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Harry Potter, one-hundred-fifty-six years old, had just conquered the entire world.

It had taken decades of hard work, but he had finally put the entire planet to heel. From ocean to ocean and pole to pole, his rule was absolute. In celebration, he was standing in front of the veil of death at what used to be known as the Department of Mysteries, holding an amulet that had once belonged to his mother.

Inside it was a piece of his soul, his seventh horcrux. Harry took one last glance at it and chucked it through the veil.

This was his final crowning moment, he could now rule with impunity. His final soul piece was somewhere impossible to reach by any means, even for him. He was truly immortal.

A soul fragment, once severed from its whole and encased in a horcrux, develops a semi-sentience. It is aware of itself and its surroundings. Some would say that its existence is torturous, forever imprisoned in the service of a master that is now a wholly separate entity.

Harry's horcrux floated in a void for what could have been an eternity. Enough time for it to go insane and then sane again. Enough time for it to wish for death and then embrace immortality.

However long it existed in that void, it suddenly did not. There was no way for it to observe its surroundings, but it was aware that it was somewhere instead of nowhere. It was surrounded by air, there was solid earth underneath its vessel (body?).

In 1834, a Chinese farmer found a necklace while tending to his fields. It was a silver chain with a small jade droplet hanging off of it. It looked quite beautiful. He was able to sell it a few months later to a traveling salesman for a small sum. The salesman thought he might be able to sell it at a decent profit.

The amulet changed owners many times. It went from salesmen to sailors to soldiers to sometimes even nobles, but no matter what, it always traveled westbound. By 1885, it was in a pawn shop in England, where one Richard Evans saw it and thought it would be a nice gift for his wife. It would get passed down the Evans family through the years, not a family heirloom so much as one of the many random items that gets forgotten in cardboard boxes.

Then, in 1965, young Lily Evans pulled it out of a box in her parent's attic. She asked her mum if she could keep it and the woman shrugged in assent, thinking her daughter would be playing dress up for a few hours before forgetting about it. Once she put it on, five year old Lily quickly decided she would never take the pendant off.

Lily was six when she realized there was a voice in her head, a distinctly male one that talked to her about how much it loved her and about what they would do together.

The voice always filled her with warmth. It consoled her when one of the mean boys from the neighborhood would make her or Petunia cry. It would encourage her at school, nurturing her growing thirst for knowledge.

It also taught her how to control her gift. Her magic.

When she was seven, the greasy haired boy from the bad part of town 'told' her about magic. She pretended to be surprised and amazed.

The boy then tried to become her friend, as if they shared anything in common besides the magic that coursed through their veins. He was unpleasant to be around, talking to her in a patronizing tone and sneering derisively at her sister and her parents whenever he saw them.

The boy would continue to follow her around, almost every day without fail. Lily wanted him off her back. She did not appreciate his presence, especially when he disturbed her when she was convening with Harry.

Harry, for that was the voice's name, told her what to do. Lily was scared at first. What Harry was asking her to do was no easy task, and Lily wasn't sure if she was up to it.

Could she really kill someone?

It turned out she could. With Harry's love, she could do anything.

Lily was still much too young to perform wandless magic, even with Harry's help. But she knew where to get a wand.

It was easy to find herself invited into the rundown shack the boy called a home. That she requested it be late at night, when Severus' mother was fast asleep, only excited the boy further.

Lily felt a deep revulsion, wondering just what exactly the sallow skinned boy thought was going to happen.

She had panicked that night before leaving her home. Harry had comforted her, telling her she was strong, telling her she was special.

When she arrived at the home on Spinner's End, it was even easier than she thought to convince the boy to show her his sleeping mother's wand.

Lily's hand shook when she gripped the wand. She wasn't sure this would work. She was so young, would the wand even work for her? Would she be able to pull off such a powerful spell?

She asked Harry if he could do it for her, from wherever he was in her head. Harry told her that she needed to do this herself, that he believed in her. That he loved her.

Thinking about Harry's love, Lily aimed the wand at the boy, who raised an eyebrow, expecting her to try out some silly spell that wouldn't work.

Lily's spell did work, and in a flash of green light, the boy's body thunked down to the floor.

After the adrenaline wore off, Lily realized it hadn't been too hard. It hadn't been hard at all.

Harry flooded her with love from the amulet, and she felt as if he were wrapping her up in a warm embrace.

She moved onto the bedroom, where she killed the sleeping woman with ease. This time, Harry instructed her to use a cutting curse on her neck. Lily did just that, and she stood by her bedside for ten minutes as she watched the woman slowly choke and gurgle on her own blood.

She returned home that night and slept like a baby.

Now, she carried a wand. Harry taught her magic, and Lily greedily absorbed every single bit of knowledge he imparted on her.

By the time she was nine, Lily was as skilled with a wand as a competent adult witch, and she had knowledge that far exceeded all but the most learned of scholars.

In four years, she had not taken the amulet off once. It was a part of her. Harry was a part of her. Harry was her love.

He was her master.

And she would not only give her master a body, she would provide him with followers as well. More witches to worship him.

Well, not just witches.

Her mother and 'Tunie shared her blood, which her master told her was his blood as well. Lily didn't understand how that could be, but it sent a tingle up her spine just thinking of it.

It was easy to manipulate her family. She had time before her master would return, since his vessel would be found at Hogwarts. And so, she took her time. Every night, when they were fast asleep, Lily would send them dreams. Dreams that they wouldn't remember at first, but that would worm their way into their subconsciousness. And then, as the days progressed and the dreams continued, they went from subconscious suggestions to mental reality, they warped their simple, muggle brains, they transformed her family.

It was how, on her tenth birthday, Lily's parents divorced. It was a quiet divorce, no animosity between her mother and father. It was as if her father wanted to just forget they had ever existed, and her mother wanted him gone from the house.

Her father was gone, and the next day, the three Evans women were sitting together at breakfast.

Lily quietly ate her cereal as she glanced at her family. Her mother and Tunie looked calm as ever as they ate their cereal, the recent departure of the family patriarch had not hurt them one bit.

"Lily, Petunia." Their mother, Rose, spoke up.

"Yes mum?" Both girls intoned.

"From now on, we'll all be sleeping together. We need to be more united as a family, now that it's just the three of us."

Lily smiled pleasantly. "Yes, mum." She nodded.

Petunia nodded happily too. "Mum, when will we get a new daddy? A better daddy?"

Rose reached out, running her hand over her nine-year-old daughter's face. "We'll see, Tunie. He's coming, I can feel it. And when he does, we have be ready to serve him. All of us."

Later that night, the three Evans women shed their clothes and hopped into bed together. Lily didn't remove her amulet, of course, but besides that, they were completely nude.

Lily was on her back, moaning wantonly as her mother sucked on her flat chest, her fingers gliding down her stomach, drifting over to her core.

Lily mewled as Rose's fingers joined Petunia's tongue. Her younger sister was lapping inexpertly at her cunt, but what she lacked in technique she more than made up for in enthusiasm.

When Lily shuddered and splattered her juices all over her little sister's face, Rose brought Petunia up, shoving her tongue down the girl's throat in a lewd kiss.

The three Evans women would learn much over the next year. Rose and Petunia instinctively knew their place, they knew that Lily was above them. She was their master's right hand.

Not that Lily didn't pleasure them. She knew it would please her master to see her bring a woman to orgasm, and so she would eat her mother and sister out until her face was soaked in cunt juices.

She especially liked to suck on her mother's heavy breasts. Rose began an exercise routine, though they all made sure she never lost her womanly curves. The older redhead simply tightened up, keeping her thick ass and her large, round breasts.

Finally, it was time for Lily to go to Hogwarts.

Rose and Petunia cried when they saw her off on the platform. They were crying tears of joy, because they knew that when next they saw Lily, their master would have returned.

Lily waited patiently, and before long, a group of four loud, boisterous boys entered her compartment.

One of them was chubby, with sandy brown hair and a nervous look about him. Another brown haired boy had sad, tired looking eyes. The other two were the loud ones, one with long, shaggy black hair and the other one with a messy mop of hair and glasses.

He was the one. Her master's vessel.

And her master had been right, it would be quite easy to deal with him. The boy was taken with her from the start, making embarrassing plays at currying her favor.

Lily tamped down on her disgust. She was doing this for her master, she could endure the boy's presence for a few months. And so, she pretended to be interested, she pretended to be enticed by his clumsy words.

Though when he tried to touch her, she snapped her hand back. She drew the line there. Only one man could touch her.

Lily was sorted into Gryffindor. James Potter and the other three boys joined her there as well.

Over the first few weeks of classes, Lily was juggling many things. Not her school work, it was an absolute joke, though there were some things in the restricted section that piqued her interest.

No, what she was really juggling was setting the foundation for her master's harem.

There was Alice Fortescue, her cute brunette roommate. She had been shockingly easy to seduce, by the third night, the two girls were in Lily's four poster bed, rubbing their cunts together as they fingered each other's clit.

When they cuddled up every night, Lily always made sure to be the big spoon, so that her amulet pressed up against Alice's back, and the girl could feel their master's warmth against her.

Outside of Alice, Lily focused on a pair of seventh years. One was the Head Girl from her own house, a busty redhead named Amelia Bones. Amelia was a serious, no-nonsense kind of girl, so Lily did not try anything too overt with her. Instead, she began endearing herself to the older girl, and soon, Amelia had taken Lily under her wing.

Amelia would 'protect' and guide Lily. Lily would find any chance she could to give Amelia a big hug, pressing herself against the girl's ample chest and giving her at least some contact with her amulet, so she could start getting acquainted with her master's presence.

Then there was the other seventh year. Funnily enough, Amelia had vehemently warned Lily against drawing anywhere near this seventh year, telling her she was a dangerous, mentally unstable bitch who was a rabid pureblood supremacist.

Amelia was right. Bellatrix Black was all of those things… it was why she would be perfect for her master.

Near the end of September, Lily made her move. On a Saturday, she pretended to be lost, wandering dangerously close to the part of the dungeons that the Slytherins considered 'their' turf.

She smirked as she heard the voice, dripping with malicious intent, call out from behind her.

"Ohhh, Bonesie's dainty little mudblood has found herself lost?"

Lily spun around. Bellatrix was gorgeous, with wild dark hair and violet eyes to go with her bombastic body, which swayed sexily even as she sauntered over to Lily with her wand drawn.

All the Black women would be her master's slaves, but Bellatrix was to be among the first.

"Don't worry, I'll help you find your way back." Bellatrix cooed, a twisted grin curling up on her mouth. "But first, I think I need to give you a warm, Slytherin welcome, show you what we think of filthy mudbloods like you."

Bellatrix's wand hand twitched as her eyes filled with glee. This was a woman that reveled in causing others pain, that was about to torture a first year without a second thought.

She was perfect.

Lily's emerald eyes let off an eerie glow and Bellatrix stopped in her tracks. She could visibly see a dark aura swirling around the little redhead as the girl's lips curled into a smirk that was a mirror of her own.

Alarm bells rang off in Bellatrix's head. Something was clearly up with this mudblood, she needed to retreat and figure out what the hell was going on. If she attacked the girl now, she might get burned.

Bellatrix turned those alarm bells off. She didn't give a fuck, so what if she got burned.

Bella rushed forward with her wand held high and a curse on her lips. Lily smirked as she calmly raised her own wand.

An hour later, Lily was laying back on a desk with her legs spread wide open. The little redhead was moaning wantonly as Bellatrix devoured her cunt with great fervor.

The fierce seventh year was now her and her master's submissive kitten, and to commemorate the occasion, Lily had conjured a tight leather collar around Bellatrix's neck, attached to a leash, which Lily was currently tugging at.

From that moment on, Bellatrix walked around with a brown leather choker around her neck. No one dared ask the famously unhinged witch why she'd taken to wearing one. Later, when her betrothed Rodolphus LeStrange mysteriously disappeared, everyone just gave her a wider berth, even in her own house.

Lily had not laid any more foundations. The other two Black sisters, fifth and third years, as well as several other girls piqued her interest. But right now, she was focused on training Bellatrix and Alice for her master's return, slowly exposing Amelia to him, and of course, dealing with the vessel.

She had to be nice to James Potter. Despite him being a childish boy who spent most of his time planning pranks with his gaggle of friends, Lily always made sure to not let her irritation show. James constantly hit on her, and while Lily wanted nothing more than to curse the boy to high heaven, she just grit her teeth and bore it. It was only for a short while.

Only until Halloween.

When Halloween finally arrived, Lily woke up with a spring in her step. She took extra long with Alice in the shower, having the brunette on her knees, licking her to multiple orgasms as their roomates milled about around them, already used to the two girls' sapphic tendencies. Alice had long since gotten over her shame, and even when Marlene McKinnon made a sly comment about how sore her jaw must be feeling, Alice just continued on, sucking Lily's clit into her mouth.

Lily didn't have a rendevouz with Bellatrix that day, but the two shared a nod, knowing just how important this date was.

As everyone made their way down to for the Halloween Feast, James Potter felt a tug at his sleeve.

"What's- Lilyflower! What's up?" James tried his best to act suave, ignoring the snickers coming from Sirius' direction as he gave the redhead his best winning smile.

James had a crush on Lily. No, that wasn't true, James was in love with Lily. She'd not really responded to any of his advances yet. She was nice, but she didn't allow things to progress any further than niceties. Heck, she didn't even let him touch her!

James was fine with that. They were eleven, after all, and he had seven whole years to make this redhead his.

But as he looked into Lily's emerald green pools, he felt a jolt of excitement course through him. Maybe, he wouldn't have to wait that long after all.

"James, could I have a chat with you? In private?"

No one missed the emphasis Lily put on that word. Sirius wolf-whistled and Peter soon mimicked him. James had to stop himself from smacking his mates in the back of the head as he suddenly found himself very nervous.

"Oh… err… sure. Right now? Or do you want to wait 'til after-"

Lily didn't give him time to hem and haw. She firmly grabbed onto his wrist and began leading him away from the other Gryffindors.

"I'll save you a plate, mate! You're probably gonna need the enegy!"

James cursed Sirius under his breath.

"Lily, where are we going?"

Lily was looking straight ahead, a small smile curving on her lips. "Just somewhere were we can talk. I don't want anyone eavesdropping on us."

James felt his throat run dry and his legs turn to jelly. This was really happening. He was about to snog Lily Evans. Was he ready for this? Did his breath smell fine? It should, he hadn't eaten anything weird recently.

James filled himself with loads of false bravado as Lily opened the door to an abandoned classroom. James stuck his chest out, ready to make some sort of remark to break the ice, when Lily spun around in an instant, and in a flash of red, everything turned dark.

When next he woke up, he felt a cold numbness spreading through his body, he couldn't feel his arms or his legs. He tried wiggling his fingers but felt nothing.

He also couldn't breathe. And when that thought entered his mind, he began to panic.

"You're awake."

His eyes jumped over to the redhead in front of him. Lily no longer looked cute to him, she looked deranged. Her eyes were filled with a malicious glee as James realized he was chained to a wall.

"W-what did you do to me?" He squealed. He couldn't breath. How was he talking when he couldn't breathe?

He noticed another person in the room. Even in his panicked state, he recognized her. Sirius' cousin, Bellatrix.

"Are you doing this? What did you do to Lily?"

Bellatrix was looking at him with blank eyes, mindless eyes. She was kneeling on the floor, the collar she had taken to wearing now having a leash attached to it.

"She just wanted to watch." Lily said calmly. "I offered Alice too, but she's a bit queasy."

James didn't want to look down. But he couldn't help it. His head dipped down almost on its own.

His entire chest cavity had been ripped open. In ever growing terror, James stared at his internal organs, his lungs, his ribcage. His heart…

His heart.

His heart was missing.

"Looking for this?" Lily asked, holding up a still beating red lump, which she was squeezing rather tightly.

It proved all too much. James' eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he would never wake up again.

"Is it time, mistress?" Bellatrix asked excitedly.

"It is, Bella. Its the moment I've been waiting for my entire life." Lily said, eyes gleaming with joy as her arms went around her neck.

She pulled her amulet over her head. She had never taken it off. Not since the first time she'd put it on.

She knew it was nigh indestructible, but she still held it out as if it were made of glass, as if it would shatter into a million pieces if it came into contact with anything.

Bellatrix audibly gasped and began to giggle giddily as Lily slowly approached James' body.

As gently as if she were putting a newborn baby to sleep, Lily placed the jade amulet in James' chest cavity, nestling it right in the spot where his heart used to be.

Lily began chanting in parseltongue, one of the many gifts she'd received from her master. Bellatrix's giggles turned to moans as she heard the young redhead hiss in the language of Salazar.

James' body took on a green glow as his chest cavity sealed itself shut. Lily continued chanting, even as the body began convulsing and trembling jerkily. She kept her eyes open, even as the glow became blinding.

Finally, she ceased chanting as James was enveloped in a cocoon of light. Lily pulled out a dagger, slicing it across her palm, and held her hand out to the cocoon, offering her blood.

She watched in fascination as the blood that had begun dripping from her palm was sucked outward, forming a thin red line as it wrapped around the ball of green light.

"Its so beautiful." Bellatrix whispered.

Lily was filled with love. She was filled with nothing but pure joy as the green cocoon pulsed outward once, twice and then a third time before exploding in a shower of green sparks.

He looked similar to James Potter. He very closely resembled him, except his face had softer lines, his eyes were emerald green, just like hers, and he was the slightest bit taller.

Yes, they looked remarkably similar. And yet, James Potter was nothing like her master. Not in a million years would he ever compare.

Harry had an aura of power about him, a presence that screamed masculinity, control, dominance.

He reached out and touched her face gently, "you've done so well, my Lilyflower. Your reward will be great."

Lily cried. She couldn't help it. She had actually done it. She'd given her master a body.

Lily leaned into his touch, feeling the perfect softness of his palm against her cheek.

"Bellatrix." Harry called over to the older teen, who was looking at him just as lovingly as Lily had.

"Yes, master?"

"Prepare me."

There was no need for explanations, Bellatrix understood just what her master had ordered. The older girl shimmied off her robes, keeping her collar and leash attached as she showed off her naked form.

Harry took in her body. She was voluptuous, filled with curves that no seventeen year old should have. Her d-cup breasts lacked any sag at all, while her wide birthing hips complimented her juicy ass very well.

Bellatrix fell to her knees, crawling over to them. Meanwhile, Harry was running his hands all over Lily's tight little body.

"You are so perfect, my Lily. You will be my right hand, the closest thing to an equal among those who serve me."

"M-Master." Lily moaned as Harry lifted up her robe. She was wearing nothing underneath, and so she too was left naked.

Her body had yet to develop, with her breasts being barely more than bee stings, but she was Lily. And to Harry, she was the most perfect woman in the world.

Bellatrix reached them. Harry still had his trousers on, but Bellatrix made quick work of them, pulling his pants down and unleashing his cock.

A thick, eight inch slab of meat. Large for an adult, and ridiculously large when attached to an eleven year old's body.

Bella did not hesitate. She ran her tongue up his thigh and nuzzled her face against his nutsack, giving it a few loving sucks before running her nose up his shaft, reaching the head and engulfing it in her mouth.

While Bellatrix bobbed her head on his shaft, Harry and Lily were still gazing lovingly at each other.

"Let me taste you, Lily. Let me drink your sweet little nectar."

Harry snapped his fingers and Lily gasped as she was lifted up. Her legs snapped open as her master brought her delicious little cunt over to his face.

Lily was already shuddering just from the anticipation of her master licking her. When she actually felt his lips over her vulva, she couldn't help it, she creamed all over his face.

"Master, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

Harry didn't answer. Instead, he forcefully grabbed her hips and sank his face fully into her cunt.

Lily moaned, she shrieked in pleasure as Harry ate her out in earnest. She tried to shift and wriggle around, but his magic kept her firmly in place, and so she resigned herself to letting the pleasure wash over her as Harry tightly squeezed her buttcheeks.

Bellatrix was slobbering all over Harry's cock. She fucked her throat on his shaft while a hand went her own pussy, rubbing fervently at her clit.

"That's good enough, Bellatrix. You may stop."

Bella wanted to mewl in protest. She wanted to bring her master to completion, she wanted him to fill her mouth, to empty his seed down her throat.

But it was not her place. She obeyed, stopping her blowjob, though, since her master never said anything about taking his cock out of her mouth, she kept his cockhead within its warm embrace.

Harry chuckled. "Don't push your luck."

Bella pulled his cock out with a pout as Harry lowered Lily from his face. The redhead wrapped her arms around his neck as He finally released his magic, having lined it up perfectly so that the redhead would be impaled on his cock as she came down.

"Master!" Lily screamed as Harry's length filled her completely. There was no need for tenderness or teasing between them, Lily had been waiting for this for years, and Harry needed to feel alive, he needed to feel flesh on flesh, to feel the impossible softness of her depths.

Harry pumped into Lily, deciding to allow Bellatrix's licks and kisses to his taint as he bounced his virgin mates' cunt on his shaft.

He'd planned for this for so long. For an entire eternity, perhaps. And yet, nothing could have prepared him for the rush of sensation as he was once again able to feel. Not with his soul, not with some tenuous tendrils of magic that translated stimula.

Having a real body… it all felt so much more. Lily's cunt clamped around him, Bellatrix's lips kissed his nutsack. And it all felt so real, it was almost overwhelming.

Lily came around him and Harry couldn't hold himself back. He exploded inside of her, his cock filling her with seed that could and would impregnate her. He was no longer a ghostly observer, no longer a passenger to pleasure, he had his flesh and blood cock spurting cum in the pussy of the girl who in another life had been his mother.

If he had cherished life before, he would do so two-fold now.

That winter break, Harry and his growing harem had a train compartment all to themselves.

All it had taken was a charm on James' glasses to make his eyes appear brown. The rest of his physical changes, Harry explained away as just natural results of magical puberty.

He'd quickly fallen out with Sirius and the others, since he'd no longer had any interest in pranks and other such childish things. They'd only been friends for a few months, so it had not taken much for them to drift apart.

Not that it bothered 'James' one bit. He had much better company than some first year boys.

The girls seemed hell bent on entertaining him, seeing as they weren't going to see him until term started.

Bellatrix was squatting over a bowl of Forterscue's ice cream, squeezing out the last few globs of fresh cum from her pussy as they dribbled onto the glass bowl, coating the chocolate ice cream as a perverse sort of cream cheese icing.

Little Alice then grabbed the bowl and the spoon that was on the floor next to it, scooping up heaping helpings of her family's famous ice cream, now made that much better by the thick, pasty globs of her master's cum.

Meanwhile, Harry and Lily were cuddled up together on the bench. Harry had told the Potters that he was staying in the castle for christmas, when really, he was going home, home to Lily's.

Lily pressed a soft kiss on Harry's cheek. Even now, after almost two months, he was still filled with pleasure just from feeling, from being alive and experiencing the world around him.

The extremely busty redhead who was sliding her truly gargantuan tits around his shaft might have something to do with his current state of pleasure as well.

In the end, Amelia Bones had been easy for Harry to break. Now, the head girl was staring up at him, desperate to please him as she squeezed her massive breasts around him.

She was doing a very good job of it.

"Master, please, don't you wish to fill my cunt? Just to make sure you got me pregnant."

Harry sent Lily a questioning glance. "What do you think, love?"

Lily shrugged. "It can't hurt. Go for it."

Harry smiled, and Amelia squealed in delight as she hopped up to her feet and turned around.

Harry admired her massive rump for a moment before she dropped down onto his cock.

The strict and proper head girl, who's only goal had been to move up in the Ministry of Magic, was now bouncing on his cock, wanting to coax a load out of him to ensure she was pregnant.

As if she wasn't already. Harry had filled all four of them up every single day for the past month. They were surely carrying his children.

Petunia and Rose were there waiting for them when they said their goodbyes to the others. The mature woman and the still only ten year old girl's eyes lit up when they saw him, and it was all they could do to keep their composure in this crowd.

"Master, you're finally here." Rose rushed forward to hug him, and Harry smirked as he felt her mature tits press up against his face.

When they got in the car, Rose got into the driver's seat while Harry, Lily and Petunia all slid into the back.

Harry sat between the two sisters, looking down at Petunia's lap, where her skirt had hiked up just enough for him to see that she had foregone underwear.

"I-I did as you would have wanted, master." Petunia said shily.

Harry smiled up at her. He undid his fly and let his massive cock flop out. Rose was looking through the rearview mirror, her eyes full of primal hunger.

Petunia did not hesitate. She bent over the seat as Lily grabbed onto Harry’s semi-erect member, stroking it lightly as her younger sister wrapped her lips around the crown, beginning to suck on Harry’s cockhead.

Harry placed a hand on Petunia’s head, guiding her inexperienced mouth up and down his shaft as Lily helped her along by jerking him off. As the sisters worked together to get him off, Rose tried her best to keep her eyes on the road, though she couldn’t help herself, constantly finding herself looking back through her rearview.

Lily soon decided to join her sister, bending over to lick at her master’s cock. Harry spent the rest of the ride to the Evans home enjoying the double blowjob. When they pulled up to the driveway, Harry held both sister’s heads in place, letting his cum gush out of his cockhead and paint both their young, innocent faces with his cream.

Being alive was wonderful. Having a body was amazing.

They got out of the car and entered the house, with the girls not even bothering to clean up his seed from their faces. If any of the neighbors had caught them, Harry or Lily would have just obliviated them.

The moment they crossed the threshold of the home, the Evans women shed their clothing.

Harry looked at Rose appreciatively, her ripened, mature body just begging to be ravaged, to be impregnated with another little witch for Harry to fuck.

But first, he pushed little Petunia up against a wall.

It had been an entire eternity ago, but Harry still had memories from his time in the cupboard. And perhaps that was why when he pushed into his ten year old aunt, he was a bit rougher than needed to be. Not that Petunia minded, the little brunette pushed up against her master as Harry grabbed the flat nubs of her chest and squeezed her nipples hard as he began fucking his would-be aunt into the wall.

Rose rubbed at her pussy as she waited for them to finish, wanting to be stuffed by her master’s pillar of man-meat.

When Petunia came, Harry shoved her away from him, letting her collapse onto the floor in a trembling mess.

He walked up to Rose and pulled her towards him. Thanks to the height difference between them, he was easily able to plunder her depths, sliding into her mature pussy as his hands squeezed her ripened breasts.

Lily watched him fuck her mum, knowing that these would be the greatest holidays of her life, knowing that things would never be the same, and knowing that soon, there would be three new additions to the Evans family.


jacob hixson

you need to male this a real story this is to good to only be a one shot

Seaver IXp

Please continue. Don't forget to add some veela. Ie apolline.