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It's the next edition of our fantastic voyage into Star Trek history on The Nexus

First up on TOS, it's the pretty decent, but whacky episode, "The Tholian Web." Originally airing back on November 15, 1968, this episode has the Enterprise crew trying to figure out what happened to the crew of the Defiant, tons of dead bodies strewn about the Defiant set, the crew finally doing an away mission wearing space suits, Kirk in ghost form for almost the whole episode, and some fantastic Spock v. McCoy drama! 

Then, across the universe on TNG, it's the Worf-tastic episode, "Sins of the Father." First getting in front of our eyes back on March 17, 1990, this episode has Worf battling demons from his past, Picard daring a bunch of Klingons to fuck around and find out, Wesley getting dressed down on the bridge, and the great Tony Todd finally appearing as Worf's long-lost brother, Kurn! 

The Nexus is a WHM podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing we do—we couldn't do it without you!

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Michael Daniels

With all the "how to destroy a hard drive" convo in this episode...I'm glad The Nexus is behind the pay wall is all I'm saying.


I've found caviar to be universally not worth a shit on its own, or as simply smeared on a cracker as people like to do. Even good caviar has very little flavor of its own, so its function is to augment other parts of a dish that actually have flavor, a la roe in sushi

Jenny Ibrahim

The defiant comes back possibly as a result of the web in an 2 partner of Enterprise of all things .

John Halski

I believe it also plays a prominent role in a season of Discovery?


Some great episodes of TNG coming up. Four more episodes until “The Most Toys,” which is highly anticipated. I can’t wait!

Tony King

Tony Todd also plays an older Jake Sisko in a great episode of DS9, The Visitor, and he is absolutely wonderful.

Dustin W Shuherk

If Tony Todd called Warf a mackdaddy then all would be right in the world, lol.

Lance Flexington

The Tholians make an appearance in the best episodes of Enterprise, the two part "In a Mirror, Darkly", and that episode crosses over with this one and the evil mirror universe Scott Bakula crew get into shenanigans on the Defiant.