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With the background renders finished, a new 3D scene is started up with the scenery removed. The background render gets put into the "backdrop" slot, which makes sure any of the transparent areas don't get filled in with a color that doesn't match the background. (if I don't do this, you'll find little white edges around the fuzzier parts of the hair in particular, because the render engine can't quite handle half-transparent areas well.)

Pretty simple process from here, just need to render! This part of the process is usually the most time-consuming to render, mostly due to that hair again causing a lot of calculations for the render engine to solve, but it otherwise goes smoothly. This particular project took up two renders for Teena, each with slightly different lighting (same as the background), which I stitched together to soften up the lighting a bit. There's a few shadows here that aren't 100% accurate as a result, but the 100% accurate shadows actually make it look like there's something wrong, so a bit of creativity is required in cases like these.

Note that the background is actually not visible at all in the full renders, I've just put it in at 50% opacity so everyone can see how they're stacking up. Sharp eyes might also notice a lack of saliva in her mouth, I paint this in later in the postwork process!



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