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Harry had received an owl from Bellatrix, and the boy was in constant correspondence with her now. The way Harry's eyes lit up every time Bellatrix's eagle owl flew in with a letter…it drove Lily up a wall.

It seemed she was the only one aware of what was going on. Sirius had come out of the meeting shocked at how altruistic his cousin had become all of a sudden. The Bellatrix he knew would have never given up on dueling, especially not to teach. And she would have never in her life offered to mentor someone.

The fact that she was retiring from dueling had been a big surprise. Harry had been distraught when, a week after the final,  the front cover of the Daily Prophet announced it in big, bold letters.

Lily wasn't proud to admit she'd snuck into Harry's room the next day and snatched the letter he'd received from her that morning. It had left him too happy, she needed to know.

Dearest Harry,

I am, in fact, retiring. I apologize for not telling you before the news broke, but I was compelled to keep it secret until this moment.

Of course I'll miss dueling. There's nothing quite like the thrill of a fight, of going into the pit with just your wand and your wits. The pit and your opponent are a blank canvas, there for you to paint what your heart desires.

But I felt it was time. I've done everything there is to do, now I'm looking for a new challenge. I do hope that you won't prove too challenging, Harry. Have you been going through those exercises I sent you?

To answer your other question, you're right in assuming it was Keita. Out of my three losses, that's the only one I wasn't able to avenge, and I'm certain I would have crushed Zheng and Perez on my way to the championship. After all, I beat them both that same year in prize fights.

Don't be afraid to ask me these types of questions Harry. We are more than well acquainted, and we will only continue to get closer when I start whipping that arse into shape!

I wish to meet with you in person before term begins. Have you gotten your school supplies yet?

Love, Bella.

She had to resist the urge to burn the letter to a crisp. This hussy was blatantly trying to ensnare her pure Harry! Thankfully they had already done all the Hogwarts shopping, so they wouldn't be able to use that as a pretext for a meeting. She was sure Harry would try to come up with some excuse over the coming days, but school was starting in a week, he wouldn't have time.

Lily would be weary of any sudden desires to go visit the Weasleys or spend some time with Blaise or Daphne. Harry was his father's son after all, she wouldn't put it past him to use his friends as cover.

Lily placed the letter back in the drawer she had found it in. The drawer was full of letters from Bellatrix, and with all of them together, the waft of spiced vanilla and Moroccan rose assaulted Lily's nose.

The bitch had doused her letters with perfume.

Lily raged over the desk for a moment longer before she made to exit Harry's room. Right as she was about to leave, something came over her, and before she could think too much of her actions, she summoned her own perfume.

A few spritzes later and Harry's room was filled with her summery, floral scent.

She left for her room. The house was empty, Harry having left for Grimmauld's Place a few hours ago. Funny that Sirius was free at this hour, it was a wednesday, usually he…

Lily gasped out loud as she fell into a dead sprint for her floo. She quickly grabbed a handful of powder, ignoring the mess she made as some of it spilled on the hardwood floor, and threw the powder at the fireplace.

"Number Twelve, Grimmauld's Place!" She yelled as she stepped in. The green flames spirited her away.

Lily was usually quite graceful when using the floo. But in her haste, she stumbled out of the fireplace and almost fell to the floor. She skated on invisible ice as she found her footing, and when she finally steadied herself, she saw her son, sitting alone at the table, a book open in front of him.


"Harry! You're here!"

Her son raised an eyebrow. "Where else would I be?"

Lily began to feel ashamed, realizing what her hysteria had driven her to, "Where's Sirius?" She asked in a softer tone.

Harry shrugged. "He was here for lunch but he had to go back to work. I just wanted to come here and read, you know how much I love the Black Library."

Lily glanced at the book in front of Harry. From the pages she could see it was a book on curses, a bit darker than she would like but nothing too bad. Sirius knew to keep the truly heinous stuff away from her son.

"You needed me for something, mum?" Harry asked.

"Oh… no, no," Lily shifted uncomfortably. "Just checking up on you! I wanted to make sure you ate!" her eyes were looking anywhere but her son, who didn't seem to notice his mother's shame.

"Thanks mum, I'm good. Kreacher made a big meal."

"That's good, that's good. I'll leave you to it then." And with that, Lily turned around and disappeared back through the floo as quickly as she could.

Ten seconds passed, and then Harry let out a very girlish giggle.

'Harry' quickly shifted around, becoming taller, slimmer and more feminine. His hair went from pitch black to a bubblegum pink.

"That was brilliant!" Tonks laughed, doubling over with laughter. "Aunt Lily's face!" Tonks shook her head, clearing tears of laughter from her eyes. "If only she knew! Harry owes me big time now." Tonks grinned, thinking of ways she could cash in on this favor with her favorite cousin.

"I wonder who the lucky girlie is, anyway?"


Harry had sent an owl immediately after receiving Bellatrix's letter. He'd gotten a response late at night, with a portkey attached.

This past week had been a dream. He was corresponding with his idol, and she would mentor him! He would be learning the craft from the greatest duelist in the world. Harry had had zero doubt that he would pursue dueling as a career, but now the path was clearer than ever.

He was still a bit surprised that Bella, oh how great it felt to get to call her that, had retired. She was passionate about the sport, he could see it clearly in all her duels and it still shone through in her letters. Bella wrote about dueling as if she missed it, as if there was nothing else she'd rather be doing. Why then, had she retired?

Oh well, Harry wouldn't complain too much about it. He had talked to Tonks and his ever so helpful cousin had gotten on board with his plan. He knew whenever she collected on the favor, it'd be painful, but it was worth it. He'd blushed when she'd asked him who the lucky girl was. He couldn't tell her.

Harry wasn't stupid. The perfume on the parchment, the way she almost instantly started addressing him as if they were intimate friends. The fact that she'd agreed to mentor him three minutes into knowing him. The fact that she'd wanted to meet him in person.

Based on everything Sirius had taught him about girls, Bellatrix had the hots for him.

Harry had no idea why a goddess like her would want him, but he wasn't about to complain.

Of course he loved dueling and was passionate about it. But he also had two eyes. Bellatrix was hot as balls. She was the second woman he'd ever masturbated to (the first…he felt ashamed to think about).

And so Harry had made sure to wash up and dress his best when he headed out of Grimmauld's Place. He stepped out onto the streets of London before pulling out the letter. The clock struck ten and the portkey activated.

Harry found himself in a sparsely decorated living room. There was a single couch on the far wall. A portrait of the Black sisters as teenagers hung above it. That was it for decoration, the eggshell white walls were bare, and the couch looked like it had never been sat on.

"Harry, you made it,"

Harry turned around. Bellatrix was leaning against the wall that led to a narrow hallway. She had on a tight black dress with lace patterns along her arms and her chest. He could see the flesh of her upper breasts clearly through the lace, and the outfit hugged her curves in a very sinful manner.

"Hi, Bella!" Harry smiled in greeting.

Bellatrix opened her arms wide and Harry didn't hesitate to embrace her in a hug. Her body pressed against his and his hormones went into overdrive. He shifted as best he could to hide his instant erection, though from Bellatrix's smile it was clear she was aware of what had happened.

"Come, Harry, there's much I want to discuss with you," Bella placed her arm around his waist as she guided him down the hallway.

Bella lived in a simple apartment. There was a small kitchen off to the side of the living room. The short hallway led down to the two doors at the end.

Stopping at the doors, Bella gestured forward. "You pick, door one, or door two?"

Her voluminous curls looked mesmerizing, and the scent of her shampoo mixed with that of her perfume was driving Harry mad.

"Err, left?"

Bella pouted a bit. "Well, I suppose it will be better to get the business out of the way first,"

Before Harry could ask her what she meant, Bella opened the leftmost door and led him in.

Inside was a magically expanded space. The walls and floors were filled with little nicks and dents. On the far corner, bunched up in a row, were about a dozen training dummies. Harry could feel the presence of very powerful wards inside of the room.

"Woah…Is this your training room?"

The door closed behind them. Harry spun around to see Bellatrix with her wand drawn and a very predatory smile. "Indeed it is…now show me what you've got, Harry,"

It was about an hour and a half later that Bellatrix called an end to her little 'assesment'.

It had been a simple exercise. They would use only stinging hexes. Here, all Bellatrix wanted to see were his reflexes, how he handled a wand and how good his maneuvering was around the arena.

Harry was panting, hands on his knees and his body burning from multiple stings. He'd been hit, loads of times. Bellatrix meanwhile had built up a light sweat from moving and casting for ninety minutes, but she looked like she could go another hour without issue. She was untouched, of course.

Harry grimaced in frustration, he hadn't been able to hit her once. He dreaded what she was going to say. Certainly she'd be disappointed, she'd tell him that maybe she wouldn't have the time to train him after all.

But when he looked up to meet her eyes, Bellatrix had a wild, hungry look.

"Magnificent. Truly magnificent. You've not just studied my duels, have you?"

Harry shook his head. "I've watched almost all the top fifteen duels from the past ten years," he let out a breath, "I'm sorry… I wasn't good enough,"

Bellatrix's face turned into one of confusion and irritation. "What do you mean?"

He motioned towards her. "I didn't hit you once, and you hit me whenever you wanted."

Bellatrix looked at him for a moment before throwing her head back in laughter. It was a loopy, almost off-key laugh, as if she didn't have much practice with the act.

"You seriously believed I would be disappointed in you?" She asked once she composed herself. At his nod, she smiled. "That's good, you're humble as well. Harry, if I had hit you whenever I wanted, you'd have passed out an hour ago. Your movement, your reflexes, your casting, your speed… it's all quite incredible." She lifted a finger to stop him from talking. "I am the greatest duelist in the world, and you're a fourteen year old b-young man. Of course you're not going to tag me. But I can see it all there, you've got the instincts, the knowledge, the dedication, and most important of all, the power." A visible shiver ran up Bellatrix's body as she said that, "that is most crucial of all. Power is innate, you can train and dedicate yourself to the craft all you want. If you don't have the pure, raw power needed, you will never move past the masses of Carrows and Prewetts into the true upper echelon of dueling's finest. Flitwick, Yaxley the first, Bromide, Riddle… they all had power in spades that one can only be born with."

At the end of her little speech, there was a fire in her eyes once more. This woman truly loved her craft. Harry wanted to pry, now that they were face to face, and ask about why she had retired. Looking at this woman now, truly in her prime years, there was no way she would want to give up the art to teach at a school.

But he decided against it. He kept his mouth shut, and Bellatrix spoke again. "You are a diamond, an uncut diamond that I will polish until you are so bright, you will leave them all blind," she got a faraway look in her eyes for a moment. "Now come, you need to nurse your wounds."

They exited the dueling room and entered the other door. Here there was a simple queen sized bed, a nightstand and a full length mirror, a wardrobe off to one side and a door at the rear that most likely led to the bathroom.

"Now, get yourself washed up, I will wait for you here so we can talk," Bellatrix handed him a towel she had conjured, and Harry took it with a light blush. He was in her room, and he was about to use her shower. The reality of it all was setting in for him.


Harry stood under the steamy hot water for some minutes, letting the water ease his aches while he cleaned himself up. Once he felt fresh enough, Harry stepped out, steam having built up in the bathroom, and dried himself off.

He realized his clothes were dirty. He'd have to make do with a scourgify for now. Looking around the cold stone floor, he was at a loss. He couldn't find his clothes anywhere, and he'd left his wand in the room.

Out of options, Harry wrapped the towel around his waist. With a deep breath, he opened the door to the bathroom and exited out into the room.

The hairs on his body stood up as the blast of cold air hit him, but his body warmed up again rather rapidly at the sight in front of him.

Bellatrix had on a sheer black teddy, the material so thin he could see all of the skin underneath. Bellatrix's large bust was almost bursting out of the material, the crotch of the teddy so thin that he could see her pussy lips, glistening with juices.

Harry was left in total shock, his mouth agape. It didn't matter that he'd actively hoped for this to happen, actually seeing Bellatrix standing there in a seductive pose was something else entirely.

"Is it all you've ever dreamed of?" She asked, head tilting to one side in amusement.

Seeing that he wasn't going to move, Bellatrix sidled up to him, hips swaying with every step. "Don't tell me you haven't pictured me like this, when you were staring at my posters in your bed," she was in front of him now. She placed a hand on his shoulder and Harry felt his heartbeat begin to quicken. Her smoldering violet eyes were locked on to his. Harry saw as she licked her ruby red lips with her small, pink tongue. Her eyes swept down, inspecting his body. Harry always kept himself in shape, his body was slim and athletic, with barely any excess fat.

The hand on his shoulder began to move down, leaving a trail of fire as her fingers glided down the smooth skin of his chest. She traced the outline of his abs and Harry shuddered. Then her hands stopped at his waist, where his towel was securely wrapped.

Bellatrix's eyes turned back to him, half-lidded and filled with lust. "Tell me you want this, Harry. Tell me you want to become Bella's little toy,"

Harry gasped at her words. He felt a lump in his throat as his cock jumped from semi-hardness to painfully erect. Bellatrix smiled smugly upon seeing the tent in his towel, but she still wanted to hear him say it.

"Come on now, no need to be bashful, Harry," she leaned forward, close enough to where he could feel her hot breath. His senses were being overwhelmed by all these scents and sensations, by all this sudden heat. "I-I want this," he gasped out.

Bellatrix leaned further forward, their lips were now inches apart. Her grip on his towel hardened. "What is it that you want, Harry?"

Harry was a fourteen year old boy. This could go one of two ways. He could become intimidated by the moment and shrink away. He could allow Bellatrix to toy with him, to treat him like putty in her hand. Or he could do as his godfather had always taught him: just rush blindly in and hope for the best.

His lips crashed against hers as he pressed his body against her own. Bellatrix's eyes widened in shock at his sudden aggression, and it lasted long enough for him to have her backpedal all the way onto the bed, where they fell into a heap of limbs.

Harry was kissing her with all he had, and before long, Bellatrix growled, not one to back down from a challenge, and kissed him back, hard. She seized him forcefully by the shoulders and turned them around so she was on top.

The kiss was clumsy and wet, surely all his fault, but it was full of passion and intensity. Harry let his hands roam all over Bellatrix's body. And what a body it was. The fire burning within him only grew in intensity as he squeezed her ample asscheeks and he felt her large breasts press against his bare chest.

Bellatrix ground her piping hot pussy onto his crotch. She pulled back from the kiss, her lips bruised, to stare intensely into his emerald green eyes.

"Does Ickle little Harrykins want Bella to make him a man?" Her voice was throaty and full of lust. Harry felt goosebumps run through his whole body as Bella went down and began sucking on his neck. Harry's hands continued roaming, managing to sneak under her teddy to grope at her glorious tits. Bella kept twitching and moaning uncontrollably at his touch, her body flushing red as both their temperatures rose.

Her mouth trailed down from his neck, licking down to his chest until she reached his nipple. Harry couldn't help but arch his back in surprise and pleasure as Bella swirled her tongue around his nipple. He felt little needles of pleasure as she sucked on his sensitive flesh.

Then there was a shock of pain as she bit down hard. Harry let out a gasp of pain, but before he could protest, she had moved back up to claim his neck.

He felt a sting of pleasure and pain on his nipple. Wanting to fight for control once again, Harry moved his hands to her waist and squeezed her tightly as he rolled them over once more. Bellatrix let out a sound of frustration as she tried to wrestle back dominance, but Harry held her firmly down as he dived for her own neck.

He kissed and licked at the nape of her perfect, porcelain neck. "Ohhhhh!" Bellatrix moaned uncontrollably as he sent shockwaves throughout her whole body. Harry clumsily grabbed at the straps of her teddy, until he was finally able to pull both sides down, allowing him to slide the garment down her body.

It all felt painfully slow as the lacy fabric slowly descended, fully exposing her collarbone before it revealed the milky skin of her chest. The fabric caught on her painfully hard nipples for maybe a second before he managed to pull it down completely, exposing her glorious breasts.

They were perfect. Absolutely perfect. They were large and full but yet still perky, her stiff nipples making Harry's mouth water. He needed to taste them.

Bella's breathing began to quicken as Harry stared hungrily down at her breasts. She needed to regain control of the situation.

Harry lowered his head down and captured one of her perfect little nipples in his mouth. His tongue swirled around as he sucked on her breasts, pleasure coursing through him as Bella's back arched into him.

Her nails dug into his back as she took control once more. Bellatrix flipped them around and quickly reached for her wand. Before Harry knew it, his hands were bound to the headboard and Bellatrix looked down at him, a wild, triumphant look on her face.

"Now, now," she wriggled her finger at him. "Bella sets the pace. I teach, you learn,"

The lump under her ass twitched and Bellatrix smiled evilly. "Now, I think it's time to steal my little Harry's innocence,"

Bella slid off the bed. She hooked her hands on her teddy and slid it down her smooth, alabaster skin. She rolled her hips seductively as the garment dropped to the floor, and Harry felt certain that his cock would explode at any moment.

Bella climbed back onto the bed, purring as she crawled like a cat. His cock was painfully hard, and he must have imagined the look of shock that flashed on her face as she got a good look at his thick, engorged member.

Bella's face passed over his cock, her tongue flicking out to graze the tip as she continued to crawl upward. Harry groaned in pleasure at the little teasing contact.

Bella was kneeling over him now, her face inches from his own, her tits hanging pendulously over his chest and her hot cunt mere inches above his achingly hard erection. Harry strained against his restraints, wanting nothing more than to attack this dark goddess that was so close yet so torturously far.

"Tell me, Harry. Do you belong to Bella? Are you Bella's to do with as she pleases?" The wild look in her eyes returned, and it both scared and turned Harry on.

"Yes! I'm yours!" He gasped out. There was so much blood pooling at his cock by now, he would have agreed to anything.

"Good answer,"

She kissed him lightly on the lips before pulling back and standing herself up until she was just kneeling above him, her aphrodite-like figure looming over him like in a fever dream. His cock was perfectly lined up with her pussy, her fresh juices visibly leaking down her thigh, some of them even dripping onto the tip of his cock.

They stared at each other, her intense gaze never wavering as Harry tried to stop himself from just thrusting his hips upwards and penetrating her.

Bella smiled, and in one swift motion she sat her burning hot cunt onto his cock.

"Aahhhhhh!" Harry closed his eyes shut at the explosion of pleasure he felt. But he hadn't been the only one to yell out.

Bellatrix had only managed to fit a little bit past the head of his cock in her. There was some sort of barrier that was at this very moment flexing and tearing as his heavy rod pierced through. Bellatrix's face was twisted in determination, and he could see some hints of discomfort as well.

Sirius had told him a girl's first time could be painful, told him to be gentle. But this couldn't be her first time, could it?

Bellatrix thrust downward once more and whatever was impeding him was torn completely. His cock surged upward into her snug pussy until it bumped hard into her cervix, giving the entrance to her womb a hard thumping that sent cramps of pleasure and pain rushing up through Bella's gut. Harry's toes curled as he had to use all his willpower not to cum at that very moment.

Bellatrix was gritting her teeth, trying hard as she could to keep herself under control. She had mastered occlumency decades ago, she had been under duress hundreds, maybe thousands of times. She was no stranger to sensation. She had prepared for this, she was Bellatrix Black, she would dominate him and he'd be none the wiser.

And yet now, with his girthy cock's heartbeat pulsating inside of her, she found there were no mental exercises that could compensate. She looked down at their joining, where small trickles of red were overwhelmed by the much more numerous gushes of clear, sticky liquid.

Merlin. She hadn't even been able to take his whole cock in. There were still a good two to three inches to go before she'd be able to reach his base, but she had no more pussy to give.

Her eyes trailed up to see Harry's gorgeous face, his eyes closed as his body twitched. At least he was struggling as much as she was.

Her lungs began to burn as the breath she'd been holding finally expired. Bellatrix exhaled loudly and the floodgates were opened. Her whole body shook as the orgasm she'd been trying to hold back out of pure pride exploded within her. She couldn't prop herself up any longer, she collapsed on top of Harry, her breasts squishing against his chest.

"Oooh Morgana!" Harry yelled as he felt Bellatrix clamp down on him. He tried his best, but he couldn't help it. He was losing his virginity to his lifelong hero, who was the sexiest woman he'd ever seen. His control over his cock wavered and he blasted inside of her cunt.

Bellatrix was deep in the throes of her orgasm when she felt the thick hot liquid flood her pussy. This heightened her peak even more, and Bella's eyes rolled back in her head as she could do nothing but let the sensation of pure bliss wash over her.

Harry's wrists hurt from straining against his restraints, but the rest of him was in another dimension. The absolute enormity of his orgasm, along with the feeling of Bellatrix's voluptuous body pressed on top of him, was otherworldly. Bellatrix had her face buried deep into his neck, her ragged breathing only adding to the buffet of pleasure he was feeling.

It took them a while to come down. At some point, Bellatrix had dispelled his restraints and Harry brought his hands down to wrap around her.

As they returned back down to earth, Harry began to feel a bit embarrassed. He'd lasted all of one minute, if that.

"Sorry," he whispered, hiding his face on her shoulder.

Bellatrix was coherent enough to barely register what he'd said. Instead of speaking, she gave an irritated, questioning snort as she lifted her head. Her violet eyes were trained sternly on him.

Harry met her gaze. "Sorry for not lasting…it was my first time,"

Bellatrix raised an eyebrow and then smiled, deciding it was in her best interest to not mention the fact that she'd cum first. "Oh my pet, it was your first time. This will be part of our training, and with that magnificent cock, I am certain you will rapidly improve,"

Magnificent cock seemed to be the compliment Harry needed, as he perked up and smiled back up at her. "Now come, I know you just showered, but we need to clean up,"


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