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The first month of school had gone by with no surprises. October was ushered in unceremoniously as everyone seemed to just be spinning their wheels until the other schools arrived. Harry had already reviewed the fourth year coursework with his mother in the summer, so school was a breeze for him. He had so much free time he'd been able to fuck Lavender silly in almost every room in Hogwarts.

Daphne had come through with the pictures a week after their rendezvous, and Harry had to admit she had great tastes. Narcissa Malfoy was the picture of elegance, her Nordic features (platinum blonde hair, pale skin and sharp facial features) went well with her C-cup breasts and absolutely fantastic backside (the picture Daphne had given him was fully clothed, but he'd been able to coax it into giving him a show).

Harry was currently contemplating the best way to commit Malfoy's murder. He was sitting with his girls in the Room of Requirement, which had been revealed to him by one of the house elves the year before.

"How about you conjure a giant piano and drop it on his head?" Suggested a bored Lavender. She'd brought her homework with her, and even though she'd let two weeks worth of it back up until that point she had still finished before Harry and Daphne had formulated a plan.

"Premeditated murder isn't like one of your gossip circles " Daphne snapped "If you aren't going to take it seriously, don't speak at all."

Lavender stuck out her tongue "It's not like you guys would use my suggestions anyways."

"Because your suggestions would be a complete waste of our time. Why don't you go gossip about the tournament with your useless little friends?"

A light bulb lit up in Harry's head "That's a perfect Idea!" Daphne sent him a perplexed glance only for a second before she caught on.

Lavender looked between the two of them "What idea?"

Harry cracked a malicious smile "We'll enter Malfoy into the tournament, it should be easy enough to have him suffer an "accident" in one of the events."

Daphne stopped herself from asking whether Harry was capable of entering Malfoy in the tournament. She knew that if she asked something like that she'd get a hard slap across the face at the least.

"But, we don't even know how people enter. I'm sure Dumbledore will make it cheat proof." leave it to Brown to formulate the question in the perfect way so as to not arise Potter's anger. Daphne was sure Brown wasn't even aware of what she'd done, but it made Daphne boil up inside.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, I'll find a way around whatever Dumbledore sets up." Harry boasted with confidence. He could back it up as well; his mother was one of the greatest, most creative witches of her age, and she'd been teaching him all she knew. That along with his powers made him sure he could deal with anything the tournament organizers came up with.

"When are you going to begin preparing for the tournament Potter?" Daphne asked.

"I don't plan on being part of that circus." Harry looked at Daphne as if this should be obvious.

Daphne rolled her eyes "I know that, but do you really think you won't be entered anyways?"

Daphne's words really struck Harry. If he'd been planning on using this tournament for his own means, then it was certain Voldemort would do the same. He needed time to think about this.

"Leave me." he waved both girls off. Daphne left immediately but Lavender hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should say something, before she too left the room.

Harry thought it through for hours. It was near midnight when he finally worked something out. He had to let Voldemort enter him into the tournament, if he tried to foil whatever Voldemort attempted, the Dark Lord would simply come up with another plan, one that Harry couldn't anticipate. Of course, he didn't like the idea of being blind to what his enemies were plotting; Voldemort had to have an inside man at Hogwarts to be able to do anything, and Harry would need to sniff them out and be one step ahead of them at all times.

He just didn't know how.


"Potter! Keep your head out of the clouds! Unless you wish to give your little girlfriend and yourself third degree burns."

Harry never did understand why Snape always used that inflection when talking about Harry's girlfriend. He was saying it as if it was something Harry should be embarrassed about, as if they were little children in a schoolyard who still thought girls had cooties. After everything his mother had told him about Snape, he knew the pathetic man had never felt the touch of a woman, and that he probably jerked off every night to Lily's image.

"Are you even listening Potter?" Snape snapped again. "Yes sir." Harry responded neutrally, making a show of stirring his and Lavender's cauldron. Snape sneered and would have tried to engage Harry in a verbal spar if there hadn't been a sudden eruption in the back of the room.

"Longbottom, you incompetent-"Harry tuned him out. After the first few weeks of Snape's class, Harry had learned to simply never react to anything the slimy git said. This frustrated Snape, who after three years and change still tried to get at Harry's throat as much as possible. Harry was actually quite good at potions. He was fantastic at everything, but he really had a natural talent for potion making. He knew he was capable of brewing any potion imaginable, and more than that, he had incredible intuition, knowing how the ingredients would interact and being able to improve on the original recipes. Of course, during Snape's class he simply did everything by the book, he wasn't about to show Snape (and by proxy Dumbledore) he was a prodigy at potions.

"Here you go Harry" Lavender handed him the Fluxweed that she had chopped, very sloppily he might add. Harry threw it in the cauldron and the concoction changed from green to the requisite blue.

It was fifteen minutes before everyone except Neville (and his poor partner Dean) were finished. Snape dismissed the class, and they exited to the sounds of the potions master berating poor Longbottom. Harry had to give the greasy git one thing, he had an affinity for biting insults. He was sure that if it wouldn't get him investigated Snape would come up with a wonderful crack about Neville's comatose parents.


They were walking up the stairway, heading for dinner. The other schools would be arriving in only two weeks, two week that seemed like forever to the students. Out of the corner of his eye Harry glimpsed Daphne, alone as always, heading away from the Great Hall. He knew she was headed to the Room of Requirement to practice some of the darker magic they'd stolen from the library.

"Have you found them yet?" Lavender asked him. Harry narrowed his eyes "You know we don't talk about that here Lavender." the girl pouted. She glanced around until she found Parvati, she headed over to her and the two began yapping away. Harry rolled his eyes, even if her gossip brought valuable information about the other students, he still found it annoying.

"Don't look so disappointed scarhead, she wouldn't be with you if she wasn't so stupid." Malfoy spoke from behind him. Harry turned around to face Draco and his goons, Crabbe and Goyle, along with the little Slytherin whore Parkinson.

"Jealous Malfoy? I know you'd want an upgrade from that little bulldog of yours." he relished in Pansy's barely contained hurt at Harry's words. Malfoy glared at him "I'm not interested in catching diseases from your whore, Potter." the two dumb lugs behind Draco provided the necessary laugh for his comment.

Harry chuckled "Ever heard of glass houses Malfoy?" from the idiot's expression, he clearly hadn't "I'm surprised Parkinson even has time for you in between getting stuffed by every male in Slytherin."

Malfoy lunged at Harry. Crabbe and Goyle, in a surprising moment of intelligence, held their leader back from actually reaching Harry. Harry smirked and almost wished he didn't have to kill his little guinea pig. He turned around to head for the great hall, ignoring the rest of the students that were crowding around them in anticipation of a fight.

Suddenly he tensed, his senses, enhanced thanks to his elf heritage, felt a wave of movement from Malfoy. Knowing the git was reaching for his wand, Harry turned around and drew his own wand in one motion, a curse already forming on the tip of his tongue.

He didn't need to bother, a flash of light collided with Malfoy's back, and suddenly in Malfoy's place stood a ferret.

"Attacking while your opponent has his back turned, that's a cowardly move." Mad-Eye Moody flicked his wand up and down, moving the Malfoy ferret along with it. "Not surprising considering your parentage, Malfoy."

The entire hallway burst into laughter. Even Slytherin students were pointing at the bouncing ferret.

Moody raised his chin at Harry "Move along Potter, and remember to practice more vigilance next time you're facing an enemy."

Harry responded with a curt nod and turned to leave. Lavender pulled away from Parvati and followed Harry. She caught up with him, and was about to speak until she saw his sullen expression. Confused but knowing she shouldn't ask anything yet, she walked silently.

They walked down the twisting halls until Harry felt they were sufficiently apart from the other students. He grabbed Lavender by the arm and apparated them to the Room of Requirement.

They appeared in a dark chamber lit by small torches. It was an almost claustrophobic space, with Daphne sitting in the middle of the room with legs crossed, glowing runes carved out in a circle around her and a book that Harry immediately recognized on her lap. Daphne had her eyes closed and had an expression of pure concentration on her face.

"You messed one up." Harry said, noticing one of the runes was slightly shoddy.

Daphne's eyes burst open "What the hell are you doing here?"

Harry ignored the question, choosing to continue inspecting the rune circle with slight curiosity.

"What is this even for?" Lavender asked. She was pressed up against the wall, not wanting to go near the runes, which were no longer glowing as Daphne stood up and dusted off.

"It's the Ritual of Antromorous." Harry said in a scholarly tone, kneeling down to observe the runes that had been under Daphne. "It's a shortcut to becoming an animagus, with the advantage that you can select the animal you want to become, the only drawback being that some of that animals abilities seep through to your human form." This would not seem like much of a drawback, but the 'abilities' were not always positive. Like the wizard who became a leopard and gained the big cat's balance, only to realize that a bipedal, tail-less leopard was barely able to stand. "Of course, the runes need to be filled with said animal's blood." he looked up at Daphne from over his glasses.

"I was practicing." Daphne responded to his unasked question.

"It's very fortunate that you were." Harry said, glancing at another slightly mis-carved rune.

"Did you come here to criticize my work Potter?" Daphne asked sarcastically, though deep down she was embarrassed that he'd found fault in her work. She had a high opinion of her ability after all.

Harry walked up to Daphne and surprised her with a tender kiss on the mouth. "Not at all Daph, I'm actually proud of your work. In fact, as a birthday gift, why don't we all do the ritual?"

Daphne's birthday was October 27th, a few days before the other schools were slated to arrive. Lavender looked terrified at the idea of doing anything of the sort, but Daphne's eyes actually lit up. She jumped on Harry and the two shared a deep kiss. Daphne wrapped her legs around his waist and Harry gripped her ass with both hands for support.

Lavender cleared her throat. "Wasn't there a reason you came here Harry?"

Harry broke the kiss and raised an eyebrow. Lavender realized she'd made a mistake, even though she hadn't meant anything by what she'd said. Harry let go of Daphne "There was." He concentrated for a second and the room became much nicer. An open space resembling the Gryffindor common room with a small white loveseat for furniture.

Harry and Daphne sat down and Harry pulled down his fly, fishing inside and releasing his semi-hard prick.

"You know what to do." he told Lavender, who already knew how the punishment went. She kneeled down in front of Harry and slowly began pumping his cock, taking deep breaths to try to prepare herself for what would come. "No stalling!" Harry spat.

Knowing she'd pushed her luck as much as it would go, Lavender sank her head on Harry's cock, taking his entire length down her throat. Harry grabbed her head and held it down on his cock, pushing his hips forward to ensure he had as much of himself inside her as possible. Lavender's nose was bent against his pelvic bone, making it hard for the girl to breathe through her nose.

"What were you coming here for Potter?" Daphne asked casually. She loved it when the dumb bitch screwed up and Harry punished her, it helped to remind her that she would always be above the Gryffindor in the food chain.

"Moody is Voldemort's spy." he said in a serious tone. Lavender gave a gasp of surprised, which translated to a gagged vibration running through Harry's cock. The added pleasure made Harry put even more pressure on Lavender's head. He raised his hips off the couch so he could give small thrust down Lavender's throat without allowing her a good breath. Though she was getting dizzy due to lack of oxygen, Lavender wrapped her arms around Harry's ass, allowing him to go even deeper down her canal.

Daphne dipped one hand down under her skirt and began rubbing her pussy. "How did you come to that conclusion?" She asked.

"I've meet Moody before, he's crazy, but he wouldn't turn a Hogwarts student into a ferret "

Daphne's eyes widened, "Who did-"

Harry raised his hand, "Malfoy, but that is unimportant " Daphne tried to ignore the intense happiness Malfoy as a ferret brought her and continue listening to Harry, "He's trying to endear himself to me, which means he's most likely a Death Eater under polyju- ugh!" Harry groaned as it was finally too much, he shot his load directly into Lavender's stomach. Lavender's eyes were fluttering and her grip around Harry's ass had slackened at some point. Harry got a good look at how beautiful this scene was (he should really start taking pictures) before finally pulling out and allowing the girl to breathe.

Daphne had been contemplating Harry's polyjuice comment, "It makes sense, Moody always has a flask with him, so he can carry the potion in that and maintain his form." something else clicked in her head, "Snape had been complaining to Malfoy about someone stealing his potions supplies, he was blaming you for it"

Harry rolled his eyes, Snivellus was so predictable. Daphne's words confirmed his theory, now the problem was dealing with the situation. He watched lazily as Lavender was collapsed on the floor barely conscious, drool dripping onto the carpeted floor.

"I need a way to keep an eye on him at every hour of the day." Harry mused. Daphne stood up and moved Lavender so that she was facing up. She then squatted on top of the girl and mashed her pussy on her face. "If only I had someone with my elf powers." he kneeled down on the other side of the unconscious Lavender, stroking his cock as he pulled her panties down.

Daphne had found that while Lavender's mouth was unresponsive, rubbing her pussy against the girl's nose brought a surprising amount of pleasure. "You could… ah! Always just… get a house elf."

"You know, that's actually a good idea Daph." he couldn't believe he'd never thought of that. He raised Lavender's legs up to his shoulders and pushed himself inside her pussy. He had to admit, as much as he'd fucked her these past few years, Lavender's pussy was still perfect for him. Even with her being unconscious it gripped him in an incredible way. He started pumping away at her. "I'll steal one from the kitchens, there's so many there I doubt anyone at the castle keeps tabs on them."

Daphne shuddered as she reached her peak, cumming messily all over Lavender's face, with some of her juices going up the poor girl's nose. Harry felt Lavender stir as he continued pumping into her. The girl coughed, chocked and sneezed her way awake.

"Uhhhh" she groaned in disorientation. Harry's rhythm sped up, his hips pounding against hers harder and harder with each thrust. By the time she finally registered the feeling in her lower body, Harry was shooting his seed inside her warm twat.

Harry straightened out and pulled up his zipper. "Clean yourselves up, I'm heading for lunch." He cast a cleaning charm on himself to remove the smell of sex and popped away.

Lavender tried to stand up, but her legs were too weak. "God, I feel like I got hit by a truck." she rubbed her head and tried breathing through her nose "Something smells weird."


Later that night found Harry in the Gryffindor common room in one of the couches closest to the fireplace, working on his homework and waiting for it to clear out so he could head to the kitchens. Lavender had gone to sleep early, apparently their earlier session had taken a lot out of her.

"H-H-Harrry?" a tentative voice came from his right. Hermione Granger was standing meekly in front of him, her books hugged up against her chest.

"Yes?" Harry asked in slight irritation, not because he actually was irritated, but because he wanted to see Granger squirm.

Hermione's face was red, she was collecting all her courage to talk to Harry "Do you want to… do homework with me?" she blushed as if she was asking Harry out on a date.

"I guess."

Hermione tried not to seem too giddy as she shuffled over to move the other couch next to Harry's. She set all her books and parchment on the small circular table between them. "Did you do the Arithmancy essay yet?" she asked with a little more confidence now that she was in her comfort zone. Harry shook his head and pulled out an empty piece of parchment. Opening his Arythmancy book, he glanced at Hermione and moved the book to the middle of the table.

"Why don't we share the book?" Harry asked with a gentle smile. He could see Hermione practically glowing from the positive attention and he had to hold back a laugh at how easy she was to manipulate. "That would be wonderful Harry."

They began working in silence. Every few minutes the two would debate a small point of some topic or the other, something that Hermione clearly enjoyed.

Hermione had been one of Harry's projects. The moment he met her on the train, he knew she had a lot of intellectual potential, though her personality rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Like Daphne, Hermione was a girl with no friends, but while Daphne had no friends because she wanted it that way, Hermione was simply terrible at making them. Her bossy personality and love for authority figures did not endear her to anyone. Harry left her alone at the start of first year, not really interested in becoming friends with the bushy haired bucktooth girl.

Then he saved her from that troll, and suddenly Hermione's demeanor toward him changed. While she was still the same annoying person to everyone else, she held a reverence for the boy who saved her. If Harry had wanted he could have probably become friends with her right then, but he didn't need the girl alienating everyone else he'd need to cultivate his image. On the other hand, Harry knew she had a lot of potential, and having such an intelligent witch on his side would be a definite plus.

He'd talk to Hermione, he was the only person in the school who was nice to her, but he'd never hang out with her, he'd treat her like something he pitied. Over the past three years, it had transformed the boisterous talkative girl into a meek little kitten, at least whenever she was around him. It helped that Harry was the only person that did better than her in class, instilling some respect and admiration. The fact that no one else in school even talked to her helped reinforce Harry as her hero.

Harry had refrained from going any further than that for two reasons, he didn't know if the girls intelligence was actually that great or if she was just smart for a little kid, and he didn't know if she'd grow up to be attractive. She had answered his first question already, the work she'd been doing so far this year was stunning, some of it surprising even Harry himself. Not just that, but it was clear her investigative abilities were better than the average wizard, she had been the one to discover the Philosopher's Stone was being stored in Hogwarts after all.

A sudden plan was forming in Harry's head, something that would kill two birds with one stone. Taking a sidelong glance at Hermione, he inspected her appearance. The frizzy hair and the teeth could be fixed, she had a good enough face and her tits were promising. Besides, he'd seen her mother when getting on the platform once, if she was any indicator Hermione would grow to be gorgeous.


"What is it Harry?"

Harry inched his face dangerously close to hers, encroaching on her personal space. Smirking at her blush, Harry brought his hand up to stroke her cheek. "Meet me tomorrow after dinner, 7th floor, in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy." He pulled back and continued working on his homework as if nothing had happened. Hermione was stunned, this felt like a dream, was Harry finally going to dump that airhead? Had he finally noticed his intellectual equal as something more than a friend?

The next day…

"I still don't understand why we can't do this on my birthday." Daphne complained, she and Harry had just finished carving out the runes for the ritual, with Lavender off to the side watching them.

"The timeline has moved up, besides, I didn't peg you as someone that celebrates their birthday." He glanced down at his wristwatch "Now let's get on with it, Granger will be here soon "

"I can't believe you're bringing Granger in." Lavender was not happy at the idea of having the bookworm be part of their group.

"Think of it this way Lav, you'll have a toy that you'll finally be able to dominate." This brightened the girl up considerably. When Harry had brought in Daphne she had thought she'd be able to make the girl her bitch, after the first trip to the hospital wing she never tried to assert her dominance again.

"Who's going first?" Harry waved his wand and four cages materialized. After asking the two girls their preferences, he'd gone off that morning and visited the London zoo, coming back with the three specimens in front of them now. A fox for Lavender (surprisingly sensible, he'd thought she'd pick a rabbit), a snake for Daphne (what a shocker), a hawk for himself and Hermione's special little cage.

It was actually Lavender who volunteered, wanting to get it over with. "I'll do it, just… I don't have to kill the fox myself do I?"

Harry shook his head "Just close your eyes…"


Hermione had been standing in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy for about five minutes, not too long to suspect Harry had stood her up, but she didn't feel right. She was next to a door she swore she'd never seen there before. She knew all the mysteries of the castle thanks to having read Hogwarts, A History multiple times, and while there were many moving staircases she had never read anything about moving doors.

It had been an error on her part to not ask Harry for a specific time. 'After dinner' was extremely vague, after dinner could technically mean five hours after dinner! She should have confirmed a time like 7:00, or 7:05 (the extra five minutes helped everyone get there on time, that's what her father had said when talking about how he scheduled appointments).

A couple of 1st year Gryffindors passed by her, neither of them even raised their head to look at her. They were just scared of the older year, right? Or had her reputation spread to the point where even first years knew not to talk to her? Gods, she'd hoped it would end when she left elementary school, but it turned out both wizard and muggle children felt the same about her. Harry… he was the only one that cared about her.

She jumped when the door next to her creaked open in a manner that reminded her of the horror movies she'd seen as a kid.

Harry popped his head out of the door. He offered Hermione a friendly smile. "Come on in, Hermione."

"What happened to your glasses Harry?" she asked, it was weird seeing him without his glasses, but she had to admit he looked even better than before.

"I don't need them anymore." he didn't elaborate, simply slinking back into the room. Hermione followed with only slight hesitation.

The room was beautiful, a tastefully decorated, comfortable looking room with an earthy theme. It reminded her of the waiting room in her father's office a little. There was a soft brown couch in front of a muggle painting of a placid stream in a lush green forest.

Harry sat down on the couch and Hermione followed. There was a small footrest in front of her, she glanced at Harry for permission and set her feet down on it when he gave it.

"I'd never seen this room before." She said in fascination. Harry put his arm around her shoulder and Hermione blushed a deep red, there was no doubt about it, her dreams were becoming a reality.

"It's called the room of requirement, it transforms into anything you want." To illustrate his point, Harry had a thought and a bookcase materialized out of nothing in front of them. Hermione gasped "That's… fascinating! The kind of magic needed to put something like this together must be incredibly complex." The first thing she was doing when she got out of there was ask professor Dumbledore for permission to study it. Maybe he'd have her and Harry be apprentices to one of the professors (Flitwick?) and they'd discover all of the room's magical secrets. That would look great as an extracurricular on her NEWTS.

Hermione attempted to change something, the footstool was a bit uncomfortable and she wanted to make it a softer. She tried concentrating as much as she could, but no matter how hard she tried, the stool stayed the same.

Realizing what she was doing, Harry spoke "Hermione, I bet you're wondering why I brought you here."

The girl looked at him with a weird look on her face "I know Harry, you're here to tell me I'm the one you love and that you're leaving Lavender for me."

Wow, get her comfortable and she turns right into her superior self. Harry smiled at her and didn't offer a word, instead claiming her lips with his.

Hermione's eyes widened in shock, she didn't know what to do with herself. She just let Harry kiss her, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth and she reciprocated hesitantly. Harry ran his hand through her frizzy head of hair.

Harry brought his hands to grab her ass through her school uniform, eliciting a squeak from her. He began grinding onto her, his cock hardening in anticipation.

"What's that?" Hermione asked curiously, feeling Harry's meat against her crotch. Harry raised an eyebrow "You're the smartest girl in school yet you know nothing about anatomy?" hermione blushed mightily "I'm just kidding Mione." Harry added hastily, with the girl's emotional fragility, he had to be careful with sarcasm. "So, that's your… your..."

"Penis " Harry offered. Hermione blushed even redder and looked down between them at were their clothed crotches were joined. With childlike curiosity, she reached down and dipped her hand down into Harry's pants. Harry gasped in slight surprise at her initiative and she put her hand over his meat.

"It's so… hard."

"You know, If you stroke it I'm sure it'll get a lot harder." Hermione followed his instruction and began stroking him in his pants with her soft hands. "Wow! It really does get harder!" she exclaimed as his prick grew to its full length. Harry hiked up her skirt, moving his right hand under her panties and into her virginally tight pussy.

"Ooooohhh." Hermione moaned when Harry's finger entered her. She'd masturbated to the image of Harry almost every night, for him to be doing this to her it was almost like something out of a dream. The two Gryffindor's played with each other's privates, sharing a sloppy kiss.

He turned them over so that he was on top. After a few more seconds of playing, Harry removed her hand from his crotch and stood up from the couch.

"Did I do something wrong?" Hermione asked fearfully, hoping she hadn't messed up her fantasy. Harry smiled at her and shook his head. He pulled down his zipper, fishing his cock from his boxers and pulling it out.

Hermione stared wide-eyed at the first penis she'd ever seen, she couldn't believe how big it was. Harry's dick was bobbing in front of her face; she raised her eyes to look at Harry and he gave her an encouraging nod. Hermione gulped, she didn't know if she was ready for this. She'd never even kissed a boy before today, and now Harry wanted her to suck his… penis?

"It's ok Mione, you don't have to do it if you're not ready." Harry said, knowing just how the girl would react.

"No! I didn't say that Harry I just… I don't know If I'll be good at it." Hermione didn't want to disappoint Harry. She knew that Lavender had probably done this with Harry. If she wasn't able to do what Lavender did Harry would think her a prude and leave her.

"Mione, if it's you doing it I know it'll be great." Harry wanted to punch himself for how sappy that was, but he knew he had to do it if he wanted to get Hermione to swallow some cum.

Hermione stared at Harry's cock as if fearing it would lash out and strike her. After a moment's hesitation, she tentatively poked her tongue out and made contact with the tip. She left her tongue like that for a few seconds, and when it didn't suddenly burst into flames she began meekly lapping at Harry's head.

Harry decided he'd need to use some artificial aphrodisiac. He willed some of his magic onto his cock, which began exuding a mild scent that would worm its way into Hermione's sub-conscious.

Sure enough, Harry felt Hermione sniff the air and suddenly she took his entire head inside her mouth. Harry threw his head back as the fourth year swirled her tongue around his cockhead, making up with enthusiasm what she lacked in experience. Harry grabbed her by her hair and guided her head forward to gobble up more of his cock. He began to pump as gently as he could, fucking her mouth without going in too deep. Hermione let him dominate her, simply waving her tongue inside her mouth to cover as much of him as she came in contact with.

Harry stroked her honey colored locks as he began to take more liberties, thrusting harder into Hermione. Hermione gagged when Harry's cock hit the back of her throat. Her eyes began to get watery as Harry abused her but she didn't protest, she didn't want Harry to think she wasn't ready.

Harry's cock slid violently in and out of Hermione's throat, he pulled completely out for a second, a stream of saliva leaking out as took a few heavy breaths. Harry allowed her to get some oxygen before shoving his cock home, pushing his entire length inside her until her nose was smudged against his pubic bone. Hermione's eye's stared up at him pleadingly, whether it was for his approval or for him to stop Harry didn't know. Finally Harry felt her throat convulsing around him and her face turning red and he pulled his cock out of her.

"Gahhhhh!" Hermione Dry heaved, her eyes filled with tears. Harry jerked himself, his dick slick with her slobber. "You did good Mione, Lavender was never able to do that." Harry lied. Hermione's head shot up and gave him a winning smile, as if he'd told her she was the most beautiful girl in the world. With renewed confidence, and still coughing from Harry's abuse of her throat, Hermione took his cock from his hands and took it into her mouth and began bobbing her head. Finally feeling himself coming close, Harry held her head in place as his cock pulsed, shooting wads of his sticky seed into her unsuspecting mouth.

Hermione hadn't expected Harry to shoot sperm into her mouth, but she quickly accepted it and decided she needed to swallow. It actually tasted quite nice…

Harry unloaded so much in her that she couldn't swallow it all, some ended up leaking out. Harry finished shooting inside her mouth, relishing in seeing her throat expand to take his juice down into her stomach where it belonged. He pulled his limp cock out of her mouth and Hermione immediately began scooping the cum from around her face and licking it off her fingers.

Harry bent over and gave her a searing kiss, not bothered by tasting himself in her mouth. They broke off the kiss, Harry put his hands around Hermione's waist and Harry rubbed his face against her hair. While he'd been contemplating forcing her to get it straightened, he decided against it. He'd have many women, all of them with perfect silky hair, having one with rough bushy hair would mix things up. He was already fantasizing about blowing multiple loads on that tangled mess.

"Mione, I have something for you." Harry wanted to get this over with so he could stop calling the stupid cunt 'Mione'. He pulled them back a few feet and took his wand out of his pocket. A wave of the stick and the footstool was revealed to be a cage with a tarp over it.

Hermione gasped in horror "Is that a house elf?!"

"It's a dead house elf." Harry corrected her.

"Why would you kill a house elf?" she had a wild look in her eyes. Harry's cum had already worked its magic, she was too devoted to him to have any negative feelings towards him, but she still felt extreme horror that in her right mind she would have realized was from being trapped in a room with a psychopath.

Suddenly the room shifted, gone was the nice little lounge that looked and smelled like the waiting room in a psychiatric practice, now it was a small, dark, claustrophobic nightmare with strange runes carved all over the place.

Hermione shrieked, she screamed louder than she'd screamed that day with the troll. She just hoped Harry would make it better.


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