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Narcissa was fading. Even as she felt Harry's hand on her face, trying to shake her awake, she was fading fast.

She didn't have much time left.

She cracked her eyes open. Just holding them open felt like a burden, it felt like a struggle. She was so sleepy.

She just wanted to rest.

Harry was crying. She hated to see him so. To know she was causing him this pain. But she had done what she had to do. She'd saved his life, she'd paid for her sins. She was content.

“H-Harry. Just hold me, please.” She rasped out. Harry was still crying. She couldn't see any longer, but she could feel his wet tears dripping on her cheeks.

She couldn't feel Harry any longer. She was alone now. Surrounded by darkness. She was about to breathe her last.

Darcia was standing in front of the floo, trying to stitch her shattered nerves together as her trembling hand reached for a handful of floo powder.

It was all too much.

It had all felt like an adventure, like a spot of swashbuckling fun. Nothing too serious. Then, the Dark Lord himself had attacked them, had tried to kill them. They’d almost died.

She’d almost died.

Just the thought made her hand shake so terribly that she dropped the fistfull of powder in her hand.

Her mother was dying. Harry wanted her to get help, but who the fuck could help a woman who had been hit by a dark curse and left with most of her insides missing?

She despaired as she thought the situation over while her hand refused to stop shaking, no matter how much she cursed and told herself to calm down.

Who could help? She had no idea where grandfather and her aunts were. And even then, what the fuck could they do? What the fuck could anyone do?

The Philosopher’s Stone. It had to be able to save her. Had to.

But she doubted even her great-grandfather knew how to use it. Only Nicholas Flamel knew how his creation worked, and his wife, and maybe someone like Dumbledore.


Darcia’s hand stopped shaking as her cold and calculating Malfoy brain took over. The part of her mind that had been coached by her father to see the lives of others as nothing more than pawns on a board, that had been coached to be ruthlessly pragmatic.

It was a disgusting aspect of herself, a scar Lucius Malfoy had left over that might never heal. But right now, it might save her mother’s life.

As head of the Board of Governors, her father had had a direct link to the Headmaster’s floo. With her father dead, that connection should have been severed, but her father had only died a few months ago, and so much had happened since, perhaps the connection was still active.

Darcia’s knuckles turned white as she fisted another lump of floo powder. Her hands still trembled, but she wasn’t letting any powder fall through her fingers this time.

She tossed the powder into the fireplace and closed her tear stricken eyes as she screamed out, “Headmaster’s Office!”

The floo flared green and Darcia threw her head into the flames.

Someone had stolen the stone.

Albus wanted to kick himself. Quirinius’ untimely demise had been a disappointment. It meant he wouldn’t be able to spring a trap on Tom, it meant that the Dark Lord would remain as he had over the past ten years, a phantom menace, a whisper in the wind. Voldemort would return, and Albus would not be able to predict the man’s approach.

But a part of him had let his guard down. He should have removed the stone last night, but instead, he’d left it there, deciding he would take his time dismantling the protections after being grilled by the ministry. A way to blow off some steam, he’d thought.

And now here he was. Back in his office, minus one invaluable artifact.

It wasn’t all bad. His list of suspects was narrow, and it really began and ended with young Nymphadora Tonks (or was it Black now?). She was the only one in the school with the resources to find out the true nature of the third floor corridor, as well as having the requisite greed and disdain for authority to want to steal it.

He should have known. He’d seen how close she had become to her cousin and the other first year Slytherin girls, and then he’d seen over recent weeks how those girls seemed to be snooping around the castle, doing her legwork. He hadn’t made the connection with the stone until now, thinking she was just training the next generation of Hogwarts’ underworld, but it was all clear to him now.

At least it wasn’t a major disaster. He would simply go to Ms. Black and let her know the game was up. She was a very talented witch, and he dared not have her expelled over this incident, as long as she returned the stone.

Just as he was about to leave his office, Albus’ floo flared up. He turned absently, wondering if Cornelius wanted to have some sort of post-mortem talk on the grilling he’d received from Amelia Bones.

His eyes widened in genuine shock when Darcia Malfoy’s head popped out of the floo.

“Ms. Malfoy?”

Ms. Malfoy looked distressed. More than distressed, she looked to be on the verge of a complete mental breakdown.

“Headmaster! Please, you have to come, please!”

“Ms. Malfoy, what is the issue?”

Darcia was panting, she needed Dumbledore to stop asking questions and just come over already.  “We’ve got the stone! Harry and I have it. V-Voldermort attacked us, and my mum is dying! Please, come over now sir!’

Darcia had used the right combination of words, because Dumbledore did not hesitate to march across the office right to the fireplace.

Darcia pulled back and let the aged Headmaster step through.

Dumbledore had a fine tuned sense of danger. It was just that there was very little that could threaten him, so even when he stepped out through the other side into a dark and dreary drawing room, which he instantly recognized from his only other visit, that time all those years ago when Lucius Malfoy had triumphed over him, he only held his wand lightly at his side.

He followed briskly behind young Ms. Malfoy, who sprinted back out of the room and towards the dimly lit hallways.

His eyes widened only a fraction when he saw Harry, bawling his eyes out as he held Narcissa Malfoy in his arms. The woman’s head was lolled off to the side, her eyes open but unseeing.

“Harry! I brought Dumbledore!”

Harry’s head snapped up to meet Dumbledore’s and the boy said nothing, he simply thrust his fist out, opening it up to reveal a blood red stone in the palm of his hands.

They really did have it.

“Sir, please. Help her.” Harry’s voice sounded broken, and Albus’ heart wrenched.

“Mr. Potter… the Philosopher’s Stone does not work that way. It will not heal Lady Malfoy’s wounds.”

Darcia began to sob. Harry’s lip quivered, but his eyes hardened. “How do you use it?”


“Sir! There’s gotta be a way, please!”

There was a sudden surge, followed by a gravity shift, almost as if a pressure had been lifted off of them.

The wards had failed.

Albus looked at the children sadly, it seemed that miss Malfoy understood the implication of what had just happened.

Darcia's body went completely numb as she went cold. Her heart filled with pure despair. She was completely broken.

They had failed. Her mother was dead. And it was all her fault.

Harry's own despair was then rapidly compounded by Darcia's own. There was no telepathic connection, but through the slave bond, extreme emotions from the master were felt by the slave.

With Malfoy Manor no longer on lockdown, it meant that over in Scotland, Hermione felt it too. The bushy haired girl suddenly clutched at her chest and began sobbing, startling the other girls who had already been on edge after Harry and Darcia hadn't returned.

Over in London, a certain garden gnome felt it too. He felt a burning need to be with his mistress, to help her in her moment of great distress.

“How dare you bring this blood traitor into my home, Arcturus! This stain on the house of Black! And the other one's not too far behind either.”

“Fuck you too, auntie, you frigid bitch.” Bellatrix spat with glee at her aunt's portrait. “Hate what you've done with the place, by the way.” She flicked her wand and the troll leg umbrella stand flew into the wall, cracking down the middle and leaving a dent.

Walburga screeched like a banshee as Bellatrix laughed maniacally.

Arcturus sighed. “Our work here is done.” He tossed the now broken locket of Slytherin onto the floor. “Let us leave this place, and hopefully never return.”

Andi, who had been zoning out in an attempt to block out her aunt's shrill voice and the horrible memories it brought back, was the first to notice how tense Tom had become all of a sudden.

“Tom? Is everything alright?”

“What's up with the little monster now?”

Bellatrix quieted down once she saw the look on the gnome's face. It was full of despair.

“Mistress needs me!” Tom yelled. He looked up at the Blacks with a savage urgency as he held his hand out. “Please, lend me a wand! I need to apparate to my mistress! She needs me!”

Bellatrix's eyes narrowed. Before either Arcturus or Andi could stop her, she stepped up to Tom, brandishing her wand.

She held it out to the gnome, offering it to him.

“Take it, but we're going with you.” She looked over at rhe shocked looks on Andi and Arcturus’ faces. “If Darcia is in danger, it means Harry's in danger too. Now come on, we can't waste any time.”

Soon. The three Blacks grabbed onto the tiny gnome, who took Bella's wand and twisted in place, disappearing with a pop.

The pop of apparition startled Darcia and Harry. Albus, ever calm, took in the newcomers.

Arcturus Black. A garden gnome. Andromeda. Her sister Bellatrix.

Bellatrix Black. Convicted felon Bellatrix Black, who was also supposed to be dead.

“No, no, no, no… Cissy!” Bellatrix's expression became progressively wilder as she sprinted over to where Harry was still cradling Narcissa's body.

“What the fuck happened! No!”

Andromeda and Arcturus’ faces had lost all color, while Tom had gone over to Darcia, who was lying on the floor in the fetal position, eyes staring off into space.

Arcturus glared at Albus. “Was this your doing, Dumbledore?” The Black patriarch spat with pure hatred.

Seeing an alive Bellatrix Black was a lot for Albus to take in. The woman was screaming hysterically as she rocked her sister's body, meanwhile Arcturus was brandishing his wand at him in a threatening manner.

And there was a garden gnome here, for some reason.

“Lord Black, i assure you-”

“Andi!” Harry cut through all of them, silencing even Bellatrix's wailing as he looked at the middle Black sister.


“Please, help Cissy.” Harry urged her.

Andromeda shook her head as tears rained down. “Harry. I'm afraid-”

“Use the stone, please. I know you can figure something out, Andi!”

“The stone?”

Albus frowned. “He means this.” He held out the blood red stone. “I'm afraid that, as I explained to Mr. Potter, the Philosopher's Stone is not capable of such feats.”

But Andromeda's eyes were now locked on the stone. She was no alchemist, but she was a brilliant potioneer, and she knew enough about the underlying principles of the elixir of life, or at least about how it should function.

“Albus, we need to use the stone.”

“Andromeda, please, it will-”

“Albus.” Andi stopped him, a fierce flame burning through her eyes. “I have an idea. Let me use the stone.”

Dumbledore looked at her. This was futile. Narcissa Malfoy was likely long dead already. It would only bring them further grief.

But he has always been soft hearted.

He sighed. “So be it.”

Andi turned to look at the others. “Please, leave me and the Headmaster to it. Return to the chateau.”

Harry and Bellatrix wanted to protest, but they were quickly shut down by the look in Andromeda's face.

Arcturus and Tom helped a still catatonic Darcia stand up as they quickly apparated away.

Before leaving, Harry grasped Andromeda's hand. “I believe in you, Andi.”

Andi nodded down at her lover. Though she dared not to speak.

With a chorus of pops, they were gone.

Three hours had passed.

Darcia had not spoken once in that time. Hermione was curled up on her side, running her hands through her mistress’ hair as Darcia stared blankly at a wall.

“Its good that it's been so long, right? If they'd failed, they would have been back already.” Tracey reasoned.

Nymphadora couldn't use magical transportation due to her pregnancy, so she and Penny had stayed back in the castle. Everyone else had flooed over to Chateau Black.

Susan, Tracey and Pansy had been shocked at seeing Bellatrix. It had raised a lot of questions, but they knew that now was not the time.

Daphne was biting her fingernails as she watched Harry pace back and forth. The boy was stone faced, and while she wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around him and let him cry into her chest, she knew she had to let him be. As much as it pained her.

Arcturus was standing against a wall, twirling his cane and taking periodic glances at the clock mounted on the wall.

There was a sudden burst of flames in the middle of the room. Everyone's breath hitched, their hearts stopping as they waited for the fire to dissipate.

Dumbledore was there, holding onto Fawkes’ tail feather. Next to him was a sober looking Andromeda, and next to Andromeda was Narcissa, encased in amber.

Actually, it looked more like a gem, like a prism made of reddish-yellow diamond. Narcissa was floating inside this giant diamond, eyes closed and blonde hair fanning out around her. Her skin looked deathly pale. They had conjured a white dress for her, which hid her grievous injuries.

She looked as if she were sleeping.

Floating around with her in her fluid prison was the Philosopher's Stone, letting off a light glow as it passed by Narcissa's right arm.

Dumbledore looked at all those assembled. “Thanks to Andromeda's brilliant ingenuity, we were able to save her life.”

Bellatrix hopped off her seat and whooped. The girls all started cheering and bouncing up and down. For the first time, Darcia's eyes showed signs of life.

Only Arcturus remained calm. “She is in stasis?”

Dumbledore nodded. “She is. She will not die, but I am afraid that treatment for her is likely beyond St. Mungos. I am not even familiar with the curse that struck her.”

That helped put a damper on the jovial mood, with everyone ceasing the celebrations and settling back down into their seats.

“I know the curse.” Tom said, and Albus focused on the gnome that mystified him so. “It is a withering curse, of Egyptian origin. Its supposed to cause anything it strikes to rapidly rot away. The fact that she managed to hold on for as long as she did, as well as prevent the rot from spreading, means she had some very heavy magic reinforcing her.”

That left them all with a lot to think about. For Harry and the girls, it led them to the conclusion that Harry's seed had been what had protected Narcissa enough to give her even the slimmest chance of survival.

For Dumbledore, it left him needing to know what was going on. “Forgive my line of questioning under these circumstances, but I can't help but notice that there is a woman here who should be dead.” He glanced at Bellatrix, “And a garden gnome who can not only talk, but seems to be intimately familiar with the darkest of magic.”

Arcturus bristled. “You are in my home, Dumbledore. My granddaughter's life hangs in the balance, and all you can think about is how you can stick your nose in our business?”

Andromeda gasped. “Grandfather-”

“Do you think Darcia's grandpa is gonna sock Dumbledore in the face?” Pansy whispered to the other girls.

“Arcturus, I understand your dislike for me clouds your judgment, but seeing as Ms. Malfoy stole a priceless artifact that I was tasked to protect, I believe I have a right to ask questions. At the minimum.”

Arcturus was fuming, and for a moment it seemed like he might do something stupid and try to curse Dumbledore.

“Grandfather.” Bellatrix had gotten up and placed a hand over Arcturus’ own. “I remember some crusty old fuck telling me something about recklessness and its lack of reward.”

Arcturus frowned, but Bellatrix's words were enough for him to lower his wand. The dark haired witch then looked at Dumbledore dead in the eyes. “I escaped Azkaban, killed Lucius and then faked my own death.” Her eyes narrowed. “I did not betray Lily, I wasn't the secret keeper that day, it was Peter.”

“Peter Pettigrew? But then-”

“He faked his own death. He's hiding out somewhere, most likely as a rat.”

Bellatrix knew that Dumbledore must know about the Marauders escapades, including their status as illegal animagi.

Dumbledore didn't want to believe Bellatrix's words, but he did. While he didn't read her thoughts, he was able to get a very good read on people, and Bellatrix wasn't lying.

It made sense. She was a dark witch, a little bit unhinged, but she loved Lily Potter like a sister. And the fact that she was here, having had close access to Harry Potter for months, without making a single attempt on his life, said it all.

He believed her. As Chief Warlock, he should do everything in his power to have her brought in just for confessing to Lucius’ death. But as Albus Dumbledore, he knew she could be a very important piece in the war against Voldemort.

“And you?” He looked over towards the gnome.

“They call me Tom, sir.”

Dumbledore blanched. The voice was different. But the cadence and rythm Albus could not erase those from his mind even if he tried. Together with the name and the familiarity with spells that only the darkest of wizards would know, it all pointed in one direction.

For the first time, Albus lost his composure as it was his turn to snarl and glare at Arcturus and Bellatrix. “What have you done?! Do you realize who this is? What type of danger you've put us all in?”

Dumbledore was moments away from destroying the gnome that he'd deduced housed a piece of Voldemorts’ soul.

Arcturus’ temper flared up right along with him as his eyes narrowed into slits. “You knew… of course you knew! Tell me, Dumbledore, for how long have you been keeping such dangerous secrets?”

Lord Black raised his wand up once more, and this time it seemed that Bellatrix wouldn't be able to defuse the situation.

“Should we move?” Susan asked, feeling rather exposed sitting in between the two dangerous elder statesmen.

“Could you two stop acting like children!” Andi yelled. That seemed to knock the wind out of both their sails. “Albus, it behooves you to listen before taking action. And grandfather, I know what you're about to say.” Arcturus' mouth clicked shut, “But that ship has sailed. There is no way of keeping the Headmaster in the dark about any of this, and it would benefit us greatly to be allies rather than enemies.”

“You want be to be allied with him!?”

“Isn't that the Black way? Enemies closer and all of that?” Bellatrix asked cheekily, sending her sister a wink as they once more popped Arcturus’ bubble.

Dumbledore had calmed down considerably as well. He now looked over at Andi with cold, serious eyes devoid of their customary twinkle. “I am listening, Andromeda.”

Andromeda took a deep breath. “We discovered that the Dark Lord had created horcruxes, vessels that contained pieces of his soul.”

The girls gasped upon hearing this, and the adults realized far too late that they perhaps shouldn't have been discussing this in their presence. Nothing to be done about it now.

“Multiple?” It was clear that this was something Dumbledore had been suspecting, but having it confirmed still left the man visibly shocked. “Are you aware of how many?”

“My ultimate plan was to create six, I had five before my downfall.” Tom said in a chipper tone, as if he were discussing the quidditch season. “Of course, I was not made intentionally, so I can't say if my counterpart has been able to make another. I doubt he has, but I'm sure he intends to. You'll be glad to know that we've already destroyed three of them!”

For the first time, Albus felt almost overwhelmed by information. In his silence, his eyes drifted over to Arcturus, who looked equal parts smug and vicious.

“That's correct, Dumbledore. While you've been resting on your laurels and letting everyone else kiss your ass, we've been getting shit done.”

Andromeda and Bellatrix shared a look. They had no idea their grandfather hated Dumbledore this much. They knew he had a general dislike for him, but they figured it was the same dislike that all the old money purebloods had for him. It seemed like Arcturs despised him.

Dumbledore didn't seem to reciprocate that hatred, choosing to continue ignoring Lord Black's barbs and shift his focus back to Tom. “You say you were created accidentally, does that mean you were…”

He trailed off, his eyes drifting over to Harry, who had been listening to the conversation very attentively. He was sitting on the armrest of the couch with Daphne draped over him, rubbing his arms soothingly as she too hung off every word with baited breath.

“Yes.” Bellatrix answered, “we pulled him out of Harry's scar.”

The girls not in the know gasped loudly. Susan joined Daphne in a tight hug of Harry, who quietly assured the girls he was fine. Pansy and Tracey were also looking at him with worry.

Dumbledore's world was shattered by this revelation.

This changed everything. All of his previous assumptions and plans, the necessity of Harry's ultimate sacrifice, it was all turned on its head. If Harry wasn't a lamb raised to slaughter, yet he was still fated to face the Dark Lord, it meant a different approach was necessary.

It meant that he would need to work with the Blacks.

Sensing a break in the conversation, Harry cleared his throat, looking the headmaster directly in the eyes.

Harry had changed. It was clear now to Albus that the horcrux had been leeching off of the boy, and even changing his demeanor. He would have almost believed that the horcrux had taken the entire slave bond along with it, if Harry wasn't still wearing his golden collar.

“Sir, please, there has to be something we can do to help bring Cissy back.”

Everyone seemed to remember the woman that had brought them all here. The woman who was currently in a veritable coma, and who's fate still hung in the balance.

Darcia dared not look at her mother, it pained her greatly just to think about it. And even with the danger having passed and the spark of hope that had been lit, she still felt mostly numb.

Albus sighed. “Mr. Potter I'm afraid that Lady Malfoy's condition is beyond even my capabilities.”

Harry's face fell, but he clenched his fists. He would figure it out, even if it had to be on his own. He wouldn't let Narcissa down.


Harry looked up hopefully, along with everyone else as the aged headmaster smiled.

“I know someone who might. An old friend who has forgotten more about magic that I will ever learn.”

Arcturus scoffed. “Who are you going on about, Dumbledore?”

The twinkle in Albus’ pale blue eyes returned in force now as he spoke in an amused tone. “Why, Nicholas Flamel, of course.”

Darcia stared blankly up at her ceiling.

Hermione had long since given up on trying to console her verbally, choosing instead to cuddle up on her side and comfort her with her warmth.

It had only been a day since everything had happened. Darcia had been wracked with nightmares, visions of a terrifying phantom that cornered her, that promised death. She dreamt of her mother, speaking to her through a wall of glass, telling her how disappointed she was.

But worst of all was the few moments after waking up when she'd thought it had all just been a terrible dream. Then, the reality set in, and her heart sank to her stomach.

The girls had all had to return to Hogwarts along with aunt Andromeda. The end of term was only a few weeks away, and as heavy as it weighed on them, life had to move on.

Darcia, Harry and Hermione were excempted from exams. Their grades were all excellent, so none of the professors protested.

Darcia did not care about any of it. She found she did not want to think about anything. She hadn't eaten, and she just wanted to drift the day away in a haze.

Harry had been here with her, but she'd seen his restlessness and told him to go out and be with Bella and the others. He hadn't reacted like her. Harry had been brave, he'd faced down danger, faced down death itself and come out the other side stronger than ever.

Darcia felt useless by comparison, frail.

A part of her wished their roles were reversed. Perhaps if she were his slave, she would be able to find comfort in him, and let these thoughts wash over her.

Yet here she was, with Hermione depending on her emotionally, and she wasn't even able to be there for her.

She was pathetic.

Hermione frowned, feeling her mistress’ downward spiral continue. She kissed her on the shoulder, trying her best to transmit her love to her.

The door creaked open, but Darcia continued to stare up at the ceiling.

“I'm sorry.”

Darcia blinked, surprised by the voice.

Nymphadora had walked into the room, helped along by Harry. It was as if her pregnancy had progressed three months in one week.


“I'm sorry, if I hadn't gotten greedy and wanted to steal that stupid stone.”

“Tonks, it wasn't your fault.” It was Hermione who spoke up. “If we hadn't stolen the stone, Voldemort would have just attacked Mrs. Malfoy alone, and then things would have been much worse.”

That was the first thing anyone had said that had really lifted a weight off of Darcia's chest. The guilt she felt over her part in her mother's condition lessened slightly, though it didn't help with the overwhelming dread she still felt.

“I sat my N.E.W.T.s early. Got all Os.” Nymphadora said softly. “In the classes I cared about, anyways. Dumbledore allowed me to be here seeing how far along I am. I'm here, if you want to talk… cousin.”

Darcia smiled weakly. “Thank you.”

“What do you mean its gone?” Rita asked.

The reporter had been as devastated as all of them when she'd been told about all that had happened. Narcissa had become a close friend over the past few months, something that Rita had lacked for most of her adult life.

They were in the kitchen. Rita, Bellatrix, Arcturus, Tom, Harry and Nymphadora. Darcia and Hermione still refused to leave her room.

Andromeda had just returned from Hogwarts after having borrowed Tom to fetch the Diadem Horcrux.

“I mean it's gone. Albus and I went with Tom, he took us to the exact spot where he'd left the Horcrux, and it was gone.” andi explained.

“Voldemort moved it then, while he was possessing Quirrell.” Arcturus said, receiving a nod from Andi.

“So now we've got a runaway Horcrux, and no idea where it could be.” Nym said with a frown.

“Can you sense where the others are, Tom?” Harry asked.

The gnome shook his head. “Only when they are very close. I had to check the rest of the room just to make sure the Diadem hadn't just been moved around.”

“We need to get to that damn cup. The more we wait, the more likely it is he moves that one too.” Arcturus said.

“if its in the LeStrange vault, I doubt Voldie will be able to move it any time soon. Especially after the shape Harry left him in.” Bellatrix grinned both viciously and proudly as she glanced over at Harry.

“What about the Diadem? What if it finds a body?” Nymphadora pointed out.

Bella had to concede her niece's point. “Still, our top priority is Cissy. We need to get her back, I can't handle any more of this gloomy mood.”

“I have good news on that front.”

Albus Dumbledore's voice wafted in from the fireplace, where he had stuck his head out.

“Dumbledore.” Arcturus adknowledge very gruffly.

“Lord Black. I must say, those cupcakes look delectable, are they chocolate chip?”

“they're for family and friends only, Dumbledore.”

Albus chuckled.

“You have good news, Albus?” Andi asked, knowing how much the headmaster was starting to enjoy needling her grandfather.

Albus nodded. “If Harry could please come over, Nicholas is here in my office.”

“Why just the boy?” Arcturus asked suspicously.

“Nicholas wishes to speak with him. I believe he wants to get a read on Harry. If Harry passes Nicholas’ judgment, then he will agree to help Narcissa.”

“So the fucker will only help if Harry passes some stupid test?”

“Its complicated, Bellatrix. Either way, I have no doubt that Harry will pass Nicholas’ scrutiny.”

“For Cissy, I will.” Harry hopped off his seat, dusting himself off, “I'll be back, and I promise I'll convince Mr. Flamel to help us.”

Nicholas Flamel looked old, but not as old as Harry thought.

He looked like a man in his mid sixties. He was tall, with tan skin and salt and pepper hair. His hair was cut short and was paired with a well-groomed goatee. His most striking features were his eyes, which were a golden color that Harry remembered only Mr. Ollivander having. His eyebrows were also a sight to behold, thick and bushy and ridiculously long, jutting out at the ends like the wings of a bird of prey, sharp and angular.

Just like with Ollivander, Harry felt as if he were being seen through completely by the man's golden eyes. It made him wonder if Ollivander had created a stone himself and just not told anyone.

“Mr. Potter. A pleasure to meet you.”

Harry bowed his head respectfully. “Its nice to meet you too, Mr. Flamel.”

They were standing face to face in the Headmaster's office. Dumbledore was slightly off to the side, standing in front of his desk, watching their interaction very closely.

“So you managed to steal my stone. That is quite the achievement, especially considering your age.”

Harry looked sheepish. “I didn't really do much sir, it was a group effort.”

“You've surrounded yourself with an assortment of brilliant people, all of whom seem to look to you for guidance. As a child, and a slave on top of everything else.” Nicholas shook his head. “That is a talent that even young Albus struggled with. For all his magical skill, he never quite understood how to engender true loyalty.”

“Always eager to point out my failings.” Albus said with a dry chuckle.

“I don't…” Harry wanted to argue Flamel's point, but he couldn't really. Not when deep down, he felt with the utmost certainty that the girls did in fact revolve around him, and that he was their protector, their guiding light.

It was a thought that disgusted him in its arrogance, but he couldn't deny it.

“You have power rolling off of you in waves, you practically stink of it. You would be a prime candidate.”

Harry had no idea what Flamel meant, but the way Professor Dumbledore's eyes widened at the words let him know whatever it was, it was something significant.

Flamel then frowned as his eyes drifted to Harry's neck. “And yet, you wear that collar around your neck. You are bound to another in the utmost servitude, and that is a bond that can never be broken, not by any magic on this earth. That instantly eliminates you.”

Harry still didn't understand, but Dumbledore seemed to be relieved, visibly deflating upon hearing Flamel's words.

“I'm sorry sir but… I don't follow. What do you mean about me being a candidate?”

Flamel must not have been listening to Harry, for he ignored his question and continued to just stare directly at him. A wolfish smile formed on his face. “What a strange age we find ourselves in. Tell me, Mr. Potter, how far are you willing to go to save the life of that woman?”

Harry's face hardened and his back straightened out as he peered right back into Flamel's golden eyes. “I'll do anything, sir. I'll do whatever it takes to save Cissy.”

“Would you be willing to take a life?”

“Nicholas!” Albus was roused from his position as he looked incensed. Flamel ignored the Headmaster, even as Harry could feel an overwhelming power bubbling within the old man, coiled up and ready to explode.

Flamel did not seem bothered by it at all.

“Yes.” Harry answered without hesitation. He would, for Narcissa and for his girls, he would do whatever it took. He thought back to Nymphadora, who had killed Snape without a second thought, all to keep them safe. He would be a hypocrite not to do the same for those he loved.

Flamel chuckled. “I see… willing to go to hell and back. I like that. Alright, boy, lead the way.”

“Lead the way?”

“Back to your home. This can only be explained once, and only those that will be traveling with you can be privy to the information I am about to reveal.”

Harry blinked. “We're traveling?”

Flamel shook his head. “I am not going with you. This task must be yours and yours alone, as is decreed by magic.”

Harry understood, somehow. He nodded. “Alright sir, follow me.”

Harry and Flamel headed over to the fireplace, but Nicholas spun around when he felt Dumbledore following behind them.

“You must stay behind, Albus.”

Dumbledore reeled back. “But, Nicholas, surely it would be beneficial for me-”

Flamel shook his head. “This is not within your bounds, Albus. Only the boy and those he considers kin can undergo this journey, all others must remain in the dark.”

Albus frowned. “You expect me to allow you to send Harry off to face unknown dangers?”

“I've done it before, sir.” Harry's words stabbed at Dumbledore's heart like a knife.

“You've stood by before, Albus. You were not fretting before when you allowed your castle to be populated by dangers. What's one more peril?” Nicholas drawled. “You must trust that the boy will come out the other side not just well, but stronger than ever.”

“And I will!”

Nicholas chuckled. “Very energetic. Come, I've waited four centuries to reveal this secret, I find myself quite excited.”

Albus stood by as Nicholas and Harry disappeared through the fireplace.

A million ideas sprouted in his mind. He couldn't just let Harry go off blindly into whatever Nicholas had planned for him. Flamel was a man from a different age, an age that did not rate the welfare of children as highly as the modern era. Whatever quest he was about to send Harry off to, it would be much more dangerous than what Harry had faced at Hogwarts.

But the boy had faced down the Dark Lord, and while Albus had still not been told the details of the encounter between Harry and Voldemort's wraith, he knew that Lily's protection had not been the thing to save him.

Harry had power. He had something unusual within him, and Nicholas had seen it. He'd almost been frothing at the mouth from the moment he'd laid eyes on Harry.

No, as much as it was completely against his nature, Albus would not interfere. He would have to trust Harry, and trust the Blacks to keep him safe.

He just hoped he wasn't making a terrible mistake.

“Only those that will be traveling with him shall remain here. You will swear an unbreakable oath to not reveal this information to anyone.”

Nymphadora frowned as all eyes turned to her.

“No offense, dear, but you're not in any condition to go off adventuring.” Andromeda told her daughter.

Nym huffed, pouting as Harry helped her get up off the couch. “You guys better get me a souvenir.”

Bellatrix looked to Rita. “Skeeter, you're great and all, but this doesn't seem to be up your alley.”

Rita sighed. “I'll accept that, though it absolutely kills me that some big bombshell secret is about to be revealed and I'm not going to know about it.”

“You'll live.” Bella smacked her in the ass as Rita followed behind Nym to leave the room.

Harry and the Black sisters were shocked when Arcturus stood up as well.

“Grandfather?” Andi questioned.

“I've had my fill of adventure.” The old man drawled, “Besides, while you are off, someone needs to stay behind and capture the other Horcrux.”

Bella and Andi smiled.

“That's all of you then?” Flamel asked when Andi, Bella, Harry and Tom were the ones remaining in the room.

“We're going too.”

Darcia and Hermione were by the door. There were heavy bags under Darcia's eyes, and she looked haggard and haunted, with empty eyes.

“Do you really think that's a good idea?” Bellatrix asked her niece. “You're in a bad way, and you're only a kid.”

“I need to go.” Darcia's voice broke as she spoke. “F-For mother. And I need to be there for Harry. Too.”

Andromeda and Bellatrix shared a hard look. After a moment, both women nodded.


Flamel waited for Darcia and Hermione to enter the room fully before he waved his wand in an intricate pattern.

The group gasped as they were suddenly encased in a golden dome. They felt the weight of powerful wards come over them, wards that shouldn't be possible with just a wand.

On the couch, two small crackles were heard as smoke began to come out of the spots where Nymphadora and Rita had been sitting.

Flamel chuckled at the other's confused looks. “It seemed that your friends couldn't help themselves. I must say, I'm familiar with the reporter's listening device, but the teenager left one that was quite original. I must ask her about it before I return to France.”

Andi's face flushed red with embarrassment. “Oh, Nymphadora…”

“Now.” Flamel's face turned deathly serious as he surveyed the group.

“Tell me, have you heard the legend of the Lazarus Pit?”



How interesting, a bond that can only be broken by death and the boy who is under it going to a place called the Lazarus Pit. Whatever might transpire there? 😁 Excellent chapter, you've done a wonderful job introducing real plot and tension to the story and I'm just as invested in that as I am in the sexy parts.

Daeron Targaryen

Oh, dear a life for a life I fear or Cissy might go mad from being drawn back from death.