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On this month's entry in our Star Wars Gleep Glossary, we're chatting about the guys with the coolest uniforms around, the Emperor's Royal Guards! Was Palpatine really only recruiting tall, jacked fellas for these positions? How rad is that Royal Guard fight in TLJ? And how exactly did the Emperor go about putting these outfits together? PLUS: When a Royal Guard member is out sick, do they just stack a bunch of Jawas on top of each other and slap the red cloak over them? 

Gleep Glossary: A Star Wars Story is a show where the guys try to honor the history and legacy of SW characters, most of whom we've been told don't matter anymore!

Thank you for continuing to support this weird, wild adventure we're on! You make this all possible!

Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro. 



Andrew Dean

When you fight Mandalorians in Knights of the Old Republic (set 1000s of years before Star Wars) they have the Royal Guard style helmets 🤓

Zora McBride

Yes, nothin' but the best! This will be the perfect reward for completing work and beginning the weekend. Long live the blue!

Dominic Kovell

It's okay to like a fight sequence! But I think the TLJ fight was style over substance. I mean, literally, the guards miss a lot for no reason, and everyone involved does flashy stuff that's stupid, like guards just dancing in the background waiting for the actors to meet their marks and fight them. I think that the over-complicated choreography made it look particularly bad. The directing style did help a lot to make it look perty, though. Anyway, sorry for the nerdy, negative rant. Great entry as always.


But when did that game come out? This was a 1995 publication so I'm trying to pinpoint the origin -Eric

Justin Wilkis

Every time I see a gleep glossary under 30 minutes I start crying uncontrollably

Andrew Dean

The game is from 2003 but I just found out its based on Dark Horse “Tales of the Jedi” comics that started in 1993. I googled and yep the Mandalorians have that look in those comics


Oh wow I definitely had some of those comics too. Thanks!

Eren Keskin

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition, not even the Emperor.


This is stylistic fan service for supporters of the prequel trilogy, just like other instances of the same in the new movies and shows. Disney wants those prequel fans as much as it wants the OG trilogy fans. Every single lightsaber battle in the prequels was over-done and over-choreographed. Never has there been such weapon twirling! But some people like that


I think I found it - the Death Watch reference looks to originally be from the Imperial Sourcebook, published by West End Games in 1989. A lot of the lore created for their pen and paper RPG series later made its way into the comics and novels.