knowing no one would be up there for a snog this early. He reached the stairs that led to the tower and began climbing. Fleur's footsteps could be clearly heard loudly behind him. It was almost as if she was in a trance, there was no other explanation for her lack of subtlety. He finally reached the balcony and strolled to the edge, acting as if he didn't hear Fleur breathing ten feet behind him.

Scotland actually looked beautiful in the twilight. The sky was red and a thin mist was wafting through the forest. It was cold and humid, it looked a bit depressing but at the same time majestic. He heard a flapping of wings and saw as a tiny finch perch itself next to him.

He felt Fleur getting closer, so he pretended to be interested in the bird, "Hey there little guy, long day?"

The little guy only got one little tweet out before he was snatched up by a delicate pale hand. Harry spun around to witness an ethereally beautiful female bite the head off a helpless little bird.

"What the fuck?!"

Fleur stated back at him with wild eyes. She spit out the head and licked her lips, leaving only a few droplets of blood on the corner of her mouth "Did zat please you, my lord?"

That just confused Harry even more.

Taking his lack of an answer for a denial, Fleur began fidgeting. "I-I know I waz supposed to consume ze entrails of your putain, but she waz in a crowded place and I couldn't…" at his continued silence Fleur began to tremble slightly. She had a once in a lifetime chance and she had screwed it up. She should have just murdered the girl, consequences be dammed.

Harry grasped that she was talking about Lavender, "What are you talking about?" He asked coldly, ready to beat this bitch up for even thinking about murdering his girlfriend.

Knowing that she had angered him, Fleur kneeled before him, her head lowered and her body shaking in fear. This whole situation was becoming weirder by the minute.

"You are ze Incubus. I am not full Veela, so it took my body longer to deescover, but you are ze lord of my people." She raised her head hesitantly, fearing that he'd strike her down right there, "I wanted to prove myself worthy of you, my lord."

There were still some details he wanted to figure out, but he understood the gist of it and decided to play his part and get answers later. It looked like getting the Veela would end up being much easier than he'd originally anticipated.

"Rise." he intoned in his best Voldemort impersonation. Fleur obeyed instantly, standing perfectly straight with her chest pushed forward, allowing him to see her nipples through her silky blue robe. Harry brought his hands behind his back and inspected her, his face showing disapproval while his mind was doing jumping jacks thinking about what he could do with her.

"You have done sloppy work… what exactly is your name?"

"Fleur, Fleur Delacour my lord." she blurted out, her face red in embarrassment.

"Right, clearly you have neglected your veela heritage, otherwise you would have presented yourself to me in a much better manner."

"I apologize, mon seigneur." Her accent was showing up more. That was when Harry realized she'd probably been practicing her English extra hard to talk to him without an accent, "I have tried my best!" There were tiny tears rolling down her eyes.

"You are lucky that I am feeling charitable, I will accept your offering." He brought his pinky down to her face and swiped the bit of blood she hadn't taken care of. He observed it on his fingertip for a second and then licked it.

Fleur's demeanor completely changed, going from distraught to exuberant. She burst up from the floor and jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his torso. Fleur was just as tall as he was, the way her bosom pushed up against his chest made Harry's dick harden. "You will not regret it master, I will kill your putain when I get the first chance!"

Harry narrowed his eyes and pulled back from Fleur. She sent him a confused look before he struck her with a powerful backhand, "You will do no such thing, you bint!"

Fleur nursed her cheek "But master, the legend…"

Harry grabbed her by the throat and pulled her to him. Fleur's eyes were wild but there was only a little fear in them, in fact from what he could tell she was extremely excited by all this. Why the hell did none of the books on Incubi mention veela? He hated not being prepared for her reactions.

"You listen to legends but cannot follow orders from the genuine article, wench?"


"Good." he released her throat and let her breathe, though he hadn't been constricting her that hard. "Now strip."

There was no hesitation, no protest about possibly getting caught, he spoke and Fleur instantly started removing her clothes. He hadn't told her if he wanted her to do it slowly or quickly, but she was too excited to do a slow striptease anyways so she picked quick. In less than ten seconds she had removed her robes and undergarments, standing before him completely naked.

The sun had almost fully set now, there was no orange in the horizon and only the minimal amount of light to separate the night from the day. As if commanded by Harry, a fresh breeze flew by the balcony, making Fleur's nipples harden.

Harry began circling her, inspecting every inch of her body. There was no way around it, she was truly perfect. Her D-Cup breasts stood firm with absolutely no sag. She had a perfect hourglass figure, her narrow waist leading down to wide hips and a thick, firm ass and thighs. Her pussy was beautiful, not a single hair adorned her tasty treasure. Her skin was slightly tanned, her silky smooth silvery blonde hair rested on her shoulders, her thick ruby red lips were slightly agape, her light blue eyes were shining with need…

"Acceptable." He said, running his fingers down her spine and to her ass, which he happily grabbed a handful of. Nice and soft. He licked his lips. He would definitely get himself some more Veela.

"Kneel." Once again, he commanded it and she did it without hesitation. To any outside observer it would look like he had her under the imperious curse.

Harry wasted no time in unbuckling his belt and dropping his trousers down to the floor. He wasn't wearing any underwear, he never did anymore. His cock was painfully hard, Fleur's eyes widened slightly when she saw just how big it was. Harry smirked at the little ego boost and stepped forward. He pushed the tip against her lips and Fleur didn't open them. He mentally applauded her, she was disciplined enough to know she had to wait for his order to suck him off.

Harry began rubbing his cock against her face, dragging it in a circle from her forehead to her chin, "Tell me Fleur, have you ever been fucked before?"

"Non, I have never even kissed a boy, master." she responded calmly, shivering as she felt his wonderful precum coat her face "I am all yours master." she added.

Harry decided to see how far Fleur would actually go on her own volition before he took her, "Tell me about your family." He continued to rub his cock against her, this time he was circling it around her upper cheek. Her skin felt like velvet.

"My maman iz 'alf veela, she iz 40 years old. My little sister Gabrielle iz 10 and she is quite beautiful for her age, mon Papa Jean iz a politician" she offered absently. Her eyes were closed as she was basking in the feeling of his secretions drying against the cold Scottish air.

Harry smirked. One last push, "And tell me Fleur, what would you do if I asked you to deliver your sister and mother to me? What if I asked you to murder your father?"

He expected her to at the very least flinch, to recoil in some way, to hesitate. She did no such thing "I would do so happily  master."

Harry stopped his rubbing, the extent of her dedication, under no magical coercion that he knew of, was incredible "You certainly seem devoted enough."

Fleur looked up at him with worshipping eyes "You are ze god, your will is law."

He almost came just off of that, "Service me."

Fleur brought her hand up to hold his penis and parted her lips, wrapping her silky tongue around the tip before taking it into her mouth.

Harry had received hundreds of blow jobs; Daphne, Lavender and Lily had become very good at giving them. Fleur blew them all out of the water, her tongue felt like heaven with a side of ice cream and brownies, there was just no way to describe it. It took all Harry had not to throw his head back as she began bobbing her head up and down his shaft, he tongue working over his sensitive head.

He brought his hand to her head and guided her deeper, forcing half his length into her mouth. Fleur adjusted and began bobbing her head more rapidly, talking as much of his length as she could. Harry's thrusting and her bobbing began synch up, and just as the transition from twilight to night became complete, Harry shot his hot sticky cum down the gorgeous French veela's throat.

Fleur guzzled his cum and a white glow surrounded her, she was euphoric as the lifelong fantasy of every veela was fulfilled, something that until recently she thought was a myth. She was one with her master.

Harry couldn't help but be awed by the glow, this hadn't happened with any of his other girls, and usually it took a few hours for a girl to become his after a blowjob. But he could feel the bond, so clearly it had occurred.

Fleur took his softening tool out of her mouth, making sure to lick the cum that had been left on the same part of her mouth as the blood of the poor little finch had previously been. She stood up and stared lovingly at her master. The golden glow that surrounded her wasn't subsiding, in fact she was shining even brighter than it had before. Harry grabbed the back of her head and took her in for a kiss.

Their bodies molded together, their kiss filled with passion. Harry could taste himself in her tongue, something that didn't really bother him. With dexterity he didn't know he had, he took his clothes off without breaking the kiss, thanking Merlin for having a button up shirt.

Their naked bodies pushed together and Harry brought his hands down to grip her perfect round ass.

"Ooohh mon amour, fuck me pleaze." she purred throatily. Harry spun her around and lifted her up. Fleur wrapped her legs around his waist. He walked them over to the edge of the balcony, pushing her against it.

"Is your delicate little pussy ready for me, Fleur?" Harry asked.

"It eez ready and waiting, master." she looked back at him sultrily, a look that would make any other man faint.

Harry lined the tip of his cock with her entrance and plunged in with no further preamble. There was no resistance, so he sank into her smoothly. They both let out a hiss as he sheathed himself completely in her. Fleur threw her head back and Harry took the opportunity to nibble roughly at her neck. They started to rut in perfect rhythm, Fleur knew just how to roll her hips against his to meet his strokes at their peak.

"Fuck me "Arry!" she shrieked out, digging her nails into the back of his neck. Harry felt the vibrations of her shriek as is passed through her throat. He was giving her powerful thrust that made her large breasts bounce exquisitely against his chest. Deciding he wanted a taste, he brought his head down to capture one of her pink nipples between his teeth. "Mon dieu!" Fleur was assaulted with pleasure like she never had before, if it hadn't been for her transformation her mind would have fogged over.

Their bodies were slapping together quicker now. Harry realized that the sounds of their joining could probably be heard by anyone who got near the tower, but he didn't care, all that mattered was this goddess that was meeting his thrusts. Fleur brought her head down to lick her free breast and Harry sneaked a finger into her mouth.

Their bodies were sweating, which dried quickly in the cold night air. Fleur's blonde hair, accented by the glow that surrounded her, looked ethereal against the silver moonlight. She truly did look like a goddess.

It was a few more thrusts before Fleur couldn't handle it anymore and moaned out her orgasm, muffled by her breast and Harry's digit. Her walls spasmed violently around Harry's tool, Harry had to hold on for all he was worth not to come as Fleur's vagina tried all it could to coax milk out of his cock. Fleur began suckling on his finger as she rode her first ever orgasm.

"Cum in meeee love!" she pleaded, wanting him to paint her insides with his baby batter. She was still rocking her hips desperately against him, wanting him to finish.

"I have other plans my flower." He pushed off and pulled out of her, much to his new pets' chagrin. His erect member plopped out of her entrance drenched in her secretions.

"What eez it master?" she asked in confusion.

Harry pulled her back from the edge of the balcony, remembering to cast a wandless privacy charm on the way. "I want you on all fours."

Fleur squealed in excitement realizing what he was planning and eagerly complied. She spread her school skirt out on the floor and knelt down on top of it. She wiggled her bum invitingly, making Harry's rod twitch.

"You have such a wonderful arse Fleur, I didn't know veela were built like that." He slapped his dick against her flesh, loving the softness.

Fleur threw him an appreciative smile over her shoulder, her white teeth shining even more with her magical glow "Zey do not, Mon Papa has Brazilian in his blood."

"That explains it." Harry licked his lips and lined his tip with her rosebud. Fleur's body provided natural lubrication for her, and his penis was coated in her secretions, so he was confident he could get it in without too much trouble. He pushed and Fleur tried to help as much as she could by spreading her cheeks wide. Even with all the help it took a bit of effort to pop his mushroom tip inside.

"Push it all in master." Fleur wiggled once again to get as much of him inside of her as possible. Fleur's ass was even tighter than her pussy, Harry began pumping at a molasses slow pace. "Merlin you're so tight!" Harry threw his head back and tried to gain more traction.

After a few minutes Fleur's passage became looser and Harry could build up a strong rhythm. He wasted no time in pounding her jiggling ass. Harry began slapping her asscheeks as hard as he could, leaving red handprints every time. This drove Fleur crazy, and she was pushing back against him so hard that Harry almost feared he'd hurt his hips.

Harry cupped Fleur's tits and pulled her up from behind, pressing her back against his chest. Fleur turned her head to share an open mouthed kiss.

Harry gave a few more powerful thrusts when he felt his orgasm arrive. He pushed in as deep as he could, burying himself to the root inside Fleur's ass, and shot off load after load inside her rectum. Fleur had another orgasm just from the feeling of having him shoot inside her.

Fleur was breathing heavily, her body dripping with sweat.

"I can't wait to fuck the rest of your family."

Fifteen minutes later, two teenagers were leaving the astronomy tower. Fleur had turned down her ethereal glow until it was barely visible, though if one got very close to her they would still see an outline of golden light surrounding her.

"What exactly happened to you when we bonded?" Harry asked as they strolled aimlessly through the castle. It was creeping up on curfew, so the halls were empty.

Fleur gave him a confused look "You mean you don't know? But you are ze dieu, how could you not know?"

Harry twitched a little at the unintended insult but refrained from slapping her in public "Well you see Fleur, I am still not at my full power, I need to perform a ritual to unleash my true self."

Fleur put her hand to her lips "Mon dieu, and you are already so powerful while under these bonds." the magical energy Fleur had sensed in him when she'd been transformed had been overwhelming, to think that that wasn't his full power…

"Now, if you would answer my question..." Harry insisted.

"You have made me into the reincarnation of the original veela."

"Original veela?"

"The mozzer of the entire veela race, created by the incubi, sister of the Nymphs." Fleur knew this story very well, her mother had told it to her hundreds of times as a child "It was said that when our creator would return, he would choose a veela to take on the mantle as maman veela." her eyes lit up "And you have chosen me, master."

"And what sort of things can this veela mother do?" he asked curiously, wondering if the glow had any practical uses.

"Let me show you master." She stopped in her tracks and took a glance around the hallway. Finding it satisfyingly empty, her eyes twitched and suddenly every torch in the hallway was extinguished.

"Mastery over fire, impressive." Harry mused.

The flames returned with a roar, growing larger and more intense until the hallway looked like an inferno. Her demonstration finished, Fleur let the flames return to their original intensity.

"I'm guessing your pull has gotten stronger as well?" Harry said.

She nodded "I can manipulate it as much as I want." she demonstrated by increasing her glow until it returned to the almost blinding levels it had been before "At zis level, any man that lays eyes on me would instantly go mad, except for you of course."

Harry stared at her in amazement, that last ability of hers would be extremely useful, extremely useful indeed.


The day of the first task had arrived rather quickly. Daphne had asked him if he could pretty please with sugar on top cause Diggory to have an accident, but Harry told her it would have to wait as he was maiming Malfoy this task.

His girls had been very impressed with Fleur to say the least, though Daphne was very angry that she'd have to wait a few months to gain special powers. Harry had enjoyed playing with Fleur and Lavender together, putting their contrasting abilities to creative use.

Now though, he was focusing on the task at hand. Fleur had told him about the dragons even before Diggory, fake Moody and Malfoy had run up to him to spill the beans, so he'd had enough time to figure out a way to get through it. It had taken him a little longer to create an organic situation in which Malfoy could be 'accidentally' hurt in front of hundreds of spectators with no suspicion falling on him, but thanks to some help from Daphne's brilliant mind he had found a way.

"What are we going to do Potter?" Malfoy had cornered him in the library the day before, more than a hint of desperation evident in his voice.

Harry played dumb, "Gee Malfoy, I thought you were going to think something up."

Draco sputtered "I can't carry the entire weight of this team Potter, I have other responsibilities to attend to."

Harry wondered why Malfoy hadn't just gotten Snape to tell him how to deal with the dragon. Oh well, better for his plan, "Well, there is one thing, I'm thinking of casting the flame freezing charm on myself."

"The flame freezing charm? Are you serious? That thing won't hold up against dragon fire." Malfoy looked at his rival as if he were an idiot.

Harry shrugged, "Professor Moody told me it would work as long as the person could use the charm competently."

That hit just the right spot. Malfoy narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me," he began to head off. Maybe Snape would teach him the flame freezing charm?

"Malfoy." Harry called after him. The blonde pureblood turned around, "Here." Harry tossed a book at him and Malfoy caught it. He opened it up to a page Harry had marked and saw a full guide to performing the charm. Malfoy looked up at his rival in surprise.

"Hey, we're a team right?"

Malfoy didn't know how to answer that, so he scoffed and spun around, leaving the library in his best impression of Snape's walk.

Now, the two boys were the only people left in the tent, waiting to face the Hungarian Horntail. The other three champions had already finished. Harry already knew what Fleur had done, she'd sent a sleeping spell at the dragon's eyes (one of its only weak points) and attempted to sneak in to grab the eggs. With her newfound power she could have done something much more effective, but they didn't want to draw any attention.

"You're up next boys." Professor McGonagall popped her head in through the tent.

They stood up. Harry could see that Malfoy's hands were trembling. The little git was probably shitting himself right now. "Let's get a move on, Malfoy," he said.

They entered the arena to the deafening cheers from the crowd. The Hungarian Horntail loomed menacing in the foreground, a portent of doom.

"We're supposed to deal with that beastly thing?" Malfoy was visibly shaking.


The horn sounded and the two boys looked at each other. "You go first Potter, test the dragon and then I'll deal with it."

Harry scoffed "Sure, whatever." He cast the flame freezing charm on himself and stepped forward.

He started walking swiftly towards the dragon. The entire crowd was holding their breaths, wondering what exactly Harry was planning. The dragon looked to be shocked too, Harry was already three quarters of the way to its nest before it woke up and sent a jet of flame at Harry.

The air filled with gasps and screams as Harry looked to be engulfed in Flame. Dumbledore's heart almost stopped, was Harry really that fucking dumb? Was his whole plan screwed over by a remedial teenager?

The gasps turned into cheers and awed silence when Harry potter continued marching forward, unaffected by the most powerful magical flame this side of fyendfire.


What the cheering crowd didn't know was that Lavender was creating a thin sheet of ice between Harry and the flame, while Fleur was also manipulating the dragon's fire to ensure her master did not get hit and that to everyone else it looked like he was engulfed. Only the teachers would realize that flame freezing charms didn't work the way Harry was using it, but they were too amazed to care.

Seeing his success, Malfoy filled up with valor "You won't take my glory away from me, Potter." Hastily casting the flame freezing charm on himself, Malfoy rushed over before Potter could pick the egg up.

Just as Harry reached the egg, he heard a shriek of agony behind him that told him his plan had worked. He picked up the golden egg and ran away from the dragon's line of fire. He whipped his wand behind him and yelled "Accio Malfoy."

The dragon tamers ran out, trying to get a hold of the Horntail. The staff and tournament organizers ran out, along with a good chunk of the student body. They all circled around Harry Potter, who was heroically kneeling over the badly burnt body of Draco Malfoy, who was holding onto life by a thread.

"Don't worry Draco, I promise I'll help you get better!" Harry yelled for the crowds benefit, "We need to get him to the infirmary!" Harry barked. Dumbledore sprang into action, levitating the Malfoy scion and ferrying him off to the infirmary.

"Poppy, contact Saint Mungos and mister Malfoy's family, this is serious."


There was one thing he hadn't counted on.

The judges gave him half the points.

Seriously, he only received half a score because Draco and he were a team, so while one side did everything smoothly, the disaster from Malfoy meant half-marks, so he was in last place now.

Fucking Malfoy.

Phase one was complete, now it was only a few minutes until the much more crucial phase two.

"I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!" Lucius Malfoy was enraged. He would have Dumbledore drawn and quartered, he would have this school torn down, and he would destroy anyone marginally involved with this fiasco.

"Calm down Lucius." Narcissa hissed. The healers had left, so they were the only two people left in the infirmary, but still, he was such a drama queen. It was only Draco after all, not anyone of value.

"Do not tell me to calm down woman! Not when the future of the Malfoy name has been ruined!"

Draco was hearing all of this, he was still conscious after all, just in a full body cast. The magical 3rd degree burns meant he would stay in that cast for months, they also meant he would never look normal again, the burn marks and scarring would stay with him forever. He'd never grow hair again, he'd need magical assistance to perform most of his bodily functions, which meant he'd have to have a constant IV of potions attached to him.

"Why don't you go out there and yell at someone who cares then?" Narcissa spat. Lucius glared at her but took heed of her suggestion, heading out to kick the headmaster in the ass.

Narcissa and Lucius' relationship had been this way since the day they'd met. Their marriage had been arranged by their parents, so there was absolutely no love between them. Narcissa, being Bellatrix's sister and all, didn't settle for being the quiet trophy wife. She openly despised Lucius and his spawn (she didn't see Draco as her son, though he had been the result of her and Lucius' only sexual encounter). She had actively been trying to find a way to murder him until Lucius found out and made her swear an oath to never do him any harm. Now, she was stuck as a powerless trophy, unable to wield the political power she so desperately wanted.

The rapid clicking sound of the Malfoy head's expensive dragon hide boots tipped Daphne off.

"Mr Malfoy!" she rushed up to him.

Lucius snarled at whoever was foolish enough to address him in a moment like this. Turning his head, he saw it was the Greengrass girl, his son's future wife. He'd use a modicum of restraint with her.

"What is it, child?" he spat, fire and brimstone in his eyes.

"You're looking for Dumbledore, right sir? He's hiding in that classroom" Daphne pointed at an open door.

Malfoy was so angry, and so sure of his ability to strike fear in the hearts of men, that he didn't find it farfetched that a wizard like Dumbledore would be hiding from him in a random classroom.

"Good job girl." Malfoy patted Daphne on the head and stomped off towards the classroom.

Just before he reached the door Lucius noticed a curious glow coming from the room. He readied his wand at his side, ready for anything the cowardly headmaster could throw at him.

"How beauty-"

The moment he crossed the doorframe, all coherent thought ceased permanently. Lucius Malfoy, cunning schemer and political manipulator, was no more.

Inside the infirmary, Narcissa was bored out of her mind, sitting down on a chair facing Draco's bed.

"You were always a disappointment, Draco," she stated matter of factly. Draco couldn't give any visual respone, but the low, mummy-like moan he let out let her know he disagreed.

"You are, even Lucius knows it, though he doesn't want to admit it. You didn't stop wetting the bed until two years ago, you learned to tie your shoes the day before arriving at Hogwarts." Narcissa shook her head in disgust, "This is the best thing that could have happened to this family, you would have dragged the Malfoy name down into the dirt, you small dicked little crybaby." she enjoyed getting all this out. She figured she'd have two or three more months of insults before she'd have to erase his memory when he was near recovery.

"Very impressive."

Narcissa spun around, her wand drawn and ready to shoot off.

Harry Potter was leaning casually against the wall next to the door. In her diatribe, Narcissa hadn't heard him come in.

"Come to apologize to my son, Potter?" Narcissa switched directly into protective mother mode, even though Harry had already heard her disparaging words to Draco.

Harry pushed off the wall and strolled lazily towards her "Drop the act Narcissa, I can tell you despise your situation, and I have a proposition for you."

"A 14 year old child has a proposition for me… how about no?" she swung her wand at Harry, so he teleported it into his grip.

"You sure you don't want to listen first?" he proposed. Narcissa was staring at him in shock, unable to comprehend how he had taken her wand away.

"Do I have a choice?"

Harry gave her a playful grin and waved his hand over the door to lock it and set up privacy charms, "How would you like to have full control of the wizengamot by this time next year?"

Narcissa laughed in his face, "Why not tell me you can make me minister while you're at it?"

Harry stroked his chin, "I don't know why you'd want all the unneeded responsibility and reduced influence, but sure, why not?"

"You're serious?" she shook her head "It appears Draco was right about one thing, the boy-who-lived harbors delusions of grandeur."

Harry sighed "What can I do to prove I'm being serious?"

"Nothing. Now if your clumsy attempts at building power are complete, leave me."

There was a knock at the door and Harry waved his hand to unlock it "I guess I'll have to show you then."

Narcissa was shocked to see Draco's betrothed walk into the room, leading her husband into the room by his arm.

"Brown has set her diversion, you have time." She pulled Lucius inside roughly. The once proud pureblood had a vague, faraway expression. Narcissa noticed a line of drool trail from the side of his mouth all the way down his expensive robe.

"What did you do to him?" she exclaimed, more in fascination than any kind of fear. Potter wanted her, she was in no imminent danger.

"Trade secret." He quipped.

"Am I right in the assumption that this is permanent?"

"Irreversible." Harry patted Malfoy on the top of the head as if he was an object he was hawking.

Narcissa stepped up to her husband and kicked him square in the crotch, making sure that the tip of her heel made solid contact with his nether regions. Lucius slouched, but he gave no outward response to her attack. Draco moaned in pain and despair from his bed.

Narcissa turned her eyes to Daphne, who returned the older woman's gaze with cold eyes. She'd always liked the girl, she reminded her of her sister in a way, though Greengrass managed to keep her psychotic tendencies more under control than Bellatrix ever could. "You've also managed to domesticate Greengrass, quite an accomplishment."

Daphne twitched and Harry had to put his arm over her to stop her from doing something stupid.

"What do you think of my offer now?"

Narcissa pursed her lips "I'll need a little more persuasion." she stated. She sauntered over to the foot of Draco's bed, where her son's wild panicked eyes brought a smile to her face. Narcissa gave him one good glare before bending over, supporting her hands with his cast covered feet.

Harry licked his lips seeing the older woman's wonderful ass pop out through her robe. Narcissa turned her head to look at him, but instead of the seductive look he was expecting, she shot him an intense, challenging look. "Prove you're truly a man, Potter."

Harry bared his teeth like a predator and took the challenge with pleasure. He stalked over to her menacingly, an evil glint in his eyes. Daphne shuddered as she felt the tension in the room rise. She snaked her hand under her skirt in anticipation of what was to come.

With a wave of his hand, Narcissa's robes and undergarments were violently ripped off her, left to fall in tatters around her. Harry licked his lips when he saw the blonde's succulent breasts get released. He waved his hand once more and his own clothing disappeared. Pulling up behind her, he pulled his arm back and swung as hard as he could, delivering a powerful backhand to Narcissa's ass.

The pureblood didn't even budge, though the slap left her right cheek red. "Is that all you have?" she mocked.

So she wanted to play hardball, did she? Harry sent a wave of magic down to his hand and struck again with as much force as he could.

"AhhHHH!" Narcissa crashed forward with enough force to collapse Draco's bed. The crippled brat moaned out in pain and despair as his naked mother fell on top of him, breaking most of the bones on his lower body.

"Silence." Harry waved his hand once again to shut Draco up. Narcissa was splayed out on top of her son, welts forming in her ass and a trail of clear fluid leaking from her quim.

"Was that man enough for you bitch?"

Narcissa groaned. She attempted to pick herself up but instead she stumbled back down. She was disoriented, barely understanding what had just happened. Harry grabbed her by the legs and pulled her limp body to him. Narcissa had enough presence of mind to turn her head around and watch as Harry lined himself up and pushed into her.

"YEEES!" Narcissa gurgled out. Harry stroked in and out of her as roughly as he could, digging his nails into the red flesh of her ass. Narcissa's boobs were getting shoved onto Draco's lower body. Malfoy couldn't help it, his body reacted and his cock hardened at the feeling of his mother's sexy body rubbing against him. If it weren't for that cast…

"Look at that Narcissa, your disgusting little seed is getting a woody at the sight of you."

Narcissa had recovered enough to actively push back against Harry. She'd never thought the boy who lived would have such a wonderful cock. It had been so many years since she'd been fucked. "If he's anything like his father he'll be coming in his pants any second now." she panted out.

"You are mine now bitch, and I don't want any other cocks anywhere near you, understood?"

Her cunt contracted around him when he claimed her as his. "Yes master, I understand!"

Narcissa balled her hand up into a fist and cocked it back. Draco wasn't able to brace himself before his mother punched him with all her might directly in the crotch.

Malfoy's scream was so powerful it almost broke through the silencing charm. He thrashed and twisted so much that he actually broke part of his body cast and even more of his bones. Narcissa was about to punch him again when a soft hand held her back.

"I'll take care of him." Daphne asserted. Narcissa thought about protesting, she should be the one to cause her son agony, but one look at Daphne's eyes made her reconsider. The girl hid it well, but Narcissa could see the same crazy behind them that her sister had always had.

Daphne levitated Draco off the bed and dragged him over to the other end of the hospital wing.

Harry bent over and whispered "Want to see your son get tortured?"

"Oh please master, that would be wonderful!"

They shifted positions so that Narcissa was riding Harry on the bed. Harry laid back and let her bounce on him. Narcissa was getting off both on the sex and on watching Daphne torture her son. The girl had severed Draco's genitals, lopping off each ball individually and letting his tiny penis hang by a thread to the rest of his body. She'd moved on to the rest of him, casting whatever torture spell popped into her head. She had taken him on as a practice dummy of sorts.

Narcissa was bouncing harder and harder on Harry as Daphne's torture became more creative. The older woman's cunt was exquisite. Narcissa wasn't as good as Fleur, but she definitely knew how to work her body, rolling her hips perfectly to offer him the most pleasure.

Daphne caved in Draco's chest and Narcissa couldn't hold back anymore, having a massive orgasm. Harry held off from his own peak, letting Narcissa ride hers off until the end.

"Uungh!" the blonde finally collapsed on top of him, her eyes still glued on her son's broken form.

Harry still needed to bind her, so he rolled them over so that his was on top and pulled out of her, a flow of juices leaking out of Narcissa. He grabbed onto her breasts and placed his slick cock between them. Narcissi realized what he was going to do and pushed her breasts together to sandwich his member. Harry started tittyfucking her. Narcissa had her mouth open and would suck on his tip every time Harry pushed. Pretty soon there was a thick thread of drool and juices that went from her mouth to the tip of Harry's penis.

Finally, Harry's balls tightened and he shot his seed onto her face and chest. A few spurts fell right on her nose, some reached the crown of her head and the rest lined down to her chin and upper chest. Harry pushed himself into her mouth and she happily cleaned him off, swirling her tongue around his head until she'd cleaned off all his cum.

He pulled back and stood up, looking down on his work with pride. "Clean yourself up, take this-" he pointed at the drooling Lucius, who had been standing in the middle of the room throughout all this "- with you and book a room at the hogs head. I will meet with you later tonight for further instructions."

"Yes sir." she agreed. How easily she had submitted to him. Then again, Narcissa was an opportunistic person, all she needed was proof of his power before she willfully joined him, knowing she would be on the winning team. People like that tended to be disloyal, but his magical cum would fix that.

Daphne was fixing up Draco's cast so that it looked as good as ever. With a caved in chest, Draco would suffocate slowly and be dead in a few hours. Madam Pompfrey would probably get into a heap of trouble for not noticing such an egregious injury.

"Fix this room up and leave, I'll see you later." Harry kissed her on the cheek and headed for the door. He took a glance at Narcissa and was proud to see that she was 'cleaning' herself up by scooping all his cum and licking it off.

Harry tossed her her wand and left the hospital wing.


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