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A few things had changed since that christmas night.

Harry was going to be a father, for one. He got news that Tonks was pregnant around mid january. A few weeks later he was just barely able to stop Susan from going to the hospital wing and causing him a whole bunch of headaches. A simple detection charm showed she had one in the oven too.

When little Astoria came up to him and told him she was pregnant, he was torn between shock and being intensely turned on that this tiny girl was carrying his seed. Thankfully, neither girl would begin to show until the summer, so he didn't worry about anyone finding them out.

Out in the open, Susan had joined his and Lavender's little friend group. It had taken more work than he had thought since Susan kept feeling guilty about abandoning Hannah. Harry simply dosed her and Ron Weasley's food with a good amount of love potion. The two had been inseparable ever since, seen all around the castle trying to out tomato face the other. Harry had always thought he would kill Weasley, but over the years the boy had endeared himself to Harry as a sort of school jester.

On another Weasley front, Ginny had come out one day not just holding Padma's hand but also Parvati's. Apparently they had been encouraged by Harry, Lavender and Fleur and had put their hidden relationship out in the open. The incestuous lesbian threeway had kept the Hogwarts rumor mill rolling and diverted attention away from Harry.

A week before the second task, Fleur rushed over to Harry and Lavender in between classes.

"Master, 'ave you deciphered your egg yet?" She asked in a rushed tone.

Harry furrowed his brow for a second before remembering, "Oh yeah, the egg. Nah I was waiting for you to figure it out."

He had completely forgotten about the egg the moment the first task had ended.

"Ze second task, ze second task is in ze lake. Zey are going to take my seester as a hostage." Fleur's english worsened by the second in her stressed out state.

Harry put a calming hand on her shoulder, "Chill out Fleur, this is a school competition, nothing's gonna happen to Gabrielle."

Fleur shook her head "You don't understand master, ze merpeople are the mortal enemies of the veela. A veela child in the lake will be murdered immediately, as well as us if we try to save 'er."

Lavender interjected, "Why did you say 'us'? Why would Harry be in danger?"

"He iz ze god of the veela, which means he is ze devil of the merpeople." Harry had to admit, being seen as satan by an entire race was a big ego boost, "If we go into ze water they will try to kill us, and they will have ze advantage."

"Hmmm..." Harry put a hand to his chin in thought.

"No problem, I'll just use my powers!" Lavender began.

"And what, freeze the lake and kill the hostages? Not to mention you can't exactly use your powers without giving yourself away." Lavender sagged as Harry shot her down.

"We need to figure somezing out master." Fleur said, slightly calmer now that her master was on the case.

Harry snapped his fingers, "I need to talk to mum real quick, I'll see you guys in a few." and with that he ran off to Gryffindor tower.


Harry rifled through his trunk until he found it, the enchanted mirror his father and his friends used to use to communicate. Harry looked around to make sure no one was in the room.

"Lily Potter." the mirror fogged over and his mum's vibrant red hair filled up the screen.

Lily was laying in bed face down with a body pillow under her stomach. Narcissa was eating her ass out while her metamorph niece was under her tonguing Lily's pussy. Lily raised her head at hearing her name called out and turned to look at her nightstand.

"Ohhhhh… so my son finally decides to grace us with his presence." Lily's eyes were glassed over in pleasure.

Harry felt it was almost a crime to interrupt this scene, but he knew he had to, "Sorry mum, but ive been kinda busy with the girls on this side, I promise ill make it up to you in the summer."

"You better! How can you have the gall to knock a baby into three girls before you put one in your own sweet mummy?"

Harry was intensely turned on by this, "I'm sorry mum, ill try to put some twins inside of you to make up for it." he said huskily.

Lily moaned out in pleasure from a combination of the two women's ministrations and Harry's words. Harry bit his lips and pushed on, knowing that if he got sidetracked he'd start stroking his cock, and then he wouldn't get a single thing done today "Mum, as amazing as this view is, I sorta need your help."

Lily's eyes focused and she fully turned towards the mirror. Tonks and Narcissa now came into view as well.

"You made the right choice, master." Narcissa quipped "Women know how to deal with problems in ways girls simply can't measure up to," she licked her lips and Harry growled. These cougars had clearly been deprived of his dick too long, he might need to schedule a house call soon.

"What's up Harrykins, how does Theodora sound to you?" Tonks asked cheerfully with a face full of Lily's juices.

Harry chuckled "How are you so sure it wont be a boy?" Harry digressed "Anyways, we have a situation with the second task…"

Harry, Lavender and Susan were strolling by the lake. Fleur hadn't wanted to get anywhere near the lake, which left Harry slightly nervous that a trident would suddenly fly out of the water to impale him. They were going to get this over with quickly.

Hermy had popped in that very morning with a basket from his mother. Said basket had been enchanted to be larger on the inside and was chock full of innocent looking pebbles. Susan held the basket in her arm while Harry and Lavender took handfulls of rocks, chucking them into the lake as they circled around.

"What's this going to do exactly?" Lavender asked.

Harry shrugged "I don't know, mum did some advanced potions thing and she said the rocks will release a chemical or something. Im guessing it'll make the merpeople lethargic or something?"

Once finished, they left the lakeside and were walking back to the castle "How are we going to know if it worked?" Susan was the one asking now.

Harry shrugged again "I trust my mum, Im sure we'll be fine by the time the task rolls around."

An ear splitting scream made the trio turn around. The single scream soon became a chorus, as the other students that had been lounging around the lake were all staring at the body of water in horror.

The trio shared a look before they walked back to see the fruits of their labor.

It was a massacre. Bodies upon bodies were floating up to the surface, dead mermaids with looks of agony etched on their faces. Many of them had their hands at their throats as if they had suffocated. As the crowd grew, more and more corpses were floating up, and it wasnt just the mermaids. The grindylow, the fish, all of them were surfacing with glassy faraway looks.

Lavender tapped Harry on the shoulder and pointed at something on the other side of the lake. The famous giant squid was on its side, so massive that it displaced many of the corpses out of the lake and onto terrified students.

Harry had to stop himself from breaking down in laughter at this scene.

Soon the staff started running in to see what the commotion was about. Not even Dumbledore could keep his composure at the chaos that had unfolded. Madame Maxine, who had rushed up next to him, fainted on the spot. Everyone in the vicinity witnessed her tip over in slow motion, frozen in place. Her entire gigantic frame fell right on Dumbledore's leg, which snapped with a sickening crack as the headmaster tumbled to the floor under the half-giant's weight.

"MERLIN'S BLOODY LEFT TESTICLE, SOMEONE HELP!" Dumbledore yelled. McGonagall and Karkaroff rushed over and tried to move Maxine off him to no avail.


Harry wished he had some popcorn on hand. His mother was the most brilliant witch in the world, she deserved triplets.

"OHHHH master, you are truly a benevolent god!" Fleur exclaimed, showering him in kisses as they all sat in the room of requirement a few hours later. The room was set up as a classroom. Harry was currently leaning on his teacher's desk with Fleur wrapped around him while the other girls sat in front of him. "You 'ave smitten zes merpeople so wonderfully" she kept up the kisses to Harry's face and neck as the other girls looked on with amusement.

"I have to say Potter, I didn't think you had the constitution for genocide. You know, we don't have to stop at the lake…" Daphne had a hungry look in her eyes as she trailed off.

"Isn't this… kind of a bad thing… what we did?" Susan asked meekly, her face downturned as she was clearly nervous to be speaking up.

Everyone else in the room shared looks before breaking out in laughter.

"Oh Susan get off it. So some fish people died. They lived in the ocean, their lives weren't that great anyways." Lavender assured her.

"Lake." Harry interjected.


"They lived in a lake, not the ocean."

"I mean, Daphne is calling it genocide and we're just sitting here gloating about it, does that make us the bad guys?" Susan continued, starting to feel a pain in her chest.

"There is no good or evil, only power and those too weak to seek it." Astoria recited.

"Awwww you sound so damn cute saying that." Lavender pinched the young girl's cheek. Astoria slapped her hand away and glared.

Harry whistled "Man, Daphne you have done a number on that girl. Gotta say im proud of you," he tipped his head to the elder Grengrass sister who simply smirked smugly.

"Proud enough to let me eradicate some lesser beings?" she fluttered her eyes for effect.

Harry shook his head in amusement, "Tell you what, give me a list of options and then we'll talk about it."

Susan's eyes were now like dinner plates. What would her auntie say if she knew she was involved in these type of things?

"Susan, its fine. What we do is all part of my master plan. We do it for a reason not just for shits and giggles. Trust me, baby."

Susan felt relief wash over her. If this was all part of Harry's plan then it was fine. Harry was her master and if he didn't think it was wrong then it must not be.

Satisfied that Susan was cowed, Harry looked at his watch. "Dinner's coming up and Dumbledore's probably gonna give a speech, so lets get to it girls."

A tense silence permeated the Great Hall as the schools sat at their tables, eating their meal in silence. Fleur had her head on Harry's right should, refusing to detach herself from his side.

Dumbledore stood, sporting a massive cast on his leg. A few seats away Madame Maxine was staring down at her empty plate in shame. The hobbled headmaster cleared his throat before speaking.

"This has truly been a trying year, we've lost some of our own, we've gone through many hardships." Dumbledore took a seething breath, "I myself have just discovered that I am allergic to skelegrow and pain relief potions, so I will have to endure this recovery the muggle way..." he grit his teeth "...truly this year has been a terrible, horrible, hell on earth."

"Albus!" McGonagall whispered through her teeth to the headmaster. Dumbledore looked like he was this close to snapping, but he took a deep breath and soldiered on.

"Today's tragedy at the lake notwithstanding, the tournament must go on as planned. The second task will be held this Saturday at the edge of the forbidden forest. Champions, whatever insight you have gleamed from your eggs still applies." Harry could have sworn Dumbledore gave him a particularly withering glare, but he maintained a neutral expression.

He was leaving the great hall with Lavender in tow when fake Moody made a beeline towards them. They 'accidentally' bumped shoulders.

"Watch were yer going laddy, you need constant vigilance or else you might run right into a spider's web!" With a purposeful nod the fake professor kept on walking.

"Wow, this must have really screwed up his plans; that was super contrived." Harry gawked as they continued up to their dormitory.

"What did he mean by the spider web thing though?" Lavender was genuinely confused, bless her heart.

Harry was sure that between his skill and Fleur's powers they could take on a bunch of acromantula, but why leave it to chance? Besides, Daphne had done a lot of good work recently and she deserved a reward, so Harry had moved up her ascension. The psychopathic beauty became giddy when Harry told her his plan. She had been studying rituals with Hermy for months, and she knew just the one for this occasion.

The only thing they needed was a virgin, and Harry knew which one he wanted. He had asked Fleur if Gabrielle would be able to come to Hogwarts by that evening.

"Master, when I tell her she will want to be here in an instant, what will be tough is holding maman off from coming with her."

Harry licked his lips. As enticing as it was to have a piece of Apolline Delacour, they were on a tight schedule and he knew he would have her soon enough.

So it was that two days before the task, they set another ritual up. Harry, Daphne and Hermy spent all afternoon preparing it, Daphne was on cloud nine.

"Potter, how have you kept this place from me so long?" she chided as she spun in place for the umpteenth time to bask in the glory of the room. Some girls got off from flower petals leading to a bed, Daphne got off from musty old chambers filled with dark magic.

"I mean honestly after second year I didn't really give this place much thought." Back then he hadn't really been in the business of evil or world domination, so he'd simply swept the chamber of secrets away. This year had been so eventful the place hadn't crossed his mind, a clear oversight on his part.

They had discovered that behind the statue of Salazar Slytherin there was a small library of ancient tomes, which Daphne almost fainted over. Harry had to remind her to stay on track. Right now they had Hermy setting up all the runes, using her own blood of course. They had blood replenishing potions, but Harry had noticed that Daphne didn't offer them to the elf until she was right at the point of unconsciousness.

Back in second year Harry had found a diary in a girls bathroom. The thing was reeking with dark magic, and when he wrote in it and something answered back he knew the thing was dangerous. Probably wanted to suck his soul out or something. He was able to lead Tom Riddle along up to the point where he led him to the Chamber of Secrets and the basilisk within.

Harry had the snaked bite right through Tom's diary; he still remembered its ear piercing shriek as it bled its guts out on the snake's mouth.

Harry was now the master of a millenia old giant basilisk, but at the time he hadn't thought of any practical use for it. Wasn't like there was any benefit to killing random students just for fun, even if it was fun.

"The work is done master, mistress." Hermy panted out, her face was dangerously pale as she stood on wobbly knees, having painted the final rune with her blood.

"Took you long enough." Daphne spat "Now scram, don't want your uglyness disrupting my moment of glory." she waved her off and Hermy obliged, popping off back to Potter manor.

Harry looked down at his watch, it was dinner time. Lavender and Susan had not wanted to witness the nasty old ritual or be in the evil chamber, so the two were keeping each other company in the room of requirement. The others should be arriving any moment.

As if on cue, footsteps could be heard near the entrance. Harry licked his lips as three gorgeous women came into view.

Fleur was leading the other two by hand, looking like a grade school teacher bringing students out for lunch. To her right, Astoria was her usual cute little self, walking with confidence and looking around the chamber with awe. To Fleur's other side was the star of the show. Gabrielle was smaller than Astoria somehow; her skin was much paler than Fleur's, her alabaster skin and blonde hair making her look like something out of a fairy tale. Her petite frame was still undeveloped, but Harry knew she would grow to be just as much of a bombshell as Fleur.

By far her most notable feature were her eyes. While Fleur's eyes were also light blue, Gabrielle's were strikingly so, almost looking inhuman. Her eyes were huge and the lightest, brightest blue Harry had ever seen, it was impossible not to be absorved in them when first looking at her.

Gabrielle was giddy, skipping in her walk as she was finally able to meet her god. She was desperately trying to break loose from her sister's grip and throw herself at Harry. Fleur stopped them just a few feet in front of Harry and Daphne immediately began to move. "Right, so lets begin…"

Harry put a hand out to stop her "Now now Daph, we have plenty of time to perform the ritual, lets savor it first."

Fleur and Astoria giggled as they saw a vein almost pop in Daphne's forehead. Gabrielle was laser focused on Harry and was completely unaware of anything else around her.

"Are you serious Potter?"

"I am, do you question me?" Harry said firmly, reminding Daphne of who was in charge here. "How about this, we're going to play a little game, if you win we'll get right on to the ritual."

Daphne nodded stiffly as Harry waved her over to join her sister's side. She obliged, though she stomped her feet like an eight year old on the way over. Harry bit his lip, he had to admit he loved her bratty, bitchy attitude.

With the two pairs of sisters lined up in front of him, Harry took a second to bask in the beauty in front of him before speaking.

"This'll be simple, one sister will have to lick the other sister to orgasm, if the Grengrasses win we get on with the ritual, if the Delacours win they get worship their master's cock together."

Fleur and Gabrielle shivered with lust at the announcement, while Daphne grinned triumphantly; Astoria was the queen of fellatio, they would win this thing easily.

Harry raised a finger "It'll be the older sister eating the younger one out… begin!"

Daphne was frozen in the spot at Harry's last words. Meanwhile, Fleur and Gabrielle had almost collided with each other in their eagerness. Little Gabby laid on the floor, her little blue sundress hiked up as her sister sucked on her outer pussy lips. Fleur's right hand had pulled down the strap of her sundress, and she began tweaking the little veela's flat chest.

Realizing what was happening, and growling at Astoria for doing nothing to help her, Daphne tackled her little sister aggresively. She pulled her panties down and buried her face in her little cunt, the first time she'd ever eaten her sister out.

Daphne was blinded by rage, she was not at all delicate with her sister, painfully tweaking her nipples and even biting her poor little clit. Astoria acreamed in sharp pain but she also felt immnense pleasure from this. Daphne hadn't meant to, but in her harshness she was pulling ahead in the contest. Fleur was expertly licking her baby siter's folds, running her tongue up and down Gabrielle's delicate lips while her index finger worked its way in and out of her little hole. Fleur's tongue began to lightly lap at Gabrielle's clit, causing the tiny veela to arch her back in pleasure.

Daphne was digging her nails into her sister's thighs while she continued to roughly fellate her. A lot more teeth than necesarry joined in with her tongue as she assaulted Tory's tiny cunt.

Harry shook his head. This was way too close for comfort. He had already been stroking his meay watching this little show so it was a simple thing to walk up behind the unsuspecting Daphne, who was on all fours and had not worn panties under her skirt. Harry knelt behind her and quickly pushed his cock into her tight heat.

Daphne gasped into Astoria's pussy at the sudden intrusion. Harry began to pound her hard, enough to throw the slytherin off for a few seconds. She tried regrouping, dazedly lapping at her sister's cunt while Harry, now holding her firmly by the hips, fucked her raw and hard.

Daphne knew she was being set up to lose, but she wouldn't go out without a fight. She grabbed her sister by the hips and pulled her hard into her face, abandoning all technique and simply licking madly at her sister's folds. At the same time she pushed back against Harry as hard as she could. Harry gave out a little grunt in suprise at her first push, but then with determination he began to truly pound her hard, crushing his pelvis against her ass with force. His large cock almost seemed to become even bigger in Daphne's pussy, stretching her out to painful levels as her tightness hugged his cock like a vice.

It was closer than it had any right to be, but in the end Fleur's skill and Harry's interference gave the veela sisters the win. Gabrielle screamed out in orgasm a solid ten seconds before Astoria did the same.

"Good job girls, now come over here." Fleur and Gabrielle crawled over to Harry, who had grabbed Daphne by the waist and pulled her onto his lap in a sitting position. Daphne bit her lip hard as she bounced on Harry's thick cock, head thrown back as Harry kissed her neck and tweaked her nipples.

Fleur and Gabrielle were on each side of them and began suckling Harry's balls. Harry shuddered as he felt Fleur's heavenly tongue on one side and Gabrielle's absolutely delicate tongue on the other. Both sisters slobbered over his balls. Gabrielle, wanting to prove herself, boldly moved up from his nuts and began licking the shaft, catching Daphne's clit everytime the slytherin princess sat down on her master's cock.

This proved to be too much for Daphne, who shuddered uncontrollably as she came, her walls spasming around Harry's cock.

Harry gripped her waist Hard, trying his hardest not to come with two veela servicing him and a hot cunt convulsing around him. Daphne's orgasm finally subsided and Harry pushed her off, letting her collapse on the floor.

Harry stood up and looked down on little Gabrielle, who stared up at her master with eyes full of worship. Those damn gorgeous eyes. Fleur came up from behind her sister and lifted the little girl up by her legs, holding her wide open to receive her master.

Harry's meat was like a heat seeking missile, throbbing red hot and desperate to reach her tiny little cunt. Harry and Fleur both walked towards each other and met at the middle, with Harry's steely hardness plunging into Gabrielle in one swift push. It felt obscene the way his massive cock split Gabby's tiny little slit in half. Her pussy felt like nothing else, in that first stroke Harry almost felt like his soul wanted to lift up from his body, the sensation was that overwhelming.

Gabrielle let out the cutest mewl he had ever heard, which gave him goosebumps. Harry wrapped his arms around Fleur's ass as Gabby wrapped her legs around him. He was buried as deep as he possibly could be in her little veela pussy, this might be the happiest moment of his life. Harry began pumping slowly in and out as Gabrielle gasped and yipped like a puppy as he fucked her raw. Harry brought his head down to hers and took her in for a steamy kiss, her soft ruby red lips feeling velvety soft against his own as his tongue dominated hers. His hands were squeezing Fleur's ample ass hard as he began to fuck her little sister more roughly.

As this was going on, the runes around the room began to glow blood red. Daphne had recovered enough to scramble to her spot, jumping with glee as her wishes would finally be fulfilled. Astoria had scooted over to a corner and simple touched herself while observing the show.

Harry only took a slight glance at her before returning to heaven. Gabby and Fleur were each nibbling at each side of his neck, making him shiver in pleasure. Gabrielle was already on her third orgasm, and the girl was a squirter. Her juices were flowing freely down his ballsack and onto his feet as Harry's pounding became frantic. His hands were squeezing the life out of Fleur's asscheeks as the two Veela bit hard on either side of his neck.

Harry exploded inside of her walls, flooding her poor little pussy with way more cum than it could handle. His meat was so oversized compared to her pussy that he was worried his pulsating cock would actually tear up the little girl's insides. Gabby let out a shriek muffled by Harry's neck as she had her most intense orgasm yet. Fleur had moved back from Harry's neck and was peppering the back of Gabby's neck with light kisses as the girl shuddered between her two lovers.

The runic circle around Daphne glowed, first in a bright white light and then in a sickly green. Behind the far wall, a loud hiss could be heard as the basilisk began to be affected by its own runic circle.

The ritual went by rather quickly for something so monumental. By the time the trio had recovered from their escapades, the lightshow was over and the runes had dissapeared. Harry raised his head to witness Daphne's new look.

She was taller now, about Fleur's height, with her body becoming even more slender. Her skin was a weird hybrid of flesh and beautiful emeral scales. Her legs had become longer and were now a bigger proportion of her body. Her hair had gone from dark brown an inky pitch black. She had slit pupils with yellow eyes and her nose had almost disappeared.

Daphne was inspecting herself with glee, and Harry knew he'd have to rein her in heavily lest she went out and killed a bunch of firsties before he told her she couldn't.

Daphne didn't need a glamour, as she could freely morph between her 'human' and snakewoman forms. This meant she had four different forms now, as she also had her black mamba animagus form and she could now transform into the giant basilisk. She also had the basilisk's death stare in her snakewoman form, among other abilities she was still experimenting with. Needless to say, she rubbed her power and ability to change forms without a glamour in Lavender's face.

One huge drawback she hadn't thought about was the fact that Harry was a parselmouth. In any of her snake forms, all Harry had to do was speak in parseltongue for her to mindlessly follow his every command; without protest or free will. For the fiercely independed Daphne who cherished the illusion of free will she still had this was highly embarassing, which amused Harry to no end.

The morning of the second task the entire hall was abuzz in anticipation. As everyone was finishing up their breakfast, Ludo Bagman stood up from the staff table and cleared his throat. The man looked rather nervous as he addressed the students.

"N-now, due to unfortunate circumstances regarding certain elements of the second task that we were unable to coordinate in…"

Bagman jumped in his chair as he felt a kick to his back. Dumbledore had kicked him with his good leg. The headmaster had taken to reclining on a conjured imperial looking couch behind the head table. The headmaster had lost more and more of his decorum since the injury.

"R-r-right, we couldn't come to an understanding with the spiderfolk." Bagman spit out "Thankfully, the tournament organizers came up with a third contingency, and so the second task will begin right now, right here in the great hall!" He tried adding a little pizzaz in the end but everyone was simply staring at him in confusion.

"What do you mean right now?" Cedric voiced.

"Champions, step right up!" With a wave of his wand, Bagman conjured up four stools between the head table and the house tables. Hesitantly, the four champions stood from their tables and sat on the stools. Fleur scooted hers over until it was right up against her master's.

"Now, the second task entails a rigurous test of mental strenght! You will be answering queries on important historical topics…"

Harry furrowed his brow "A pub quiz?"

"What?" Bagman asked him confused.

Harry shook his head "Never mind."

"Anyways, the rules are simple, the first champion to answer ten questions correctly will win full marks, the other three will be scored based on how many questions they answered correctly!" Again Bagman tried to spice this up a little, but the sea of blank and dissapointed faces staring back told him it wasn't working. They were definitely not going to like this next part.

"Now, our quizmaster for this task will be someone with supreme knowledge of fact, lets give it up for Professor Cuthbert Binns!"

A loud groan swept through the Great Hall as the ghostly professor slowly floated in from a wall and drifted towards a podium next to Bagman's. A few elder Slytherin students stood up and headed for the doors, but the doors to the stairwell would not budge. Seeing this, a group of Hufflepuffs tried to leave through the front entrance, only to find this door was locked too.

"What the bloody hell! Let us go!" A slytherin yelled.

Dumbledore stared at them with cold eyes "No one leaves until the task is complete" he hissed. The other teachers and tournament staff looked at the hesdmaster with fear. Harry wondered wether he'd inadvertently broken the Headmaster.

"Albus surely students can leave if…" McGonagall tried to reason.

Dumbledore turned towards her with a stony look "No one leaves." he turned back towards the front, "You may begin Cuthbert."

Binns took this cue and immediately jumped into his first question "During the 1452 fall of Goblanstinople, what metal made up 5% of the alloy used to create the cannon that the Turkic wizards used to breach the city walls?"

The silence in the room was deafening. After 20 seconds of the champions sharing bewildered glances, a ghostly buzzer sounded.

"The answer was ionized goblin silver."

Forty minutes had passed. Forty agonizing, tortorous minutes. None of them had gotten a single question right. Cedrick had attempted to answer one but he had been incorrect. One group of students had tried blasting away the front entrance doors to no avail, another group had tried levitating a student out through the high windows. They all failed.

After a while students tried holding conversations to distract them from the existential dread, but with a crack of his wand Dumbledore silenced them and forced them all to watch the task being performed.

"What breed of chickens were used for augury during the Roman Republic circa 214 BCE?"

harry finally snapped "I forfeit!" He yelled. Gasps echoed throughout as Harry made his daring aannouncement. The other champions took his lead and immediately piped in with the same announcement.

"You can't do that! Someone has to answer ten questions correctly!" Dumbledore growled. The staff and tournament officials shared frantic looks and nods were exchanged. Bagman cast a sonorus charm as Madam Pompfrey ran over to the headmaster.


Dumbledore was about to yell out in dissent when Pompfrey quietly stabbed him with a needle filled with a muggle sedative. The dosage was a little excessive, but it did its job and had the headmaster knocked out in seconds.

"That was close, we could have had all lost our minds!" Karkaroff hissed.

"Dumbledoore haz lost ze picture!" Maxine was fanning herself. McGonagall and Flitwick were unlocking the hall as students flooded out. The champions left as well, not caring to wait for the official scoring. In the middle of it all, a dissappointed Binns kept announcing that they weren't even a quarter of the way trough his questions.

The next few days were tense. No one had seen the headmaster around. Many students were so traumatized that they would not even approach the great hall, forcing McGonagall to allow the elves to deliver food to the common rooms and dorms. It took about four days for them to be able to assemble the student body in the great hall again. They were forced to keep every door wide open.

Once the unease had settled and everyone was hesitantly tucking into their meal, McGonagall stood and cleared her throat.

"I have a few announcements to make." she waited for everyone to focus on her "As you all know, the second task ended in a rather… rushed manner. I would like to oficially announce that all four champions have been awarded 50 points."

Polite clapping filled the room. Harry grumbled under his breath, he'd been the one to figure out how to escape, he should have gotten extra points.

After the clapping faded Minerva continued, "Now, in other news. Headmaster Dumbledore has taken a leave of absence as he recovers from his physical and emotional injuries. I will be acting headmistress for the rest of the school year."

Dead silence followed, though most everyone was relieved. Harry grinned as this meant he could do whatever the hell he wanted with little to no repercussion.


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