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Bella got up gingerly from the bed, quickly vanishing the blood that was drying down her thighs before he noticed. They entered the bathroom, still steamy from Harry's previous shower, and got under the showerhead.

The water began to run as they looked at each other. Bellatrix raked her eyes over Harry's young, athletic body, a body that promised a beast of a man once fully developed. She saw water run down his sculpted form down to his cock, which was now semi-erect.

Harry, meanwhile, was feasting on Bella's sexy body. Her large tits, with barely any sag to them, jutted out, her nipples beginning to harden into stiff pebbles. He watched the water run down her peaks and drip down her body, her tight, flat stomach and her wide, womanly hips.

Their eyes met once more and the two of them crashed into each other. Harry got the upper hand this time, pushing Bellatrix up against the tiled wall. They kissed with a voracious hunger, the heat of their bodies pressing against each other until it became unbearable.

Bellatrix was still weak from her previous orgasm. That was the only reason she could think of for why she allowed him to manhandle her. Harry turned them around and spun her so she was facing outward. She found her tits pressed against the glass sliding door, her areolas spreading as her breasts were mushed against the glass. She moaned, the side of her face also pressed into the glass, when she felt something hard and thick poke against her entrance.

Harry shoved himself into her cunt and she couldn't hold back the shriek of pleasure that tore itself from her throat. Harry pressed his body against hers, his mouth going to her ear, where he began licking and nibbling around her earlobe.

Bellatrix shuddered. Harry was like a man possessed. He slowly dragged his cock out of her pussy until just the tip was inside, before once again shoving the full length back in. There was a soft squelch as her walls were assaulted by Harry's thick length, his hands wrapping around her waist as they lost themselves in their passion.

Bellatrix lost her mind before she could even think about trying to assert dominance. Her senses were overwhelmed by the steamy hot water, her breasts pressed against the cold glass and the cock spearing her cunt.

Harry's tongue moved from her ear, down her jawline until it reached her gasping mouth. They shared another sloppy, desperate kiss as Bellatrix began to push her ample ass back against his thrusts. Harry could feel her ass jiggle with every slap of flesh, and that thought brought this entire erotic mess into perspective. He had to stop himself from cumming right there. He stopped moving, keeping himself buried to the hilt inside of Bellatrix.

The older woman, seeing an advantage, began to gyrate her hips, grinding her cunt into Harry's hard tool, changing the angle of his cock inside of her walls, squeezing out exquisite positions where his stiff rod touched just the right spot-

"Ah!" Bellatrix gasped out as she shook once more. She leaned further into the glass, hoping it would prop her up as her legs began to fail her. She mewled desperately as an even stronger orgasm wracked her body. She felt Harry's hands grip her breasts, and the boy pulled her up against him, his fingers rolling her nipples and kneading her large breasts, which spilled out of his grasp. She gasped, open mouthed as she felt him twitch once more, spurting another large load of his seed into her pussy.


She lay in bed a few hours later, still in a daze. After the shower, they'd held each other for what felt like hours, but soon she knew it was time, and she’d had to shoo Harry home. They wouldn't be able to see each other again until Hogwarts, but she assured him there would be much more where that came from.

Bellatrix sighed as she ran her hands through the spots where he had touched her so tenderly, still feeling the ghost of his fingers on her flesh.

She had miscalculated, badly.

She didn't know what had gotten into her. She'd gone her entire adult life in control of herself, having decided her path. She had no need for affection, physical or emotional. All Bellatrix needed was the thrill of a fight, the pure, animalistic dance of survival. Stripping away all the silly rules that created an illusion of safety, dueling was, in the end, a struggle for survival.

And then she'd seen him, and at first she thought herself intrigued because he looked so much like him. She saw how starstruck he was, and how easy it would be to wrap him around her finger, to indulge in a long forgotten desire.

Bellatrix was a virgin, but she was a grown woman and he was a fourteen year old boy. The playing field was not level.

And yet here she was, completely smitten with a young boy, who had made her feel things she never could have imagined possible.

And he was so skilled, he had so much potential. Under her guidance, he could be as good as her, as good as him. But the more she compared the two, the more Bellatrix found Harry superior. Harry was like him, but he was also more, so much more.

His overprotective mother would be an issue at Hogwarts, but Bellatrix was sure it would be child's play to deal with her. Harry was a horny teenager who idolized her, and she would formally become his mentor, there was nothing his mother could do.

She tried to stop herself from thinking too far ahead. To an adult Harry becoming World Champion, with her in his box, coaching him on, a wedding ring on her finger.

Bellatrix smiled. A passion was flaring up inside her, the old madness was returning, this time with a new target in mind.

What Bella wanted, Bella got.


The fireplace flared up and Lily tried to act casual as Harry stumbled out.

She was creating lesson plans. She had a notebook open in front of her with sections squared off for each year. She'd been sitting here, strategically facing the floo for about two hours. She'd been lucky to have written ten words.

"Hey mum," her son waved at her. On a normal day, he might have gotten away with it, but Lily was hyperalert. She saw how dazed he looked, the weird way in which he walked, how he was trying to avoid her gaze.

Harry tried to leave to his room as briskly as he could, but Lily snapped her notebook shut and followed behind him. "How was the rest of the day at Grimmauld's Place? Did you have supper?"

Harry nodded nervously. "Yeah, ate a lot actually, I'm stuffed," he rubbed his stomach.

His stomach growled.

Harry paled, but he continued walking, the door to his room now visible in the distance, a beacon of safety.

"Did Sirius make it back before you left?" Lily asked, her eyes turning fierce as she whipped her long, auburn tresses over her shoulder. Her pace quickened, she was gaining ground on him.

"Errr, yeah, just now actually. We didn't have time to talk much cause I had to get back,"

Harry made it to the door. He put his hand on the handle, but Lily's hand slammed forcefully over his own.

"Funny thing, I talked to Sirius on the two-way mirror," her eyes, his own emerald green eyes, narrowed slightly.

Harry held back a gulp, his face paling. "Yeah?" He hadn't talked to Sirius about his plans, but he knew his godfather would lie for him. Or at least, he hoped.

"He said you two had lunch together,"

Harry smiled as he let out a relieved breath. Then Lily went for the kill.

"I asked him what Kreacher made you," his heart sank, knowing where this was going. "What did he make for you, Harry?"

He racked his brain. They'd eaten at Grimmauld's place plenty of times. Sirius would pick something common, something that Harry would instantly recall.

The seconds passed by and Harry became more desperate, his mind going blank. The longer he paused, the more obvious it became that he was coming up with something on the fly.

Finally, he prayed to the heavens for a large helping of Potter luck. "Pot roast?"


Even if he'd somehow guessed right, the way he answered sealed his fate.

Lily's face twisted in rage. "You went to her house, didn't you?! She had you in her clutches?"

Harry blanched, trying to back away from his mother but instead backing himself up against his door. "What are you talking about mum?" He fidgeted nervously.

"What did that harpy do to you? I should report this to an Auror, have her arrested-"

Harry panicked. "Mum! Don't report her, please!"

She seized up, her eyes losing focus as she backed away from Harry for a moment. "So you admit it then. You were with her?"

Oh, fuck.

Harry took advantage of their current distance to quickly dip inside of his room and slam the door shut. "Mum, I think we need to talk later, when you've calmed down."

There was a long pause where Harry hoped for the best, and then the door was blasted open.


Before Harry could even think to react, Lily had blasted him to the wall. He found himself held up a few feet from the floor, unable to move as Lily's sticking charm held true.

"Mum! Mum please, let's talk!"

She wasn't listening to him. She couldn't hear him at all through her fog of rage. As she approached him, Harry felt assaulted by her perfume, it was as if her scent was everywhere.

"Did she fuck you, Harry? Did she steal my boy's innocence?" Harry's face reddened as he refused to answer, though his silence was more than enough.

Lily flicked her wand, and his pants were torn off him.

"Mum! What are you doing?" Harry asked despairingly as he was exposed. His cock hung down to his thigh, and he knew Bella's juices were still on him from the last time.

Lily shivered uncontrollably as she saw her son's thick meat. It was hanging there, intimidating even while flaccid. She surged forward, her hand jutting out to take a firm grip of her son's cock.

Harry gasped. "Oh, Merlin!"

He chanced a look at his mother, she was staring back at him with eyes narrowed into slits. She didn't say a word, simply dropping down to a squat until her head was level with his cock.

She was staring at it. Transfixed. The longer she did, the harder Harry's cock became. His soft member began to rise up, slowly at first, until it suddenly jetted up to full mast and smacked Lily in the nose.

"Ow!" Lily exclaimed, rubbing her nose, though her little yell was more out of surprise than anything. Refocusing back on her son's now raging hard-on, her brain was going haywire.

He was so big. Much bigger than James had been. And James was the only frame of reference she had. It was thick and veiny and glaring right at her. Lily found her mouth beginning to water.

She was a woman possessed. Any sense of propriety had been washed away by her anger and indignation, and now from the haze of lust from seeing her son's massive club up close, his thick musk wafting in through her nose.

Was it only his smell?

She inched closer. She grabbed his cock with her hand and lifted it up. It felt hot and throbbing in her hand. She could hear Harry gasping, but it was a distant sound. The blood running through her head was much louder.

Harry stared down in disbelief. His mum had grabbed his cock. He took deep breaths, expecting any moment now for this whole day to have been a dream, for him to wake up in his bed, having shot his wad into his boxers.

But then Lily pressed her nose onto the head of his cock, and another jolt ran through Harry. This was certainly real.

Lily took a deep breath and dragged her nose down his full length. It was like the world stopped, and the only thing that existed was the sexy redhead on her knees in front of him. His cock twitched as her nose slowly scraped from his tip all the way down to his base, where Lily released her breath only to take another deep whiff right over his balls.

She pulled back, staring up at her son with a smoldering look. "She left all her nasty juices on your cock. She left her stench on you."

Harry had no clue how to answer that, so he just remained quiet, frozen in place as he looked back at his mother.

Lily was seething. "That vile woman…how could she do this to my son!"

And then Lily pursed her lips and spit on his cock. "I'm very mad right now, Harry." She began sliding her hands up and down his length, spreading her saliva as Harry groaned in pleasure. "Don't you see? I just want what's best for you! I can't let that whore take advantage of you."

Lily dipped her head forward and Harry felt her tongue at the base of his cock. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as his mother began giving his cock a spitshine with her mouth.

""Muuuuum!" He managed to gasp out as he stared down at his beautiful mother as she ran her tongue all around his length.

Lily pulled back for a moment. "I-I'm just cleaning you up. You can't walk around smelling like her." She returned to his cock, her tongue licking at his sensitive head as Harry struggled against his sticking charm, wishing he could grab onto Lily's luscious red hair.

He'd fantasized about this for so long. Ever since he'd started thinking about girls, his mum had been a mainstay in his fantasies. He'd tried to suppress his shameful impulses, but no matter how hard he tried he always relapsed.

And now those emerald green eyes were staring right back up at their twins while Lily bobbed her head, engulfing his cock in her mouth as she coated him completely with her saliva. If it hadn't been for his afternoon with Bella, Harry was sure he would have blown his load almost instantly.

Lily pulled back from his head, a line of drool connecting his cock to her mouth. Lily looked at it almost cross eyed before she licked it off, her tongue running slowly up his opening.

"Oh Merlin! Mum! You're so sexy!"

Lily was taken aback, realizing what she was doing and how turned on her son was.

Harry looked down at her with worry, wondering if he had just screwed this up.

"Do you…like me? Harry?"

What a ridiculous question, the boy thought. "I love you mum. I've fantasized about you so much! it's torture being in the same house with you sometimes."

She seemed genuinely shocked by this news, her face flushing red as she stood up. Harry deflated, expecting to get a speech from his mum about how this had been a mistake. About how inappropriate it was.

Instead, Lily flicked her wand and Harry was back on solid ground.

He was barely able to gather his bearings before his mother jumped on him. Her fiery red hair flashed everywhere as Lily wrapped her legs around him. Somehow, in the second he'd taken his eyes off her, she'd vanished her clothing, meaning his throbbing hard cock was pressed against her hot cunt.

Harry's knees buckled and he fell back. Instead of crashing to the floor, his bum made contact with a cushioned surface. He managed a glance back to the plush chair Lily had conjured before all thought ceased.

His mother had sat down on his cock. His cock was buried deep into the cunt that had birthed him.

His mouth hung open, unable to process the fact that this had just happened. Lily placed her hands on his shoulders as she began to ride him, and Harry could only stare dumbly at his mother's body.

She had perky breasts that were more than a handful and moved hypnotically as she bounced on him. She had a slim figure, the body of a much younger woman. Lily had never been one for sport or physical activity, but she had the tight, athletic figure of a quidditch player.

Lily paused in her movements, gathering her breath as she looked at her son with bountiful lust.

"You know, honey. You don't have to just look,"

His eyes widened before he looked at her for affirmation. Lily licked her lips seductively.

Harry lunged forward, capturing one of her perky little nipples in his mouth as she resumed riding him.

The way Lily rolled her hips every time he bottomed out in her was excruciating. She sank down on his cock and began grinding into him, hard. It was all Harry could do to hold on as his cock was taken for a ride by her pussy, swirling around her delicate walls.

Lily's back was arched forward as he sucked on her breasts. Where Bella's had been plentiful and soft, Lily's were a bit smaller but firmer. He didn't know which he preferred, but it blew his mind that he'd experienced both in one day.

Lily grasped his face with her hands, kissing the top of his forehead as she bucked into him, dragging herself deeper and deeper into the pits of pleasure with every movement.

Harry finally released her breasts, needing to feel his mother's lips as his orgasm approached. He searched for her mouth just as she did, and they ended up slopilly licking each other's jaws as their first attempt missed.

Lily let out something between a giggle and a moan as they looked at each other, visually aligning themselves and leaning forward, tongues out first.

And it was their tongues that met before their lips did. The appendages danced seductively as mother and son inched forward until their lips sealed together. Lily's body was hitching, her hand having gone down to rub her clit as her peak approached, the throbbing meat inside of her pulsating mightily.

Harry came first, unable to sustain himself any longer. He blasted his mother's cunt with his seed, and that was what finally brought Lily over the edge.

Harry tensed as they rode out their orgasms, feeling his mother's lithe body tremble all around him.

Minutes later, they were still in the same position, with Lily on his lap and Harry staring up at her lovingly. As she ran her fingers down his jawline, Harry knew that they would never be able to go back to how things were.

It was half-past ten on the morning of September first, and Harry and Lily really should have been at King's Cross Station by now.

But they weren't. Instead, Lily was leaning against a wall near the fireplace. Her white camisole was still intact, they still had time to make it to the train.

If only Harry's tongue wasn't buried deep in her cunt.

Her bottoms were completely off, and Harry was kneeling in front of her, hands gripping her ass while he hungrily ate at her cunt.

"Harry! You'll miss the train dear!"

Harry didn't bother pulling back to answer, instead digging his face deeper into her dripping wet pussy. His tongue pulled out of her core, wet with her gushing juices, and he dragged it along her slit, licking from her opening up to her clit.

Lily bucked, undulating her hips forward, rubbing her cunt all over Harry's face.

Harry tried to lick in rhythm with her movements, and after a few moments, he actually managed it. Harry's tongue feathered over his mother's clit, strings of spit connecting his mouth to her pussy with each of her strokes.

Finally, Lily squeezed the life out of Harry's head as she felt her peak coming. Harry could feel it took, and he attacked her cunt with renewed fervor as his mother chased her orgasm.

The clock struck eleven just as Lily gave a shuddering gasp. Her eyed rolled to the back of her head as she came all over her son's face. Harry continued licking as best he could while his face was blasted by his mother's seminal fluid.

"Honey, stop! Stop! I already came!" Lily begged as Harry continued, gripping her legs as hard as he could. Finally, Lily had to forcefully jump back to extricate her son from her overly-stimulated cunt.

Lily collapsed into a heap, falling to her knees on the floor as she leant forward, taking deep breaths as her pussy twitched, her orgasm more powerful than she had anticipated.

Harry looked hungrily as his mother unwittingly presented her pussy. Lily didn't hear him remove his belt or lower his pants. She did feel him approach. She began to panic but felt too weak to do anything but lay there as Harry knelt behind her, lined himself up and shoved his cock into her wet heat.

"Oh merlin!" He exclaimed, as he almost always did when he was inside his mum. Her pussy was just too perfect.

"Har…please…miss…train." Lily was just gasping out some of the words that her brain had lined up for her to say before she'd lost her senses. She lay there on the floor, hands out in front of her and chest squishing against the cold floor as her son pounded her from behind.

The floo flared up and two figures stepped out onto the Charms Professor's quarters.

It was a quarter past twelve, Lily was already late for the mandatory staff meeting.

She was glaring daggers at her son, a deep blush on her face as they walked through the halls down towards the staff room. Harry sported a smug smile. If she didn't need him for her excuse, Lily would have locked the boy up and not allowed him to leave her office until the sorting.

They entered through the door to see everyone sitting at a large, square table. It looked like Minerva had been in the middle of speaking when she'd burst in.

"Ah, Lily! We were starting to get worried." Dumbledore said with that ever present twinkle in his eyes.

Lily blushed even deeper. "I'm sorry Headmaster. Harry was having an issue and missed the train." She gestured toward her son, who wore a sheepish grin.

The moment she lay eyes on him, Bellatrix's expression turned predatory. How could the rest of the staff miss the woman's lecherous looks?

"I take it you are well now, Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore asked in good humor.

Harry nodded. "I'm all better, sir."

Dumbledore nodded sagely, "well, my boy. I'm afraid this meeting is staff only. You may explore the castle until the meeting is adjourned."

Harry smiled. "Of course, sir." He turned to leave before someone else spoke up.

"Harry, if you could be at my office in an hour or so." It was Bellatrix who had spoken. "I have the contract ready."

Lily frowned deeply while Harry blushed. "Contract?" The redhead asked, though it seemed like the other professors were equally perplexed.

Bellatrix gave Lily a mock smile. "Why of course, he is going to be my apprentice, after all."

"Apprentice, how curious. It's been years since we've had an apprenticeship at Hogwarts." Minerva commented while the other professors nodded sagely.

Lily was biting her lip, eyes narrowing at Bellatrix's smug look.

"You must be proud, Lily." Professor Sprout said, "To have the world's greatest duelist take your son under her wing!"

"It is quite an honor," Bella quipped, her violet eyes still taunting Lily, who was trying her best not to fume.

"Er… I'll be there in an hour then…Professor," Harry cast his eyes downward as he exited the staffroom.

Lily took her seat, doing her best to avoid looking at Bellatrix. She had hoped that this past week would have made Harry forget all about the dark haired witch, make him reject her offer. But it was clear her son was still entranced by her, and now that Bellatrix had made the apprenticeship public knowledge, there was nothing she could do to stop it from going forward.

Lily gave a small huff as she folded her arms. She wasn't giving up. She might be too late to stop Bellatrix from stealing her Harry's innocence, but she could still try to sway him away from her. Her Harry was a young man! She couldn't allow Bellatrix to entrap him with her wiles.

"Now, as I was about to say," Dumbledore's voice snapped her out of her brooding, "We will be holding a special event this year at Hogwarts."

"The tournament? But I thought the bloody thing fell through?" Dedalus Diggle, the Potions professor, gruffed out.

"Albus, you could not possibly have agreed to such a dangerous event taking place in our school!" Minerva joined in indignantly, followed by Pomona and Poppy. Bellatrix rolled her eyes while Lily remained quiet, her mind still half-focused on other matters.

Dumbledore raised his hand and gave them all a stern look, quickly quieting down his staff. "If you would all let me finish." He received guilty looks, "The tournament did in fact fall through, it was deemed too dangerous and full of risk for little real reward. But, after the success of the World Cup Final, it seems that the Ministry have not wanted to let the idea go."

"The Board of Governors and the Department of Magical Games and Sports have just yesterday finished negotiations with their foreign counterparts. I was informed this morning. In place of the Triwizard Tournament, we will be holding several different, smaller events. There will be an Interschool Quidditch Cup, a dueling tournament and an an artistic competition."

"A what?" Bellatrix choked out, though everyone else seemed to be equally taken aback.

"Each school came up with an event. Beauxbaton's suggestion was for each school to stage a…play, I believe it is called."

"Leave it to the French." Bellatrix grumbled.

"I actually think it's a great idea," Lily quipped, partly to go against Bella, but also because she actually enjoyed muggle plays. The idea of a magical one had a lot of potential. "Not everything has to be violence and conflict."

Bellatrix did not even try to conceal the derisive roll of her eyes as she scoffed.

"Well, it seems we may have found our stage director." Dumbledore mused as he glanced at Lily.

Lily's eyes widened in panic. "Oh no, no! Albus, I don't have any experience…"

"Have you been to a play, Lily?" Professor Sinistra questioned.

Lily nodded hesitantly, not liking where this was going. "A few…" Why did she have to dig her own grave like that?

"Then you're the best shot we have, dear." Pomona said.

Lily groaned, sinking into her seat as the meeting progessed on to discuss the minutiae of the tournament. Why did she have to open her big mouth?



I like the flashes of dominance from Harry to switch up the Dom/sub from time to time. Once her face was on the glass, we already knew what time it was. Good writing ✍️