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It's our monthly trip to Trek-land as we step into... The Nexus! 

First up on TOS, it's the trippy, surreal episode, "Spectre of the Gun"! Originally airing October 25, 1968, this episode has nearly all Enterprise senior staff stuck in a weird O.K. Corral simulation after trespassing in alien space, Chekov falling for a lovely lady who isn't real, zombie cowboys that are creep-city, and Kirk fist-fighting Wyatt Earp! 

Then over at TNG, it's the Rashomon-structured episode, "A Matter of Perspective." First hitting the air back on February 10, 1990, this episode features Riker on trial for murder, Picard acting as his put-upon lawyer, the Enterprise getting a punch of holes poked in it, Mark Margolis as a scientist who thinks Riker tried to sleep with his wife, and Geordi and Wes coming to save the day with some super-thrilling... science experiments? 

The Nexus is a WHM podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing we do—we couldn't do it without you!

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




Andrew is correct about those latter era Apes movies: they were episodes of the live action series stitched together into features. That Apes animated series should be considered for an episode of AD.

Michael Daniels

TNG really pushed the bounds of what was allowed on TV at 1 PM on a Saturday

Josh Perrigo

You guys are right, fuck the harmonica at the end of the ep. I want tumbleweed to blow across the bridge.


"Is Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo the one where he finally fucks?" Believe it or not, Herbie does fall in love with another car in that movie. Actual line: "[Herbie's] out of his mind, all right. Over that luscious little Lancia"

Winson Paine

Uhura was from Africa all along, it is mentioned a few times previous to this. The one where they find the satellite that has turned into a god alien that straight up murders Scotty also mind wipes her for being annoying and she defaults to speaking Swahili. The one with the salt monster has Ol Salty turn into a creeper who creeps on her, also in Swahili. Strange New Worlds (which is a hell of a lot of fun) expands on this a lot since SNW is basically Turbo Fanfic with a Budget and I love itr


Diet Coke tastes like hot chemical piss, Diet Pepsi tastes way better

Paul DeCoursey-Clark

This is going to be a weird response to a very tiny comment. I thought the mountains in Power of the Dog were actually somewhat representative of *some* mountains in this country. As a stand-in for Montana, it wasn't terrible. I say this as a resident of Idaho.