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"Hmphhhhhh!" Daphne's moan was muffled by the girth in her mouth. Harry grunted as Daphne slobbered over his cock and began sucking with renewed enthusiasm. Harry grabbed the back of her head with both hands, forcefully shoving her head further down until his entire meat was inside her eager mouth. Daphne wasn't used to having his cock down her throat, but she tried her best to suppress her gag reflex as Harry began fucking her mouth with powerful strokes.

Daphne allowed him to have his way with her mouth however he pleased, relishing the burning sensation in her throat as it contrasted with the intense pleasure in her pussy. She wished she could look down at where Lavender was ravaging her, buried nose deep in Daphne's folds, frantically rubbing her clit with one hand while the other was down in her own pussy.

Harry had the best view of this scene, running his hands through Daphne's long, silky dark brown hair while being stimulated by Lavender's dirty blonde curls lapping at Daphne's quim. "Lavender, come over here," he ordered, paying no mind to Daphne's groan of disappointment. In one swift motion he pulled his cock from deep in her throat, making an obscene plopping sound as his purple head exited her mouth.

Harry stroked his cock, slick with Daphne's slobber, as Lavender crawled up the bed to kneel besides Daphne. The Slytherin was slightly disgruntled since she hadn't come yet but pushed it away when Harry brought his dick forward. Lavender immediately attacked it with her mouth, licking around the head with her tongue while stroking him with her hand. Daphne licked around Lavender's jaw line, her hand kneading the blonde's D-cups (surely the biggest in fourth year, and bigger than most sixth years). She had to admit she was jealous of the vapid Gryffindor's assets, though she knew she herself was seen as the most beautiful girl in their year with her aristocratic features and cold blue eyes.

Daphne finally reached Lavender's mouth, which was currently wrapped around Harry's erection. She licked along its length, eliciting a moan from Harry who returned one of his hands to the top of her head. Lavender abandoned Harry's head and joined her, licking along his length, their tongues making contact along the way. Harry knew what he wanted to see, and he guided their heads back to his bulbous tip, where they began sharing his cock and ended up making out, their tongues mingling with his dick dribbling pre-cum in between.

Daphne and Lavender were nearing orgasm, the taste of Harry's succulent pre-cum along with their sensual kiss proving too much. Daphne brought her hand down and shoved it into Lavenders pussy, prompting the brunette to do the same to her. Their orgasm came at the same time, gasping into their kiss and bringing Harry over the top.

"I'm cumming!" He exhaled before he shot his load, rope after rope of hot cum plastering the girl's faces and hair. Harry spurted an inhuman amount of cum, enough that when he was finished both girls faces were glazed with his sticky white substance.

Harry lay back on the bed in satisfaction. Lavender scooped up some cum from Daphne's face, licking it off her finger as if it was a rare delicacy. Daphne grabbed Lavender by the cheeks and brought her in for a sloppy kiss, sharing cum and rubbing it all over each other's faces. Harry was enjoying the view, lazily stroking his sensitive cock, when there was a knock at the door.

Lavender immediately jumped up, shifting her fearful eyes to Harry. Daphne put on her emotionless mask (which Harry thought looked very comical covered in cum) and frowned at Harry, "What now Potter?" Harry chuckled at this, it seemed that when under stress Daphne regressed to her Ice Queen persona. "Nothing, Daphne dear, I'll just answer it." Harry stood up before either of the girls could react and headed for the door to his room.

"Who is it?" he asked loudly, already knowing the answer.

"It's me honey, I came to say hi to your little friends." Daphne and Lavender recognized the voice of Harry's mother, and they both looked on in disbelief as their naked lover went to open the door. "Harry, don-" Lavender gasped out before Daphne covered her mouth. Daphne's head was running a mile a minute, trying to find some way to escape the situation.

"Hi, mum, how was your seminar?" Harry asked casually, as if he wasn't completely naked in a room with two girls covered in his jizz. To the girls shock, Lily didn't even acknowledge that her son was naked as she stepped into the room. "You know how boring those things are Harry, I left as soon as I could." Lily's eyes focused on the two 14 year old girls who were frozen in place. The Potter matriarch walked over to the two of them, who were still kneeling on the floor, naked as the day they were born.

"How are you Lavender?" Lily smiled congenially at her son's girlfriend. "And you must be Daphne," she turned to the Greengrass heiress. "Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Potter" Daphne said with all the diplomacy a pureblood upbringing brought.

"You have some on your hair dear" Lily brought her finger down and scooped up a big glob of cum on Daphne's hair. As the two shocked teens watched, Lily brought it up to her lips, her tongue darting out to taste her son's spunk. Lily licked her finger clean and sported a thoughtful look before walking over to her son and kneeling down. She softly held her son's prick and observed the head of his cock, which was still dripping some cum.

Lily let out a tisk "You girls are new to this aren't you?" she turned toward the two witches, giving them a look of slight disappointment, as if they'd gotten a mediocre mark on a potions essay. "It is impolite to leave cum on a man's cock." feeling that they needed visual reinforcement, Lily engulfed the tip of her son's penis in her mouth, making a show out of showing Daphne and Lavender how she was cleaning up all of his semen. Harry let out a moan as his mom sucked on his sensitive head, letting off a few smaller spurts of semen into her mouth. She took his cock fow to the base, an easy task with his tool being semi-flaccid, before pulling back and covering just the head with her lips, giving it a thorough licking to make sure she got everything.

Satisfied with her work, Lily stood up and looked over at the two shocked girls. "There, I better not see you girls leaving cum on my son's cock again, understood?" she said with a mock stern gaze before she turned to leave. "Now come along, dinners ready." she and Harry exited the room quietly, leaving Lavender and Daphne sharing a look before the Slytherin shrugged and followed the mother and son, prompting Lavender to move.

"Can you believe what just happened?" Lavender exclaimed in a hushed whisper as the two girls traversed Potter manor's expansive hallways. Lavender felt a bit weird, walking around naked in someone else's house.

"You should get a hold of yourself Brown," Daphne hissed. The Gryffindor was such an airhead, Harry only kept her around because of her looks and her usefulness as a gossip to collect information. "It makes enough sense, you know about Potter's abilities, and his mother is a very attractive woman, they've been living alone together all his life, it's not shocking that he would claim her."

Moans could be heard as they began walking down the winding staircase of Potter Manor.

"Oh baby yes! Fuck your mummy's cunt! Fill me up!"

Lily was bouncing on Harry's cock, facing the table with her hands splayed out around her plate as she worked her thighs up and down on her son's lap. Her massive double D cup breasts jiggled with each bounce. Harry was sitting back in his chair, letting Lily do all the work while he ate, grabbing forkfuls of rice while his mother was impaling herself on him.

"Your food is served, you can eat whenever you want." Lily told the two girls in between gasping breaths. Daphne acquiesced and took a seat across from the lovemaking couple, beginning to eat her food with all her usual decorum, as if a mother and son weren't fucking right in front of her.

Lavender was standing, mesmerized and staring at the rutting couple. Daphne scoffed at the ditzy girl's lack of composure. Then Lavender walked up to Lily and Harry.

Lavender stood right in front of Lily, her eyes following the older woman's bouncing breasts. Lily gazed amusedly at the young witch. "Like what you see Lavender?"

Lily gasped out in slight shock when Lavender grabbed her face and brought her in for a forceful kiss. Her eyes widened in surprise before she smiled into it and began making out with the girl. Harry stopped eating, partly because Lavender was obstructing him and partly because of the view. He began pounding harder and harder into his mother's pussy.

Lavender broke off the kiss "I fancy some milk with my lunch." she said breathlessly before dipping her head down to capture one of Lily's nipples in her mouth. Lily held Lavender's head and brought one hand down to the girl's pussy, running a finger up and down the entrance of Lavender's vagina.

Daphne, feeling left out, walked over and began kissing Lily, rubbing her chest against Lily's torso. Lily mewled into Daphne's mouth as Harry's pumping became more and more frantic, her fingers working furiously in Lavender's pussy.

"Aghhhhh!" Lily pulled her head back and yelled out in orgasm, shoving two fingers deep down Lavender's cunt and making the girl clinch up in a sudden orgasm. Daphne bit down on Lily's nipple, heightening the experience and making the older woman see stars in her field of vision. "Oh God!" she squealed out, the tip of Harry's cock rubbing her cervix.

"That was… incredible." Lavender let out weakly, collapsing to the floor with Lily's fingers still inside her. Lily slowly slid them out, raising them up to Daphne, who took the cue and began licking Lavender's juices off her hand. Harry, who hadn't come yet, was nibbling on his mother's neck, twitching his hips to move his cock inside her. "Harry, don't," Lily told her son. Harry stopped, confused "What is it mum?" she'd never turned down a nice load of cum in her womb before. Lily turned her head to look at Harry, "Lavender said she wanted milk with her food." she winked at him and Harry grinned "Well then let's give her what she wants."

Lily raised herself up gingerly, sliding her son's penis out of her spent hole. She stepped out of his lap "Daphne, won't you be a dear and get Harry ready to cum?" Daphne acquiesced and gripped Harry's manhood, jerking him off at a swift pace. Lily went around the table and collected Daphne and Lavender's plates, filled with vegetables, rice and chicken. "I'm cumming!" Daphne could feel Harry's cock tensing, and Lily was barely able to put the girl's plates in front of him before his dick twitched and shot off half a dozen powerful loads, coating both girls' plates with his seed.

Lily smiled and set the plates on the table "Eat up!"

"How long have you been fucking your mother Potter?" Daphne asked bluntly. They were all fully dressed. She and Lavender stood in front of the fireplace, ready to floo over to their homes. Harry was lounging on the couch, Lily was upstairs taking a shower.

Harry shrugged "I seduced her when I was 10, though I was jerking off on her while she slept since I was 8." Daphne scoffed and rolled her eyes while Lavender giggled "So your mom was the first victim of your magic cum," the Gryffindor scrunched up her face in thought "Why did it take you so long to bind her?"

"I might be part creature Lavender, but I'm still a boy. My cum is much stronger now than two years ago, much less six."

Lavender's wristwatch buzzed, indicating that she had to leave. She sighed in dissapointment at not having any more Harry time until the start of term. She walked up to Harry and hugged him, making sure to press her breasts to his chest. "Can't you come visit me baby?" Harry shook his head "It'll only be a few weeks pet, I'm sure you and Daphne can arrange to see each other."

"I have a lot of work to do Potter, I don't have time to accommodate your lapdop." Daphne cut in bitingly. Lavender turned to her and pouted, giving Daphne a comically pleading look. Daphne shook her head and headed for the floo, not saying anything while she threw in the powder and left for home.

"Don't worry Lav, if I know her she'll be knocking on your door in a few days." Harry assured his lover. This cheered Lavender up; she gave Harry a peck on the lips before heading to the floo herself.

Harry sat back and relaxed. He was sure Voldemort had something planned for this year so moments of peace like this were to be enjoyed as much as possible.


It was a weird life, being the main target of the most feared Dark lord in centuries. Thankfully he had his gifts to level the playing field; otherwise Voldemort would have probably killed him by now.

James Potter's great-great-great grandfather's great uncle had been an Incubus. This was not surprising; most pure-blooded wizards could find incubi in their ancestry if they looked back far enough, the direct offspring of Incubi didn't express any special traits, much less their descendants innumerable generations later.

What made Harry different was Lily's blood line. Unbeknownst to her she came from a long line of squibs. The last wizard in her lineage, Lord Romeluis Flitwick, had gotten his house elf pregnant. The lord had to hide the indiscretion, and so he sent his half elf offspring to a muggle orphanage. The child was without magic, the only thing belying his heritage being his incredibly small stature (which won him a place in the circus). It was these dormant genes, Incubi and House Elf, which resulted in whatever the hell Harry was.

They still hadn't discovered all of Harry's abilities. He could use House Elf teleportation, which had allowed him free reign over Hogwarts in the past three years. He could also do some wandless magic, a skill he and Lily were constantly working to improve. While all this was well and good, Harry enjoyed his incubus heritage much, much more. He was a master of the sexual arts, instinctually knowing what to do to make a woman come; he had incredible stamina and was very 'gifted'.

While he didn't have an aura like a Veela, he had something even better. Harry was able to make anyone fall under his will, becoming his permanent sex slave, as long as they came in contact with his cum. It depended on the woman's willpower, the amount of cum and how exactly she came into contact with it. Having her ingest it gave the quickest results, even quicker than cumming inside her pussy, surprisingly. He had done that with Lavender, the first one of the girls he'd taken.

Being the most popular first year at Hogwarts, girls naturally gravitated towards Harry, and being the most vapid, bubble-headed first year in school, Lavender was no exception. They'd started dating (or what 11 year olds called dating anyways) halfway through his first year. Harry had refrained from bonding her, wanting to see how far he could get her to go without magical influence. To her credit, Lavender didn't allow him to fuck her, telling him that she wanted to wait until fourth year. He did get her to blow him, and soon enough she swallowed his cum for the first time and that was that, he'd gotten a sex slave.

With Daphne it had been different. Harry had noticed the Slytherin girl in his second year. She was perfect: anti-social, abrasive, hateful, incredibly smart and stunningly beautiful. He first tried approaching her to try to build a friendship, but that failed rather quickly. Daphne wasn't friends with anyone in her house, much less Harry, who had cultivated an image as the Gryffindor golden boy who did no wrong. After a few attempts at starting a conversation, Harry gave up on that approach and started using his elf apparition to jerk off on her face while she slept. This through the skin method is slower than having the girl take it in one of her holes; it took Harry ten sessions before she was fully his.

He had refrained from taking anyone else in third year. He was under the watchful eye of Dumbledore; taking more than two girls at this point would be too much of a risk. It was already difficult enough seeing Daphne during the school year without the old coot noticing. Until he was neutralized, Harry couldn't handle having to deal with three women in school. Besides, none of the girls in Hogwarts offered something unique enough for Harry to take a risk.

This year he had a feeling he'd strike again. He didn't know why, but he could tell it was going to be much more eventful than the past two, for good or bad.


"…The Quidditch Cup will not be held this year."



"What the hell Dumbledore?"

"This was my last chance to win the bleeding thing!"

These were the reactions around the great hall when the headmaster made his announcement. Though outwardly outraged, inside Harry was relieved. He'd grown bored of playing quidditch and was more than happy to not have to deal with the constant arduous training. It put off having to quit the team and all the whining from his housemates.

Dumbledore raised his hand to shush the students "There is good reason for this decision. You see, this year Hogwarts will have the honor of hosting the Triwizard Tournament!"

Most of the students were confused, not knowing what exactly the tournament was. Others were surprised, having heard about the tournament from their grandparents. All Harry could think was that this tournament was fantastic news. With everyone focused on it he would be able to move more freely around the castle.

"The tournament is to be contested between Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbaton. The schools delegations will be arriving here on the 30th of October." Dumbledore swept his gaze through the student body, observing all and none at once "I do not need to tell you that this is a very dangerous event, only those 17 and older will be allowed to compete."

There was some grumbling from some of the students at this, Harry heard the Weasley twins dissatisfaction and knew those two would try something to get into the tournament.

"Too bad, eh Harry? Woulda been fun to compete" Seamus said to his right. Harry shrugged. Lavender spoke up "Are you crazy? I heard people died competing in that thing. Fourth years like us wouldn't stand a chance!" Seamus begged off "It was just a fantasy woman, don't get on my case!"

Harry had already checked out, thinking about how to use such a big event to further his plans.

"You're late, Potter." Daphne Greengrass was standing in an empty hallway in the sixth floor, hands crossed and an expression of contempt on her face. It was late at night, the moonlight seeping through the big glass windows gave her an ethereal beauty.

"Nice to see you too Daphne."

The Slytherin grumbled at this, "I've had to hide from two prefects while waiting for you, you nitwit."

"Good, you practiced your stealth." Harry quipped. He pulled out a piece of parchment, which she knew to be the marauder's map. Saying the password, the map came to life as Harry handed it to her. "What do you want me to do with this mangy thing?"

"I want you to watch out for anyone that walks through here." Harry answered. "Why-" Daphne was cut off by Harry putting his hand over her mouth and turning her around, pushing her up against the wall. Daphne supported herself with her hands on the wall, spread out so as to hold the map between them. "Potter, we could be caught at any moment. At the very least put your cloak over us!" despite her protest, she spread her legs out and rubbed her bum against his crotch. "Daph come on, the whole point of doing it here is the thrill of getting caught." Harry brought his hands under her school shirt. Daphne had stopped wearing bras to Harry's little rendezvous, so he had easy access to her supple breasts, tweaking one of her nipples while he nibbled on her ear.

Daphne let out something between a mewl and a growl "Fucking damn it Potter, I don't want to be teased, I want to be fucked, you useless half-blood!" Harry got hard immediately. One thing he loved about the bond was that it didn't change the person; it simply made them bend to his sexual will.

"Oh I'll fuck you, you cunt." Harry quickly released his cock from his fly and lifted Daphne's skirt. She wasn't wearing panties either. Harry grabbed his cock and pointed it at her rosebud. Daphne felt the tip, but before she could protest Harry pushed forward into her ass. "AAAAAAAAHH!" she screamed out as Harry violated her asshole. Having never done this, Harry realized it was a mistake not to lubricate; her ass was too tight and dry for him to move in it. Just as he thought it his magic came to the rescue, there was a tingle and suddenly Daphne's ass was ready for him.

Harry smiled and began plunging in and out of her ass. Daphne was splayed out against the wall, barely able to pay attention to the map as she tried to adjust to the new sensation. "You fucking mudblood loving bastard! You'll fucking pay for thi-" Daphne trailed off as she began to moan, the feeling of pleasure intensifying as Harry began to build a rhythm.

Harry's cock was pulling in and out of Daphne's perfect ass; the brunette began pushing back with his strokes. "Oh Merlin yes! Fuck my ass you miserable little twit!" She was bent over completely, her half-lidded eyes staring glazed at the spot on the map that was playing out their tryst.

"You love this, don't you, you inbred whore," Harry brought one hand down to play with her sopping wet cunt, Daphne had to control the itch to help him out lest she lose her grip on the map.

Harry was now bottoming out inside her, all his length lodged in her rectum. He left his cock in that position for a few moments, relishing in the depravity of the moment. He brought the hand that had been masturbating Daphne up to his mouth and licked, enjoying the aroma and taste of her excitement. He licked his hand clean of her juices.

"POTTER! Someone is coming!" Daphne groaned out as best she could with a huge cock deep in her ass. Harry swatted the back of her head "Someone's coming and you're yelling my name out as loud as you can?" Harry used his elf apparition and got them out of there in an instant.

They reappeared in the middle of another empty hallway. Still joined in the act, they fell to the floor in a doggy style position. Harry began fucking Daphne's ass again, this time much more roughly than before. "You dumb bitch, I told you to watch the fucking map," In a spontaneous decision, Harry brought his hands around Daphne's neck and began choking her.

Daphne's hands went up to his, but she didn't try to loosen his grip. Harry didn't know if it was his magic that didn't allow her, or if she really was into it, but he went with it. He felt the pleasure multiply as her ass tightened even more around him. Daphne began gagging, gasping for air. Harry wished he could see her face; he could visualize her eyes bugging out. Finally the sensation was too much and in one final thrust Harry blew his load inside Daphne's ass.

Squirt after squirt blasted out until it began leaking out and running down Harry's shaft. Satisfied, he let go of Daphne's neck and pulled out of her ass, a loud *plop* was heard when the head of his dick exited her abused hole.

Harry lay back on the floor, observing as Daphne was trying to regain her bearings, her ass still raised in the air and her face flat on the floor. "You…bastard…" she whispered out hoarsely. She turned to face him; Harry could see red handprints already on her neck. "I'd love to see you do this to Brown." She looked down at the cum that was leaking down her thigh and ran her finger through the stream, collecting as much as she could and rubbing it on her forehead. She knew Harry liked when they did things like that.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you loved that Greengrass," Daphne gave him a withering gaze "Don't think it for a minute, Potter, it's just your blasted powers forcing me." Harry grinned, her expression told a different story.

Harry stood and picked up his map "Well Daphne, maybe next time we'll do this in your common room."

Daphne scoffed and was about to turn to leave, when an idea struck her. "Are you serious about that Potter?" Harry stared at her, wondering what she was getting at, "Why do you ask?"

Even though she knew it wouldn't work, Daphne sashayed up to him with her sexiest walk, masking her limp from the deep fucking as best as she could. She draped her body over him and pressed herself against him. Bringing her mouth tantalizingly close to his ear, she whispered in her most seductive tone "Remember that… thing I wanted you to do for me?"

Harry turned his head to look into her eyes before he burst out in laughter. "Are you really dangling the carrot Daphne? You know I could fuck you in your common room right now if I wanted to and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it." he pulled away from her and shook his head. Far from deterred, Daphne switched gears "Potter, if you help me with this, you could add another mature woman to your collection."

He raised an eyebrow "Go on,"

"Malfoy's mother, you've never seen her but she is quite… fetching," Daphne hated complimenting people, especially women, but it was the truth. Draco's mother was stunning for any age, she was sure Harry would fall in love with her blonde hair and fantastic, perfectly wide hips and round shapely arse.

Harry cracked a smile, though Daphne wouldn't know until later that it involved much more than Malfoy's mum. "Tell you what Greengrass, you bring me a picture of her, if she's good enough, I'll do it no questions asked."

Their business finished, they went off in their different directions, Harry to Gryffindor tower and Daphne to the dungeons.

Harry threw his invisibility cloak over himself and began thinking about what Daphne had told him. If Malfoy's mum truly was a MILF, then he'd happily kill Draco for Daphne. Of course he'd have to find a way of keeping him alive long enough for him to witness Harry porking his mother.

Daphne had been badgering Harry about killing Malfoy almost since the moment he'd bonded her. Apparently, the Malfoy family had a marriage contract with the Greengrass family. Daphne, being the eldest child, was Draco's betrothed, to be married on her 18th birthday at the latest. So of course, when Harry took her, she saw her chance to get rid of the incompetent little shit. Unfortunately for her Harry had said no, or more accurately not right now. Harry enjoyed messing with Malfoy, one of his favorite hobbies these past three years had been making the Slytherin boy miserable without him suspecting Harry of any wrongdoing. Malfoy still carried the heavy scars from the Magical Creatures class when Harry caused a Hippogriff to maul Draco. That led to the groundskeeper Hagrid getting fired, but Harry didn't care much for the man anyway. He did feel sorry for the Hippogriff, sentenced to death, so he set it free on its execution date and let it escape, though he did have it rape Malfoy (who was under a paralysis spell and probably thought it was a nightmare) before he let it go.

Yes, Malfoy was fun to mess with, so Harry had promised Daphne he'd kill him whenever they were supposed to get married. Daphne had shown a surprising lack of patience in wanting it done now, but Harry later realized that it wasn't so much about Malfoy as it was about having him do something for her, making her feel like she had some power in the relationship.

So Harry would do as she said, he'd take care of Malfoy, confirmation of Mrs. Malfoy's hotness pending. But Daphne would pay a price.


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