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So, I said I was working on two one-shots and then ran a poll on a third, and I'll have to confess that I failed.

I couldn't for the life of me make that next-gen fic a one-shot. So, its going to end up being either a two or three chapter fic, and I posted the first chapter of that along with the other two one-shots

Hope you enjoy them, the three fics are:

1. Nextgen Fic: Going to be either two or three chapters long. Your usual 'Weasleys steal Harry's money so Harry takes revenge' type of fic, though I hope I put my own flavor on it to make it interesting. 

2. Harry the Stud: Harry/fem!Dudley. short, 3k word fic. Heavy underage, unserious fic.

3. Horcrux: Harry/Lily/Harem. also heavy underage, pretty dark and depraved fic. 

Hope you guys enjoy all the stories! I'll try to finish off the nextgen fic within this month, though I can't make any promises on that. 


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