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So, I got back from vacation just in time to get sick, which is awesome.

Still, that shouldn't be a problem as I'll be posting a few chapters over the coming days, including all of Incubus of Hogwarts either tomorrow or Sunday.


"Harry, truth or dare?"

Harry thought carefully even as his vision blurred ever so slightly, the last shot of firewhisky still burning its way through his intestines.


"Boooo!" Tracey jeered, tossing one of her socks at his face.


Daphne slapped him on the arm. "Stop playing it so safe, Harry."

His girlfriend had a flush on her face, as did Ginny and Tracey. Harry wondered how much of it was from the drunkenness and how much of it was from… all that had happened.

It had all started so innocently. After a few rounds of drinks, they'd all convinced themselves that it was a good idea to rent out the famous 'Comet Suite', so named because the Comet 180 was the fastest production broom in the world at the time it was opened.

The Comet Suite had become a legend to generation upon generation of Hogwarts students. Unlike every other room at The Three Broomsticks, which were all simple single bedrooms with a small bathroom attached, the Comet Suit was basically a decently sized apartment, complete with living room, kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms.

Over the ages, it had gained a reputation for inciting certain activities among those who shelled out the cash to rent it out. Sirius loved to regale Harry with stories of the room, like how the Quidditch Cup had ended up lodged in a girls' vagina after the Gryffindor team had rented the room out to celebrate back in 73'. Sirius and James had managed to rent it out once with their friends in their sixth year. According to Sirius, there had been five wizards and eight witches, and by the end of the night there 'wasn't a hole in the room that wasn't sore'.

Harry thanked Merlin and Morgana that his mother had not been involved with that.

Point being, a sort of mystique had grown around the room, as if there was some sort of innate magic at work that led to people getting down and dirty, and not just the natural result of putting a bunch of horny and drunken teenagers in a room together with no supervision.

They'd rented it out almost as a joke that turned into a dare, with none of them wanting to chicken out. They'd split the bill and Rosmerta had smiled wryly as she'd handed them a large, golden key with fuzzy purple and pink dice attatched.

The room looked like a nice, well kept and modern apartment. The kitchen counters were full of firewhisky, juice and ice to make mixed drinks. The cupboards were full of snacks, and there were many games available for them to play. They'd all checked the rooms and agreed that they looked nice.

Then they'd gotten to drinking around the table and someone suggested truth or dare. Somehow, truth or dare had led to Luna snogging Hermione and then Blaise, and now it had been fifteen minutes since the three of them had disappeared into one of the rooms.

The remaining survivors tried to ignore the rythmic thumping and muffled moaning coming from the room, but it was really hard.

"Whateveeer." Ginny drawled, stretching out the word as her tongue darted out of her mouth. "Don't think you're safe, Potter! Is it true that you have a huge cock?"

Harry froze, his eyes shooting over to Daphne, who was more focused on rubbing his thigh than whatever Ginny had said. "What makes you think that?"

"Oh, come off it, Potter. Stop it with the humble act!" Tracey threw a lime wedge at him. "Even if this one hadn't said anything, we can tell when a wizard's packing."

"Wait, what did you tell them, Daph?"

Daphne' head shot up, but she wasn't embarrassed, instead giving him a demure look. "It's not my turn to answer, silly."

Harry sighed as the girls giggled in unison. "Fine! Tracey, truth or dare?"

"Dare! Cause I'm not a little bitch!"

Harry contemplated things for a second before he grabbed a bottle of firewhisky and began pouring a shot. "I dare you to take this shot-"

Tracey was already rolling her eyes.

"-Off Daphne's belly button."

The girl's eyes widened, but none of them tried to hit him, and Daphne had a slight smile as she shimmied her sweater up, revealing her perfectly creamy skin.

"Hah! easy!" Tracey said confidently, even as her eyes began to roam Daphne's bared stomach as her friend laid down on top of the table.

Ginny's hand shot out impulsively, her fingers running up Daphne's side. "Nice birthmark, Daphne." She said, tracing one of the many small beauty marks that dotted Daphne's skin.

A tension filled the room now as all eyes were on Ginny's hand. Harry grabbed the shot-glass and poured it on Daphne's belly button.

Daphne gasped as she felt the cold liquid fill her little cavity. The amount Harry had poured was much too much, and so it overflowed and began running down Daphne's sides.

One stream ran down and coated Ginny's hand, while on the other side, Harry leaned forward, his tongue meeting the trickle halfway as he licked his way up Daphne's side.

"Hey! That's my dare!" Tracey slurred, lurching forward and almost falling over as she tripped on the chair. She regained her balance and locked eyes with her target.

Daphne was biting her lip. Between Tracey stalking toward her, Harry licking her side and Ginny's hand, she felt like they were on the cusp of something. The still constant moans coming from the other room being background noise didn't help.

Tracey dived down. Her lips sealed around Daphne's belly button and she sucked in hard, slurping up most of the golden liquid in a second, but Tracey wanted to be thorough. She ran her tongue around Daphne's little hole, being very efficient in her efforts to clean it of any possible residue of firewhisky.

When Tracey finally pulled back for air, the energy in the air was supercharged. Harry and Ginny had settled back into their seats, and as Daphne and Tracey both crawled off the table and sat back down, no one said a single word.

Finally, Tracey broke the silence with words that cracked like thunder, "Harry, truth of dare."

"Dare." Was Harry's instant response.

"Show us that cock of yours."

Harry didn't even glance at Daphne, taking her total silence to mean she didn't protest. He stood up, grabbed onto his zipper and pulled it down dramatically.

Before he could move, Daphne's hands snuck in through his fly. Harry grunted as his girlfriend groped around until she got a firm grip of his cock and then pulled it out, exposing his semi-erect rod to Ginny and Tracey's wonder-filled eyes.

Ginny's mouth dropped, and Tracey was shifting uncomfortably as they stared at his towering slab of cockmeat.

Daphne's hand didn't leave Harry's cock, instead she began stroking it as she grinned at the other two girls.

"I think we've had enough of that game. How about we go to the room and play something new?"

No one said a word as Daphne stood up, pulling Harry along with her as she made her way to the unoccupied room.

Tracey closed the door behind them, and Daphne motioned for Harry to sit on the bed.

"This next game-" Daphne spoke sultrily, and her half-lidded eyes were running wantonly over Ginny and Tracey's slight, athletic figures. "-Is called ‘Who's on my cock?’. We're going to have to undress for it."  She was removing her top before she even finished talking. After their initial shock, Tracey and Ginny weren't too far behind.

Harry's mouth watered as the girls removed their sweaters and shirts. Ginny and Daphne weren't wearing bras, so he got his first look at Ginny's perky little breasts, the smallest he'd seen yet, but just as enticing, with a smattering of freckles across her chest adding flavor.

Tracey was wearing a sports bra, which she promptly removed to reveal a slightly bigger chest than Ginny. Out of the three, Daphne certainly had the most womanly body, not that the other two didn't make his mouth water.

"That means you too, Harry." Daphne said as she bent over to pull her pants and panties down in one fell swoop.

It took a moment for Harry to realize Daphne meant he needed to undress, but he was quick to rectify that, scrambling to shed his clothing.

Pretty soon, they were all naked, and it seemed like everyone's eyes were darting around, finding too many wonderful things and not knowing what to focus on. Harry's thick, magnificent cock? His athletic body. Sporting more muscle than it had back in the summer? Daphne's gorgeous figure, a perfect teenage body on the verge of blooming into a goddess? Tracey and Ginny's svelte figures? Their drooling little pussies? The small tuft of red hair right above Ginny's peach?

For Harry, the feast ended far too quickly. He'd still been trying to commit the curve of Tracey's firm rump to memory when Daphne conjured up a blindfold and placed it over his eyes, leaving him in the dark.

"These are the rules, girls. One of us sits on Harry's cock, and the other two suck his balls. Harry has to guess who's on his cock."

"And what happens if he figures it out? Or if he gets it wrong?" Asked Ginny.

"We'll figure it out as we go along."

That was the last word Harry heard. Next, he hears smacking, slurping and kissing sounds, followed by moans. He hears squelching, the sound of fingers going deep into wet little pussies. He begins to hear moans, and they're so close together that he can't hope to untangle the mess of voices.

He's getting worked up. It's been a few minutes now and no one has approached him. He moves his hand up, ready to just remove the blindfold so he can feed his aching cock the wonderful images he's being denied, when a warm body presses up against him. The girl climbs up on his lap, and from the way her small chest presses up against him, he can already eliminate Daphne.

He could move his hands up to feel her hair and he should be able to tell immediately, Ginny's hair is much longer than Tracey's, but he decides to just play along.

A hot cunt slides along his shaft, a feminine moan escapes a mouth. It sounds like Ginny, but he's not sure.

His investigation is derailed when he feels two pairs of lips place a steamy kiss on each of his balls. His hands shoot down reflexively, resting on a pair of heads and pressing them harder onto his balls.

The girl on his lap sinks onto his cock. He breaks through a barrier as her virginally tight slit struggles to take him in. Meanwhile, tongues begin working on his balls, and suddenly, figuring out who exactly it was he was fucking was the last thing on Harry's mind.

There was a moment of stillness as the girl on his lap tried to adjust to his size. Harry moved his hands up, running them soothingly up and down her sides as she gasped and whimpered, waiting for the pain from her torn hymen to fade.

The girls at his balls were taking different approaches. The girl on the left was lapping and licking at them, bathing them with her tongue. The girl on the right had sucked his ballsack halfway down her throat, working her throat muscles around it as her tongue did all it could.

He didn't have much time to debate about which one he liked best before the girl on his lap began moving, sliding slowly up and down his shaft.

Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, partly to help hold up the struggling girl, and partly to pull one of her nipples into his mouth. Harry began to suck away on her tit as she unsteadily rode his shaft, trembling around him every step of the way.

The girl pulled his head back and suddenly Harry felt a pair of small, soft lips on his own. The kiss was tender and sweet, and somehow Harry instantly knew who it was.

When they pulled back for air, Harry grinned triumphantly. "Ginny!"

"H-How did you-ooooh!" Ginny moaned as Harry started taking control, pushing her down onto his cock.

The girl with his balls halfway down her throat suddenly pulled back, a small *pop* filling the room when his sack escaped from her suction. "Might as well take the blindfold off, babe." Daphne said.

Before Harry could go to take it off, Ginny did it for him, lifting the cloth from his eyes.

She had a deep red blush running across her nose, connecting many of the freckles scattered across her face. Her hair, a more orange tone compared to his mother's deep crimson, was fanned out around her, and her tight little body looked like it had no business even attempting to take Harry's massive cock.

And yet it was. Half his shaft had disappeared into her pulsating cunt. Looking back, Harry should have instantly figured out it was her, Ginny was small. She was four foot nine, much shorter than any other girl he'd been with.

Harry's eyes trailed down, and Daphne and Tracey stared back up at him, Daphne with her big blue eyes and Tracey with her honey-brown ones.

Tracey let go of his balls, her tongue trailing upward, managing a lick at his shaft before Ginny's cunt bounced down on it.

Daphne grabbed her friend's head, turning it towards her and pulling her into a deep, sensuous kiss.

Harry couldn't hold back, a small spurt of cum shooting off inside of Ginny as he basked in the sight of the two slytherins swapping spit.

"H-Harry!" Ginny clamped down around him, and Harry hugged her to him, her head resting on his shoulder as the small girl was ravaged by a powerful orgasm.

Tracey broke the kiss, looking on as her girlfriend trembled in Harry's arms. She stood up and hugged Ginny tightly, stroking her red locks as the girl rode the waves of pleasure.

Daphne kissed Harry, and the alcohol in her breath somehow made the situation that much more intense. Harry turned gently and dumped the still spasming ginny onto the bed. Once unplugged, her cunt began gushing juices, along with a small amount of the seed that had escaped him.

"I think Ginny needs you, Trace." Daphne said with a grin. When Tracey sent her a questioning look, Daphne grabbed her by the back of her head and pushed her forward onto Ginny's leaking cunt.

Tracey turned her head enough to glare back at Daphne. "You get very domineering when you're drunk, Daph." Then she turned back and punched her tongue into her writhing girlfriend's pussy, lapping greedily at the combined juices.

Harry and Daphne watched as Tracey wriggled her pert little ass, her pussy lips glistening with her own arousal as she ate a catatonic Ginny out.

Daphne hugged up on Harry's side and stroked him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Ready for your second seeker, babe?"

Harry grinned down at her. "I have an even better idea." He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Daphne yelped when Harry grabbed her by the waist, pressing her close to him and shoving his tongue down her throat. He squeezed her ass, fingers digging into soft flesh. Daphne wrapped her arms around his neck as they shared a deep, loving kiss.

When they broke apart, his girlfriend's eyes were shining through the drunken haze. "I love you, Daph."

Tears welled up in Daphne's eyes. "I love you, Harry."

Harry grinned, "Tracey, lift up a little."

The brunette, engrossed in her ministrations and with a brain-full of firewhisky, just obeyed his command without putting much thought to it, standing her legs up on the bed while still keeping her mouth attached to Ginny, even if she had decreased the intensity of her tongue-lashing.

Harry pushed a surprised Daphne onto the bed and managed to slide her in under Tracey. Feeling the body slot in below her, Tracey had the presence of mind to lay down and pin Daphne. She finally let go of poor Ginny, wriggling down until she was face to face with Daphne.

"You don't know how many times I dreamed about us ending up like this." Tracey told her blonde friend as she felt Daphne's bigger chest press up against her own.

Harry's view was something else. Two perfect little pussies, stacked up and lined up perfectly for him.

"Oh, Trace, you should hav-aaaaah!" Whatever Daphne was going to say was cut off by her boyfriend's cock penetrating her most precious place.

"It's alright, Tracey." Ginny had recovered enough to turn around and hover over the other two girls, a loopy smile on her face. "I've had a crush on Harry for years."

Tracey looked up at her girlfriend, looking slightly worried. "I hope things wont get wei-OH FUCK!"

Harry had slipped out of Daphne and pushed into Tracey, taking yet another maidenhood along the way.

With Tracey unable to speak as she tried to adjust to having such a large cock buried inside of her.

Daphne mediated for them, "I think we can all work something out."

Ginny raised an eyebrow but any talk was paused as Tracey began to moan in pleasure. Harry was stroking into her.

Ginny kissed her girlfriend, muffling her wails. After a few strokes, Harry angled downward and sank into Daphne once more.

He continued like that, alternating pussies at regular intervals.

The girls lost themselves in what ended up being a three-way kiss. Curtains of hair meshed together, and yet Harry still got a clear view of the sloppy, messy spectacle of all three teenage girls trying to snog each other at once.

Harry bit his lip. It became a bit too hard for him to coordinate his strokes between cunts while also remaining entranced by the girls, who were now wildly kissing all over each other's bodies, with Ginny rubbing her flat chest up against the other girl's faces.

Harry pushed into Tracey and squeezed her ass tightly. He was sure Daphne would forgive him for continuing to pound Tracey's soft bum with his pelvis as his cock pummeled her tight sex.

“Oh… oh fuck! That's rougher than a fucking broomhandle… fuck!” Tracey hissed in pleasure as Harry's cock roughened her up, tearing her tender little pussy apart.

Daphne and Ginny refocused onto her, with Daphne sucking at Tracey's neck and squeezing her tits while Ginny snogged her girlfriend with as much love as she could manage.

Harry and Tracey fell into a perfect sync. And then one of Daphne's hands slid down and began to rapidly run at Tracey's throbbing clit, pushing the girl fully over the top and causing her to spasm around Harry's cock.

Harry closed his eyes, basking in the moment. He could try to push through this zenith, let the wave crest and then continue pushing on after things came down to a more reasonable level.

But the moment felt right. Tracey's pussy needed him, it begged him to fill her with his seed, and so Harry opened his eyes and unleashed, letting a torrent of cum flood deep into his friend's snug sex.

Harry collapsed on top of the girls, and the four of them ended up rolling around on the bed until they finally settled into a comfortable approximation of a snake mating ball, though in this case they were all fast asleep.

The suite had an alarm ward, which woke all the occupants up an hour before they were supposed to return to the castle.

After a very long and cramped shower, the four of them slipped out of the room fully dressed, though Ginny couldn't find her knickers for the life of her.

Blaise, Luna and a heavily blushing Hermione were waiting for them at the table.

"Well, I guess this room really does have weird powers." Blaise commented as they walked out.

"Or maybe we're teenagers who put away three bottles of firewhisky." Tracey responded.

"Which, I gotta say, I feel stone cold sober now." Harry commented.

"The room has sobriety and anti-hangover wards." Hermione stated. At their looks, she shrugged. "The wardstone was in the room, and I couldn't sleep with Luna's wandering hands."

Blaise chuckled. "Hah, yeah. At one point she was giving me a sleep-handy."

"So…uhh…what happens in the Comet Suite, stays in the Comet Suite?" Hermione asked, twiddling her thumbs nervously.

Luna placed a hand over hers, and Hermione's chocolate brown eyes met Luna's pale gray. "Hermione, we're not the ministry covering up the fake dragonpox epidemic that was manufactured in a potions lab. I think we can agree there is something special between us."

Hermione bristled. "How can it both be fake and made in a lab, Luna? I swear-"

"Mione." Blaise stopped her on her tracks. "I think we should give this a shot."

Hermione looked at Blaise, and then between him and Luna, and then she sighed. "You're lucky you both have such cute butts."

Luna wrapped her arms around Hermione and gave her a kiss, while Blaise had a shit-eating grin on his face as he joined in on their hug.

Harry and Daphne shared looks with Tracey and Ginny, who joined their heads in a whispered conversation before turning towards the couple.

“For us, at least, It’ll stay in the Comet Suite.”

Harry and Daphne couldn’t help the disappointment that crossed their faces, which made Tracey snort.

“Merlin, guys, don’t take it the wrong way. We absolutely loved it. And I don’t think Ginny and I would mind a repeat.”

“Or a few.” Ginny added, earning a light slap on the shoulder from her girlfriend.

‘Or a few.” Tracey said with an eyeroll. “But an actual emotional relationship? Call me old fashioned, but I feel like dealing with one stubborn bitch is all I can handle.”

“Love you too Trace.” Ginny said.

Harry and Daphne joined everyone else in a bout of laughter. Harry smiled. “No offense taken then, Tracey. We can all just be cool then?”

“We won’t make it awkward if you don’t.” Tracey shrugged.

Everything between them settled, the six of them finally left the Comet Suite. The couples (and trio) split up on their way to the castle allowing Harry and Daphne some time to themselves.

Harry sighed. As Ginny and Tracey split off from them, he could have sworn he'd heard Ginny on about missing knickers. Harry dug into his pocket and squeezed the pair of Daphne's knickers that he'd nicked for Fleur. He was pretty sure they were Daphne's.

“So, I guess Ginny and Tracey aren't going to be in the coven then?” Daphne said.

“Yeah, it sucks, they were really fun in bed.”

“Still, I hope this doesn't mean we're bad at recruiting or something. First Angelina says she has to think about it, now this.”

Harry sent his girlfriend an assuring grin. “Last I saw of Angelina, I think she's on the verge of committing, we just have to give her time.”

The two of them sat down by the lake, right at the same spot where they'd given Lily that foot massage.

“So who else should be on our radar? I know you're trying to work out your little miracle…”

Harry knew she was referring to Fleur. “Miracles do happen.”

“Rarely. Anyways, what do you think about Cho Chang?”

“She's kind of a bitch? Isn't she?”

“She's always been nice to me.” Daphne said in confusion.

Harry shrugged. “Maybe she has something against Gryffindors? Besides, I think she likes Diggory.”

Suddenly, an image of a short, busty, cute little redhead popped into Harry's mind. Just the thought of Susan made his cock semi-stiff, especially when he remembered the way she'd dressed during one of the wrestling meetings.

“I know that face and bulge.” Daphne said with a cheeky grin. “Tell me, who do you have in mind?”


“Susan?” Daphne asked, her eyes going wide after a moment. “Susan! Why did we never think of her before?!”

“It's going to take some work, though. Susan's so shy, and we don't even know if she'd ever agree to something like this.”

Daphne nodded. “I agree. This is going to take some doing. I think we should bring it up to Lily and Bella, see how they'd approach it.”

“They aren't exactly known for their subtlety, Daph.”

Daphne cringed. “That's true, but still, four heads are better than two, aren't they? Either way, we've locked onto a new target! Operation Susan Bones has just begun!”



Awesome! No hope for a Luna in the coven then? She's one of my favorites


Nice can't wait for susan plus bella seems to realise that she likes Harry so it shouldn't be too hard