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May 27, 1948

It was good to be king.

Not that he was one, not officially anyways. Maybe in a few decades, if he grew bored of this whole Headmaster business.

Harry walked down the halls, smiling at students as they looked at him reverently. It didn't matter how many times they saw him, they worshiped him to such an extent, every time they saw him it was like they were meeting their favorite Quidditch player.

A sixth year boy would bow his head. A first year’s eyes would widen in complete shock and awe. A gaggle of third year girls would giggle as he passed by and blush when he smiled kindly at them.

He was every girl’s crush, after all. But he wasn’t going to fuck them all, not yet, at least. Many of them were attractive, and he did bend the odd student over when he felt the urge, but they weren’t exceptional, they weren’t good enough to be his women.

His train of thought had an immediate effect on his anatomy, and his women were surprisingly scarce today, for some reason. Lyra’s birthday was tomorrow, so he could only imagine they were making elaborate preparations.

That gaggle of third years was looking mighty appetizing right about now.

Harry turned on a dime, approaching the group of five, all from different houses. House rivalries had died out after the Statute of Supremacy, along with fights over blood purity. Though wealth was still flaunted and traditions still observed, as it seemed that humans needed to have something they could lord over their peers.

The girls’ eyes widened as Harry approached.

“Headmaster?” The bravest one squeaked out. She was a brunette with light brown eyes, pouty lips and not much else that stood out. She was Adelaine Selwyn, betrothed to Damascus Nott. She was cute enough, certainly the cutest out of her group of friends.

Harry smiled as the third year girls giggled nervously. “Ms Selwyn, I find myself in need of relief, if you could, please.” Harry waved his hand.

The young girl gasped. “O-Of course, Headmaster! My mouth or my pussy?” she asked excitedly. Her friends were looking at her in a mixture of awe and jealousy. To be used by the Headmaster was an honor that all girls aspired to. Already, it had become a sort of status symbol by those who’d graduated. Those who’d been blessed by the Headmaster even once considered themselves above the others.

“Warm me up with your mouth, then your pussy, if you would.” Harry fished his cock out of his robes, which he’d long since had tailored to make whipping out his cock as easy as could be.

“C-Can I take pictures, sir?” One of the other girls, a chubby blonde from Hufflepuff, asked nervously.

“Of course, Ms. Nurse, go right ahead.”

The girl squeaked as she groped around in her book bag while Adelaine stepped up, so short she didn’t need to kneel to be level with his cock. The girl looked at his thickness with a reverence saved only for the most holy of objects.

“Have you done this before?” Harry asked.

Adelaine’s face paled as her friends giggled around her once more. “With my betrothed, yes.”

“And has he fucked you as well?”

She shook her head vehemently as she grasped his large cock in her ever-so-small hands. “N-No sir! He knows to wait until marriage.”

Harry smiled once more, he always preferred it when the cunts were unused by any others. If Adelaine had been a little bit cuter, he would have made sure that no other man touched her cunt.

In the future he was working towards, all witches would be his, and only his. Wizards would have to make do with muggles until they died out completely, leaving only Harry with his ever growing harem of wives and daughters to wield magic.

But that was still a ways to go.

Adelaine wrapped her pouty lips around the head of his cock and her friends ooed and aeed. Her Hufflepuff friend snapped picture after picture as Adelaine bobbed her head on his length,

Around them, students passed by. Girls would look at Adelaine with jealousy, boys would smile meekly and keep on trudging along.

Harry fisted a handful of her hair and shoved as much of his cock down her gullet as he could, which wasn’t much. Whatever experience she’d had with Nott, it had certainly not been enough, as she struggled to take his length down her throat as Harry fucked her face.

“Headmaster.” Harry turned his head to see Professor Garlick, looking agitated as she walked up to him.

It was a shame he hadn't caught the woman in her youth, she would have been a fine addition to his harem, based on the pictures he’d seen. As it was, the elderly professor stood in front of him, hands on her hips and a frown on her face.

“Yes, Mirabelle?” Harry asked as he continued to fuck Adelaide’s face, a loud glurking sound punctuating his words.

“When you’re done there, I have some unruly boys I found in the kitchen that need a talking to.” she said sternly, sounding like his old McGonagall.

Harry didn’t question why she was coming to him instead of handling it herself. The fact that she was coming to him meant it was one of those matters only he could rule on. “Understood, Mirabelle. I’ll only be a little while longer.” He pushed the Selwyn girl’s head as far down as it could go and kept his cock there, smiling for one of the photo’s her friend snapped.

“Why don’t you make yourself comfortable while you wait?” he turned to the other three girls in the group who so far had only been watching. “Girls, why don’t you help Professor Garlick pass the time?”

They nodded and Harry smiled before returning back to his little cocksucker, who was choking and gagging but not pulling back as Harry’s cock remained lodged in her throat.

“Alright, enough.” Harry pulled completely out of her mouth, leaving a dazed girl whose face was now covered in her own spittle. “Ms. Selwyn, face the wall.”

Adelaide regained a semblance of composure. “Yes sir!” she said enthusiastically as she turned around and placed her palms on the wall, spreading her legs as she presented her backside to her Headmaster.

Harry flipped her skirt up and smiled appreciatively at her pert little butt, proud that she followed uniform regulations and was not wearing undergarments.

Next to him, Professor Garlick moaned as three teenaged heads were converging on her crotch as she tried to keep herself upright up against the cool stone wall. Two of the girls were kissing around her clit while another had awkwardly maneuvered herself to be able to eat her ass. For an older woman, Garlick’s skin was certainly still smooth.

Harry pushed his cockhead against Adelaide’s virgin lips, and like always, there was the momentary doubt of whether he’d be able to fit or not.

And, like always, he made himself fit. The girl squealed and wriggled but never did anything but push back as Harry entered her young little snatch and took her maidenhood in one shove.

There was nothing quite like this. No matter how many times he'd done it, defiling a fresh new pussy felt like nothing else. Adelaide pressed her red face against the wall as Harry fucked her, the sound of flesh slapping filling the hallway as his pelvis crashed against her little ass with each thrust.

He didn't know if he'd ever fuck her again, but he knew he had ruined her for life. When the Nott heir took her on their wedding night, it would be so underwhelming it wouldn't deserve to be called a shadow of the reaming he was giving her now. She would go through her life frustrated, hoping and wishing that he would see her once more and pick her out, just one more time. If she had a daughter, she would do everything in her power to make her as pretty as possible, all on the chance that she could return to his orbit through her.

Who knows. For now, Harry contented himself with fucking the life out of the thirteen-year-old who was wantonly moaning as her friend knelt down, snapping plenty of close-ups of Harry's cock as it sheathed itself in her tight quim.

The girl could not handle him at all, and it wasn't too long before she trembled in orgasm around her Headmaster's monstrous cock. Harry held onto her hips as he rutted harder into her, her juices leaking out every time Harry pulled back from her, running down her pale thighs and staining her emerald green knee-high socks.

Harry buried himself in her and let loose, flooding her barely-teenaged belly up with his voluminous seed, filling her so rapidly that in only moments, the gooey liquid began to leak out of their joining in thick rivulets that spread out either side of her thighs.

Harry pulled out, smiling down at the gaping pussy he had just ruined. Adelaine had her eyes closed, still riding the wave of her pleasure as Harry's cum further soiled her poor socks.

Harry waited patiently as the other three girls brought Garlick to an orgasm. Nurse, the camera girl, had decided that licking his cum off her friend's thighs was much more enticing, though she was smart enough not to try and lick it out of her pussy. She would be a bad friend if she ruined Adelaide's chances of getting pregnant with Headmaster Gaunt's baby.

Mirabelle sprayed the girls in her slick juices and they were finally able to move on, leaving five third years preening proudly as they helped carry their freshly-fucked friend back to her common room, basking in all the attention and jealous looks they were receiving.

Professor Garlick led Harry down to the kitchens, where it was readily apparent what the issue was.

“What did I tell you?! I leave you boys alone and you’re doing it again?!” Mirabelle yelled as Harry could only watch with a bemused smile.

The three Hufflepuff boys had the decency to give their Head of House sheepish looks as they stopped what they were doing. They were each stuffing a hole of what once had been Princess Elizabeth, now House elf cumdumpster.

“What do you have to say for yourselves?”

The boy stuffed inside of her mouth, having it the easiest to disengage himself, pulled out from Elizabeth’s battered mouth and rubbed the back of his head. “Professor, you were gone for so long, we figured-”

“Save it, I’ve heard enough.” Mirabelle turned to Harry with an exasperated look. “What are we going to do about this?”

Harry chuckled as he stepped up. The other two boys had now pulled out of the brunette, though the cum that oozed out of her holes showed that this had not been their first round by a long-shot. They refused to look up at him, eyes downcast as they stood nervously. This was worse than disappointing their father, after all, Headmaster Gaunt was much more than just a father to them.

“Boys, boys, you know she belongs to the House Elves, I mention it in the opening feast every year.”

“W-We’re sorry headmaster, it’s just…”

“Yes, out with it boy.” Harry urged the boy who had spoken up.

“Well, it’s been so long since the last Hogsmeade weekend, and all the girls at school are holding off til marriage.”

Harry held back a snort. The girls at school did in fact hold off until marriage, guaranteeing Harry would be the first to sample any that caught his fancy, but he’d thought all the boys had learned to sneak out of school and head off to Hogsmeade, where dozens of houses had recently been built, all housing muggle women. The muggle women were there for the villagers and students to quickly sate their carnal needs, and Harry had thought the most common secret passages out of the castle had become common knowledge.

He was wrong, or at least not completely right. He came up with a quick solution.

“I see, boys. That still doesn’t justify you taking what belongs to the elves.”

“Sorry, Headmaster.” they intoned in unison, voices sounding defeated.

“However, I see that this is a situation that might need to be rectified. I will go about securing Hogwarts with a fresh supply of muggle women, just so this situation does not repeat itself.”

The boy’s grins could light up a room. “Go along, and don’t tell anyone about this, I do enjoy basking in the surprise when I make my announcements.”

They all assured him quickly that they would not reveal a thing, and they rushed out of the kitchens with a hop on their step.

Mirabelle shook her head. “You do spoil them so much.” she said.

Harry grinned. “What can I say, I’m a big softie.”


Harry made his announcement at dinner, and he enjoyed the reactions from the male population. It was only ever so slightly tempered when he said they’d be kept by the groundskeeper near the forbidden forest, meaning that late night excursions would be heavily discouraged. Though Harry doubted that would stop most of the horny young men from venturing out of the castle to get their dick wet.

Harry found less joy in the announcement than he had hoped for, all because he was distracted. Neither Emily nor Walburga were at the staff table during dinner, and Minerva had not been at the Gryffindor table either. Come to think of it, he’d yet to see Lyra , Delphi or Fleur, and those latter two especially liked nothing more than to run around the castle and cause mayhem.

Harry retired to his wing for the night, wondering what awaited him when he reached his quarters. They’d sectioned off a wing of the castle to house his family. Peverell Manor had long since become a vacation home, Hogwarts had always been where his heart resided, it made sense for him to raise his family within its walls.

Besides, the more time he and his family spent in the castle, the more the wards sang to them, the more they molded to their will. As powerful as he already was, slowly bonding the most famous castle in the entire world to you was not an opportunity you should ever pass on.

He saw shadows of light dancing from under the door to his study. Harry opened the door to see it lit by dim candlelight, but completely empty. Harry walked past the room, unable to stop the smile that formed on his face as he saw what an absolute mess it was.

Books, paint, toys, broken bits and pieces of things that were now unrecognizable. Delphi and Fleur were a pair of tornadoes. Scourgify and Reparo had met their match in the form of those two little girls.

The door to his quarters was eerily silent, and for a split second Harry considered opening the door with wand at the ready. But then he snapped out of it, he turned the knob and opened the door…

They were all here. Even Fiona, who almost never left the orphanage, was here to greet him with a big, beaming smile.

The copper haired witch was naked, arm wrapped around her equally nude teenage daughter. Minerva had grown a lot in these four years. She was fifteen now, and she’d shot up in height immensely, now as tall as Emily. Her barely b-cup breasts were framed by her wavy brown hair that was now long enough for strands to tickle against her perky pink nipples.

On the other side of his bed, looking similarly related, even though they weren’t, were Emily and Walburga. As always, Emily stood out like a dark goddess among mere mortals, her now matured figure complete with heaving breasts. Walburga looked almost like a mortal version of her, shorter and slightly plumper, with her equally large chest sagging where Emily’s did not.

At the foot of the bed knelt his two little tornadoes of terror. Delphi and Fleur were not twins in the biological sense. In fact, the girls could not contrast with each other any more than they already did. Delphi was as pale as her mother, with a wild head of messy black hair and emerald green eyes that somehow shone brighter than Harry’s. Meanwhile, Fleur was tan, a function of magic, considering the fact that the girls spent the great majority of their time inside this dimly lit castle. Her silvery-blonde hair shone with a light of its own, the bright blue strands that contrasted so greatly against the blonde adding to the otherworldliness of the beautiful blue-eyed girl’s appearance. Her veela aura, the true, unfiltered veela aura, gave her an ethereal glow. Many people that saw her run around the halls of the school for the first time assumed they were seeing some type of apparition.

All of them, girls that he loved so much, were secondary in Harry’s mind. This was by design, as they’d placed themselves expertly as gilded frames to a beautiful painting, drawing his eye towards the center of the bed.

Lyra’s face was flushed. His baby girl, a few short hours from turning nine, looked gorgeous against the silver silk sheets of his bed. Her arms were stretched above her head, tied up against the bedpost. Her pretty little feet were free, and Harry could see her legs shifting around uncomfortably as charmed feathers tickled her inner thighs. From the secretions coating her inner thigh, as well as the telltale signs his other girls carried, Harry knew they’d been edging her for a long while.

“D-Daddy…please!” his baby girl pleaded.

Harry stepped forward. Delphi and Fleur ran up to him and hugged his legs. “Daddy, are you going to fuck Lyra now?” Delphi asked excitedly. Fleur, ever so precocious, already had her hand in his robe and was tugging at his cock. That little minx, Harry was sure she would test the limits of his restraint over the coming years.

“I sure do hope so.” Emily said with a smile. “Our little Lyra has been waiting oh so patiently for her reward, haven’t you, honey?”

Lyra was gasping and struggling too much to answer her aunt coherently. She groaned out another “Please!” as her legs twisted and turned in a vain attempt to stop the feathers from teasing her.

Harry snapped his finger and his robe vanished, leaving his godly form bare for his women to appreciate. “How long have you been teasing her?”

“Since this morning.” Walburga answered proudly.

Harry whistled, that was a very long time to be edged closer and closer while being denied an orgasm. Surely, they must have taken breaks in between.

Delphi and Fleur cupped his balls and Harry ran a hand through his daughter’s hair. He stepped up and knelt on the bed. His weight shifted the mattress, angling Lyra ever so slightly downward as Harry stared at his beauty, his first-born daughter.

Lyra had cut her hair short in a bid to be rebellious. It was now an unruly boy-cut, reminding Harry of his own hair back when he’d been eleven. Her emerald green eyes stared back at him, mirror images of his own.

Harry grabbed onto her left leg. Someone had vanished the feathers, much to Lyra’s relief, but the girl was still on a hair trigger. Harry kissed his way up her soft, creamy skin, eliciting shivers and trembling gasps as he sometimes paused to lick at a particularly delicious stretch of thigh meat.

Around him, his women observed quietly, the energy in the air supercharged as they cherished this most sacred of moments.

Harry reached her inner thigh, dropping kisses on one side while his fingers mirrored his ministrations on the other.

“D-Daddy, p-please!” Lyra breathed out once more as Harry teased her, which wouldn’t have been so torturous if she hadn’t spent the entire day under the bittersweet mercies of her mother, aunts and sisters.

Harry inhaled deeply, taking a large whiff of his daughter’s sweet little pussy, an intoxicating bouquet of sweet yet unripe fruit that drove him mad with want and need.

Harry’s tongue lolled out, and the moment it plunged into Lyra’s quivering mess, the girl shrieked as her long delayed orgasm exploded outward.

Harry pressed on, wading through the flood of juices to continue lapping at his baby girl’s peach. He drank deeply from her leaking cunt, hands holding her twitching thighs in place as he buried himself in her wet, velvety pussy like a bear snout-deep in honey.

Harry heard other moans, meaning that the girls had begun to play with each other as they watched him and Lyra, but he did not look, his focus completely on making his daughter’s first time as special as could be.

He dragged his face upward, nose tickling her sensitive flesh as it moved from her pussy up to her clit. Harry took Lyra’s small little clit in his mouth, starting a soft suckling motion as he bobbed his head, letting her juices and his spit lubricate the gears of her pleasure drive.

Lyra was gasping loudly now, her hands straining against her restraints as her initial orgasm was quickly followed by an avalanche. Was it many successive orgasms, or just one, continuous massive one? She wasn’t sure, and she couldn’t really think much about anything but the fact that her daddy was sucking on her sensitive nub with such care and finesse that she feared her toes would forever remain curled up.

Harry finally let her go, sparing only a glance at the orgy of bodies around him. Walburga suckling on Emily's breast. Minerva kneeling on the floor, eating her mother out. Little Delphi and Fleur, kissing while grinding their tiny cunts together.

He looked back at his blushing little girl, who was looking up at him lovingly, begging him to finally take her fully, to make her his.

He glanced at the ropes tying her up and they vanished. Lyra's wrists were red and raw with rope burns, and her hands shot down to wrap around Harry's neck as he scooted up on the bed.

Father and daughter had eyes and ears only for each other, everything else fading into the background as Lyra felt something hot and heavy press itself against the entrance to her wet little pussy.

This was it, the same cock that had made her was now about to make her into a woman. She would be one of his women from now on, like she was always meant to be.

Harry lined himself up and took a moment to observe the beautiful picture of his thick, turgid cockhead pressed against Lyra's delicate, tiny little flower.

Harry pressed himself ever so slightly, until the tension between her opening and his cock was too much. Just like with Adelaide earlier, there was a real moment when he thought it impossible for his cock to fit into such a tiny opening.

Then his head popped through, and both father and daughter shuddered in absolute ecstasy as Lyra's velvety tightness was stretched to its limit around Harry's monstrous head.

To the side, Emily and Walburga were watching Lyra's deflowering with pride as they each worked a finger in each other's cunts.

"Daddy, kiss me!" Lyra begged, and Harry couldn't help but oblige. He sank in a few more inches as he leant down, covering his daughter's baby-soft lips with his own. Lyra moaned into the kiss as she felt herself filled like never before. She'd had her mother, aunts and sister's fingers and tongues inside of her, but this was a completely different level of fullness.

Lyra squeezed her arms around her father as he began to slowly stroke inside of her. Her breathing became labored as she shed joyful tears as her daddy took her pussy. She lost herself in the sensation, letting her father use her and sweep her away in a haze of pleasure.

Harry picked up the pace. He only had so much restraint, and his daughter's perfect little cunt was eroding every single bit of it. He simply couldn't stay at such a sedate pace when this tight little vice was inviting him to pound it into oblivion.

Lyra was a tough girl, she could handle it.

The sounds of slapping flesh soon filled the room as Harry's pace rapidly increased. They broke the kiss and Lyra's tongue lolled out, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as all she could do was take her father's cock as it broke her little pussy in half. Lyra was in a heaven she could not escape from as Harry's cock rapidly moved in and out of her recently virginal flower.

"Looks like she's had a bit more than she could handle." Emily said with a giggle as Lyra's head fell to the side, the only clue that she was still conscious being the hands that were now tightly squeezing her father's hair.

Harry could feel his peak approaching, and he smiled as this most beautiful of moments finally arrived. After nine years, Harry bottomed out as far as he could, a third of his cock still remaining outside of her slit, and emptied his balls in his own flesh and blood.

There would be more daughters in the future, countless numbers of them. But he knew he would always remember the moment he took his first, his gorgeous little Lyra.

As Harry relaxed against his daughter's body, letting their combined fluids seep out onto the fine silk sheets, he glanced around at his other women.

"Who's next?"


July 26, 1951

Harry made his way through St. Mungos, wondering what exactly was so urgent that Cygnus called him away from the castle.

Not that he'd been busy. He'd only had to fill the transfiguration vacancy this summer, and Minerva had just graduated in time to become his now permanent Transfigurations Mistress and Gryffindor Head of House.

Now, he had Minerva heading Gryffindor, Emily teaching the Dark Arts and heading Slytherin, and Walburga running his Hospital Wing.

But right now, he was making his way to what he was rapidly realizing was the maternity ward.

Harry entered through the appointed room to find three very morose figures standing over a bed.

One of them was the Healer, who bowed his head at Harry's arrival and made his excuses for a quick exit.

Cygnus and his younger brother Pollux were standing over the still form of Druella Black. Harry had not interacted with the cadet branch of the Blacks much, though they paid him the proper reverence, and he could not complain much about their behavior.

Pollux and Druella were background players. Forgettable.

Their daughters, on the other hand…Harry had been very much looking forward to getting to know them.

Now, as he looked at the recently deceased body laying before him, Harry realized a bitter truth. He'd changed things for the better, but it also meant that things would be different, much different.

He felt a pang in his heart as he thought of a green-eyed redhead. No, she had to be born. She needed to be born.

"What happened?" He addressed Pollux, who did not at all look broken up at the death of his wife. Pureblood marriages were a transaction, for many.

"Dragon-pox, very aggressive strain. It occurred late in pregnancy, treatment would have meant losing the child." Pollux informed his Lord.

"So you chose the child over your wife." Harry stated in a neutral tone. He was not here to judge what these ultimately petty lords did with their lives. In the end, the only lives Harry truly cared to protect were those of his girls.

Pollux shook his head in frustration and Cygnus spoke for him. "He chose an heir over Druella, but it was all for naught."

Harry raised an eyebrow before their words made sense to him. "Where is the child?"

Pollux nodded to the side of the room, where a newborn babe slept on a little crib, swaddled up in a blanket.

Harry walked up to the crib, and it was almost as if the baby sensed his presence. She stirred, wriggling in her blanket before opening her eyes.

A pair of violet eyes.


Harry glanced at the two Black men. "Why did you call for me, Cygnus?" He knew, but he wanted them to state it out loud.

"My Lord, my brother, he is not in the condition to provide care for the child."

"And, having not received his heir, nor does he want to." Harry added. The two men stiffened, but did not say anything that would upset their lord.

"I was hoping Walburga would take her in, raise the child." Pollux said tentatively.

"I’ll take her in.” Harry said coldly, already scooping the young child in his arms. There would be no Narcissa or Andromeda, no Nymphadora, but he would cherish his Bellatrix with all his heart and soul.

Pollux and Cygnus bowed their heads, “Thank you, my Lord, for your great benevolence.”

“I have my conditions, of course.”

The two brothers shared strained looks, but they knew they could deny their lord nothing, especially after such an ask. “Yes, milord?”

“You will not remarry, Pollux. And neither of you will sire another child, even a bastard.”

The two men blanched, with Cygnus sputtering as he looked at Harry pleadingly. “B-But…milord! Dorea is now a Potter, you realize, you’re condemning the Black line to end with us!”

Harry realized how intoxicating this must have been for Voldemort, to have pureblood lords at his mercy, forced to endure whatever indignity he imposed upon them with only the smallest of protests. Even as they frayed and grit their teeth in anger and frustration, he knew the two men could not disobey. Even without his little addition to the Statute of Supremacy, the Blacks had long since been owned by him.

“Do not fret about the Black name. Lyra and now this dear babe will carry on the Black legacy. You should be proud that your name will forever be elevated, twined with my House for eternity.”

Pollux made to speak, to moan about how the Black name could not be carried through the line of a consort, but he quickly shut his mouth and bowed his head once more in acceptance.

“If that will be all, then I will take my leave.” Harry swept out of the room with his newest daughter in his arms, leaving the Blacks to lament the destruction of their House. They did not blame Harry, he was their lord, after all, he could do no wrong. It had been their folly that had led to this.

They would simply have to accept the cards that fate had dealt them.


Harry arrived back at the castle with the new bundle of joy in his hands.

He enjoyed the castle when it was packed with students, but there was something so serene about the massive structure when it stood mostly empty, occupied only by him and his kin. Though at the moment Emily was away, having taken a portkey to the amazon to 'capture' some very peculiar dark creatures that could be very useful in their pursuit of power.

They may have reached the peak of the mountaintop, but the sky was still there, taunting them. The pursuit of more was never-ending, it seemed. Once you reached a certain level, it didn't take long for dissatisfaction to set in, an itch to find an even higher plateau.

Not a creature was stirring in this placid summer afternoon. Even the stables for the muggle women were abandoned, having been sent off to the village for the summer.

Harry made his way up the grounds with Bellatrix, not even a day old, in his arms. The girl with the ever so striking and unique violet eyes, and Harry for the first time wondered how exactly such an eye color had come about, was quiet, her eyes darting about every which way as she took in her surroundings.

Harry passed by the greenhouses, where he could see a form moving about that could only be Lyra. His young daughter, fresh off her first year of schooling, had taken a particular liking to plants, though Harry knew that whatever she was getting up to in the Greenhouses right now would not be appreciated by Mirabelle. Lyra had stumbled upon hybridization, breeding different plants together to create new, unique species. Harry knew that whatever she was creating, it wasn’t bening, but Harry trusted his daughter and her green thumb. He knew she’d come to him with every new discovery, and he couldn’t wait to see what her twisted little mind could develop.

Harry entered the castle, arriving at the Hospital Wing with baby Bellatrix sucking on his thumb. He found Walburga in her office, sitting at her desk with her nose buried in paperwork.

Harry knocked on her open door to make his presence known. Walburga raised her head, her eyes gazing lovingly as she caught sight of him before they widened as she noticed the child in his arms.

“Daddy?” she questioned as Harry stepped further into her office.

“This is your niece, Walburga. Her name is Bellatrix, she’s part of our family now.” Harry said as he handed the baby over to Walburga, who cradled her with great care. Walburga had always been the one tasked with maternal duties for all the children, so she was very-well practiced by this point.

“This is Druella’s child?” Walburga asked as she looked down at the newborn.

Harry nodded, “Druella passed during childbirth, unfortunately.”

Walburga nodded in understanding, feeling no real sympathy for the family she had long stopped thinking of as her own. “Bellatrix.” she said, as if testing out the name. When she saw the girl's violet eyes, she gasped.

"What?" Harry asked.

Walburga kept staring at the baby. "Nothing much, daddy, just an old Black family tale. Mother said our names were written in the stars for a reason, and violet eyes were part of that tale."

Before Harry could inquire more about this Black family legend, knowing how couched in truth most legends tended to be in the wizarding world, they were interrupted by another member of his staff/family.

"Headmaster daddy, there's someone here I believe you'd like to see." Minerva said in a stern voice that didn't quite fit the still teenaged girl.

At her sides, Delphi and Fleur were giggling, hands covering their mouths as they looked up at their daddy.

"Did you two do something again?" Harry asked warningly.

Minerva shook her head. "They're just intrigued by the newcomer, daddy, I'll have to admit I am quite interested myself."

Harry gave Walburga a nod and the woman stood, carrying Bellatrix by Minerva and the girls, who suddenly noticed the baby in Walburga's arms.

"Daddy?" Minerva questioned as Delphi and Fleur sped off towards Walburga, wanting to have a look at the new baby.

"New member of our family. I'll tell you later. Who is this person you think I need to meet?" Harry asked.

They stepped out of the hospital wing and it was only a few paces before Delphi and Fleur came shooting off after them, the two girls having decided that a mysterious newcomer was much more enticing than a newborn baby.

"I'm not certain, daddy. She stumbled into the castle about an hour ago, she…she appeared from under an invisibility cloak."

Harry's eyebrows shot all the way up at this. "Oh really?"

Minerva nodded as the adults ignored the girls chasing each other in circles around them as they walked the familiar path up to the Headmaster's office. "She…it was almost like she recognized me, but not fully. She seemed rather taken aback by my appearance, but she knew my name without me telling her."

The gargoyle stepped aside as they stepped onto the spiral staircase that spun on its own, taking them up to the famous door that had once left a young Harry so mystified.

Minerva continued. "She came up with some hogwash about wanting to transfer here from Livermorny, said she just moved to England,"

Harry's eyes narrowed as the pieces of the puzzle began to come together. "What did she say her name was?"

"Harriet Peters."


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