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Hello Patreon Friends!

It's that time of the month: wherein you ask us brief, direct questions below and we choose one to answer! One stipulation though, PLEASE sign your question with your name and where you are writing from to be considered.

Thank you!

Steve from Jersey City 



What movie with a good premise but poor execution would you want to see remade? Perhaps the best example of this is the "Battlestar Galactica" remake from the early Aughts. (I know, I know. Not a movie. But still.) Michael from Maryland


Will there be future Harry Pottermentaries? Charlie from Portland

Nichole Goble

Least favorite part about planning a tour? Nichole from DC

Luca Grünenfelder

If you had the chance to visit any movie set/filming location for your vacation, where would you travel to? Luca from Switzerland


For any of the guys: what are your favorite and/or least favorite movies dealing with the theme of fatherhood/parenthood, and why are they notable to you? You all either have kids or were kids, so you're all eligible to answer. Thanks guys! Shannon Paige Converse, Seattle, WA.

Vincent Guereca

To soften the blow of the inevitable "Nothing But Trouble" episode for Steve, would any of y'all review a movie you really don't want to? Vincent from Anaheim, California

Will See

As you guys review The American Pie saga over the next 5-10 years. I think you should do it for your July 4th episode each summer. Love ya! Will from Jersey City.


Andrew always talks up the radio station as a great setting for a movie. As a long time radio studio dweller, I could not agree more. What would you label as your favorite movie that mostly takes place in a radio station?


Picard season 3 trailer just released with Silver Fox warf, what is the feeling on that? Can it beat out LOTR Amazon or GOT Dragon show? Tristan Bloomington MN


If you met Billy, what would you tell/ask him? - Joel from Long Island City, NY

Mike Blair

As it's inevitable that there will be an 8 part Netflix series about supplement salesman and conspiracy peddler, Alex Jones, whom do you think should play him? Mike Blair -Aberdeen, Scotland

Russell Waring

Jesus I feel embarrassed when they start making Canadian jokes. I'm not being sensitive they just repeat the hackiest shit you can imagine every. single. time. Sooory, abooot, maple syrup, bagged milk AHUHUHUHUHUH