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On this entry of our Star Wars Gleep Glossary, we're learning all about the two cantina scamps, Kabe and Muftak! When they weren't robbing Jabba's townhouse, these two were causing trouble all over Mos Eisley, and hanging around Muftak's makeshift home under Docking Bay 12—until they were finally forced to flee Tattooine, never to return! 

Gleep Glossary: A Star Wars Story is a show where the guys try to honor the history and legacy of SW characters, most of whom we've been told don't matter anymore!

Thank you for being so incredible by continuing to support this weird, wild adventure we're on! You make this all possible! We know you have lots of options when choosing which pods you listen to and we very much appreciate you carving out some time for us!

Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Kevin Lynch

Kabe and Muftak sounds like a Soviet Bloc ripoff of Sonny and Cher

Lance Flexington

The story in the book is so hilariously sad since Kabe is walking down the street with these giant bags of stolen stuff but has a change of heart, stashes it, and goes back for Muftak. After the rescue when they go back to get the bags someone already stole everything, like a car in a bad neighborhood left on cinderblocks

johnny stocker

When you were talking about the heist at Jabba's townhouse, my minds eye just started picturing the two of them sitting on a couch while a coked up Jabba in an open bathrobe waved a gun at them, and Salacious B. Crumb was randomly throwing firecrackers around...

Graham Trainor

Speaking of Hoth, once again forgot to call for listener request month. Nintendo Extended Universe’s DASH RENDAR pllleeease!