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It's our monthly trip back to sexy 1990's Los Angeles! 

First up on Beverly Hills, 90210, it's the roid-ed out episode, "A Competitive Edge"! Originally airing back on January 23, 1992, this episode features Brandon going undercover for the Blaze to bust a steroid scandal on the track team, Steve Sanders doping and freaking out on Brandon at the Peach Pit, and Brenda almost getting Jim Walsh sued by a crooked fraudster because of her pathetic gullibility! 

Then up the road on Melrose Place, it's the sexy episode, "Flirting with Disaster," which first hit the air on October 20, 1993. This chapter of the Melrose saga finds Jane kicking Sydney out of the apartment, Sydney getting revenge by moving in upstairs, Michael easily falling to temptation again and sleeping with Sydney while Kimberley is out of town, Alison humiliating herself in front of a billionaire tech giant, and Matt having an incredibly uncomfortable wedding reception! 

MELR0210 is a WHM podcast where the guys blissfully stroll through the Beverly Hills, 90210 and Melrose Place timelines. The TV episodes covered will run in broadcast order, but we may skip duller 'sodes in order to keep the focus on the nitty, the gritty, and the downright bizarre. Thanks so much for continuing to support the WHM Patreon!

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




I 100% co-sign you guys doing the Ben Affleck roid rage After school special.

Michael Daniels

The cafeteria food thing is clearly them eating children. They'll be eating some Dylanbraten.

Christopher W Baiocchi

As someone who was on the school paper - in high school and college - I can affirm that no one cared.

Leesha Olivier

I know we had a school paper, and I skimmed it because a friend wrote on it. One big story she wrote was about why the shampoo bottle says, 'lather, rinse, repeat. " That was big news in the big hair late 80s.

Maurice Jones

Please do a review of the Ben Affleck HBO drug special

Jonathan D Lackey

The most famous steroid scandal at the time would have been Ben Johnson in 88 so track makes sense


Can't wait for the November and December episodes, because that's where you'll be hitting the goldmine of Mel & Jackie content.

Mark D Myers

Those guys are as cool as marvel's power pack.


The movie Tim daly shot I Poughkeepsie https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0478210/